blob: 6a22e4e472bf7fe5caa6e40e21dd3786e66078cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// [START wire-format-traversal-order]
struct Cart {
vector<Item> items;
struct Item {
Product product;
uint32 quantity;
struct Product {
string sku;
string name;
string? description;
uint32 price;
// [END wire-format-traversal-order]
// [START wire-format-inlined-objects]
struct Region {
vector<Rect> rects;
struct Rect {
Point top_left;
Point bottom_right;
struct Point {
uint32 x;
uint32 y;
// [END wire-format-inlined-objects]
// [START wire-format-tables]
table Value {
1: int16 command;
2: Circle data;
3: float64 offset;
// [END wire-format-tables]
// [START wire-format-unions]
union UnionValue {
1: int16 command;
2: Circle data;
3: float64 offset;
// [END wire-format-unions]
struct CreateResource {};
struct ReleaseResource {};
// [START command]
union Command {
1: CreateResource create_resource;
2: ReleaseResource release_resource;
// [END command]
// [START mode]
bits Mode {
Read = 1;
Write = 2;
// [END mode]
// [START hasher]
protocol Hasher {
Hash(string value) -> (array<uint8>:10 result);
// [END hasher]
// [START example-struct]
struct MyRequest {
uint32 serial;
string key;
vector<uint32> options;
// [END example-struct]