blob: 408115564a427ed04dd5e94defa415b620555a84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "reverser.h"
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
Reverser::Reverser(ReverserStats stats)
: stats_(std::move(stats)),
request_count_(stats_.connection_node.CreateUint("request_count", 0)),
response_count_(stats_.connection_node.CreateUint("response_count", 0)) {}
using ReverserProto = fuchsia::examples::inspect::Reverser;
void Reverser::Reverse(std::string input, ReverseCallback callback) {
std::string output;
for (auto it = input.rbegin(); it != input.rend(); ++it) {
fidl::InterfaceRequestHandler<fuchsia::examples::inspect::Reverser> Reverser::CreateDefaultHandler(
inspect::Node node) {
auto global_request_count =
std::make_shared<inspect::UintProperty>(node.CreateUint("total_requests", 0));
// Return a handler for incoming FIDL connections to Reverser.
// The returned closure contains a binding set, which is used to bind incoming requests to a
// particular implementation of a FIDL interface. This particular binding set is configured to
// bind incoming requests to unique_ptr<Reverser>, which means the binding set itself takes
// ownership of the created Reversers and frees them when the connection is closed.
return [connection_count = node.CreateUint("connection_count", 0), node = std::move(node),
binding_set =
std::make_unique<fidl::BindingSet<ReverserProto, std::unique_ptr<Reverser>>>()](
fidl::InterfaceRequest<ReverserProto> request) mutable {
// Create a stats structure for the new reverser.
ReverserStats stats{.connection_node = node.CreateChild(node.UniqueName("connection-")),
.global_request_count = global_request_count};
binding_set->AddBinding(std::make_unique<Reverser>(std::move(stats)), std::move(request));