blob: 3ca540f76a1f4016ce3da4f8cce204be23394f02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/fs_test/fs_test.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fuchsia/device/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/fs/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/fs/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/nand/c/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/ramdisk/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/fdio/cpp/caller.h>
#include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
#include <lib/fdio/namespace.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/service/llcpp/service.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <fs-management/admin.h>
#include <fs-management/format.h>
#include <fs-management/fvm.h>
#include <fs-management/launch.h>
#include <fs-management/mount.h>
#include "sdk/lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h"
#include "src/lib/isolated_devmgr/v2_component/bind_devfs_to_namespace.h"
#include "src/lib/json_parser/json_parser.h"
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/vfs.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/blob_layout.h"
#include "src/storage/fs_test/blobfs_test.h"
#include "src/storage/fs_test/json_filesystem.h"
#include "src/storage/fs_test/test_filesystem.h"
#include "src/storage/testing/fvm.h"
namespace fs_test {
namespace {
// Creates a ram-disk with an optional FVM partition. Returns the ram-disk and the device path.
zx::status<std::pair<storage::RamDisk, std::string>> CreateRamDisk(
const TestFilesystemOptions& options) {
if (options.use_ram_nand) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
zx::vmo vmo;
if (options.vmo->is_valid()) {
uint64_t vmo_size;
auto status = zx::make_status(options.vmo->get_size(&vmo_size));
if (status.is_error()) {
return status.take_error();
status = zx::make_status(options.vmo->create_child(ZX_VMO_CHILD_SLICE, 0, vmo_size, &vmo));
if (status.is_error()) {
return status.take_error();
} else {
fzl::VmoMapper mapper;
auto status =
zx::make_status(mapper.CreateAndMap(options.device_block_size * options.device_block_count,
ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, nullptr, &vmo));
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Unable to create VMO for ramdisk: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status.take_error();
// Fill the ram-disk with a non-zero value so that we don't inadvertently depend on it being
// zero filled.
if (!options.zero_fill) {
memset(mapper.start(), 0xaf, mapper.size());
// Create a ram-disk.
auto ram_disk_or = storage::RamDisk::CreateWithVmo(std::move(vmo), options.device_block_size);
if (ram_disk_or.is_error()) {
return ram_disk_or.take_error();
if (options.fail_after) {
if (auto status = ram_disk_or->SleepAfter(options.fail_after); status.is_error()) {
return status.take_error();
if (options.ram_disk_discard_random_after_last_flush) {
fuchsia_hardware_ramdisk::wire::kRamdiskFlagDiscardRandom |
std::string device_path = ram_disk_or.value().path();
return zx::ok(std::make_pair(std::move(ram_disk_or).value(), std::move(device_path)));
// Creates a ram-nand device. It does not create an FVM partition; that is left to the caller.
zx::status<std::pair<ramdevice_client::RamNand, std::string>> CreateRamNand(
const TestFilesystemOptions& options) {
auto status = isolated_devmgr::OneTimeSetUp();
if (status.is_error()) {
return status.take_error();
constexpr int kPageSize = 4096;
constexpr int kPagesPerBlock = 64;
constexpr int kOobSize = 8;
uint32_t block_count;
zx::vmo vmo;
if (options.vmo->is_valid()) {
uint64_t vmo_size;
status = zx::make_status(options.vmo->get_size(&vmo_size));
if (status.is_error()) {
return status.take_error();
block_count = vmo_size / (kPageSize + kOobSize) / kPagesPerBlock;
// For now, when using a ram-nand device, the only supported device block size is 8 KiB, so
// raise an error if the user tries to ask for something different.
if ((options.device_block_size != 0 && options.device_block_size != 8192) ||
(options.device_block_count != 0 &&
options.device_block_size * options.device_block_count !=
block_count * kPageSize * kPagesPerBlock)) {
std::cout << "Bad device parameters" << std::endl;
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
status = zx::make_status(options.vmo->create_child(ZX_VMO_CHILD_SLICE, 0, vmo_size, &vmo));
if (status.is_error()) {
return status.take_error();
} else if (options.device_block_size != 8192) { // FTL exports a device with 8 KiB blocks.
