blob: 0b3d11cca4eeafed9a94712ac82685ba1fe9d3d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:fxtest/fxtest.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
/// Structured representation of a single entry from `//out/default/tests.json`.
/// Contains all the relevant (e.g., we care about here) data from a single
/// test. Also contains an instance of [ExecutionHandle] which is used at
/// test-execution time to reduce ambiguity around low level invocation details.
class TestDefinition {
final String buildDir;
final List<String> command;
final String cpu;
final String runtimeDeps;
final String path;
final String label;
final String packageLabel;
final String name;
final String os;
final PackageUrl packageUrl;
final String maxLogSeverity;
final String parallel;
String hash;
final List<TestEnvironment> testEnvironments;
@required this.buildDir,
@required this.os,
this.testEnvironments = const [],
factory TestDefinition.fromJson(
Map<String, dynamic> data, {
@required String buildDir,
}) {
Map<String, dynamic> testDetails = data['test'] ?? {};
List<TestEnvironment> testEnvironments = (data['environments'] ?? [])
.map((dynamic _data) => TestEnvironment.fromJson(_data))
.toList() ??
Map<dynamic, dynamic> logSettings = testDetails['log_settings'] ?? {};
return TestDefinition(
buildDir: buildDir,
command: List<String>.from(testDetails['command'] ?? []),
cpu: testDetails['cpu'] ?? '',
runtimeDeps: testDetails['runtime_deps'] ?? '',
label: testDetails['label'] ?? '',
packageLabel: testDetails['package_label'] ?? '',
name: testDetails['name'] ?? '',
os: testDetails['os'] ?? '',
packageUrl: testDetails['package_url'] == null
? null
: PackageUrl.fromString(testDetails['package_url']),
path: testDetails['path'] ?? '',
maxLogSeverity: logSettings['max_severity'],
parallel: testDetails['parallel']?.toString(),
testEnvironments: testEnvironments,
String toString() => '''<TestDefinition
cpu: $cpu
command: ${(command ?? []).join(" ")}
deps_file: $runtimeDeps
label: $label
package_label: ${packageLabel ?? ''}
package_url: ${packageUrl ?? ''}
path: $path
name: $name
os: $os
max_log_severity: $maxLogSeverity
parallel: $parallel
TestType get testType {
if (isE2E) {
return TestType.e2e;
} else if (command != null && command.isNotEmpty) {
// `command` must be checked before `host`, because `command` is a subset
// of all `host` tests
return TestType.command;
} else if (packageUrl != null) {
// The order of `component` / `suite` does not currently matter
// .cmx tests are considered components
if (packageUrl.fullComponentName.endsWith('.cmx')) {
return TestType.component;
// .cm tests are considered suites
} else if (packageUrl.fullComponentName.endsWith('.cm')) {
return TestType.suite;
// Package Urls must end with either ".cmx" or ".cm"
throw MalformedFuchsiaUrlException(packageUrl.toString());
} else if (path != null && path.isNotEmpty) {
// As per above, `host` must be checked after `command`
// Tests with a path must be host tests. All Fuchsia tests *must* be
// component tests, which means these are a legacy configuration which is
// unsupported by `fx test`.
if (os == 'fuchsia') {
return TestType.unsupportedDeviceTest;
} else {
return TestType.unsupported;
bool get isUnsupported => unsupportedTestTypes.contains(testType);
PackageUrl get decoratedPackageUrl {
if (packageUrl == null || hash == null) {
return packageUrl;
return PackageUrl.copyWithHash(other: packageUrl, hash: hash);
ExecutionHandle createExecutionHandle({String parallelOverride}) {
switch (testType) {
case TestType.component:
return ExecutionHandle.component(decoratedPackageUrl.toString(), os);
case TestType.suite:
List<String> flags = [];
if (parallelOverride != null) {
flags.addAll(['--parallel', parallelOverride]);
} else if (parallel != null) {
flags.addAll(['--parallel', parallel]);
return ExecutionHandle.suite(decoratedPackageUrl.toString(), os,
flags: flags);
case TestType.command:
return ExecutionHandle.command(command.join(' '), os);
return, os);
case TestType.e2e:
return ExecutionHandle.e2e([path, ...command].join(' '), os);
case TestType.unsupported:
return ExecutionHandle.unsupported();
return ExecutionHandle.unsupportedDeviceTest(path);
/// End-to-end tests start on the host machine (designated by an [os] value
/// of `linux`), but also require interaction with a physical device.
bool get isE2E =>
(os == null || os.toLowerCase() != 'fuchsia') && containsE2eEnvironments;
bool get containsE2eEnvironments =>
testEnvironments != null && testEnvironments.any((env) => env.isE2E);
String get fullPath => p.join(buildDir, path);
/// Structured representation of an optionally populated `environments` key
/// inside individual test blocks within `tests.json`.
/// `TestEnvironment` separates the task of making sense of that data from the
/// core task of parsing a test block's simpler key/value pairs.
/// `TestEnvironment` is a work-in-progress and does not exhaustively contain
/// every field that can exist in the `environments` list. In the future, if new
/// feature requests require the use of a field not yet handled, this is not an
/// unexpected shortcoming and you should feel confident adding it.
class TestEnvironment {
static const hostOsValues = <String>{'linux', 'mac'};
final bool isDefined;
final String deviceDimension;
final String os;
@required this.isDefined,
@required this.deviceDimension,
@required this.os,
factory TestEnvironment.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
if (data == null || data.isEmpty) return TestEnvironment.empty();
return TestEnvironment._(
isDefined: true,
deviceDimension: getMapPath(data, ['dimensions', 'device_type']),
os: getMapPath(data, ['dimensions', 'os']));
factory TestEnvironment.empty() => TestEnvironment._(
isDefined: false,
deviceDimension: null,
os: null,
bool get requiresDevice => deviceDimension != null;
bool get nonHostOs => os == null || !hostOsValues.contains(os.toLowerCase());
bool get isE2E => isDefined == true && (requiresDevice || nonHostOs);
String toString() =>
'<TestEnvironment os: "$os", deviceType: "$deviceDimension" />';