blob: 1df294e9bca5d2734cdfb1228e8ae4a4ecb77471 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Deps that are added to the //build/images:default_image_deps target.
flash_image_deps = []
# Track some firmware information locally so we can flash it without
# re-calculating all the names and paths.
firmware_info = []
if (use_gigaboot) {
# EFI ESP images.
esp("esp") {
output_name = "fuchsia"
testonly = true
if (always_zedboot) {
cmdline = "zedboot/efi_cmdline.txt"
} else {
cmdline = "efi_local_cmdline.txt"
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
bootserver_pave = [ "--bootloader" ]
bootserver_pave_zedboot = [ "--bootloader" ]
fastboot_flash = [ "fuchsia-esp" ]
name = "fuchsia.esp"
path = "fuchsia.esp.blk"
type = "blk"
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_ESP_RAW=fuchsia.esp.blk" ]
flash_image_deps += [ ":esp" ]
esp_outputs = get_target_outputs(":esp")
firmware_info += [
name = "esp"
partition = "fuchsia-esp"
out_path = rebase_path(esp_outputs[0], root_build_dir)
foreach(firmware, firmware_prebuilts) {
if (firmware.type == "") {
# Don't add a trailing delimiter if firmware.type is empty.
name = "firmware"
bootserver_arg = "--firmware"
} else {
name = "firmware_${firmware.type}"
bootserver_arg = "--firmware-${firmware.type}"
# By convention image_paths shell variables are upper-case. There must
# be a better way to do this but I'm not sure what it is.
upper_name = name
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "a", "A")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "b", "B")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "c", "C")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "d", "D")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "e", "E")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "f", "F")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "g", "G")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "h", "H")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "i", "I")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "j", "J")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "k", "K")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "l", "L")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "m", "M")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "n", "N")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "o", "O")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "p", "P")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "q", "Q")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "r", "R")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "s", "S")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "t", "T")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "u", "U")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "v", "V")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "w", "W")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "x", "X")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "y", "Y")
upper_name = string_replace(upper_name, "z", "Z")
copy(name) {
testonly = true
sources = [ "${firmware.path}${firmware_prebuilts_path_suffix}" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/$name.img" ]
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
bootserver_pave = [ bootserver_arg ]
bootserver_pave_zedboot = [ bootserver_arg ]
name = name
path = "$name.img"
type = "img"
if (defined(firmware.partition)) {
fastboot_flash = [ firmware.partition ]
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_${upper_name}=$name.img" ]
flash_image_deps += [ ":$name" ]
if (defined(firmware.partition)) {
firmware_info += [
name = name
partition = firmware.partition
# Both the output dir and the build archive put the image at this path.
out_path = "$name.img"
# Stores bootstrap partition information to assemble the flashing manifest.
bootstrap_parts = []
archive_bootstrap_parts = []
flash_script_deps = [ "//build/images/tools:fastboot" ]
foreach(file, bootstrap_files) {
file_name = get_path_info(file.path, "file")
out_path = "${root_out_dir}/${file_name}"
copy(file_name) {
sources = [ file.path ]
outputs = [ out_path ]
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":${file_name}", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
name = get_path_info(file.path, "name")
path = rebase_path(out_path, root_build_dir)
type = get_path_info(file.path, "extension")
fastboot_flash = []
flash_image_deps += [ ":${file_name}" ]
flash_script_deps += [ ":${file_name}" ]
if (defined(file.partition)) {
part = {
archive_part = {
# The only difference here is the path. For the normal partition map it
# should be the path relative to the build dir, whereas the archive needs it
# to be just the file name. = file.partition
part.path = rebase_path(out_path, root_build_dir) = file.partition
archive_part.path = file_name
if (defined(file.condition)) {
part.condition = file.condition
archive_part.condition = file.condition
bootstrap_parts += [ part ]
archive_bootstrap_parts += [ archive_part ]