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
} else {
block_count =
options.device_block_size * options.device_block_count / kPageSize / kPagesPerBlock;
status =
zx::make_status(wait_for_device("/dev/sys/platform/00:00:2e/nand-ctl", zx::sec(10).get()));
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Failed waiting for /dev/sys/platform/00:00:2e/nand-ctl to appear: "
<< status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status.take_error();
std::optional<ramdevice_client::RamNand> ram_nand;
fuchsia_hardware_nand_RamNandInfo config = {
.vmo = vmo.release(),
.nand_info.page_size = kPageSize,
.nand_info.pages_per_block = kPagesPerBlock,
.nand_info.num_blocks = block_count,
.nand_info.ecc_bits = 8,
.nand_info.oob_size = kOobSize,
.nand_info.nand_class = fuchsia_hardware_nand_Class_FTL,
.fail_after = options.fail_after};
status = zx::make_status(ramdevice_client::RamNand::Create(&config, &ram_nand));
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "RamNand::Create failed: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status.take_error();
std::string ftl_path = std::string(ram_nand->path()) + "/ftl/block";
status = zx::make_status(wait_for_device(ftl_path.c_str(), zx::sec(10).get()));
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Timed out waiting for RamNand" << std::endl;
return status.take_error();
return zx::ok(std::make_pair(*std::move(ram_nand), std::move(ftl_path)));
zx::status<> FsDirectoryAdminUnmount(const std::string& mount_path) {
// O_ADMIN is not part of the SDK. Eventually, this should switch to using fs.Admin.
constexpr int kAdmin = 0x0000'0004;
int fd = open(mount_path.c_str(), O_DIRECTORY | kAdmin);
if (fd < 0) {
std::cout << "Unable to open mount point: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INTERNAL);
zx_handle_t handle;
if (auto status = zx::make_status(fdio_get_service_handle(fd, &handle)); status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Unable to get service handle: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status;
if (auto status =
zx::make_status(fs::Vfs::UnmountHandle(zx::channel(handle), zx::time::infinite()));
status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Unable to unmount: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status;
return zx::ok();
} // namespace
std::string StripTrailingSlash(const std::string& in) {
if (!in.empty() && in.back() == '/') {
return in.substr(0, in.length() - 1);
} else {
return in;
zx::status<> FsUnbind(const std::string& mount_path) {
fdio_ns_t* ns;
if (auto status = zx::make_status(fdio_ns_get_installed(&ns)); status.is_error()) {
return status;
if (auto status = zx::make_status(fdio_ns_unbind(ns, StripTrailingSlash(mount_path).c_str()));
status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Unable to unbind: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status;
return zx::ok();
// Returns device and device path.
zx::status<std::pair<RamDevice, std::string>> CreateRamDevice(
const TestFilesystemOptions& options) {
RamDevice ram_device;
std::string device_path;
if (options.use_ram_nand) {
auto ram_nand_or = CreateRamNand(options);
if (ram_nand_or.is_error()) {
return ram_nand_or.take_error();
auto [ram_nand, nand_device_path] = std::move(ram_nand_or).value();
ram_device = RamDevice(std::move(ram_nand));
device_path = std::move(nand_device_path);
} else {
auto ram_disk_or = CreateRamDisk(options);
if (ram_disk_or.is_error()) {
return ram_disk_or.take_error();
auto [device, ram_disk_path] = std::move(ram_disk_or).value();
ram_device = RamDevice(std::move(device));
device_path = std::move(ram_disk_path);
// Create an FVM partition if requested.
