blob: f34e189e61fead97357fb8687df4ac133475c686 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "zircon/system/ulib/profile/config.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/profile.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/profile.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/error/en.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include <src/lib/files/directory.h>
#include <src/lib/files/file.h>
using fuchsia_scheduler::Parameter;
using fuchsia_scheduler::ParameterValue;
using zircon_profile::Profile;
using zircon_profile::ProfileScope;
using zircon_profile::Role;
namespace {
constexpr char kConfigFileExtension[] = ".profiles";
std::string ToString(const std::vector<Parameter> params) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "{ ";
for (auto param : params) {
stream << param.key() << ": ";
switch (param.value().Which()) {
case ParameterValue::Tag::kIntValue:
stream << std::to_string(param.value().int_value().value());
case ParameterValue::Tag::kFloatValue:
stream << std::to_string(param.value().float_value().value());
case ParameterValue::Tag::kStringValue:
stream << param.value().string_value().value();
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "invalid output parameter format");
stream << ", ";
stream << " }";
return stream.str();
std::string ToString(const zx_profile_info_t& info) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "{ ";
stream << "\"priority\": " << info.priority << ", ";
stream << "\"capacity\": " << info.deadline_params.capacity
<< ", \"deadline\": " << info.deadline_params.relative_deadline
<< ", \"period\": " << info.deadline_params.period << ", ";
if (info.flags & ZX_PROFILE_INFO_FLAG_CPU_MASK) {
stream << "\"affinity\": " << info.cpu_affinity_mask.mask[0] << " (0x" << std::hex
<< info.cpu_affinity_mask.mask[0] << "), " << std::dec;
stream << "}";
return stream.str();
std::string ToString(ProfileScope scope) {
switch (scope) {
case ProfileScope::Bringup:
return "bringup";
case ProfileScope::Core:
return "core";
case ProfileScope::Product:
return "product";
return "none";
// Proxies an iterator over the members of the given value node. As of this
// writing, the version of rapidjson in third_party does not support range-based
// for loops. This adapter provides the missing functionality.
struct IterateMembers {
explicit IterateMembers(const rapidjson::Value& value)
: begin_iterator{value.MemberBegin()}, end_iterator{value.MemberEnd()} {}
auto begin() { return begin_iterator; }
auto end() { return end_iterator; }
rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator begin_iterator;
rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator end_iterator;
// Proxies an iterator over the values of the given array node. Provides missing
// functionality similar to the iterator above.
struct IterateValues {
explicit IterateValues(const rapidjson::Value& value)
: begin_iterator{value.Begin()}, end_iterator{value.End()} {}
auto begin() { return begin_iterator; }
auto end() { return end_iterator; }
rapidjson::Value::ConstValueIterator begin_iterator;
rapidjson::Value::ConstValueIterator end_iterator;
// Utility to build a fit::result<std::string, ?> in the error state using stream operators.
// Example:
// return Error() << "Failed to open file " << filename << "!";
class Error {
Error() = default;
explicit Error(const std::string& initial) : stream_{initial} {}
// Forwards the stream operator argument to the underlying ostream.
template <typename T>
Error& operator<<(const T& value) {
stream_ << value;
return *this;
// Implicit conversion to fit::result<std::string, ?> in the error state with accumulated string
// as the error value.
template <typename... Vs>
operator fit::result<std::string, Vs...>() const {
return fit::error(stream_.str());
operator fit::error<std::string>() const { return fit::error(stream_.str()); }
std::ostringstream stream_;
fit::result<std::string, zx::duration> ParseDurationString(const std::string& duration) {
// Match one or more digits, optionally followed by time units ms, us, or ns.
static const re2::RE2 kReDuration{"^(\\d+)(ms|us|ns)?$"};
int64_t scalar;
std::string units;
const bool matched = re2::RE2::PartialMatch(duration, kReDuration, &scalar, &units);
if (!matched) {
return Error() << "String \"" << duration << "\" is not a valid duration!";
if (units.empty() || units == "ns") {
return fit::ok(zx::nsec(scalar));
if (units == "ms") {
return fit::ok(zx::msec(scalar));
if (units == "us") {
return fit::ok(zx::usec(scalar));
return Error() << "String duration \"" << duration << "\" has unrecognized units \"" << units
<< "\"!";
fit::result<std::string, zx::duration> ParseDuration(const rapidjson::Value& object) {
if (object.IsInt()) {
return fit::ok(zx::nsec(object.GetInt()));
if (object.IsString()) {
return ParseDurationString(object.GetString());
return fit::error("Duration must be an integer or duration string!");
struct TextPosition {
int32_t line;
int32_t column;
TextPosition GetLineAndColumnForOffset(const std::string& input, size_t offset) {
if (offset == 0) {
// Errors at position 0 are assumed to be related to the whole file.
