blob: a0ad61130e13ed1825cb9d9fd201605e5242dd08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Common utilities used by pseudo-file related tests.
//! Most assertions are macros as they need to call async functions themselves. As a typical test
//! will have multiple assertions, it save a bit of typing to write `assert_something!(arg)`
//! instead of `await!(assert_something(arg))`.
use {
crate::{common::AsyncFnOnce, directory::entry::DirectoryEntry},
fidl::endpoints::{create_proxy, ServerEnd},
fidl_fuchsia_io::{FileMarker, FileProxy},
futures::{channel::mpsc, future::join, select, Future, Poll, StreamExt},
/// A helper to run a pseudo fs server and a client that needs to talk to this server. This
/// function will create a channel and will pass the client side to `get_client`, while the server
/// side will be passed into an `open()` method on the server. The server and the client will then
/// be executed on the same single threaded executor until they both stall, then it is asserted that
/// execution is complete and the future has returned. The server is wrapped in a wrapper that will
/// return if `is_terminated` returns true.
/// `flags` is passed into the `open()` call.
/// See also [`run_server_client_with_mode()`], [`run_server_client_with_open_requests_channel`],
/// and [`run_server_client_with_open_requests_channel_and_executor`].
pub fn run_server_client<GetClientRes>(
flags: u32,
server: impl DirectoryEntry,
get_client: impl FnOnce(FileProxy) -> GetClientRes,
) where
GetClientRes: Future<Output = ()>,
run_server_client_with_mode(flags, 0, server, get_client)
/// Similar to [`run_server_client()`] except that allows to specify the `mode` argument value to
/// the `open()` call. See [`run_server_client()`] for details.
pub fn run_server_client_with_mode<GetClientRes>(
flags: u32,
mode: u32,
server: impl DirectoryEntry,
get_client: impl FnOnce(FileProxy) -> GetClientRes,
) where
GetClientRes: Future<Output = ()>,
let exec = Executor::new().expect("Executor creation failed");
|run_until_stalled_assert| run_until_stalled_assert(true),
/// Similar to [`run_server_client()`], except that it allows you to provide an executor and control
/// the execution of the futures. A closure is taken, which is given a reference to
/// run_until_stalled, and asserts that the future either completed or it didn't, depending on the
/// provided boolean.
pub fn run_server_client_with_executor<GetClientRes>(
flags: u32,
exec: Executor,
server: impl DirectoryEntry,
get_client: impl FnOnce(FileProxy) -> GetClientRes,
executor: impl FnOnce(&mut FnMut(bool) -> ()),
) where
GetClientRes: Future<Output = ()>,
run_server_client_with_mode_and_executor(flags, 0, exec, server, get_client, executor);
/// Similar to [`run_server_client()`], adding the additional functionality of
/// [`run_server_client_with_mode()`] and [`run_server_client_with_executor()`].
pub fn run_server_client_with_mode_and_executor<GetClientRes>(
flags: u32,
mode: u32,
exec: Executor,
server: impl DirectoryEntry,
get_client: impl FnOnce(FileProxy) -> GetClientRes,
executor: impl FnOnce(&mut dyn FnMut(bool)),
) where
GetClientRes: Future<Output = ()>,
Box::new(|proxy| Box::pin(get_client(proxy))),
// helper to avoid monomorphization
fn run_server_client_with_mode_and_executor_dyn<'a>(
flags: u32,
mode: u32,
mut exec: Executor,
mut server: Box<dyn DirectoryEntry + 'a>,
get_client: AsyncFnOnce<'a, FileProxy, ()>,
executor: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut dyn FnMut(bool)) + 'a>,
) {
let (client_proxy, server_end) =
create_proxy::<FileMarker>().expect("Failed to create connection endpoints");, mode, &mut iter::empty(), server_end.into_channel().into());
let client = get_client(client_proxy);
// This wrapper lets us poll the server while also completing the server future if it's
// is_terminated returns true, even though it's poll will never return Ready.
