blob: 041d65e985f0c4dd0051c4207aa669742638cfd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// clang-format off
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "lib/zx/time.h"
// This file contains constants and numbers used in HCI packet payloads.
namespace bt {
namespace hci {
// HCI_Version Assigned Values See the "Assigned Numbers" document for
// reference.
// (
enum class HCIVersion : uint8_t {
// Bluetooth Core Specification 1.0b
k1_0b = 0,
// Bluetooth Core Specification 1.1
// Bluetooth Core Specification 1.2
// Bluetooth Core Specification 2.0 + EDR
// Bluetooth Core Specification 2.1 + EDR
// Bluetooth Core Specification 3.0 + HS
// Bluetooth Core Specification 4.0
// Bluetooth Core Specification 4.1
// Bluetooth Core Specification 4.2
// Bluetooth Core Specification 5.0
// HCI Error Codes. Refer to Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part D for definitions and
// descriptions. All enum values are in increasing numerical order, however the
// values are listed below for clarity.
enum StatusCode : uint8_t {
kSuccess = 0x00,
kUnknownCommand = 0x01,
kUnknownConnectionId = 0x02,
kHardwareFailure = 0x03,
kPageTimeout = 0x04,
kAuthenticationFailure = 0x05,
kPinOrKeyMissing = 0x06,
kMemoryCapacityExceeded = 0x07,
kConnectionTimeout = 0x08,
kConnectionLimitExceeded = 0x09,
kSynchronousConnectionLimitExceeded = 0x0A,
kConnectionAlreadyExists = 0x0B,
kCommandDisallowed = 0x0C,
kConnectionRejectedLimitedResources = 0x0D,
kConnectionRejectedSecurity = 0x0E,
kConnectionRejectedBadBdAddr = 0x0F,
kConnectionAcceptTimeoutExceeded = 0x10,
kUnsupportedFeatureOrParameter = 0x11,
kInvalidHCICommandParameters = 0x12,
kRemoteUserTerminatedConnection = 0x13,
kRemoteDeviceTerminatedConnectionLowResources = 0x14,
kRemoteDeviceTerminatedConnectionPowerOff = 0x15,
kConnectionTerminatedByLocalHost = 0x16,
kRepeatedAttempts = 0x17,
kPairingNotAllowed = 0x18,
kUnknownLMPPDU = 0x19,
kUnsupportedRemoteFeature = 0x1A,
kSCOOffsetRejected = 0x1B,
kSCOIntervalRejected = 0x1C,
kSCOAirModeRejected = 0x1D,
kInvalidLMPOrLLParameters = 0x1E,
kUnspecifiedError = 0x1F,
kUnsupportedLMPOrLLParameterValue = 0x20,
kRoleChangeNotAllowed = 0x21,
kLMPOrLLResponseTimeout = 0x22,
kLMPErrorTransactionCollision = 0x23,
kLMPPDUNotAllowed = 0x24,
kEncryptionModeNotAcceptable = 0x25,
kLinkKeyCannotBeChanged = 0x26,
kRequestedQoSNotSupported = 0x27,
kInstantPassed = 0x28,
kPairingWithUnitKeyNotSupported = 0x29,
kDifferentTransactionCollision = 0x2A,
kReserved0 = 0x2B,
kQoSUnacceptableParameter = 0x2C,
kQoSRejected = 0x2D,
kChannelClassificationNotSupported = 0x2E,
kInsufficientSecurity = 0x2F,
kParameterOutOfMandatoryRange = 0x30,
kReserved1 = 0x31,
kRoleSwitchPending = 0x32,
kReserved2 = 0x33,
kReservedSlotViolation = 0x34,
kRoleSwitchFailed = 0x35,
kExtendedInquiryResponseTooLarge = 0x36,
kSecureSimplePairingNotSupportedByHost = 0x37,
kHostBusyPairing = 0x38,
kConnectionRejectedNoSuitableChannelFound = 0x39,
kControllerBusy = 0x3A,
kUnacceptableConnectionParameters = 0x3B,
kDirectedAdvertisingTimeout = 0x3C,
kConnectionTerminatedMICFailure = 0x3D,
kConnectionFailedToBeEstablished = 0x3E,
kMACConnectionFailed = 0x3F,
kCoarseClockAdjustmentRejected = 0x40,
// 5.0
kType0SubmapNotDefined = 0x41,
kUnknownAdvertisingIdentifier = 0x42,
kLimitReached = 0x43,
kOperationCancelledByHost = 0x44,
// Bitmask values for the 8-octet Local Supported LMP Features bit-field. See
// Core Specv5.0, Volume 2, Part C, Section 3.3 "Feature Mask Definition".
enum class LMPFeature : uint64_t {
// Octet 0
k3SlotPackets = (1 << 0),
k5SlotPackets = (1 << 1),
kEncryption = (1 << 2),
kSlotOffset = (1 << 3),
kTimingAccuracy = (1 << 4),
kRoleSwitch = (1 << 5),
kHoldMode = (1 << 6),
kSniffMode = (1 << 7),
// Octet 1
// Reserved (1 << 0 + 8)
// TODO(armansito): Add definitions
// Octet 2
// TODO(armansito): Add definitions
// Octet 3
// Reserved (1ull << 24)
kEDRACL2MbitMode = (1ull << 25),
kEDRACL3MbitMode = (1ull << 26),
kEnhancedInquiryScan = (1ull << 27),
kInterlacedInquiryScan = (1ull << 28),
kInterlacedPageScan = (1ull << 29),
kRSSIwithInquiryResults = (1ull << 30),
kEV3Packets = (1ull << 31),
// Octet 4
kEV4Packets = (1ull << 32),
kEV5Packets = (1ull << 33),
// Reserved
kAFHCapableSlave = (1ull << 35),
kAFHClassSlave = (1ull << 36),
kBREDRNotSupported = (1ull << 37),
kLESupported = (1ull << 38),
k3SlotEDRACLPackets = (1ull << 39),
// Octet 5
// TODO(armansito): Add definitions
// Octet 6
kExtendedInquiryResponse = (1ull << 48),
kSimultaneousLEAndBREDR = (1ull << 49),
// Reserved
kSecureSimplePairing = (1ull << 51),
kEncapsulatedPDU = (1ull << 52),
kErroneousDataReporting = (1ull << 53),
kNonflushablePacketBoundaryFlag = (1ull << 54),
// Reerved
// Octet 7
kLinkSupervisionTimeoutChangedEvent = (1ull << 56),
kInquiryTxPowerLevel = (1ull << 57),
kEnhancedPowerControl = (1ull << 58),
// Reserved
// Reserved
// Reserved
// Reserved
kExtendedFeatures = (1ull << 63),
// Extended features (Page 1)
kSecureSimplePairingHostSupport = (1ull << 0),
kLESupportedHost = (1ull << 1),
kSimultaneousLEAndBREDRHost = (1ull << 2),
kSecureConnectionsHost = (1ull << 3),
// Extended features (Page 2)
// TODO(armansito): Add definitions
// Bitmask values for the 64-octet Supported Commands bit-field. See Core Spec
// v5.0, Volume 2, Part E, Section 6.27 "Supported Commands".