return {.line = 0, .column = 0};
TextPosition position = {.line = 1, .column = 1};
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size() && i < offset; i++) {
if (input[i] == '\n') {
position.line += 1;
position.column = 1;
} else {
position.column += 1;
return position;
std::string GetErrorMessage(const rapidjson::Document& document, const std::string& file_data) {
const auto [line, column] = GetLineAndColumnForOffset(file_data, document.GetErrorOffset());
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << line << ":" << column << ": " << GetParseError_En(document.GetParseError());
return stream.str();
template <typename... Context>
auto GetMember(const char* name, const rapidjson::Value& object, Context&&... context)
-> fit::result<std::string, decltype(std::cref(object[name]))> {
if (!object.IsObject()) {
return (Error() << ... << std::forward<Context>(context)) << " must be a JSON object!";
if (!object.HasMember(name)) {
return (Error() << ... << std::forward<Context>(context))
<< " must have a \"" << name << "\" member!";
return fit::ok(std::cref(object[name]));
template <typename... Context>
fit::result<std::string, int> GetInt(const char* name, const rapidjson::Value& object,
Context&&... context) {
auto result = GetMember(name, object, std::forward<Context>(context)...);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
if (!result->get().IsInt()) {
return (Error() << ... << std::forward<Context>(context))
<< " member \"" << name << "\" must be an integer!";
return fit::ok(result->get().GetInt());
template <typename... Context>
fit::result<std::string, const char*> GetString(const char* name, const rapidjson::Value& object,
Context&&... context) {
auto result = GetMember(name, object, std::forward<Context>(context)...);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
if (!result->get().IsString()) {
return (Error() << ... << std::forward<Context>(context))
<< " member \"" << name << "\" must be a string!";
return fit::ok(result->get().GetString());
template <typename... Context>
auto GetArray(const char* name, const rapidjson::Value& object, Context&&... context) {
auto result = GetMember(name, object, std::forward<Context>(context)...);
if (result.is_ok() && !result->get().IsArray()) {
return (Error() << ... << std::forward<Context>(context))
<< " member \"" << name << "\" must be an array!";
return result;
template <typename... Context>
auto GetObject(const char* name, const rapidjson::Value& object, Context&&... context) {
auto result = GetMember(name, object, std::forward<Context>(context)...);
if (result.is_ok() && !result->get().IsObject()) {
return (Error() << ... << std::forward<Context>(context))
<< " member \"" << name << "\" must be a JSON object!";
return result;
template <typename... Context>
fit::result<std::string, unsigned int> GetUint(const char* name, const rapidjson::Value& object,
Context&&... context) {
auto result = GetMember(name, object, std::forward<Context>(context)...);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
if (!result->get().IsUint()) {
return (Error() << ... << std::forward<Context>(context)).rdbuf()
<< " member \"" << name << "\" must be an unsigned integer!";
return fit::ok(result->get().GetUint());
std::optional<zx_profile_info_t> ParseThreadProfile(const std::string& filename,
const char* profile_name,
const rapidjson::Value::Member& profile) {
const bool has_priority = profile.value.HasMember("priority");
const bool has_capacity = profile.value.HasMember("capacity");
const bool has_deadline = profile.value.HasMember("deadline");
const bool has_period = profile.value.HasMember("period");
const bool has_affinity = profile.value.HasMember("affinity");
const bool has_complete_deadline = has_capacity && has_deadline && has_period;
const bool has_some_deadline = has_capacity || has_deadline || has_period;
zx_profile_info_t info{};
if (has_priority && !has_some_deadline) {
auto result = GetInt("priority", profile.value, "Profile ", profile_name);
if (result.is_ok()) {
info.priority = std::clamp<int32_t>(result.value(), ZX_PRIORITY_LOWEST, ZX_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
} else {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, result.error_value().c_str(), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return std::nullopt;
} else if (!has_priority && has_complete_deadline) {
auto capacity_result = ParseDuration(profile.value["capacity"]);
if (capacity_result.is_error()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, capacity_result.error_value().c_str(), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return std::nullopt;
auto deadline_result = ParseDuration(profile.value["deadline"]);
if (deadline_result.is_error()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, deadline_result.error_value().c_str(), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return std::nullopt;
auto period_result = ParseDuration(profile.value["period"]);
if (period_result.is_error()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, period_result.error_value().c_str(), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return std::nullopt;
info.deadline_params = zx_sched_deadline_params_t{.capacity = capacity_result->get(),
.relative_deadline = deadline_result->get(),
