blob: 39785c41c019aebf704c1739b9119a2d887c42fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// +build fuchsia
package rpc
import (
const (
statusFlags = uint32(syscall.FsFlagAppend)
rightFlags = uint32(syscall.FsRightReadable | syscall.FsRightWritable | syscall.FsFlagPath)
type key uint64
type ThinVFS struct {
dirs map[key]*directoryWrapper
nextToken key
fs fs.FileSystem
type VFSQueryInfo struct {
TotalBytes uint64
UsedBytes uint64
TotalNodes uint64
UsedNodes uint64
// NewServer creates a new ThinVFS server. Serve must be called to begin servicing the filesystem.
func NewServer(filesys fs.FileSystem, c zx.Channel) (*ThinVFS, error) {
vfs := &ThinVFS{
dirs: make(map[key]*directoryWrapper),
fs: filesys,
ireq := io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest{Channel: c}
vfs.addDirectory(filesys.RootDirectory(), ireq)
// Signal that we're ready to serve.
h := zx.Handle(c)
if err := h.SignalPeer(0, zx.SignalUser0); err != nil {
_ = h.Close()
return nil, err
return vfs, nil
func (vfs *ThinVFS) addDirectory(dir fs.Directory, node io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) {
d := directoryWrapper{vfs: vfs, dir: dir, cookies: make(map[uint64]uint64)}
tok := vfs.nextToken
vfs.dirs[tok] = &d
d.token = tok
go func() {
defer func() {
delete(vfs.dirs, d.token)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
d.cancel = cancel
stub := io.DirectoryWithCtxStub{Impl: &d}
component.ServeExclusive(ctx, &stub, node.Channel, func(err error) { log.Print(err) })
func (vfs *ThinVFS) addFile(file fs.File, node io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) {
go func() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
f := fileWrapper{
vfs: vfs,
cancel: cancel,
file: file,
stub := io.FileWithCtxStub{Impl: &f}
component.ServeExclusive(ctx, &stub, node.Channel, func(err error) { log.Print(err) })
type directoryWrapper struct {
vfs *ThinVFS
token key
cancel context.CancelFunc
dir fs.Directory
dirents []fs.Dirent
reading bool
e zx.Event
cookies map[uint64]uint64
func getKoid(h zx.Handle) uint64 {
info, err := h.GetInfoHandleBasic()
if err != nil {
return 0
return info.Koid
func (d *directoryWrapper) getCookie(h zx.Handle) uint64 {
return d.cookies[getKoid(h)]
func (d *directoryWrapper) setCookie(cookie uint64) {
d.cookies[getKoid(zx.Handle(d.e))] = cookie
func (d *directoryWrapper) clearCookie() {
if zx.Handle(d.e) != zx.HandleInvalid {
delete(d.cookies, getKoid(zx.Handle(d.e)))
func (d *directoryWrapper) Clone(_ fidl.Context, flags uint32, node io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
newDir, err := d.dir.Dup()
zxErr := errorToZx(err)
if zxErr == zx.ErrOk {
d.vfs.addDirectory(newDir, node)
// Only send an OnOpen message if OpenFlagDescribe is set.