enum class SupportedCommand : uint8_t {
// Octet 0
kInquiry = (1 << 0),
kInquiryCancel = (1 << 1),
kPeriodicInquiryMode = (1 << 2),
kExitPeriodicInquiryMode = (1 << 3),
kCreateConnection = (1 << 4),
kDisconnect = (1 << 5),
kAddSCOConnection = (1 << 6), // deprecated
kCreateConnectionCancel = (1 << 7),
// Octet 1
kAcceptConnectionRequest = (1 << 0),
kRejectConnectionRequest = (1 << 1),
kLinkKeyRequestReply = (1 << 2),
kLinkKeyRequestNegativeReply = (1 << 3),
kPINCodeRequestReply = (1 << 4),
kPINCodeRequestNegativeReply = (1 << 5),
kChangeConnectionPacketType = (1 << 6),
kAuthenticationRequested = (1 << 7),
// Octet 2
kSetConnectionEncryption = (1 << 0),
kChangeConnectionLinkKey = (1 << 1),
kMasterLinkKey = (1 << 2),
kRemoteNameRequest = (1 << 3),
kRemoteNameRequestCancel = (1 << 4),
kReadRemoteSupportedFeatures = (1 << 5),
kReadRemoteExtendedFeatures = (1 << 6),
kReadRemoteVersionInformation = (1 << 7),
// Octet 3
kReadClockOffset = (1 << 0),
kReadLMPHandle = (1 << 1),
// Octet 4
kHoldMode = (1 << 1),
kSniffMode = (1 << 2),
kExitSniffMode = (1 << 3),
kParkState = (1 << 4), // Reserved in 5.0
kExitParkState = (1 << 5), // Reserved in 5.0
kQOSSetup = (1 << 6),
kRoleDiscovery = (1 << 7),
// Octet 5
kSwitchRole = (1 << 0),
kReadLinkPolicySettings = (1 << 1),
kWriteLinkPolicySettings = (1 << 2),
kReadDefaultLinkPolicySettings = (1 << 3),
kWriteDefaultLinkPolicySettings = (1 << 4),
kFlowSpecification = (1 << 5),
kSetEventMask = (1 << 6),
kReset = (1 << 7),
// Octet 6
kSetEventFilter = (1 << 0),
kFlush = (1 << 1),
kReadPINType = (1 << 2),
kWritePINType = (1 << 3),
kCreateNewUnitKey = (1 << 4),
kReadStoredLinkKey = (1 << 5),
kWriteStoredLinkKey = (1 << 6),
kDeletedStoredLinkKey = (1 << 7),
// Octet 7
kWriteLocalName = (1 << 0),
kReadLocalName = (1 << 1),
kReadConnectionAttemptTimeout = (1 << 2),
kWriteConnectionAttemptTimeout = (1 << 3),
kReadPageTimeout = (1 << 4),
kWritePageTimeout = (1 << 5),
kReadScanEnable = (1 << 6),
kWriteScanEnable = (1 << 7),
// Octet 8
kReadPageScanActivity = (1 << 0),
kWritePageScanActivity = (1 << 1),
kReadInquiryScanActivity = (1 << 2),
kWriteInquiryScanActivity = (1 << 3),
kReadAuthenticationEnable = (1 << 4),
kWriteAuthenticationEnable = (1 << 5),
kReadEncryptionMode = (1 << 6), // deprecated
kWriteEncryptionMode = (1 << 7), // deprecated
// Octet 9
kReadClassOfDevice = (1 << 0),
kWriteClassOfDevice = (1 << 1),
kReadVoiceSetting = (1 << 2),
kWriteVoiceSetting = (1 << 3),
kReadAutomaticFlushTimeout = (1 << 4),
kWriteAutomaticFlushTimeout = (1 << 5),
kReadNumBroadcastRetransmissions = (1 << 6),
kWriteNumBroadcastRetransmissions = (1 << 7),
// Octet 10
kReadHoldModeActivity = (1 << 0),
kWriteHoldModeActivity = (1 << 1),
kReadTransmitPowerLevel = (1 << 2),
kReadSynchronousFlowControlEnable = (1 << 3),
kWriteSynchronousFlowControlEnable = (1 << 4),
kSetControllerToHostFlowControl = (1 << 5),
kHostBufferSize = (1 << 6),
kHostNumberOfCompletedPackets = (1 << 7),
// Octet 11
kReadLinkSupervisionTimeout = (1 << 0),
kWriteLinkSupervisionTimeout = (1 << 1),
kReadNumberOfSupportedIAC = (1 << 2),
kReadCurrentIACLAP = (1 << 3),
kWriteCurrentIACLAP = (1 << 4),
kReadPageScanModePeriod = (1 << 5), // deprecated
kWritePageScanModePeriod = (1 << 6), // deprecated
kReadPageScanMode = (1 << 7), // deprecated
// Octet 12
kWritePageScanMode = (1 << 0), // deprecated
kSetAFHHostChannelClassification = (1 << 1),
kReadInquiryScanType = (1 << 4),
kWriteInquiryScanType = (1 << 5),
kReadInquiryMode = (1 << 6),
kWriteInquiryMode = (1 << 7),
// Octet 13
kReadPageScanType = (1 << 0),
kWritePageScanType = (1 << 1),
kReadAFHChannelAssessmentMode = (1 << 2),
kWriteAFHChannelAssessmentMode = (1 << 3),
// Octet 14
kReadLocalVersionInformation = (1 << 3),
kReadLocalSupportedFeatures = (1 << 5),
kReadLocalExtendedFeatures = (1 << 6),
kReadBufferSize = (1 << 7),
// Octet 15
kReadCountryCode = (1 << 0), // deprecated
kReadBDADDR = (1 << 1),
kReadFailedContactCounter = (1 << 2),
kResetFailedContactCOunter = (1 << 3),
kReadLinkQuality = (1 << 4),
kReadRSSI = (1 << 5),
kReadAFHChannelMap = (1 << 6),
kReadClock = (1 << 7),
// Octet 16
kReadLoopbackMode = (1 << 0),
kWriteLoopbackMode = (1 << 1),
kEnableDeviceUnderTestMode = (1 << 2),
kSetupSynchronousConnectionRequest = (1 << 3),
kAcceptSynchronousConnectionRequest = (1 << 4),
kRejectSynchronousConnectionRequest = (1 << 5),
// Octet 17
kReadExtendedInquiryResponse = (1 << 0),
kWriteExtendedInquiryResponse = (1 << 1),
kRefreshEncryptionKey = (1 << 2),
kSniffSubrating = (1 << 4),
kReadSimplePairingMode = (1 << 5),
kWriteSimplePairingMode = (1 << 6),
kReadLocalOOBData = (1 << 7),
// Octet 18
kReadInquiryResponseTransmitPowerLevel = (1 << 0),
kWriteInquiryTransmitPowerLevel = (1 << 1),
kReadDefaultErroneousDataReporting = (1 << 2),
kWriteDefaultErroneousDataReporting = (1 << 3),
kIOCapabilityRequestReply = (1 << 7),
// Octet 19
kUserConfirmationRequestReply = (1 << 0),
kUserConfirmationRequestNegativeReply = (1 << 1),
kUserPasskeyRequestReply = (1 << 2),
kUserPasskeyRequestNegativeReply = (1 << 3),
kRemoteOOBDataRequestReply = (1 << 4),
kWriteSimplePairingDebugMode = (1 << 5),
kEnhancedFlush = (1 << 6),
kRemoteOOBDataRequestNegativeReply = (1 << 7),
// Octet 20
kSendKeypressNotification = (1 << 2),
kIOCapabilityRequestNegativeReply = (1 << 3),
kReadEncryptionKeySize = (1 << 4),
// Octet 21
kCreatePhysicalLink = (1 << 0),
kAcceptPhysicalLink = (1 << 1),
kDisconnectPhysicalLink = (1 << 2),
kCreateLogicalLink = (1 << 3),
kAcceptLogicalLink = (1 << 4),
kDisconnectLogicalLink = (1 << 5),
kLogicalLinkCancel = (1 << 6),
kFlowSpecModify = (1 << 7),
// Octet 22
