blob: b49d96af2e73e22407b03f83f20a7a2612eba184 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::common::{BusConnection, SERVER_READY},
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_netemul_network::{DeviceConnection, EndpointManagerMarker, NetworkContextMarker},
fidl_fuchsia_netstack::{InterfaceConfig, NetstackMarker},
std::io::{Read, Write},
std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener, TcpStream},
const PORT: i32 = 8080;
const HELLO_MSG_REQ: &str = "Hello World from Client!";
const HELLO_MSG_RSP: &str = "Hello World from Server!";
const DEFAULT_METRIC: u32 = 100;
pub struct ChildOptions {
pub endpoint: String,
pub ip: String,
pub connect_ip: Option<String>,
fn publish_server_ready() -> Result<(), Error> {
let bc = BusConnection::new("server")?;
fn run_server(ip: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let addr = format!("{}:{}", ip, PORT);
let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr).context(format!("Can't bind to address: {}", addr))?;
println!("Waiting for connections...");
let () = publish_server_ready()?;
let (mut stream, remote) = listener.accept().context("Accept failed")?;
println!("Accepted connection from {}", remote);
let mut buffer = [0; 512];
let rd = buffer).context("read failed")?;
let req = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer[0..rd]);
if req != HELLO_MSG_REQ {
return Err(format_err!("Got unexpected request from client: '{}'", req));
println!("Got request ({} bytes) '{}'", rd, req);
println!("Sending response '{}'", HELLO_MSG_RSP);
stream.write(HELLO_MSG_RSP.as_bytes()).context("write failed")?;
stream.flush().context("flush failed")?;
println!("Server done");
fn run_client(server_ip: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
println!("Connecting to server...");
let addr = SocketAddr::from_str(&format!("{}:{}", server_ip, PORT))?;
let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(&addr).context("Tcp connection failed")?;
println!("Connected to server!");
let request = HELLO_MSG_REQ.as_bytes();
println!("Sending message '{}'", HELLO_MSG_REQ);
stream.write(request).context("write failed")?;
stream.flush().context("flush failed")?;
let mut buffer = [0; 512];
println!("Waiting for server response...");
let rd = buffer)?;
let rsp = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer[0..rd]);
println!("Got response ({} bytes) '{}'", rd, rsp);
if rsp != HELLO_MSG_RSP {
return Err(format_err!("Got unexpected echo from server: '{}'", rsp));
println!("Client done");
pub async fn run_child(opt: ChildOptions) -> Result<(), Error> {
println!("Running child with endpoint '{}'", opt.endpoint);
// get the network context service:
let netctx = client::connect_to_service::<NetworkContextMarker>()?;
// get the endpoint manager
let (epm, epmch) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<EndpointManagerMarker>()?;
// retrieve the created endpoint:
let ep = epm.get_endpoint(&opt.endpoint).await?;
let ep = ep.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("can't find endpoint {}", opt.endpoint))?.into_proxy()?;
// and the device connection:
let device_connection = ep.get_device().await?;
let if_name = format!("eth-{}", opt.endpoint);
// connect to netstack:
let netstack = client::connect_to_service::<NetstackMarker>()?;
let static_ip =
opt.ip.parse::<fidl_fuchsia_net_ext::Subnet>().expect("must be able to parse ip");
println!("static ip = {:?}", static_ip);
let use_ip = match opt.ip.split("/").next() {
Some(v) => String::from(v),
None => opt.ip,
let mut cfg = InterfaceConfig {
name: if_name.to_string(),
filepath: "[TBD]".to_string(),
let nicid = match device_connection {
DeviceConnection::Ethernet(eth) => netstack
.add_ethernet_device(&format!("/vdev/{}", opt.endpoint), &mut cfg, eth)
.context("add_ethernet_device FIDL error")?
.context("add_ethernet_device error")?,
DeviceConnection::NetworkDevice(netdevice) => {
todo!("(48860) Support and test NetworkDevice connections. Got unexpected NetworkDevice {:?}", netdevice);
let () = netstack.set_interface_status(nicid as u32, true)?;
let fidl_fuchsia_net::Subnet { mut addr, prefix_len } = static_ip.clone().into();
let _ = netstack.set_interface_address(nicid as u32, &mut addr, prefix_len).await?;
let interface_state = client::connect_to_service::<fidl_fuchsia_net_interfaces::StateMarker>()?;
let () = fidl_fuchsia_net_interfaces_ext::wait_interface_with_id(
&mut fidl_fuchsia_net_interfaces_ext::InterfaceState::Unknown(nicid.into()),
|&fidl_fuchsia_net_interfaces_ext::Properties { online, .. }| {
// TODO( use bool::then_some.
online.then(|| ())
.context("wait for interface online")?;
println!("Found ethernet with id {}", nicid);
if let Some(remote) = opt.connect_ip {
} else {