if flags&io.OpenFlagDescribe != 0 {
c := fidl.InterfaceRequest(node).Channel
pxy := io.NodeEventProxy(fidl.ChannelProxy{Channel: c})
var info io.NodeInfo
return pxy.OnOpen(int32(zxErr), &info)
return nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Close(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
err := d.dir.Close()
return int32(errorToZx(err)), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) ListInterfaces(fidl.Context) ([]string, error) {
return nil, nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Describe(fidl.Context) (io.NodeInfo, error) {
var info io.NodeInfo
return info, nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Sync(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
return int32(errorToZx(d.dir.Sync())), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) GetAttr(fidl.Context) (int32, io.NodeAttributes, error) {
size, _, mtime, err := d.dir.Stat()
if zxErr := errorToZx(err); zxErr != zx.ErrOk {
return int32(zxErr), io.NodeAttributes{}, nil
return int32(zx.ErrOk), io.NodeAttributes{
Mode: syscall.S_IFDIR | 0755,
Id: 1,
ContentSize: uint64(size),
StorageSize: uint64(size),
LinkCount: 1,
CreationTime: uint64(mtime.Unix()),
ModificationTime: uint64(mtime.Unix()),
}, nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) SetAttr(_ fidl.Context, flags uint32, attr io.NodeAttributes) (int32, error) {
t := time.Unix(0, int64(attr.ModificationTime))
return int32(errorToZx(d.dir.Touch(t, t))), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Open(_ fidl.Context, inFlags, inMode uint32, path string, node io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
flags := openFlagsFromFIDL(inFlags, inMode)
if flags.Path() {
flags &= fs.OpenFlagPath | fs.OpenFlagDirectory | fs.OpenFlagDescribe
fsFile, fsDir, fsRemote, err := d.dir.Open(path, flags)
// Handle the case of a remote, and just forward.
if fsRemote != nil {
fwd := ((*io.DirectoryWithCtxInterface)(&fidl.ChannelProxy{Channel: fsRemote.Channel}))
flags, mode := openFlagsToFIDL(fsRemote.Flags)
if inFlags&io.OpenFlagDescribe != 0 {
flags |= io.OpenFlagDescribe
return fwd.Open(context.Background(), flags, mode, fsRemote.Path, node)
// Handle the file and directory cases. They're mostly the same, except where noted.
zxErr := errorToZx(err)
if zxErr == zx.ErrOk {
if fsFile != nil {
d.vfs.addFile(fsFile, node)
} else {
d.vfs.addDirectory(fsDir, node)
} else {
// We got an error, so we want to make sure we close the channel.
// However, if we were asked to Describe, we might still want to notify
// about the status, so just close on exit.
c := fidl.InterfaceRequest(node).Channel
defer c.Close()
// Only send an OnOpen message if OpenFlagDescribe is set.
if inFlags&io.OpenFlagDescribe != 0 {
var info io.NodeInfo
if fsFile != nil {
Event: zx.Event(zx.HandleInvalid),
} else {
c := fidl.InterfaceRequest(node).Channel
pxy := io.NodeEventProxy(fidl.ChannelProxy{Channel: c})
return pxy.OnOpen(int32(zxErr), &info)
return nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Unlink(_ fidl.Context, path string) (int32, error) {
return int32(errorToZx(d.dir.Unlink(path))), nil
const direntSize = int(unsafe.Offsetof(syscall.Dirent{}.Name))
func (d *directoryWrapper) ReadDirents(_ fidl.Context, maxOut uint64) (int32, []byte, error) {
if maxOut > io.MaxBuf {
return int32(zx.ErrInvalidArgs), nil, nil
if d.reading && len(d.dirents) == 0 {
d.reading = false
return int32(zx.ErrOk), nil, nil
if !d.reading {
dirents, err := d.dir.Read()
if zxErr := errorToZx(err); zxErr != zx.ErrOk {
return int32(zxErr), nil, nil
d.reading = true
d.dirents = dirents
bytes := make([]byte, maxOut)
var written int
var i int
for i = range d.dirents {
dirent := d.dirents[i]
sysDirent := syscall.Dirent{}
name := dirent.GetName()
size := direntSize + len(name)
sysDirent.Ino = dirent.GetIno()
sysDirent.Size = uint8(len(name))
sysDirent.Type = uint8((fileTypeToFIDL(dirent.GetType()) >> 12) & 15)
if uint64(written+size) > maxOut {
copy(bytes[written:], (*(*[direntSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sysDirent)))[:])
copy(bytes[written+direntSize:], name)
written += size
if i == len(d.dirents)-1 { // We finished reading the directory. Next readdir will be empty.