### Paver and flash scripts, and archives using those images and zedboot's images.
# TODO( Move the construction of the flash archive/manifest
# into a separate file.
flash_script_outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/" ]
host_out_dir = get_label_info(":bogus($host_toolchain)", "root_out_dir")
flash_script_args = [
"--image=" + rebase_path(files.final_zbi, root_build_dir),
"--recovery-image=" + rebase_path(files.recovery_zbi, root_build_dir),
"--output=" + rebase_path(flash_script_outputs[0], root_build_dir),
"--fastboot-path=" + rebase_path("$host_out_dir/fastboot", root_build_dir),
if (custom_signing_script != "" || use_vboot) {
flash_script_args += [ "--signed=true" ]
bootloader_parts = []
foreach(info, firmware_info) {
flash_script_args += [ "--firmware=${info.partition}:${info.out_path}" ]
flash_script_deps += [ ":${}" ]
bootloader_parts += [
name = info.partition
path = rebase_path("$root_out_dir/${info.out_path}", root_build_dir)
if (supports_fastboot_fvm) {
flash_script_args += [
"--fvm-image=" + rebase_path(files.fvm_fastboot, root_build_dir),
flash_script_deps += [ "//build/images/fuchsia" ]
parts += [
name = fvm_partition
path = rebase_path(files.fvm_fastboot, root_build_dir)
action("flash_script") {
# Required for dependency on testonly firmware image targets.
testonly = true
script = ""
outputs = flash_script_outputs
args = flash_script_args
deps = flash_script_deps
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "flash-script"
path = ""
type = "script"
image_paths = [ "" ]
fastboot_credential_deps = []
fastboot_credential_paths = []
fastboot_credential_archive_paths = []
foreach(cred_path, board_fastboot_unlock_credentials) {
name = get_path_info(cred_path, "name")
ext = get_path_info(cred_path, "extension")
target_name = "unlock_creds_${name}"
out_path = "unlock_creds/${name}.${ext}"
copy(target_name) {
sources = [ cred_path ]
outputs = [ "${root_out_dir}/${out_path}" ]
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":${target_name}", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
name = name
path = out_path
type = ext
fastboot_flash = []
fastboot_credential_deps += [ ":${target_name}" ]
fastboot_credential_paths += [ out_path ]
fastboot_credential_archive_paths += [ get_path_info(out_path, "file") ]
group("fastboot_credentials") {
deps = fastboot_credential_deps
flash_image_deps += [ ":fastboot_credentials" ]
fuchsia_bootloader_partitions = bootloader_parts
fuchsia_requires_unlock = false
if (bootstrap_parts != []) {
fuchsia_bootloader_partitions += bootstrap_parts
fuchsia_requires_unlock = true
flash_manifest_products = []
recovery_product = {
name = "recovery"
requires_unlock = false
fuchsia_only_product = {
name = "fuchsia_only"
requires_unlock = false
fuchsia_product = {
name = "fuchsia"
requires_unlock = fuchsia_requires_unlock
if (bootloader_parts != []) {
recovery_product.bootloader_partitions = bootloader_parts
fuchsia_only_product.bootloader_partitions = bootloader_parts
if (fuchsia_bootloader_partitions != []) {
fuchsia_product.bootloader_partitions = fuchsia_bootloader_partitions
if (recovery_parts != []) {
recovery_product.partitions = recovery_parts
if (parts != []) {
fuchsia_only_product.partitions = parts
fuchsia_product.partitions = parts
flash_manifest_products += [
if (bootstrap_parts != []) {
# "bootstrap" product is only responsible for flashing any bootstrap
# files and the bootloader itself, at which point the device is
# ready to be flashed using the standard means.
flash_manifest_products += [
name = "bootstrap"
requires_unlock = true
bootloader_partitions = bootloader_parts + bootstrap_parts
flash_manifest_content = {
hw_revision = "${board_name}"
if (fastboot_credential_paths != []) {
flash_manifest_content.credentials = fastboot_credential_paths
if (flash_manifest_products != []) {
flash_manifest_content.products = flash_manifest_products
fastboot_manifest_file = "$root_build_dir/flash.json"
generated_file("fastboot_manifest") {
testonly = true
outputs = [ fastboot_manifest_file ]
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [
contents = {
version = flash_manifest_version
manifest = flash_manifest_content
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "flash-manifest"
path = "flash.json"
type = "manifest"
archive_outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/" ]
archive_args = [
"--output=" + rebase_path(archive_outputs[0], root_build_dir),
archive_deps = [ "//build/images/tools:fastboot" ]