kReadLogicalLinkAcceptTimeout = (1 << 0),
kWriteLogicalLinkAcceptTimeout = (1 << 1),
kSetEventMaskPage2 = (1 << 2),
kReadLocationData = (1 << 3),
kWriteLocationData = (1 << 4),
kReadLocalAMPInfo = (1 << 5),
kReadLocalAMPASSOC = (1 << 6),
kWriteRemoteAMPASSOC = (1 << 7),
// Octet 23
kReadFlowControlMode = (1 << 0),
kWriteFlowControlMode = (1 << 1),
kReadDataBlockSize = (1 << 2),
kEnableAMPReceiverReports = (1 << 5),
kAMPTestEnd = (1 << 6),
kAMPTest = (1 << 7),
// Octet 24
kReadEnhancedTransmitPowerLevel = (1 << 0),
kReadBestEffortFlushTimeout = (1 << 2),
kWriteBestEffortFlushTimeout = (1 << 3),
kShortRangeMode = (1 << 4),
kReadLEHostSupported = (1 << 5),
kWriteLEHostSupport = (1 << 6),
// Octet 25
kLESetEventMask = (1 << 0),
kLEReadBufferSize = (1 << 1),
kLEReadLocalSupportedFeatures = (1 << 2),
kLESetRandomAddress = (1 << 4),
kLESetAdvertisingParameters = (1 << 5),
kLEReadAdvertisingChannelTXPower = (1 << 6),
kLESetAdvertisingData = (1 << 7),
// Octet 26
kLESetScanResponseData = (1 << 0),
kLESetAdvertisingEnable = (1 << 1),
kLESetScanParameters = (1 << 2),
kLESetScanEnable = (1 << 3),
kLECreateConnection = (1 << 4),
kLECreateConnectionCancel = (1 << 5),
kLEReadWhiteListSize = (1 << 6),
kLEClearWhiteList = (1 << 7),
// Octet 27
kLEAddDeviceToWhiteList = (1 << 0),
kLERemoveDeviceFromWhiteList = (1 << 1),
kLEConnectionUpdate = (1 << 2),
kLESetHostChannelClassification = (1 << 3),
kLEReadChannelMap = (1 << 4),
kLEReadRemoteUsedFeatures = (1 << 5),
kLEEncrypt = (1 << 6),
kLERand = (1 << 7),
// Octet 28
kLEStartEncryption = (1 << 0),
kLELongTermKeyRequestReply = (1 << 1),
kLELongTermKeyRequestNegativeReply = (1 << 2),
kLEReadSupportedStates = (1 << 3),
kLEReceiverTest = (1 << 4),
kLETransmitterTest = (1 << 5),
kLETestEnd = (1 << 6),
// Octet 29
kEnhancedSetupSynchronousConnection = (1 << 3),
kEnhancedAcceptSynchronousConnection = (1 << 4),
kReadLocalSupportedCodecs = (1 << 5),
kSetMWSChannelParameters = (1 << 6),
kSetExternalFrameConfiguration = (1 << 7),
// Octet 30
kSetMWSSignaling = (1 << 0),
kSetMWSTransportLayer = (1 << 1),
kSetMWSScanFrequencyTable = (1 << 2),
kGetMWSTransportLayerConfiguration = (1 << 3),
kSetMWSPATTERNConfiguration = (1 << 4),
kSetTriggeredClockCapture = (1 << 5),
kTruncatedPage = (1 << 6),
kTruncatedPageCancel = (1 << 7),
// Octet 31
kSetConnectionlessSlaveBroadcast = (1 << 0),
kSetConnectionlessSlaveBroadcastReceive = (1 << 1),
kStartSynchronizationTrain = (1 << 2),
kReceiveSynchronizationTrain = (1 << 3),
kSetReservedLTADDR = (1 << 4),
kDeleteReservedLTADDR = (1 << 5),
kSetConnectionlessSlaveBroadcastData = (1 << 6),
kReadSynchronizationTrainParameters = (1 << 7),
// Octet 32
kWriteSynchronizationTrainParameters = (1 << 0),
kRemoteOOBExtendedDataRequestReply = (1 << 1),
kReadSecureConnectionsHostSupport = (1 << 2),
kWriteSecureConnectionsHostSupport = (1 << 3),
kReadAuthenticatedPayloadTimeout = (1 << 4),
kWriteAuthenticatedPayloadTimeout = (1 << 5),
kReadLocalOOBExtendedData = (1 << 6),
kWriteSecureConnectionsTestMode = (1 << 7),
// Octet 33
kReadExtendedPageTimeout = (1 << 0),
kWriteExtendedPageTimeout = (1 << 1),
kReadExtendedInquiryLength = (1 << 2),
kWriteExtendedInquiryLength = (1 << 3),
kLERemoteConnectionParameterRequestReply = (1 << 4),
kLERemoteConnectionParameterRequestNegativeReply = (1 << 5),
kLESetDataLength = (1 << 6),
kLEReadSuggestedDefaultDataLength = (1 << 7),
// Octet 34
kLEWriteSuggestedDefaultDataLength = (1 << 0),
kLEReadLocalP256PublicKey = (1 << 1),
kLEGenerateDHKey = (1 << 2),
kLEAddDeviceToResolvingList = (1 << 3),
kLERemoveDeviceFromResolvingList = (1 << 4),
kLEClearResolvingList = (1 << 5),
kLEReadResolvingListSize = (1 << 6),
kLEReadPeerResolvableAddress = (1 << 7),
// Octet 35
kLEReadLocalResolvableAddress = (1 << 0),
kLESetAddressResolutionEnable = (1 << 1),
kLESetResolvablePrivateAddressTimeout = (1 << 2),
kLEReadMaximumDataLength = (1 << 3),
// Added in 5.0 (octet 35 cont'd)
kLEReadPHYCommand = (1 << 4),
kLESetDefaultPHYCommand = (1 << 5),
kLESetPHYCommand = (1 << 6),
kLEEnhancedReceiverTestCommand = (1 << 7),
// Octet 36
kLEEnhancedTransmitterTestCommand = (1 << 0),
kLESetAdvertisingSetRandomAddressCommand = (1 << 1),
kLESetExtendedAdvertisingParametersCommand = (1 << 2),
kLESetExtendedAdvertisingDataCommand = (1 << 3),
kLESetExtendedScanResponseDataCommand = (1 << 4),
kLESetExtendedAdvertisingEnableCommand = (1 << 5),
kLEReadMaximumAdvertisingDataLengthCommand = (1 << 6),
kLEReadNumberOfSupportedAdvertisingSetsCommand = (1 << 7),
// Octet 37
kLERemoveAdvertisingSetCommand = (1 << 0),
kLEClearAdvertisingSetsCommand = (1 << 1),
kLESetPeriodicAdvertisingParametersCommand = (1 << 2),
kLESetPeriodicAdvertisingDataCommand = (1 << 3),
kLESetPeriodicAdvertisingEnableCommand = (1 << 4),
kLESetExtendedScanParametersCommand = (1 << 5),
kLESetExtendedScanEnableCommand = (1 << 6),
kLEExtendedCreateConnectionCommand = (1 << 7),
// Octet 38
kLEPeriodicAdvertisingCreateSyncCommand = (1 << 0),
kLEPeriodicAdvertisingCreateSyncCancelCommand = (1 << 1),
kLEPeriodicAdvertisingTerminateSyncCommand = (1 << 2),
kLEAddDeviceToPeriodicAdvertiserListCommand = (1 << 3),
kLERemoveDeviceFromPeriodicAdvertiserListCommand = (1 << 4),
kLEClearPeriodicAdvertiserListCommand = (1 << 5),
kLEReadPeriodicAdvertiserListSizeCommand = (1 << 6),
kLEReadTransmitPowerCommand = (1 << 7),
// Octet 39
kLEReadRFPathCompensationCommand = (1 << 0),
kLEWriteRFPathCompensationCommand = (1 << 1),
kLESetPrivacyMode = (1 << 2),
// Bitmask values for the 8-octet LE Supported Features bit-field. See Core Spec
// v5.0, Volume 6, Part B, Section 4.6 "Feature Support".