d.dirents = nil
} else { // Partial read
d.dirents = d.dirents[i:]
d.reading = true
return int32(zx.ErrOk), bytes[:written], nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Rewind(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
d.reading = false
return int32(zx.ErrOk), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) GetToken(fidl.Context) (int32, zx.Handle, error) {
defer d.vfs.Unlock()
if d.e != 0 {
if e, err := d.e.Duplicate(zx.RightSameRights); err != nil {
return int32(errorToZx(err)), zx.HandleInvalid, nil
} else {
return int32(zx.ErrOk), zx.Handle(e), nil
// Create a new event which may later be used to refer to this node
e0, err := zx.NewEvent(0)
if err != nil {
return int32(errorToZx(err)), zx.HandleInvalid, nil
d.e = e0
// One handle to the event returns to the client, one end is kept on the
// server (and is accessible within the cookie).
var e1 zx.Event
if e1, err = e0.Duplicate(zx.RightSameRights); err != nil {
goto fail_event_created
return int32(zx.ErrOk), zx.Handle(e1), nil
d.e = zx.Event(zx.HandleInvalid)
return int32(errorToZx(err)), zx.HandleInvalid, nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Rename(_ fidl.Context, src string, token zx.Handle, dst string) (int32, error) {
if len(src) < 1 || len(dst) < 1 {
return int32(zx.ErrInvalidArgs), nil
defer d.vfs.Unlock()
cookie := d.getCookie(token)
if cookie == 0 {
return int32(zx.ErrInvalidArgs), nil
dir, ok := d.vfs.dirs[key(cookie)]
if !ok {
return int32(zx.ErrInvalidArgs), nil
return int32(errorToZx(d.dir.Rename(dir.dir, src, dst))), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Link(_ fidl.Context, src string, token zx.Handle, dst string) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Watch(_ fidl.Context, mask uint32, options uint32, watcher zx.Channel) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Mount(_ fidl.Context, remote io.DirectoryWithCtxInterfaceRequest) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) MountAndCreate(_ fidl.Context, remote io.DirectoryWithCtxInterfaceRequest, name string, flags uint32) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) Unmount(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
// Shut down filesystem
err := d.vfs.fs.Close()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error unmounting filesystem: %#v\n", err)
return int32(zx.ErrOk), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) UnmountNode(fidl.Context) (int32, io.DirectoryWithCtxInterfaceRequest, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), io.DirectoryWithCtxInterfaceRequest(fidl.InterfaceRequest{Channel: zx.Channel(zx.HandleInvalid)}), nil
func (d *directoryWrapper) QueryFilesystem(fidl.Context) (int32, *io.FilesystemInfo, error) {
totalBytes := uint64(d.vfs.fs.Size())
usedBytes := totalBytes - uint64(d.vfs.fs.FreeSize())
info := io.FilesystemInfo{
TotalBytes: totalBytes,
UsedBytes: usedBytes,
TotalNodes: 0,
UsedNodes: 0,
FsId: 0,
BlockSize: 0,
MaxFilenameSize: 255,
FsType: 0,
Padding: 0,
name := d.vfs.fs.Type()
nameData := *(*[]int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&name))
copy(info.Name[:], nameData)
info.Name[len(name)] = 0
return int32(zx.ErrOk), &info, nil
// NodeGetFlags is a transitional method, and if it's unimplemented the current behavior
// of the FIDL bindings is to crash the server, which is undesirable.
// Given that it's a transitional method, we can choose not to implement it fully.
// TODO( remove this method when the default behavior of the FIDL bindings is changed
func (d *directoryWrapper) NodeGetFlags(fidl.Context) (int32, uint32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), uint32(0), nil
// NodeSetFlags is a transitional method, and if it's unimplemented the current behavior
// of the FIDL bindings is to crash the server, which is undesirable.
// Given that it's a transitional method, we can choose not to implement it fully.
