blob: 9698191cd0511bed95ac79fc7b2239944304dfbe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates binary config using FIDL format and .json data values.
# Example instantiation:
# ```
# component_config("some_config") {
# source = "config.json"
# }
# ```
# Inputs:
# - JSON file with config values.
# Outputs:
# - Persistent FIDL binary config file.
# Parameters:
# source: (required string), path to json file containing config values.
# output_name: (optional string), path to the binary config destination.
# By default, rule name is used as a file name.
template("component_config") {
# Best practices forward.
assert(defined(sources), "Parameter source=... is required")
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
output_name = invoker.output_name
} else {
output_name = target_name
output_file_name = "${target_gen_dir}/${output_name}"
compiled_target = "${target_name}"
compiled_action(compiled_target) {
tool = "//tools/component_manager_config:generate_config_bin"
tool_output_name = "generate_config"
inputs = sources
outputs = [ output_file_name ]
args = [
rebase_path(output_file_name, root_build_dir),
foreach(source, sources) {
args += [
rebase_path(source, root_build_dir),