.period = period_result->get()};
} else if (has_priority && has_some_deadline) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Priority and deadline parameters are mutually exclusive!",
FX_KV("filename", filename), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return std::nullopt;
} else if (!has_priority && !has_complete_deadline && has_some_deadline) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Deadline profiles must specify \"capacity\", \"deadline\", and \"period\"!",
FX_KV("filename", filename), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return std::nullopt;
if (has_affinity) {
const auto& affinity_member = profile.value["affinity"];
const bool is_uint = affinity_member.IsUint64();
const bool is_array = affinity_member.IsArray();
if (is_uint) {
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::digits <= ZX_CPU_SET_BITS_PER_WORD);
info.cpu_affinity_mask.mask[0] = affinity_member.GetUint64();
} else if (is_array) {
size_t element_count = 0;
bool failed = false;
for (const auto& value : IterateValues(affinity_member)) {
if (!value.IsUint()) {
"Array element of profile member \"affinity\" must be an "
"unsigned integer!",
FX_KV("element_count", element_count), FX_KV("filename", filename),
FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name), FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
failed = true;
const size_t cpu_number = value.GetUint();
if (cpu_number >= ZX_CPU_SET_MAX_CPUS) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Profile member \"affinity\" must be an integer < ZX_CPU_SET_MAX_CPUS",
FX_KV("filename", filename), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
failed = true;
info.cpu_affinity_mask.mask[cpu_number / ZX_CPU_SET_BITS_PER_WORD] |=
uint64_t{1} << (cpu_number % ZX_CPU_SET_BITS_PER_WORD);
if (failed) {
return std::nullopt;
} else {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Profile member \"affinity\" must be a uint64 or an array of CPU indices!",
FX_KV("filename", filename), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return std::nullopt;
} // if (has_affinity)
return info;
std::optional<zx_profile_info_t> ParseMemoryProfile(const std::string& filename,
const char* profile_name,
const rapidjson::Value::Member& profile) {
const bool has_priority = profile.value.HasMember("priority");
zx_profile_info_t info{};
if (has_priority) {
auto result = GetInt("priority", profile.value, "Profile ", profile_name);
if (result.is_ok()) {
info.priority = std::clamp<int32_t>(result.value(), ZX_PRIORITY_LOWEST, ZX_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
} else {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, result.error_value().c_str(), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return std::nullopt;
return info;
using SingleProfileParser = std::optional<zx_profile_info_t>(
const std::string& filename, const char* profile_name, const rapidjson::Value::Member& profile);
void ParseProfiles(const std::string& filename, const rapidjson::Document& document,
const char* type_name, SingleProfileParser parser,
zircon_profile::ProfileMap* profiles) {
if (!document.IsObject()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "The profile config document must be a JSON object!",
FX_KV("filename", filename), FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
if (!document.HasMember(type_name)) {
const rapidjson::Value& profile_member = document[type_name];
ProfileScope scope = ProfileScope::None;
if (document.HasMember("scope")) {
auto result = GetString("scope", document);
if (result.is_ok()) {
if (!strcmp(*result, "bringup")) {
scope = ProfileScope::Bringup;
} else if (!strcmp(*result, "core")) {
scope = ProfileScope::Core;
} else if (!strcmp(*result, "product")) {
scope = ProfileScope::Product;
} else {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Invalid role scope, defaulting to none!", FX_KV("filename", filename),
FX_KV("scope", *result), FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
} else {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Missing role scope, defaulting to none!", FX_KV("filename", filename));
for (const auto& profile : IterateMembers(profile_member)) {
const char* profile_name =;
if (!profile.value.IsObject()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Profile value must be a JSON object!", FX_KV("filename", filename),
FX_KV("type", type_name), FX_KV("profile", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
fit::result role = Role::Create(profile_name);
if (role.is_error()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Failed to create role from JSON object!", FX_KV("filename", filename),
FX_KV("type", type_name), FX_KV("profile", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
auto result = parser(filename, profile_name, profile);
if (!result.has_value()) {
zx_profile_info_t& info = *result;
if (info.flags == 0) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Ignoring empty profile.", FX_KV("filename", filename),
FX_KV("type", type_name), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
std::vector<Parameter> output_parameters = {};
if (profile.value.HasMember("output_parameters")) {
const auto& output_param_member = profile.value["output_parameters"];
