blob: f6f89de3c52349278fe7d6e8fc59d5b9b0af226c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
pub mod task {
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
/// A handle to a task.
/// A task can be polled for the output of the future it is executing. A
/// dropped task will be cancelled after dropping. To immediately cancel a
/// task, call the cancel() method. To run a task to completion without
/// retaining the Task handle, call the detach() method.
pub struct Task<T>(async_executor::Task<T>);
impl<T: 'static> Task<T> {
/// spawn a new `Send` task onto the executor.
pub fn spawn(fut: impl Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static) -> Self
T: Send,
/// spawn a new non-`Send` task onto the single threaded executor.
pub fn local<'a>(fut: impl Future<Output = T> + 'static) -> Self {
/// detach the Task handle. The contained future will be polled until completion.
pub fn detach(self) {
/// cancel a task and wait for cancellation to complete.
pub async fn cancel(self) -> Option<T> {
impl<T> Future for Task<T> {
type Output = T;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
use futures_lite::FutureExt;
/// Offload a blocking function call onto a different thread.
/// This function can be called from an asynchronous function without blocking
/// it, returning a future that can be `.await`ed normally. The provided
/// function should contain at least one blocking operation, such as:
/// - A synchronous syscall that does not yet have an async counterpart.
/// - A compute operation which risks blocking the executor for an unacceptable
/// amount of time.
/// If neither of these conditions are satisfied, just call the function normally,
/// as synchronous functions themselves are allowed within an async context,
/// as long as they are not blocking.
/// If you have an async function that may block, refactor the function such that
/// the blocking operations are offloaded onto the function passed to [`unblock`].
/// NOTE: Synchronous functions cannot be cancelled and may keep running after
/// the returned future is dropped. As a result, resources held by the function
/// should be assumed to be held until the returned future completes.
/// For details on performance characteristics and edge cases, see [`blocking::unblock`].
pub fn unblock<T: 'static + Send>(
f: impl 'static + Send + FnOnce() -> T,
) -> impl 'static + Send + Future<Output = T> {
pub mod executor {
use crate::runtime::WakeupTime;
use easy_parallel::Parallel;
use fuchsia_zircon_status as zx_status;
use std::future::Future;
pub use std::time::Duration;
/// A time relative to the executor's clock.
pub use std::time::Instant as Time;
impl WakeupTime for Time {
fn into_time(self) -> Time {
pub(crate) fn spawn<T: 'static>(
fut: impl Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static,
) -> async_executor::Task<T>
T: Send,
pub(crate) fn local<T>(fut: impl Future<Output = T> + 'static) -> async_executor::Task<T>
T: 'static,
LOCAL.with(|local| local.spawn(fut))
thread_local! {
static LOCAL: async_executor::LocalExecutor<'static> = async_executor::LocalExecutor::new();
static GLOBAL: async_executor::Executor<'_> = async_executor::Executor::new();
/// A multi-threaded executor.
/// API-compatible with the Fuchsia variant.
/// The current implementation of Executor does not isolate work
/// (as the underlying executor is not yet capable of this).
pub struct SendExecutor {
num_threads: usize,
impl SendExecutor {
/// Create a new executor running with actual time.
pub fn new(num_threads: usize) -> Result<Self, zx_status::Status> {
Ok(Self { num_threads })
/// Run a single future to completion using multiple threads.
pub fn run<F>(&mut self, main_future: F) -> F::Output
F: Future + Send + 'static,
F::Output: Send + 'static,
let (signal, shutdown) = async_channel::unbounded::<()>();
let (_, res) = Parallel::new()
.each(0..self.num_threads, |_| {
LOCAL.with(|local| {
let _ = async_io::block_on(;
.finish(|| {
LOCAL.with(|local| {
async_io::block_on( {
let res = main_future.await;
/// A single-threaded executor.
/// API-compatible with the Fuchsia variant with the exception of testing APIs.
/// The current implementation of Executor does not isolate work
/// (as the underlying executor is not yet capable of this).
pub struct LocalExecutor {}
impl LocalExecutor {
/// Create a new executor.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, zx_status::Status> {
Ok(Self {})
/// Run a single future to completion on a single thread.
pub fn run_singlethreaded<F>(&mut self, main_future: F) -> F::Output
F: Future,
LOCAL.with(|local| async_io::block_on(
/// A single-threaded executor for testing.
/// The current implementation of Executor does not isolate work
/// (as the underlying executor is not yet capable of this).
pub struct TestExecutor {}
impl TestExecutor {
/// Create a new executor for testing.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, zx_status::Status> {
Ok(Self {})
/// Run a single future to completion on a single thread.
pub fn run_singlethreaded<F>(&mut self, main_future: F) -> F::Output
F: Future,
LocalExecutor {}.run_singlethreaded(main_future)
pub mod timer {
use crate::runtime::WakeupTime;
use futures::prelude::*;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
/// An asynchronous timer.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct Timer(async_io::Timer);
impl Timer {
/// Create a new timer scheduled to fire at `time`.
pub fn new<WT>(time: WT) -> Self
WT: WakeupTime,
impl Future for Timer {
type Output = ();
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {