blob: e9f3e519e524d831e63b69e96fd0864e41367a83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/resource_visitor.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/snapshot/serializer.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/scenic.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/renderer/batch_gpu_uploader.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace gfx {
class Node;
class Resource;
using TakeSnapshotCallback = fit::function<void(::fuchsia::mem::Buffer)>;
// Defines a |ResourceVisitor| that takes snapshot of a branch of the scene
// graph. It provides the snapshot in flatbuffer formatted |fuchsia.mem.Buffer|.
// It uses |Serializer| set of classes to recreate the node hierarchy while
// visiting every entity of the scenic node. After the visit, the serializer
// generates the flatbuffer in |TakeSnapshot|.
class Snapshotter : public ResourceVisitor {
Snapshotter(std::unique_ptr<escher::BatchGpuUploader> gpu_uploader);
virtual ~Snapshotter() = default;
// Takes the snapshot of the |node| and calls the |callback| with a
// |fuchsia.mem.Buffer| buffer.
void TakeSnapshot(Resource* resource, TakeSnapshotCallback callback);
void Visit(Memory* r) override;
void Visit(Image* r) override;
void Visit(ImagePipe* r) override;
void Visit(Buffer* r) override;
void Visit(View* r) override;
void Visit(ViewNode* r) override;
void Visit(ViewHolder* r) override;
void Visit(EntityNode* r) override;
void Visit(OpacityNode* r) override;
void Visit(ShapeNode* r) override;
void Visit(Scene* r) override;
void Visit(CircleShape* r) override;
void Visit(RectangleShape* r) override;
void Visit(RoundedRectangleShape* r) override;
void Visit(MeshShape* r) override;
void Visit(Material* r) override;
void Visit(Compositor* r) override;
void Visit(DisplayCompositor* r) override;
void Visit(LayerStack* r) override;
void Visit(Layer* r) override;
void Visit(Camera* r) override;
void Visit(Renderer* r) override;
void Visit(Light* r) override;
void Visit(AmbientLight* r) override;
void Visit(DirectionalLight* r) override;
void Visit(PointLight* r) override;
void Visit(Import* r) override;
void VisitNode(Node* r);
void VisitResource(Resource* r);
void VisitMesh(escher::MeshPtr mesh);
void VisitImage(escher::ImagePtr i);
void ReadImage(escher::ImagePtr image,
fit::function<void(escher::BufferPtr buffer)> callback);
void ReadBuffer(escher::BufferPtr buffer,
fit::function<void(escher::BufferPtr buffer)> callback);
std::unique_ptr<escher::BatchGpuUploader> gpu_uploader_;
// Holds the current serializer for the scenic node being serialized. This is
// needed when visiting node's content like mesh, material and images.
std::shared_ptr<NodeSerializer> current_node_serializer_;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace scenic_impl