blob: 5882e2fe5796b372dc26e9d657dedfbd0ca7c51e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package build
import (
const (
apiModuleName = "api.json"
argsModuleName = "args.json"
binaryModuleName = "binaries.json"
checkoutArtifactModuleName = "checkout_artifacts.json"
imageModuleName = "images.json"
packageManifestModuleName = "all_package_manifest_paths.json"
platformModuleName = "platforms.json"
prebuiltBinaryModuleName = "prebuilt_binaries.json"
testDurationsName = "test_durations.json"
testModuleName = "tests.json"
toolModuleName = "tool_paths.json"
// Modules is a convenience interface for accessing the various build API
// modules associated with a build.
type Modules struct {
buildDir string
apis []string
args Args
binaries []Binary
checkoutArtifacts []CheckoutArtifact
images []Image
packageManifests []string
platforms []DimensionSet
prebuiltBins []PrebuiltBinaries
testSpecs []TestSpec
testDurations []TestDuration
tools []Tool
// NewModules returns a Modules associated with a given build directory.
func NewModules(buildDir string) (*Modules, error) {
var errMsgs []string
var err error
m := &Modules{buildDir: buildDir}
m.apis, err = loadStringsFromJson(m.APIManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
m.args, err = loadArgs(m.ArgManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
m.binaries, err = loadBinaries(m.BinaryManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
m.checkoutArtifacts, err = loadCheckoutArtifacts(m.CheckoutArtifactManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
m.images, err = LoadImages(m.ImageManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
m.packageManifests, err = loadStringsFromJson(m.PackageManifestsManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
m.platforms, err = loadPlatforms(m.PlatformManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
m.prebuiltBins, err = loadPrebuiltBinaries(m.PrebuiltBinaryManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
m.testSpecs, err = loadTestSpecs(m.TestManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
m.testDurations, err = LoadTestDurations(m.TestDurationsManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
}, err = loadTools(m.ToolManifest())
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
if len(errMsgs) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(errMsgs, "\n"))
return m, nil
// BuildDir returns the fuchsia build directory root.
func (m Modules) BuildDir() string {
return m.buildDir
// APIs returns the build API module of available build API modules.
func (m Modules) APIs() []string {
return m.apis
// APIManifest returns the path to the manifest of build API modules present in the build.
func (m Modules) APIManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), apiModuleName)
// Args returns the build API module of args set in the build.
func (m Modules) Args() Args {
return m.args
// ArgManifest returns the path to the manifest of GN args set in the build.
func (m Modules) ArgManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), argsModuleName)
// Binaries returns the build API module of binaries.
func (m Modules) Binaries() []Binary {
return m.binaries
// BinaryManifest returns the path to the manifest of binaries in the build.
func (m Modules) BinaryManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), binaryModuleName)
// CheckoutArtifacts returns the build API module of checkout artifacts.
func (m Modules) CheckoutArtifacts() []CheckoutArtifact {
return m.checkoutArtifacts
// CheckoutArtifactManifest returns the path to the manifest of checkout artifacts in the build.
func (m Modules) CheckoutArtifactManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), checkoutArtifactModuleName)
// Images returns the aggregated build APIs of fuchsia and zircon images.
func (m Modules) Images() []Image {
return m.images
// ImageManifest returns the path to the manifest of images in the build.
func (m Modules) ImageManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), imageModuleName)
// PackageManifests returns a list of paths to all the universe package manifests.
func (m Modules) PackageManifests() []string {
return m.packageManifests
// PackageManifestsManifest returns the path to the manifest of universe package manifests in the build.
func (m Modules) PackageManifestsManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), packageManifestModuleName)
// Platforms returns the build API module of available platforms to test on.
func (m Modules) Platforms() []DimensionSet {
return m.platforms
// PlatformManifest returns the path to the manifest of available test platforms.
func (m Modules) PlatformManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), platformModuleName)
// PrebuiltBinaries returns the build API module of prebuilt packages registered in the build.
func (m Modules) PrebuiltBinaries() []PrebuiltBinaries {
return m.prebuiltBins
// PrebuiltBinaryManifest returns the path to the manifest of prebuilt packages.
func (m Modules) PrebuiltBinaryManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), prebuiltBinaryModuleName)
// TestDurations returns the build API module of test duration data.
func (m Modules) TestDurations() []TestDuration {
return m.testDurations
// TestDurationsManifest returns the path to the durations file.
func (m Modules) TestDurationsManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), testDurationsName)
// TestSpecs returns the build API module of tests.
func (m Modules) TestSpecs() []TestSpec {
return m.testSpecs
// TestManifest returns the path to the manifest of tests in the build.
func (m Modules) TestManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), testModuleName)
// Tools returns the build API module of tools.
func (m Modules) Tools() []Tool {
// ToolManifest returns the path to the manifest of tools in the build.
func (m Modules) ToolManifest() string {
return filepath.Join(m.BuildDir(), toolModuleName)