enum class LESupportedFeature : uint64_t {
kLEEncryption = (1 << 0),
kConnectionParametersRequestProcedure = (1 << 1),
kExtendedRejectIndication = (1 << 2),
kSlaveInitiatedFeaturesExchange = (1 << 3),
kLEPing = (1 << 4),
kLEDataPacketLengthExtension = (1 << 5),
kLLPrivacy = (1 << 6),
kExtendedScannerFilterPolicies = (1 << 7),
// Added in 5.0
kStableModulationIndexTransmitter = (1 << 8),
kStableModulationIndexReceiver = (1 << 9),
kLECodedPHY = (1 << 10),
kLEExtendedAdvertising = (1 << 11),
kLEPeriodicAdvertising = (1 << 12),
kChannelSelectionAlgorithm2 = (1 << 13),
kLEPowerClass1 = (1 << 14),
kMinimumNumberOfUsedChannelsProcedure = (1 << 15),
// The rest is reserved for future use.
// Bitmask values for the 8-octet HCI_Set_Event_Mask command parameter.
enum class EventMask : uint64_t {
kInquiryCompleteEvent = (1 << 0),
kInquiryResultEvent = (1 << 1),
kConnectionCompleteEvent = (1 << 2),
kConnectionRequestEvent = (1 << 3),
kDisconnectionCompleteEvent = (1 << 4),
kAuthenticationCompleteEvent = (1 << 5),
kRemoteNameRequestCompleteEvent = (1 << 6),
kEncryptionChangeEvent = (1 << 7),
kChangeConnectionLinkKeyCompleteEvent = (1 << 8),
kMasterLinkKeyCompleteEvent = (1 << 9),
kReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesCompleteEvent = (1 << 10),
kReadRemoteVersionInformationCompleteEvent = (1 << 11),
kQoSSetupCompleteEvent = (1 << 12),
// Reserved For Future Use: (1 << 13)
// Reserved For Future Use: (1 << 14)
kHardwareErrorEvent = (1 << 15),
kFlushOccurredEvent = (1 << 16),
kRoleChangeEvent = (1 << 17),
// Reserved For Future Use: (1 << 18)
kModeChangeEvent = (1 << 19),
kReturnLinkKeysEvent = (1 << 20),
kPINCodeRequestEvent = (1 << 21),
kLinkKeyRequestEvent = (1 << 22),
kLinkKeyNotificationEvent = (1 << 23),
kLoopbackCommandEvent = (1 << 24),
kDataBufferOverflowEvent = (1 << 25),
kMaxSlotsChangeEvent = (1 << 26),
kReadClockOffsetCompleteEvent = (1 << 27),
kConnectionPacketTypeChangedEvent = (1 << 28),
kQoSViolationEvent = (1 << 29),
kPageScanModeChangeEvent = (1 << 30), // deprecated
kPageScanRepetitionModeChangeEvent = (1ull << 31),
kFlowSpecificationCompleteEvent = (1ull << 32),
kInquiryResultWithRSSIEvent = (1ull << 33),
kReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesCompleteEvent = (1ull << 34),
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 35)
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 36)
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 37)
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 38)
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 39)
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 40)
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 41)
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 42)
kSynchronousConnectionCompleteEvent = (1ull << 43),
kSynchronousConnectionChangedEvent = (1ull << 44),
kSniffSubratingEvent = (1ull << 45),
kExtendedInquiryResultEvent = (1ull << 46),
kEncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteEvent = (1ull << 47),
kIOCapabilityRequestEvent = (1ull << 48),
kIOCapabilityResponseEvent = (1ull << 49),
kUserConfirmationRequestEvent = (1ull << 50),
kUserPasskeyRequestEvent = (1ull << 51),
kRemoteOOBDataRequestEvent = (1ull << 52),
kSimplePairingCompleteEvent = (1ull << 53),
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 54)
kLinkSupervisionTimeoutChangedEvent = (1ull << 55),
kEnhancedFlushCompleteEvent = (1ull << 56),
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 57)
kUserPasskeyNotificationEvent = (1ull << 58),
kKeypressNotificationEvent = (1ull << 59),
kRemoteHostSupportedFeaturesNotificationEvent = (1ull << 60),
kLEMetaEvent = (1ull << 61),
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 62)
// Reserved For Future Use: (1ull << 63)
// Bitmask values for the 8-octet HCI_Set_Event_Mask_Page_2 command parameter.