let server_wrapper = async move {
loop {
select! {
x = server => unreachable(x),
complete => break,
let mut future = Box::pin(join(server_wrapper, client));
// TODO: How to limit the execution time? run_until_stalled() does not trigger timers, so
// I can not do this:
// let timeout = 300.millis();
// let future = future.on_timeout(
// timeout.after_now(),
// || panic!("Test did not finish in {}ms", timeout.millis()));
executor(&mut |should_complete| {
if should_complete {
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future),
Poll::Ready(((), ())),
"future did not complete"
} else {
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future),
"future was not expected to complete"
/// Holds arguments for a [`DirectoryEntry::open()`] call, assuming empty path.
pub type OpenRequestArgs = (u32, u32, ServerEnd<FileMarker>);
/// The sender end of a channel to proxy open requests.
pub type OpenRequestSender = mpsc::Sender<OpenRequestArgs>;
/// Similar to [`run_server_client()`] but does not automatically connect the server and the client
/// code. Instead the client receives a sender end of an [`OpenRequestArgs`] queue, capable of
/// receiving arguments for the `open()` calls on the server. This way the client can control when
/// the first `open()` call will happen on the server and/or perform additional `open()` calls on
/// the server. When [`run_server_client()`] is used, the only way to gen a new connection to the
/// server is to `clone()` the existing one, which might be undesirable for a particular test.
pub fn run_server_client_with_open_requests_channel<GetClientRes>(
server: impl DirectoryEntry,
get_client: impl FnOnce(OpenRequestSender) -> GetClientRes,
) where
GetClientRes: Future<Output = ()>,
let exec = Executor::new().expect("Executor creation failed");
|run_until_stalled_assert| {
/// Similar to [`run_server_client_with_open_requests_channel()`] but allows precise control of
/// execution order. This is necessary when the test needs to make sure that both the server and the
/// client have reached a particular point. In order to control the execution you would want to
/// share a oneshot channel or a queue between your test code and the executor closures. The
/// executor closure get a `run_until_stalled_assert` as an argument. It can use those channels and
/// `run_until_stalled_assert` to control the execution process of the client and the server.
/// `run_until_stalled_assert` asserts whether or not the future completed on that run according to
/// the provided boolean argument.
/// For example, a client that wants to make sure that it receives a particular response from the
/// server by certain point, in case the response is asynchronous.
/// The server is wrapped in an async block that returns if it's `is_terminated` method returns true.
/// See [`file::simple::mock_directory_with_one_file_and_two_connections`] for a usage example.
pub fn run_server_client_with_open_requests_channel_and_executor<GetClientRes>(
exec: Executor,
server: impl DirectoryEntry,
get_client: impl FnOnce(OpenRequestSender) -> GetClientRes,
executor: impl FnOnce(&mut FnMut(bool)),
) where
GetClientRes: Future<Output = ()>,
Box::new(|sender| Box::pin(get_client(sender))),
// helper to avoid monomorphization
fn run_server_client_with_open_requests_channel_and_executor_dyn<'a>(
mut exec: Executor,
mut server: Box<dyn DirectoryEntry + 'a>,
get_client: AsyncFnOnce<'a, OpenRequestSender, ()>,
executor: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut dyn FnMut(bool)) + 'a>,
) {
let (open_requests_tx, open_requests_rx) = mpsc::channel::<OpenRequestArgs>(0);
let server_wrapper = async move {
let mut open_requests_rx = open_requests_rx.fuse();
loop {
select! {
x = server => unreachable(x),
open_req = => {
if let Some((flags, mode, server_end)) = open_req {
.open(flags, mode, &mut iter::empty(),
complete => return,
let client = get_client(open_requests_tx);
let mut future = Box::pin(join(server_wrapper, client));
executor(&mut |should_complete| {
if should_complete {
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future),
Poll::Ready(((), ())),
"future did not complete"
} else {
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future),
"future was not expected to complete"