[brcmfmac] Fix auth consistency comparison

In brcmf_hook_auth_req, we verify that the bssid used matches the
one used in the join request. We were incorrectly using the profile
bssid, which hasn't been set yet. Instead, use the ifp bssid.


Test: Smoke tested on protected AP, verified that error message is
      no longer produced.
Change-Id: I8cada9a92bdd6eaf9a3c1b02dec20e0f76d64724
diff --git a/garnet/drivers/wlan/third_party/broadcom/brcmfmac/cfg80211.c b/garnet/drivers/wlan/third_party/broadcom/brcmfmac/cfg80211.c
index 0ea365e..4ff13f5 100644
--- a/garnet/drivers/wlan/third_party/broadcom/brcmfmac/cfg80211.c
+++ b/garnet/drivers/wlan/third_party/broadcom/brcmfmac/cfg80211.c
@@ -4141,23 +4141,28 @@
 void brcmf_hook_auth_req(void* ctx, wlanif_auth_req_t* req) {
     struct net_device* ndev = ctx;
     struct brcmf_if* ifp = ndev_to_if(ndev);
-    struct brcmf_cfg80211_profile* profile = &ifp->vif->profile;
     wlanif_auth_confirm_t response;
     brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "Enter");
     response.result_code = WLAN_AUTH_RESULT_SUCCESS;
     response.auth_type = req->auth_type;
-    // At this point, the firmware should already have fully connected, and filled in
-    // profile->bssid.
-    if (memcmp(req->peer_sta_address, profile->bssid, ETH_ALEN)) {
-        const uint8_t* old_mac = profile->bssid;
+    // Ensure that join bssid matches auth bssid
+    if (memcmp(req->peer_sta_address, ifp->bss.bssid, ETH_ALEN)) {
+        const uint8_t* old_mac = ifp->bss.bssid;
         const uint8_t* new_mac = req->peer_sta_address;
-        brcmf_err("Requested MAC (%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x) != "
-                  "connected MAC (%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x)\n",
+        brcmf_err("Auth MAC (%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x) != "
+                  "join MAC (%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x).\n",
                   new_mac[0], new_mac[1], new_mac[2], new_mac[3], new_mac[4], new_mac[5],
                   old_mac[0], old_mac[1], old_mac[2], old_mac[3], old_mac[4], old_mac[5]);
+        // In debug builds, we should investigate why the MLME is giving us inconsitent
+        // requests.
+        ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(0);
+        // In release builds, ignore and continue.
+        brcmf_err("Ignoring mismatch and using join MAC address\n");
-    memcpy(&response.peer_sta_address, profile->bssid, ETH_ALEN);
+    memcpy(&response.peer_sta_address, ifp->bss.bssid, ETH_ALEN);
     ndev->if_callbacks->auth_conf(ndev->if_callback_cookie, &response);