if (options.use_fvm) {
storage::FvmOptions fvm_options = {.initial_fvm_slice_count = options.initial_fvm_slice_count};
auto fvm_partition_or =
storage::CreateFvmPartition(device_path, options.fvm_slice_size, fvm_options);
if (fvm_partition_or.is_error()) {
return fvm_partition_or.take_error();
if (options.dummy_fvm_partition_size > 0) {
auto fvm_fd = fbl::unique_fd(open((device_path + "/fvm").c_str(), O_RDWR));
if (!fvm_fd) {
std::cout << "Could not open FVM driver: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
alloc_req_t request = {
.slice_count = options.dummy_fvm_partition_size / options.fvm_slice_size,
.type = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01,
0x02, 0x03, 0x04},
.guid = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01,
0x02, 0x03, 0x04},
.name = "dummy",
fbl::unique_fd fd(fvm_allocate_partition(fvm_fd.get(), &request));
if (!fd) {
std::cout << "Could not allocate dummy FVM partition" << std::endl;
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
return zx::ok(std::make_pair(std::move(ram_device), std::move(fvm_partition_or).value()));
} else {
return zx::ok(std::make_pair(std::move(ram_device), std::move(device_path)));
zx::status<> FsFormat(const std::string& device_path, disk_format_t format,
const mkfs_options_t& options) {
auto status = zx::make_status(mkfs(device_path.c_str(), format, launch_stdio_sync, &options));
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Could not format " << disk_format_string(format)
<< " file system: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status;
return zx::ok();
zx::status<> FsMount(const std::string& device_path, const std::string& mount_path,
disk_format_t format, const mount_options_t& mount_options,
zx::channel* outgoing_directory) {
auto fd = fbl::unique_fd(open(device_path.c_str(), O_RDWR));
if (!fd) {
std::cout << "Could not open device: " << device_path << ": errno=" << errno << std::endl;
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
mount_options_t options = mount_options;
options.bind_to_namespace = true;
if (outgoing_directory) {
zx::channel server;
auto status = zx::make_status(zx::channel::create(0, outgoing_directory, &server));
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Unable to create channel for outgoing directory: " << status.status_string()
<< std::endl;
return status;
options.outgoing_directory.client = outgoing_directory->get();
options.outgoing_directory.server = server.release();
// Uncomment the following line to force an fsck at the end of every transaction (where
// supported).
// options.fsck_after_every_transaction = true;
// |fd| is consumed by mount.
auto status = zx::make_status(mount(fd.release(), StripTrailingSlash(mount_path).c_str(), format,
&options, launch_stdio_async));
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Could not mount " << disk_format_string(format)
<< " file system: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status;
return zx::ok();
zx::status<> FsAdminUnmount(const std::string& mount_path, const zx::channel& outgoing_directory) {
// Detach from the namespace.
if (auto status = FsUnbind(mount_path); status.is_error()) {
return status;
// Now shut down the filesystem.
fidl::SynchronousInterfacePtr<fuchsia::fs::Admin> admin;
std::string service_name = std::string("svc/") + fuchsia::fs::Admin::Name_;
auto status = zx::make_status(fdio_service_connect_at(
outgoing_directory.get(), service_name.c_str(), admin.NewRequest().TakeChannel().get()));
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Unable to connect to admin service: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status;
status = zx::make_status(admin->Shutdown());
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Shut down failed: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status;
return zx::ok();
// Returns device and device path.
zx::status<std::pair<RamDevice, std::string>> OpenRamDevice(const TestFilesystemOptions& options) {
if (!options.vmo->is_valid()) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
RamDevice ram_device;
std::string device_path;
if (options.use_ram_nand) {
// First create the ram-nand device.
auto ram_nand_or = CreateRamNand(options);
if (ram_nand_or.is_error()) {
return ram_nand_or.take_error();
auto [ram_nand, ftl_device_path] = std::move(ram_nand_or).value();
ram_device = RamDevice(std::move(ram_nand));
device_path = std::move(ftl_device_path);
} else {
auto ram_disk_or = CreateRamDisk(options);
if (ram_disk_or.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Unable to create ram-disk" << std::endl;
auto [device, ram_disk_path] = std::move(ram_disk_or).value();
ram_device = RamDevice(std::move(device));
device_path = std::move(ram_disk_path);
if (options.use_fvm) {
// Now bind FVM to it.
fbl::unique_fd ftl_device(open(device_path.c_str(), O_RDWR));
if (!ftl_device)
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
auto status = storage::BindFvm(ftl_device.get());
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Unable to bind FVM: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
return status.take_error();
auto status = zx::make_status(wait_for_device(device_path.c_str(), zx::sec(10).get()));
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "Timed out waiting for partition to show up" << std::endl;
return status.take_error();
return zx::ok(std::make_pair(std::move(ram_device), std::move(device_path)));
TestFilesystemOptions TestFilesystemOptions::DefaultBlobfs() {
return TestFilesystemOptions{.description = "Blobfs",
.use_fvm = true,
.device_block_size = 512,
.device_block_count = 196'608,
.fvm_slice_size = 32'768,
.num_inodes = 512, // blobfs can grow as needed.