if (!output_param_member.IsObject()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Output parameters must be a JSON object!", FX_KV("filename", filename),
FX_KV("type", type_name), FX_KV("profile", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
for (const auto& m : IterateMembers(output_param_member)) {
if (m.value.IsInt()) {
Parameter{, ParameterValue::WithIntValue(m.value.GetInt())});
} else if (m.value.IsDouble()) {
Parameter{, ParameterValue::WithFloatValue(m.value.GetDouble())});
} else if (m.value.IsString()) {
Parameter{, ParameterValue::WithStringValue(m.value.GetString())});
} else {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Output parameter value must be a float, integer, or string!",
FX_KV("parameter_name",, FX_KV("filename", filename),
FX_KV("type", type_name), FX_KV("profile", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
Profile p(scope, info, output_parameters);
const auto [iter, added] = profiles->insert(std::pair{std::move(role.value()), std::move(p)});
if (!added) {
const ProfileScope existing_scope = iter->second.scope;
if (existing_scope >= scope) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Profile already exists at scope.", FX_KV("filename", filename),
FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("existing_scope", ToString(existing_scope)), FX_KV("type", type_name),
FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name), FX_KV("scope", ToString(scope)),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
if (iter->second.scope < scope) {
FX_SLOG(INFO, "Profile overridden at scope.", FX_KV("filename", filename),
FX_KV("type", type_name), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("scope", ToString(scope)), FX_KV("profile_name", profile_name),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
iter->second = Profile(scope, info, std::move(output_parameters));
} // for (const auto& profile : IterateMembers(document))
} // anonymous namespace
namespace zircon_profile {
fit::result<std::string, ConfiguredProfiles> LoadConfigs(const std::string& config_path) {
fbl::unique_fd dir_fd(openat(AT_FDCWD, config_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY));
if (!dir_fd.is_valid()) {
// A non-existent directory is not an error.
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Failed to open config dir.", FX_KV("config_path", config_path),
FX_KV("error", strerror(errno)), FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return fit::ok(ConfiguredProfiles{});
std::vector<std::string> dir_entries;
if (!files::ReadDirContentsAt(dir_fd.get(), ".", &dir_entries)) {
return Error() << "Could not read directory contents from path " << config_path << " error "
<< strerror(errno);
const auto filename_predicate = [](const std::string& filename) {
const auto pos = filename.rfind(kConfigFileExtension);
return pos != std::string::npos && pos == (filename.size() - std::strlen(kConfigFileExtension));
ConfiguredProfiles profiles;
// Define fuchsia.default at builtin scope to prevent overrides from config files.
zx_profile_info_t info{};
info.priority = ZX_PRIORITY_DEFAULT;
fit::result default_role_result = Role::Create("fuchsia.default");
auto [iter, added] = profiles.thread.emplace(std::move(default_role_result.value()),
Profile{ProfileScope::Builtin, info});
zx_profile_info_t info{};
info.priority = ZX_PRIORITY_DEFAULT;
fit::result default_role_result = Role::Create("fuchsia.default");
auto [iter, added] = profiles.memory.emplace(std::move(default_role_result.value()),
Profile{ProfileScope::Builtin, info});
for (const auto& entry : dir_entries) {
if (!files::IsFileAt(dir_fd.get(), entry) || !filename_predicate(entry)) {
FX_SLOG(INFO, "Loading config.", FX_KV("config_path", entry), FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
std::string data;
if (!files::ReadFileToStringAt(dir_fd.get(), entry, &data)) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Failed to read file.", FX_KV("config_path", entry),
FX_KV("error", strerror(errno)), FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
rapidjson::Document document;
const auto kFlags = rapidjson::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::kParseTrailingCommasFlag |
if (document.HasParseError()) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Failed to parse config.", FX_KV("config_path", entry),
FX_KV("error", GetErrorMessage(document, data)), FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
ParseProfiles(entry, document, "profiles", ParseThreadProfile, &profiles.thread);
ParseProfiles(entry, document, "memory", ParseMemoryProfile, &profiles.memory);
auto log_profiles = [](ProfileMap& profiles) {
for (const auto& [key, value] : profiles) {
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "Loaded profile.", FX_KV("key",,
FX_KV("scope", ToString(value.scope)), FX_KV("info", ToString(,
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"),
FX_KV("output_parameters", ToString(value.output_parameters)));
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "Loaded thread profiles:");
FX_SLOG(DEBUG, "Defined memory profiles:");
return fit::ok(std::move(profiles));
fit::result<zx_status_t, Role> Role::Create(std::string_view name,
std::vector<Parameter> selectors) {
// Validate the name. It should have no selectors embedded in it.
