blob: 8073d306bd49ebaa47d0dc2ba593cacfb0ea81f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.8
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:core';
import '../render/ast.dart';
import '../types.dart';
import 'categories/untraceable.dart';
import 'code_category.dart';
import 'index.dart';
class SymbolMetadata {
SymbolMetadata(, this.tally, this.categories, this.compileUnits,
this.programs, this.rustCrates);
factory SymbolMetadata.initial(String name) => SymbolMetadata(
name,, <CodeCategory>{}, <String>{}, <String>{}, <String>{});
SymbolMetadata mergeWith(SymbolMetadata other) {
tally += other.tally;
return this;
final String name;
Tally tally;
Set<CodeCategory> categories;
Set<String> compileUnits;
Set<String> programs;
Set<String> rustCrates;
/// Aggregates unique symbols and associated metadata. Specifically,
/// collects their containing compile unit names, ELF binary names,
/// and `CodeCategoryQuery` annotations.
class UniqueSymbolQuery extends Query {
static const String description =
'Displays sorted unique symbols in binaries and '
'aggregates their size and code categories.';
String getDescription() => description;
{this.showCompileUnit = false,
this.showProgram = false,
this.hideUnknown = true,
this.onlyCategory = ''});
final bool showCompileUnit;
final bool showProgram;
final bool hideUnknown;
final String onlyCategory;
final _codeCategory = CodeCategoryQuery();
void addReport(Report report) {
if (report.compileUnits == null)
throw Exception('Error loading compile units');
for (final compileUnit in report.compileUnits) {
final symbolCategories =
_codeCategory.analyzeCompileUnit(compileUnit, report);
for (final symbol in compileUnit.symbols) {
final category = symbolCategories[symbol];
_stats.putIfAbsent(, () => SymbolMetadata.initial(;
..tally += Tally(symbol.sizes.fileActual, 1)
if (symbol.maybeRustCrate != null && symbol.maybeRustCrate.isNotEmpty) {
void mergeWith(Iterable<Query> others) {
for (final other in others) {
if (other is UniqueSymbolQuery) {
for (final entry in other._stats.entries) {
.putIfAbsent(entry.key, () => SymbolMetadata.initial(entry.key))
} else {
throw Exception('$other must be $runtimeType');
QueryReport distill() => UniqueSymbolReport(_stats,
showCompileUnit: showCompileUnit,
showProgram: showProgram,
hideUnknown: hideUnknown,
onlyCategory: onlyCategory);
final _stats = <String, SymbolMetadata>{};
String toString() {
if (_stats.entries.isEmpty) {
return 'Nothing selected';
return => '${e.key}').join('\n');
class UniqueSymbolReport implements QueryReport {
UniqueSymbolReport(Map<String, SymbolMetadata> stats,
this.onlyCategory}) {
_stats =
SplayTreeMap<String, SymbolMetadata>.of(stats, (String k1, String k2) {
final compareTally = -stats[k1].tally.compareTo(stats[k2].tally);
if (compareTally != 0) return compareTally;
return k1.compareTo(k2);
Iterable<AnyNode> export() {
if (_stats.entries.isEmpty) {
return [Node.plain('Nothing selected')];
return _stats.entries.expand((entry) {
final name = entry.key;
final symbol = entry.value;
bool isUnknown(CodeCategory category) =>
category is Uncategorized || category is UntraceableCategory;
final categories = <StyledString>[];
var allUnknown = true;
// Whether we have encountered the code category specified
// in `onlyCategory`.
var foundOnlyCategory = false;
for (final category in symbol.categories) {
Color color;
if (isUnknown(category)) {
color = Color.gray;
} else {
color =;
allUnknown = false;
if (onlyCategory.isNotEmpty && == onlyCategory) {
foundOnlyCategory = true;
final categoryLabel = AddColor(color, Plain(category.toString()));
if (allUnknown && hideUnknown) return [];
if (onlyCategory.isNotEmpty && !foundOnlyCategory) return [];
return [
title: UniqueSymbolSizeRecord(
name: AddColor.white(Plain(name)),
tally: symbol.tally,
categories: categories,
rustCrates: symbol.rustCrates
.map((e) => StyledString.plain(e))
children: [
if (showCompileUnit)
Node(title: StyledString.plain('In compile unit:'), children: [
for (final compileUnit in symbol.compileUnits.take(5))
if (symbol.compileUnits.length > 5)
'... ${symbol.compileUnits.length - 5} more ...'),
if (showProgram)
Node(title: StyledString.plain('In binaries:'), children: [
for (final program in symbol.programs.take(5))
if (symbol.programs.length > 5)
Node.plain('... ${symbol.programs.length - 5} more ...'),
final bool showCompileUnit;
final bool showProgram;
final bool hideUnknown;
final String onlyCategory;
SplayTreeMap<String, SymbolMetadata> _stats;