enum class EventMaskPage2 : uint64_t {
kPhysicalLinkCompleteEvent = (1 << 0),
kChannelSelectedEvent = (1 << 1),
kDisconnectionPhysicalLinkCompleteEvent = (1 << 2),
kPhysicalLinkLossEarlyWarningEvent = (1 << 3),
kPhysicalLinkRecoveryEvent = (1 << 4),
kLogicalLinkCompleteEvent = (1 << 5),
kDisconnectionLogicalLinkCompleteEvent = (1 << 6),
kFlowSpecModifyCompleteEvent = (1 << 7),
kNumberOfCompletedDataBlocksEvent = (1 << 8),
kAMPStartTestEvent = (1 << 9),
kAMPTestEndEvent = (1 << 10),
kAMPReceiverReportEvent = (1 << 11),
kShortRangeModeChangeCompleteEvent = (1 << 12),
kAMPStatusChangeEvent = (1 << 13),
kTriggeredClockCaptureEvent = (1 << 14),
kSynchronizationTrainCompleteEvent = (1 << 15),
kSynchronizationTrainReceivedEvent = (1 << 16),
kConnectionlessSlaveBroadcastReceiveEvent = (1 << 17),
kConnectionlessSlaveBroadcastTimeoutEvent = (1 << 18),
kTruncatedPageCompleteEvent = (1 << 19),
kSlavePageResponseTimeoutEvent = (1 << 20),
kConnectionlessSlaveBroadcastChannelMapChangeEvent = (1 << 21),
kInquiryResponseNotificationEvent = (1 << 22),
kAuthenticatedPayloadTimeoutExpiredEvent = (1 << 23),
kSAMStatusChangeEvent = (1 << 24),
// Bitmask values for the 8-octet HCI_LE_Set_Event_Mask command parameter.
enum class LEEventMask : uint64_t {
kLEConnectionComplete = (1 << 0),
kLEAdvertisingReport = (1 << 1),
kLEConnectionUpdateComplete = (1 << 2),
kLEReadRemoteFeaturesComplete = (1 << 3),
kLELongTermKeyRequest = (1 << 4),
kLERemoteConnectionParameterRequest = (1 << 5),
kLEDataLengthChange = (1 << 6),
kLEReadLocalP256PublicKeyComplete = (1 << 7),
kLEGenerateDHKeyComplete = (1 << 8),
kLEEnhancedConnectionComplete = (1 << 9),
kLEDirectedAdvertisingReport = (1 << 10),
kLEPHYUpdateComplete = (1 << 11),
kLEExtendedAdvertisingReport = (1 << 12),
kLEPeriodicAdvertisingSyncEstablished = (1 << 13),
kLEPeriodicAdvertisingReport = (1 << 14),
kLEPeriodicAdvertisingSyncLost = (1 << 15),
kLEExtendedScanTimeout = (1 << 16),
kLEExtendedAdvertisingSetTerminated = (1 << 17),
kLEScanRequestReceived = (1 << 18),
kLEChannelSelectionAlgorithm = (1 << 19),
// Binary values that can be generically passed to HCI commands that expect a
// 1-octet boolean "enable"/"disable" parameter.
enum class GenericEnableParam : uint8_t {
kDisable = 0x00,
kEnable = 0x01,
// Values that can be passed to the Type parameter in a
// HCI_Read_Transmit_Power_Level command.
enum class ReadTransmitPowerType : uint8_t {
// Read Current Transmit Power Level.
kCurrent = 0x00,
// Read Maximum Transmit Power Level.
kMax = 0x01,
// HCI command timeout interval (milliseconds)
// TODO(BT-603/BT-604) This was increased to handle flaking integration tests.
// We may want to reduce this to something lower again once we have a better
// resolution to this issue.
constexpr zx::duration kCommandTimeout = zx::sec(10);
// The minimum and maximum range values for the LE advertising interval
// parameters.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.5)
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvertisingIntervalMin = 0x0020;
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvertisingIntervalMax = 0x4000;
// The minimum and maximum range values for the LE periodic advertising interval
// parameters.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.61)
constexpr uint16_t kLEPeriodicAdvertisingIntervalMin = 0x0006;
constexpr uint16_t kLEPeriodicAdvertisingIntervalMax = 0xFFFF;
// The minimum and maximum range values for the LE extended advertising interval
// parameters.
constexpr uint32_t kLEExtendedAdvertisingIntervalMin = 0x000020;
constexpr uint32_t kLEExtendedAdvertisingIntervalMax = 0xFFFFFF;
// The default LE advertising interval parameter value, corresponding to 1.28
// seconds (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.5).
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvertisingIntervalDefault = 0x0800;
// The minimum and maximum range values for the LE scan interval parameters.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.10)
constexpr uint16_t kLEScanIntervalMin = 0x0004;
constexpr uint16_t kLEScanIntervalMax = 0x4000;
// The minimum and maximum range values for the LE extended scan interval
// parameters.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.64)
constexpr uint16_t kLEExtendedScanIntervalMin = 0x0004;
constexpr uint16_t kLEExtendedScanIntervalMax = 0xFFFF;
// The default LE scan interval parameter value, corresponding to 10
// milliseconds (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.10).
constexpr uint16_t kLEScanIntervalDefault = 0x0010;
// The minimum and maximum range values for the LE connection interval parameters.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.12)
constexpr uint16_t kLEConnectionIntervalMin = 0x0006;
constexpr uint16_t kLEConnectionIntervalMax = 0x0C80;
// The maximum value that can be used for the |conn_latency| parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Create_Connection
// command (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.12).
constexpr uint16_t kLEConnectionLatencyMax = 0x01F3;
// The minimum and maximum range values for LE connection supervision timeout
// parameters.
constexpr uint16_t kLEConnectionSupervisionTimeoutMin = 0x000A;
constexpr uint16_t kLEConnectionSupervisionTimeoutMax = 0x0C80;
// The minimum and maximum range values for LE link layer tx PDU used on
// connections.
constexpr uint16_t kLEMaxTxOctetsMin = 0x001B;
constexpr uint16_t kLEMaxTxOctetsMax = 0x00FB;
// The minimum and maximum range values for LE link layer tx maximum packet
// transmission time used on connections.
constexpr uint16_t kLEMaxTxTimeMin = 0x0148;
constexpr uint16_t kLEMaxTxTimeMax = 0x4290;
// Minimum, maximum, default values for the Resolvable Private Address timeout
// parameter.
constexpr uint16_t kLERPATimeoutMin = 0x0001; // 1 second
constexpr uint16_t kLERPATimeoutMax = 0xA1B8; // Approx. 11.5 hours
constexpr uint16_t kLERPATimeoutDefault = 0x0384; // 900 seconds or 15 minutes.
// LE advertising types (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.5).
enum class LEAdvertisingType : uint8_t {
// ADV_IND: Connectable and scannable undirected advertising (the default
// value used by the controller).
kAdvInd = 0x00,
// ADV_DIRECT_IND (high duty cycle): Connectable high duty cycle directed
// advertising.
kAdvDirectIndHighDutyCycle = 0x01,
// ADV_SCAN_IND: Scannable undirected advertising.
kAdvScanInd = 0x02,
// ADV_NONCONN_IND: Non-connectable undirected advertising.
kAdvNonConnInd = 0x03,
// ADV_DIRECT_IND (low duty cycle): Connectable low duty cycle advertising.
kAdvDirectIndLowDutyCycle = 0x04,
// The rest is reserved for future use
// LE Advertising event types that can be reported in a LE Advertising Report
// event.
enum class LEAdvertisingEventType : uint8_t {
// Connectable and scannable undirected advertising (ADV_IND)
kAdvInd = 0x00,
// Connectable directed advertising (ADV_DIRECT_IND)
kAdvDirectInd = 0x01,
// Scannable undirected advertising (ADV_SCAN_IND)
kAdvScanInd = 0x02,
// Non connectable undirected advertising (ADV_NONCONN_IND)
kAdvNonConnInd = 0x03,
// Scan Response (SCAN_RSP)
kScanRsp = 0x04,
// The rest is reserved for future use
// Possible values that can be reported for the |address_type| parameter in a LE
// Advertising Report event.
enum class LEAddressType : uint8_t {
// Public Device Address
kPublic = 0x00,
// Random Device Address
kRandom = 0x01,
// Public Identity Address (Corresponds to Resolved Private Address)
kPublicIdentity = 0x02,
// Random (static) Identity Address (Corresponds to Resolved Private Address)
kRandomIdentity = 0x03,
// This is a special value used in LE Extended Advertising Report events to
// indicate a random address that the controller was unable to resolve.
kRandomUnresolved = 0xFE,
// This is a special value that is only used in LE Directed Advertising Report
// events.