// TODO( remove this method when the default behavior of the FIDL bindings is changed
func (d *directoryWrapper) NodeSetFlags(fidl.Context, uint32) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
type fileWrapper struct {
vfs *ThinVFS
cancel context.CancelFunc
file fs.File
func (f *fileWrapper) Clone(_ fidl.Context, flags uint32, node io.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
newFile, err := f.file.Dup()
zxErr := errorToZx(err)
if zxErr == zx.ErrOk {
f.vfs.addFile(newFile, node)
// Only send an OnOpen message if OpenFlagDescribe is set.
if flags&io.OpenFlagDescribe != 0 {
c := fidl.InterfaceRequest(node).Channel
pxy := io.NodeEventProxy(fidl.ChannelProxy{Channel: c})
var info io.NodeInfo
Event: zx.Event(zx.HandleInvalid),
return pxy.OnOpen(int32(zx.ErrOk), &info)
return nil
func (f *fileWrapper) Close(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
err := f.file.Close()
return int32(errorToZx(err)), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) ListInterfaces(fidl.Context) ([]string, error) {
return nil, nil
func (f *fileWrapper) Describe(fidl.Context) (io.NodeInfo, error) {
var info io.NodeInfo
Event: zx.Event(zx.HandleInvalid),
return info, nil
func (f *fileWrapper) Sync(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
return int32(errorToZx(f.file.Sync())), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) GetAttr(fidl.Context) (int32, io.NodeAttributes, error) {
size, _, mtime, err := f.file.Stat()
if zxErr := errorToZx(err); zxErr != zx.ErrOk {
return int32(zxErr), io.NodeAttributes{}, nil
return int32(zx.ErrOk), io.NodeAttributes{
Mode: syscall.S_IFREG | 0644,
Id: 1,
ContentSize: uint64(size),
StorageSize: uint64(size),
LinkCount: 1,
CreationTime: uint64(mtime.Unix()),
ModificationTime: uint64(mtime.Unix()),
}, nil
func (f *fileWrapper) SetAttr(_ fidl.Context, flags uint32, attr io.NodeAttributes) (int32, error) {
if f.file.GetOpenFlags().Path() {
return int32(zx.ErrBadHandle), nil
t := time.Unix(0, int64(attr.ModificationTime))
return int32(errorToZx(f.file.Touch(t, t))), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) Read(_ fidl.Context, count uint64) (int32, []uint8, error) {
buf := make([]byte, count)
r, err := f.file.Read(buf, 0, fs.WhenceFromCurrent)
if zxErr := errorToZx(err); zxErr != zx.ErrOk {
return int32(zxErr), nil, nil
return int32(zx.ErrOk), buf[:r], nil
func (f *fileWrapper) ReadAt(_ fidl.Context, count, offset uint64) (int32, []uint8, error) {
buf := make([]byte, count)
r, err := f.file.Read(buf, int64(offset), fs.WhenceFromStart)
if zxErr := errorToZx(err); zxErr != zx.ErrOk {
return int32(zxErr), nil, nil
return int32(zx.ErrOk), buf[:r], nil
func (f *fileWrapper) Write(_ fidl.Context, data []uint8) (int32, uint64, error) {
r, err := f.file.Write(data, 0, fs.WhenceFromCurrent)
return int32(errorToZx(err)), uint64(r), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) WriteAt(_ fidl.Context, data []uint8, offset uint64) (int32, uint64, error) {
r, err := f.file.Write(data, int64(offset), fs.WhenceFromStart)
return int32(errorToZx(err)), uint64(r), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) Seek(_ fidl.Context, offset int64, start io.SeekOrigin) (int32, uint64, error) {
r, err := f.file.Seek(offset, int(start))
return int32(errorToZx(err)), uint64(r), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) Truncate(_ fidl.Context, length uint64) (int32, error) {
return int32(errorToZx(f.file.Truncate(length))), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) getFlagsInternal(fidl.Context) (int32, uint32, error) {
oflags := uint32(f.file.GetOpenFlags())
return int32(zx.ErrOk), oflags & (rightFlags | statusFlags), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) GetFlags(ctx fidl.Context) (int32, uint32, error) {
return f.getFlagsInternal(ctx)
func (f *fileWrapper) NodeGetFlags(ctx fidl.Context) (int32, uint32, error) {
return f.getFlagsInternal(ctx)
// NodeSetFlags is a transitional method, and if it's unimplemented the current behavior
// of the FIDL bindings is to crash the server, which is undesirable.