# A list of partitions for the flash json manifest that will be
# generated. The first item should be the partition name and the
# second should be the path to the image for the partition. These
# are the images flashed for the firmware/bootloader.
archive_bootloader_parts = []
foreach(info, firmware_info) {
archive_args += [ "--firmware=${info.partition}:${info.out_path}" ]
archive_deps += [ ":${}" ]
archive_bootloader_parts += [
name = info.partition
path = info.out_path
if (supports_fastboot_fvm) {
archive_deps += [ "//build/images/fuchsia" ]
archive_args += [
"--fvm-image=" + get_path_info(files.fvm_fastboot, "file"),
archive_parts += [
name = fvm_partition
path = get_path_info(files.fvm_fastboot, "file")
action("flash_script_archive") {
testonly = true
script = ""
outputs = archive_outputs
args = archive_args
deps = archive_deps
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
name = "flash"
type = "sh"
path = ""
fastboot_manifest_archive_file = "$root_build_dir/flash_archive.json"
archive_fuchsia_bootloader_partitions = archive_bootloader_parts
archive_fuchsia_requires_unlock = false
if (archive_bootstrap_parts != []) {
archive_fuchsia_bootloader_partitions += archive_bootstrap_parts
archive_fuchsia_requires_unlock = true
archive_flash_manifest_products = [
name = "recovery"
bootloader_partitions = archive_bootloader_parts
partitions = archive_recovery_parts
name = "fuchsia_only"
bootloader_partitions = archive_bootloader_parts
partitions = archive_parts
name = "fuchsia"
requires_unlock = archive_fuchsia_requires_unlock
bootloader_partitions = archive_fuchsia_bootloader_partitions
partitions = archive_parts
if (archive_bootstrap_parts != []) {
# "bootstrap" product is only responsible for flashing any bootstrap
# files and the bootloader itself, at which point the device is
# ready to be flashed using the standard means.
archive_flash_manifest_products += [
name = "bootstrap"
requires_unlock = true
bootloader_partitions = archive_bootstrap_parts + archive_bootloader_parts
partitions = []
archive_flash_manifest_content = {
hw_revision = "${board_name}"
credentials = fastboot_credential_archive_paths
products = archive_flash_manifest_products
generated_file("fastboot_manifest_archive") {
testonly = true
outputs = [ fastboot_manifest_archive_file ]
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [ ":flash_script_archive" ]
contents = [
version = flash_manifest_version
manifest = archive_flash_manifest_content
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
archive = true
name = "flash-manifest"
path = "flash_archive.json"
type = "manifest"
## Product Bundle
## TODO: Move this to it's own file once the template are taught to
## read a flash.json rather than taking the GN object.
# We shouldn't generate a product metadata if we are building an SDK.
if (!use_bringup_assembly && !build_sdk_archives) {
compatible_devices = []
# Virtual device manifest should only be generated for emu compatible boards.
if (board_is_emu) {
# Append '-emu' to the end of the device_name in order to make it unique for
# cases where the board is compatible with a physical and virtual device.
device_name = "${board_name}-emu"
if (virtual_device_name_prefix != "") {
device_name = "${virtual_device_name_prefix}-${device_name}"
virtual_device_specification("virtual_device_specification") {
testonly = true
name = device_name
compatible_devices += [ device_name ]
# Physical device manifest should only be generated for physical boards.
if (board_is_phys) {
device_name = board_name
physical_device_manifest("physical_device_manifest") {
testonly = true
name = device_name
compatible_devices += [ device_name ]
product_metadata("product_metadata") {
testonly = true
devices = compatible_devices
deps = []
if (board_is_emu) {
deps += [ ":virtual_device_specification" ]
emu_manifest = {
initial_ramdisk = "fuchsia.zbi"
kernel = rebase_path(files.qemu_kernel, root_out_dir)
disk_images = [ rebase_path(files.fvm, root_build_dir) ]
if (board_is_phys) {
flash_manifest = flash_manifest_content
deps += [ ":physical_device_manifest" ]
group("flash") {
testonly = true
public_deps = flash_image_deps