// Meaning: No address provided (anonymous advertisement)
kAnonymous = 0xFF,
// Possible values that can be used for the |own_address_type| parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Set_Advertising_Parameters or a HCI_LE_Set_Scan_Parameters command.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Sections 7.8.5 and 7.8.10)
enum class LEOwnAddressType : uint8_t {
// Public device address (default)
kPublic = 0x00,
// Random device address
kRandom = 0x01,
// Controller generates Resolvable Private Address based on the local IRK from
// the resolving list. If the resolving list contains no matching entry, use
// the public address.
kPrivateDefaultToPublic = 0x02,
// Controller generates Resolvable Private Address based on the local IRK from
// the resolving list. If the resolving list contains no matching entry, use
// the random address from LE_Set_Random_Address.
kPrivateDefaultToRandom = 0x03,
// The rest is reserved for future use
// Possible values that can be used for the |peer_address_type| parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Set_Advertising_Parameters command.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.5)
enum class LEPeerAddressType : uint8_t {
// Public Device Address (default) or Public Identity Address
kPublic = 0x00,
// Random Device Address or Random (static) Identity Address
kRandom = 0x01,
// This is a special value that should only be used with the
// HCI_LE_Add_Device_To_White_List and HCI_LE_Remove_Device_From_White_List
// commands for peer devices sending anonymous advertisements.
kAnonymous = 0xFF,
// Possible values that can be used for the |adv_channel_map| bitfield in a
// HCI_LE_Set_Advertising_Parameters command.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.5)
constexpr uint8_t kLEAdvertisingChannel37 = 0x01;
constexpr uint8_t kLEAdvertisingChannel38 = 0x02;
constexpr uint8_t kLEAdvertisingChannel39 = 0x04;
constexpr uint8_t kLEAdvertisingChannelAll = 0x07;
// Possible values that can be used for the |adv_filter_policy| parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Set_Advertising_Parameters command.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.5)
enum class LEAdvFilterPolicy : uint8_t {
// Process scan and connection requests from all devices (i.e., the White List
// is not in use) (default).
kAllowAll = 0x00,
// Process connection requests from all devices and only scan requests from
// devices that are in the White List.
kConnAllScanWhiteList = 0x01,
// Process scan requests from all devices and only connection requests from
// devices that are in the White List.
kScanAllConnWhiteList = 0x02,
// Process scan and connection requests only from devices in the White List.
kWhiteListOnly = 0x03,
// The rest is reserved for future use.
// Possible values that can be used for the Filter_Policy parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Periodic_Advertising_Create_Sync command.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.67)
enum class LEPeriodicAdvFilterPolicy : uint8_t {
// Use the Advertising_SID, Advertising_Address_Type, and Advertising_Address
// parameters to determine which advertiser to listen to.
kListNotUsed = 0x00,
// Use the Periodic Advertiser List to determine which advertiser to listen to.
kUsePeriodicAdvList = 0x01,
// Possible values that can be used for the |scan_type| parameter in a
// LE_Set_Scan_Parameters command.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.10)
enum class LEScanType : uint8_t {
// Passive Scanning. No scanning PDUs shall be sent (default)
kPassive = 0x00,
// Active scanning. Scanning PDUs may be sent.
kActive = 0x01,
// The rest is reserved for future use.
// Possible values that can be used for the |filter_policy| parameter
// in a HCI_LE_Set_Scan_Parameters command.
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.10)
enum class LEScanFilterPolicy : uint8_t {
// Accept all advertising packets except directed advertising packets not
// addressed to this device (default).
kNoWhiteList = 0x00,
// Accept only advertising packets from devices where the advertiser’s address
// is in the White List. Directed advertising packets which are not addressed
// to this device shall be ignored.
kUseWhiteList = 0x01,
// Accept all advertising packets except directed advertising packets where
// the initiator's identity address does not address this device.
// Note: Directed advertising packets where the initiator's address is a
// resolvable private address that cannot be resolved are also accepted.
kNoWhiteListWithPrivacy = 0x02,
// Accept all advertising packets except:
// - advertising packets where the advertiser's identity address is not in
// the White List; and
// - directed advertising packets where the initiator's identity address
// does not address this device
// Note: Directed advertising packets where the initiator's address is a
// resolvable private address that cannot be resolved are also accepted.
kUseWhiteListWithPrivacy = 0x03,
// Possible values that can be used for the |filter_duplicates| parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Scan_Enable command.
enum class LEExtendedDuplicateFilteringOption : uint8_t {
kDisabled = 0x00,
kEnabled = 0x01,
// Duplicate advertisements in a single scan period should not be sent to the
// Host in advertising report events; this setting shall only be used if the
// Period parameter is non-zero.
kEnabledResetForEachScanPeriod = 0x02,
// The PHY bitfield values that can be used in HCI_LE_Set_PHY and
// HCI_LE_Set_Default_PHY commands that can be used for the TX_PHYS and RX_PHYS
// parameters.
constexpr uint8_t kLEPHYBit1M = (1 << 0);
constexpr uint8_t kLEPHYBit2M = (1 << 1);
constexpr uint8_t kLEPHYBitCoded = (1 << 2);
// The PHY bitfield values that can be used in HCI_LE_Set_PHY and
// HCI_LE_Set_Default_PHY commands that can be used for the ALL_PHYS parameter.
constexpr uint8_t kLEAllPHYSBitTxNoPreference = (1 << 0);
constexpr uint8_t kLEAllPHYSBitRxNoPreference = (1 << 1);
// Potential values that can be used for the LE PHY parameters in HCI commands
// and events.
enum class LEPHY : uint8_t {
kLE1M = 0x01,
kLE2M = 0x02,
// Only for the HCI_LE_Enhanced_Transmitter_Test command this value implies
// S=8 data coding. Otherwise this refers to general LE Coded PHY.
kLECoded = 0x03,
// This should ony be used with the HCI_LE_Enhanced_Transmitter_Test command.
kLECodedS2 = 0x04,
// Some HCI events may use this value to indicate that no packets were sent
// on a particular PHY, specifically the LE Extended Advertising Report event.
kNone = 0x00,
// Potential values that can be used for the PHY_options parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Set_PHY command.
enum class LEPHYOptions : uint16_t {
kNoPreferredEncoding = 0x00,
kPreferS2Coding = 0x01,
kPreferS8Coding = 0x02,
// Potential values that can be passed for the Modulation_Index parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Enhanced_Receiver_Test command.
enum class LETestModulationIndex : uint8_t {
kAssumeStandard = 0x00,
kAssumeStable = 0x01,
// Potential values for the Operation parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Data command.
enum class LESetExtendedAdvDataOp : uint8_t {
// Intermediate fragment of fragmented extended advertising data.
kIntermediateFragment = 0x00,
// First fragment of fragmented extended advertising data.
kFirstFragment = 0x01,
// Last fragment of fragmented extended advertising data.
kLastFragment = 0x02,
// Complete extended advertising data.
kComplete = 0x03,
// Unchanged data (just update the Advertising DID)
kUnchangedData = 0x04,
// Potential values for the Fragment_Preference parameter in a
// HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Data command.
enum class LEExtendedAdvFragmentPreference : uint8_t {
// The Controller may fragment all Host advertising data
kMayFragment = 0x00,
// The Controller should not fragment or should minimize fragmentation of Host
// advertising data
kShouldNotFragment = 0x01,
// The Advertising_Event_Properties bitfield values used in a
// HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Parameters command.