// Given that it's a transitional method, we can choose not to implement it fully.
// TODO( remove this method when the default behavior of the FIDL bindings is changed
func (f *fileWrapper) NodeSetFlags(ctx fidl.Context, flags uint32) (int32, error) {
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) SetFlags(_ fidl.Context, inFlags uint32) (int32, error) {
flags := uint32(openFlagsFromFIDL(inFlags, 0))
uflags := (uint32(f.file.GetOpenFlags()) & ^statusFlags) | (flags & statusFlags)
return int32(errorToZx(f.file.SetOpenFlags(fs.OpenFlags(uflags)))), nil
func (f *fileWrapper) GetBuffer(_ fidl.Context, flags uint32) (int32, *mem.Buffer, error) {
if file, ok := f.file.(fs.FileWithGetBuffer); ok {
buf, err := file.GetBuffer(flags)
return int32(errorToZx(err)), buf, err
return int32(zx.ErrNotSupported), nil, nil
// TODO(smklein): Calibrate thinfs flags with standard C library flags to make conversion smoother
func errorToZx(err error) zx.Status {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *zx.Error:
return e.Status
switch err {
case nil, fs.ErrEOF:
// ErrEOF can be translated directly to ErrOk. For operations which return with an error if
// partially complete (such as 'Read'), RemoteIO does not flag an error -- instead, it
// simply returns the number of bytes which were processed.
return zx.ErrOk
case fs.ErrInvalidArgs:
return zx.ErrInvalidArgs
case fs.ErrNotFound:
return zx.ErrNotFound
case fs.ErrAlreadyExists:
return zx.ErrAlreadyExists
case fs.ErrPermission, fs.ErrReadOnly:
// We're returning "BadHandle" instead of "AccessDenied"
// to match the POSIX convention where bad fd permissions
// typically return "EBADF".
return zx.ErrBadHandle
case fs.ErrNoSpace:
return zx.ErrNoSpace
case fs.ErrNotEmpty:
return zx.ErrNotEmpty
case fs.ErrFailedPrecondition, fs.ErrNotEmpty, fs.ErrNotOpen, fs.ErrIsActive, fs.ErrUnmounted:
return zx.ErrBadState
case fs.ErrNotAFile:
return zx.ErrNotFile
case fs.ErrNotADir:
return zx.ErrNotDir
case fs.ErrNotSupported:
return zx.ErrNotSupported
return zx.ErrInternal
func fileTypeToFIDL(t fs.FileType) uint32 {
switch t {
case fs.FileTypeRegularFile:
return syscall.S_IFREG
case fs.FileTypeDirectory:
return syscall.S_IFDIR
return 0
const alignedFlags = uint32(syscall.FdioAlignedFlags | syscall.FsRightReadable | syscall.FsRightWritable | syscall.FsRightExecutable)
func openFlagsToFIDL(f fs.OpenFlags) (arg uint32, mode uint32) {
arg = uint32(f) & alignedFlags
if (f.Create() && !f.Directory()) || f.File() {
mode |= syscall.S_IFREG
if f.Directory() {
mode |= syscall.S_IFDIR
func openFlagsFromFIDL(arg uint32, mode uint32) fs.OpenFlags {
res := fs.OpenFlags(arg & alignedFlags)
// Additional open flags
if arg&syscall.FsFlagCreate != 0 {
res |= fs.OpenFlagCreate
res |= fs.OpenFlagWrite | fs.OpenFlagRead
// Ad-hoc mechanism for additional file access mode flags
switch mode & syscall.S_IFMT {
case syscall.S_IFDIR:
res |= fs.OpenFlagDirectory
case syscall.S_IFREG:
res |= fs.OpenFlagFile
if res.Create() && !res.Directory() {
res |= fs.OpenFlagFile
return res