.filesystem = &BlobfsFilesystem::SharedInstance()};
TestFilesystemOptions TestFilesystemOptions::BlobfsWithoutFvm() {
TestFilesystemOptions blobfs_with_no_fvm = TestFilesystemOptions::DefaultBlobfs();
blobfs_with_no_fvm.description = "BlobfsWithoutFvm";
blobfs_with_no_fvm.use_fvm = false;
blobfs_with_no_fvm.num_inodes = 2048;
return blobfs_with_no_fvm;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const TestFilesystemOptions& options) {
return out << options.description;
std::vector<TestFilesystemOptions> AllTestFilesystems() {
static const std::vector<TestFilesystemOptions>* options = [] {
const char kConfigFile[] = "/pkg/config/config.json";
json_parser::JSONParser parser;
auto config = parser.ParseFromFile(std::string(kConfigFile));
auto iter = config.FindMember("library");
std::unique_ptr<Filesystem> filesystem;
if (iter != config.MemberEnd()) {
void* handle = dlopen(iter->value.GetString(), RTLD_NOW);
FX_CHECK(handle) << dlerror();
auto get_filesystem =
reinterpret_cast<std::unique_ptr<Filesystem> (*)()>(dlsym(handle, "_Z13GetFilesystemv"));
FX_CHECK(get_filesystem) << dlerror();
filesystem = get_filesystem();
} else {
filesystem = JsonFilesystem::NewFilesystem(config).value();
std::string name = config["name"].GetString();
auto options = new std::vector<TestFilesystemOptions>;
iter = config.FindMember("options");
if (iter == config.MemberEnd()) {
name[0] = toupper(name[0]);
options->push_back(TestFilesystemOptions{.description = name,
.use_fvm = false,
.device_block_size = 512,
.device_block_count = 196'608,
.filesystem = filesystem.get()});
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < iter->value.Size(); ++i) {
const auto& opt = iter->value[i];
options->push_back(TestFilesystemOptions{.description = opt["description"].GetString(),
.use_fvm = opt["use_fvm"].GetBool(),
.device_block_size = 512,
.device_block_count = 196'608,
.fvm_slice_size = 32'768,
.filesystem = filesystem.get()});
filesystem.release(); // Deliberate leak
return options;
return *options;
TestFilesystemOptions OptionsWithDescription(std::string_view description) {
for (const auto& options : AllTestFilesystems()) {
if (options.description == description) {
return options;
FX_LOGS(FATAL) << "No test options with description: " << description;
std::vector<TestFilesystemOptions> MapAndFilterAllTestFilesystems(
std::function<std::optional<TestFilesystemOptions>(const TestFilesystemOptions&)>
map_and_filter) {
std::vector<TestFilesystemOptions> results;
for (const TestFilesystemOptions& options : AllTestFilesystems()) {
auto r = map_and_filter(options);
if (r) {
return results;
// -- FilesystemInstance --
// Default implementation
zx::status<> FilesystemInstance::Unmount(const std::string& mount_path) {
if (auto status = FsDirectoryAdminUnmount(mount_path); status.is_error()) {
return status;
return FsUnbind(mount_path);
// -- Blobfs --
class BlobfsInstance : public FilesystemInstance {
BlobfsInstance(RamDevice device, std::string device_path)
: device_(std::move(device)), device_path_(std::move(device_path)) {}
zx::status<> Format(const TestFilesystemOptions& options) override {
mkfs_options_t mkfs_options = default_mkfs_options;
if (options.blob_layout_format) {
mkfs_options.blob_layout_format =
mkfs_options.num_inodes = options.num_inodes;
return FsFormat(device_path_, DISK_FORMAT_BLOBFS, mkfs_options);
zx::status<> Mount(const std::string& mount_path, const mount_options_t& options) override {
return FsMount(device_path_, mount_path, DISK_FORMAT_BLOBFS, options, &outgoing_directory_);
zx::status<> Unmount(const std::string& mount_path) override {
return FilesystemInstance::Unmount(mount_path);
zx::status<> Fsck() override {
fsck_options_t options{
.verbose = false,
.never_modify = true,
.always_modify = false,
.force = true,
return zx::make_status(
fsck(device_path_.c_str(), DISK_FORMAT_BLOBFS, &options, launch_stdio_sync));
zx::status<std::string> DevicePath() const override { return zx::ok(std::string(device_path_)); }
storage::RamDisk* GetRamDisk() override { return std::get_if<storage::RamDisk>(&device_); }
ramdevice_client::RamNand* GetRamNand() override {
return std::get_if<ramdevice_client::RamNand>(&device_);
zx::unowned_channel GetOutgoingDirectory() const override { return outgoing_directory_.borrow(); }