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvEventPropBitConnectable = (1 << 0);
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvEventPropBitScannable = (1 << 1);
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvEventPropBitDirected = (1 << 2);
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvEventPropBitHighDutyCycleDirectedConnectable = (1 << 3);
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvEventPropBitUseLegacyPDUs = (1 << 4);
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvEventPropBitAnonymousAdvertising = (1 << 5);
constexpr uint16_t kLEAdvEventPropBitIncludeTxPower = (1 << 6);
// The Event_Type bitfield values reported in a LE Extended Advertising Report Event.
constexpr uint16_t kLEExtendedAdvEventTypeConnectable = (1 << 0);
constexpr uint16_t kLEExtendedAdvEventTypeScannable = (1 << 1);
constexpr uint16_t kLEExtendedAdvEventTypeDirected = (1 << 2);
constexpr uint16_t kLEExtendedAdvEventTypeScanResponse = (1 << 3);
constexpr uint16_t kLEExtendedAdvEventTypeLegacy = (1 << 4);
// LE Advertising data status properties stored in bits 5 and 6 of the
// Event_Type bitfield of a LE Extended Advertising Report event and in a LE
// Periodic Advertising Report event.
enum class LEAdvertisingDataStatus : uint16_t {
// Data is complete.
kComplete = 0x00,
// Data is incomplete, more data to come in future events.
kIncomplete = 0x01,
// Data is incomplete and truncated, no more data to come.
kIncompleteTruncated = 0x02,
// The Periodic_Advertising_Properties bitfield used in a
// HCI_LE_Set_Periodic_Advertising_Parameters command.
constexpr uint16_t kLEPeriodicAdvPropBitIncludeTxPower = (1 << 6);
// Potential values for the Privacy_Mode parameter in a HCI_LE_Set_Privacy_Mode
// command.
enum class LEPrivacyMode : uint8_t {
// Use Network Privacy Mode for this peer device (default).
kNetwork = 0x00,
// Use Device Privacy Mode for this peer device.
kDevice = 0x01,
// The maximum length of advertising data that can get passed to the
// HCI_LE_Set_Advertising_Data command.
// This constant should be used on pre-5.0 controllers. On controllers that
// support 5.0+ the host should use the
// HCI_LE_Read_Maximum_Advertising_Data_Length command to obtain this
// information.
constexpr size_t kMaxLEAdvertisingDataLength = 0x1F; // (31)
// The maximum length of advertising data that can get passed to the
// HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Data command. The advertised data can be
// larger than this value (based on the value returned for the LE Read Maximum
// Advertising Data Length parameter), however must be fragmented among multiple
// command packets.
constexpr size_t kMaxLEExtendedAdvertisingDataLength = 251;
// Maximum value of the Advertising SID subfield in the ADI field of the PDU
constexpr uint8_t kLEAdvertsingSIDMax = 0xEF;
// Invalid RSSI value.
constexpr int8_t kRSSIInvalid = 127;
// Invalid Tx Power value
constexpr int8_t kTxPowerInvalid = 127;
// The maximum length of a friendly name that can be assigned to a BR/EDR
// controller, in octets.
constexpr size_t kMaxNameLength = 248;
// The maximum number of bytes in a HCI Command Packet payload, excluding the
// header. See Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, 5.4.1, paragraph 2.
constexpr size_t kMaxCommandPacketPayloadSize = 255;
// The maximum number of bytes in a HCI event Packet payload, excluding the
// header. See Core Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E, 5.4.4, paragraph 1.
constexpr size_t kMaxEventPacketPayloadSize = 255;
// The maximum number of bytes in a HCI ACL data packet payload supported by our
// stack.
constexpr size_t kMaxACLPayloadSize = 1024;
// Values that can be used in HCI Read|WriteFlowControlMode commands.
enum class FlowControlMode : uint8_t {
// Packet based data flow control mode (default for a Primary Controller)
kPacketBased = 0x00,
// Data block based flow control mode (default for an AMP Controller)
kDataBlockBased = 0x01
// The Packet Boundary Flag is contained in bits 4 and 5 in the second octet of
// a HCI ACL Data packet.
enum class ACLPacketBoundaryFlag : uint8_t {
kFirstNonFlushable = 0x00,
kContinuingFragment = 0x01,
kFirstFlushable = 0x02,
kCompletePDU = 0x03,
// The Broadcast Flag is contained in bits 6 and 7 in the second octet of a HCI
// ACL Data packet.
enum class ACLBroadcastFlag : uint8_t {
kPointToPoint = 0x00,
kActiveSlaveBroadcast = 0x01,
// A connection role. Used for LE and BR/EDR connection roles.
enum class ConnectionRole : uint8_t {
kMaster = 0x00,
kSlave = 0x01,
// Possible values that can be reported for the Master_Clock_Accuracy and
// Advertiser_Clock_Accuracy parameters.
enum class LEClockAccuracy : uint8_t {
k500Ppm = 0x00,
k250Ppm = 0x01,
k150Ppm = 0x02,
k100Ppm = 0x03,
k75Ppm = 0x04,
k50Ppm = 0x05,
k30Ppm = 0x06,
k20Ppm = 0x07,
// Possible values that can be reported in a LE Channel Selection Algorithm event.
enum class LEChannelSelectionAlgorithm : uint8_t {
kAlgorithm1 = 0x00,
kAlgorithm2 = 0x01,
// "Hosts and Controllers shall be able to accept HCI ACL Data Packets with up
// to 27 bytes of data excluding the HCI ACL Data Packet header on Connection
// Handles associated with an LE-U logical link." (See Core Spec v5.0, Volume 2,
// Part E, Section 5.4.2)
constexpr size_t kMinLEACLDataBufferLength = 27;
// The maximum value that can be used for a 12-bit connection handle.
constexpr uint16_t kConnectionHandleMax = 0x0EFF;
// The maximum value that can ve used for a 8-bit advertising set handle.
constexpr uint8_t kAdvertisingHandleMax = 0xEF;
// The maximum value that can be set for the length of an Inquiry
constexpr uint8_t kInquiryLengthMax = 0x30;
// Bit 15, or "Clock_Offset_Valid_Flag" of the 16-bit clock offset field.
// Some HCI commands that require a clock offset expect this bit to be set (e.g.
// see HCI_Remote_Name_Request command, Vol 2, Part E, 7.1.19).
constexpr uint16_t kClockOffsetValidFlagBit = 0x8000;
// The page scan repetition mode, representing a maximum time between Page Scans.
// (See Core Spec v5.0, Volume 2, Part B, Section 8.3.1)
enum class PageScanRepetitionMode : uint8_t {
kR0 = 0x00, // Continuous Scan
kR1 = 0x01, // <= 1.28s
kR2 = 0x02, // <= 2.56s
// LAPs defined for use in Inquiry LAP fields by Bluetooth SIG
// See:
// The General/Unlimited Inquiry Access Code
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 3> kGIAC {{ 0x33, 0x8B, 0x9E }};
// The Limited Dedicated Inquiry Access Code (LIAC)
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 3> kLIAC {{ 0x00, 0x8B, 0x9E }};
// Bitmask Values for the Scan_Enable parameter in a
// HCI_(Read,Write)_Scan_Enable command.
enum class ScanEnableBit : uint8_t {
kInquiry = (1 << 0), // Inquiry scan enabled
kPage = (1 << 1), // Page scan enabled.
using ScanEnableType = uint8_t;
// The minimum and maximum range values for Page Scan Interval (in time slices)
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.3.19)
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanIntervalMin = 0x0012;
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanIntervalMax = 0x1000;
// The minimum and maximum range valeus for Page Scan Window (in time slices)
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.3.19)
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanWindowMin = 0x0011;
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanWindowMax = 0x1000;
enum class PageScanType : uint8_t {
kStandardScan = 0x00, // Standard scan (default) (mandatory)
kInterlacedScan = 0x01, // Interlaced scan
// Constant values for common scanning modes
// See Spec 5.0, Vol 3, Part C, Section, Table 4.2
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanR0Interval = 0x0800; // 1.28s
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanR0Window = 0x0800; // 1.28s
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanR1Interval = 0x0800; // 1.28s
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanR1Window = 0x0011; // 10.625ms
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanR2Interval = 0x1000; // 2.56s
constexpr uint16_t kPageScanR2Window = 0x0011; // 10.625ms
// The minimum and maximum range values for Inquiry Scan Interval (in time slices)
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.3.21)
constexpr uint16_t kInquiryScanIntervalMin = 0x0012;
constexpr uint16_t kInquiryScanIntervalMax = 0x1000;
// The minimum and maximum range values for Inquiry Scan Window (in time slices)
// (see Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.3.21)
constexpr uint16_t kInquiryScanWindowMin = 0x0011;
constexpr uint16_t kInquiryScanWindowMax = 0x1000;
enum class InquiryScanType : uint8_t {
kStandardScan = 0x00, // Standard scan (default) (mandatory)
kInterlacedScan = 0x01, // Interlaced scan
// Link Types for BR/EDR connections.
enum class LinkType : uint8_t {
kSCO = 0x00, // SCO
kACL = 0x01, // ACL (data channel)
kExtendedSCO = 0x02, // eSCO
enum class InquiryMode : uint8_t {
kStandard = 0x00, // Standard Inquiry Result format (default)
kRSSI = 0x01, // Inquiry Result format with RSSI
kExtended = 0x02, // Inquiry Result format with RSSI or EIR format
// Length of the Extended Inquiry Response data. (Vol 3, Part C, Section 8)
constexpr size_t kExtendedInquiryResponseBytes = 240;
// Minimum supported encryption key size for ACL-U links, as queried by Read
// Encryption Key Size. This isn't specified so the value is taken from the LE
// limit for SM Long Term Keys (v5.0 Vol 3, Part H, 2.3.4). This limit applies
// to the per-session encryption key, not the semi-permanent Link Key (v5.0
// Vol 2, Part H, 1).
constexpr uint8_t kMinEncryptionKeySize = 7;
// Values for the IO Capabilities
enum class IOCapability : uint8_t {
kDisplayOnly = 0x00,
kDisplayYesNo = 0x01,
kKeyboardOnly = 0x02,
kNoInputNoOutput = 0x03,
// Authentication requirements
// All options without MITM do not require MITM protection, and a numeric
// comparison with automatic accept is allowed.
// All options with MITM do require MITM protection, and IO capabilities should
// be used to determine the authentication procedure.
enum class AuthRequirements : uint8_t {
kNoBonding = 0x00,
kMITMNoBonding = 0x01,
kDedicatedBonding = 0x02,
kMITMDedicatedBonding = 0x03,
kGeneralBonding = 0x04,
kMITMGeneralBonding = 0x05,
// Key types for BR/EDR link encryption as reported to the host using the Link
// Key Notification event upon pairing or key changes (v5.0 Vol 2, Part E,
// Section 7.7.24).
// "Combination" refers to keys created from contributions of two devices
// according to v5.0 Vol 2, Part H, Section 3.2.4 and as opposed to "unit" keys
// that are generated on a single device but used by both parties (Section 3.2.3
// and deprecated in Section 3.1).
// Authenticated keys were generated using a challenge-response scheme described
// in v5.0 Vol 2, Part H, Section 5 to protect against man-in-the-middle (MITM)
// attacks.
// When Secure Connections is used, the key exchange uses keys generated from
// points on a 256-bit elliptic curve (v5.0 Vol 2, Part H, Section 7.1) and
// authentication uses Secure Authentication procedures described in Section 5.
enum class LinkKeyType : uint8_t {
// Legacy pairing (pre-v2.1) key types
kCombination = 0x00,
kLocalUnit = 0x01,
kRemoteUnit = 0x02,
// Secure Simple Pairing key types
kDebugCombination = 0x03,
kUnauthenticatedCombination192 = 0x04,
kAuthenticatedCombination192 = 0x05,
// Special value indicating key generated due to a Change Connection Link Key
// command. The actual key type is the same as before the change.
kChangedCombination = 0x06,
// Secure Simple Pairing with Secure Connections key types
kUnauthenticatedCombination256 = 0x07,
kAuthenticatedCombination256 = 0x08,
// Bitmask values for supported Packet Types
// Used for HCI_Create_Connection and HCI_Change_Connection_Packet_Type
enum class PacketTypeBits : uint16_t {
// Reserved (1 << 0)
kDisable2DH1 = (1 << 1),
kDisable3DH1 = (1 << 2),
kEnableDM1 = (1 << 3), // Note: always on in >= v1.2
kEnableDH1 = (1 << 4),
// Reserved (1 << 5)
// Reserved (1 << 6)
// Reserved (1 << 7)
kDisable2DH3 = (1 << 8),
kDisable3DH3 = (1 << 9),
kEnableDM3 = (1 << 10),
kEnableDH3 = (1 << 11),
kDisable2DH5 = (1 << 12),
kDisable3DH5 = (1 << 13),
kEnableDM5 = (1 << 14),
kEnableDH5 = (1 << 15),
using PacketTypeType = uint16_t;
enum class RoleSwitchBits : uint8_t {
kDisallowRoleSwitch = 0x0,
kAllowRoleSwitch = 0x1
} // namespace hci
} // namespace bt