RamDevice device_;
std::string device_path_;
zx::channel outgoing_directory_;
std::unique_ptr<FilesystemInstance> BlobfsFilesystem::Create(RamDevice device,
std::string device_path) const {
return std::make_unique<BlobfsInstance>(std::move(device), std::move(device_path));
zx::status<std::unique_ptr<FilesystemInstance>> BlobfsFilesystem::Open(
const TestFilesystemOptions& options) const {
auto result = OpenRamDevice(options);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
auto [ram_nand, device_path] = std::move(result).value();
return zx::ok(std::make_unique<BlobfsInstance>(std::move(ram_nand), std::move(device_path)));
// --
zx::status<TestFilesystem> TestFilesystem::FromInstance(
const TestFilesystemOptions& options, std::unique_ptr<FilesystemInstance> instance) {
static uint32_t mount_index;
TestFilesystem filesystem(options, std::move(instance),
std::string("/fs_test." + std::to_string(mount_index++) + "/"));
auto status = filesystem.Mount();
if (status.is_error()) {
return status.take_error();
return zx::ok(std::move(filesystem));
zx::status<TestFilesystem> TestFilesystem::Create(const TestFilesystemOptions& options) {
auto instance_or = options.filesystem->Make(options);
if (instance_or.is_error()) {
return instance_or.take_error();
return FromInstance(options, std::move(instance_or).value());
zx::status<TestFilesystem> TestFilesystem::Open(const TestFilesystemOptions& options) {
auto instance_or = options.filesystem->Open(options);
if (instance_or.is_error()) {
return instance_or.take_error();
return FromInstance(options, std::move(instance_or).value());
TestFilesystem::~TestFilesystem() {
if (filesystem_) {
if (mounted_) {
auto status = Unmount();
if (status.is_error()) {
std::cout << "warning: failed to unmount: " << status.status_string() << std::endl;
zx::status<> TestFilesystem::MountWithOptions(const mount_options_t& options) {
auto status = filesystem_->Mount(mount_path_, options);
if (status.is_ok()) {
mounted_ = true;
return status;
zx::status<> TestFilesystem::Unmount() {
if (!filesystem_) {
return zx::ok();
auto status = filesystem_->Unmount(mount_path_);
if (status.is_ok()) {
mounted_ = false;
return status;
zx::status<> TestFilesystem::Fsck() { return filesystem_->Fsck(); }
zx::status<std::string> TestFilesystem::DevicePath() const { return filesystem_->DevicePath(); }
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> TestFilesystem::GetSvcDirectory() const {
// Get the svc directory for the test filesystem to connect to fuchsia.fs.Query.
fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> fs_outgoing(GetOutgoingDirectory());
zx::channel client, server;
zx_status_t status = zx::channel::create(0, &client, &server);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
std::cout << "warning: failed to create svc handles" << status;
return zx::channel();
if (!fidl::WireCall(fs_outgoing)
.Open(fuchsia_io::wire::kOpenFlagDirectory | fuchsia_io::wire::kOpenRightReadable |
0, "svc", std::move(server))
.ok()) {
std::cout << "warning: Open failed";
return zx::channel();
return fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory>(std::move(client));
zx::status<uint64_t> TestFilesystem::GetFsInfoTotalBytes() const {
auto svc = GetSvcDirectory();
auto client_end = service::ConnectAt<fuchsia_fs::Query>(svc);
if (client_end.is_error())
return client_end.take_error();
auto result = fidl::WireCall(*client_end).GetInfo(fuchsia_fs::wire::FilesystemInfoQuery::kMask);
if (!result.ok())
return zx::error(result.status()); // Transport error.
if (result->result.is_err())
return zx::error(result->result.err()); // Domain specific error.
return zx::ok(result->result.response().info.total_bytes());
zx::status<uint64_t> TestFilesystem::GetFsInfoUsedBytes() const {
auto svc = GetSvcDirectory();
auto client_end = service::ConnectAt<fuchsia_fs::Query>(svc);
if (client_end.is_error())
return client_end.take_error();
auto result = fidl::WireCall(*client_end).GetInfo(fuchsia_fs::wire::FilesystemInfoQuery::kMask);
if (!result.ok())
return zx::error(result.status()); // Transport error.
if (result->result.is_err())
return zx::error(result->result.err()); // Domain specific error.
return zx::ok(result->result.response().info.used_bytes());
} // namespace fs_test