Role role;
if (!re2::RE2::FullMatch(name, kReRoleName, &role.name_)) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Bad role name.", FX_KV("role_name", name), FX_KV("tag", "RoleManager"));
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
for (auto selector : selectors) {
role.selectors_.insert(std::pair{selector.key(), selector.value()});
return fit::ok(std::move(role));
// ToLong attempts to convert the given string into a long and populates *out with the result.
// Returns true if str is indeed a long, false otherwise.
bool ToLong(std::string str, long* out) {
char* end = nullptr;
long value = std::strtol(str.c_str(), &end, 10);
if (end == str.c_str() || *end != '\0' || value == LONG_MAX || value == LONG_MIN) {
return false;
*out = value;
return true;
// ToDouble attempts to convert the given string into a long and populates *out with the result.
// Returns true if str is indeed a double, false otherwise.
// Note that this will return true for any whole number, so it's important that the caller checks
// if the number is a long using ToLong before calling this function.
bool ToDouble(std::string str, double* out) {
char* end = nullptr;
double value = std::strtod(str.c_str(), &end);
if (end == str.c_str() || *end != '\0' || value == HUGE_VAL) {
return false;
*out = value;
return true;
fit::result<zx_status_t, Role> Role::Create(std::string_view name_with_selectors,
bool ignore_selectors) {
Role role;
std::string selectors;
if (!re2::RE2::FullMatch(name_with_selectors, kReRoleParts, &role.name_, &selectors)) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Bad selector.", FX_KV("role_selector", name_with_selectors),
FX_KV("tag", "RoleManager"));
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// If the caller wants to us to ignore the selectors, exit early.
if (ignore_selectors) {
return fit::ok(std::move(role));
// Parse the selectors.
re2::StringPiece input{selectors};
std::string key, raw_value;
while (re2::RE2::Consume(&input, kReSelector, &key, &raw_value)) {
ParameterValue value = ParameterValue::WithStringValue(raw_value);
long l;
double d;
if (ToLong(raw_value, &l)) {
value = ParameterValue::WithIntValue(l);
} else if (ToDouble(raw_value, &d)) {
value = ParameterValue::WithFloatValue(d);
const auto [iter, added] = role.selectors_.emplace(key, value);
if (!added) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Duplicate key in selector.", FX_KV("key", key), FX_KV("value", raw_value),
FX_KV("role_selector", name_with_selectors), FX_KV("tag", "RoleManager"));
return fit::ok(std::move(role));
bool Role::HasSelector(std::string selector) const {
auto search = selectors_.find(selector);
return search != selectors_.end();
fit::result<fit::failed, MediaRole> Role::ToMediaRole() const {
const auto realm_iter = selectors_.find("realm");
if (realm_iter == selectors_.end() || realm_iter->second.string_value().value() != "media") {
return fit::failed{};
const auto capacity_iter = selectors_.find("capacity");
const auto deadline_iter = selectors_.find("deadline");
if (capacity_iter == selectors_.end() || deadline_iter == selectors_.end()) {
return fit::failed{};
if (capacity_iter->second.Which() != ParameterValue::Tag::kIntValue) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Media role has invalid capacity selector.", FX_KV("role_name", name_),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return fit::failed{};
int64_t capacity = capacity_iter->second.int_value().value();
if (deadline_iter->second.Which() != ParameterValue::Tag::kIntValue) {
FX_SLOG(WARNING, "Media role has invalid deadline selector.", FX_KV("role_name", name_),
FX_KV("tag", "ProfileProvider"));
return fit::failed{};
int64_t deadline = deadline_iter->second.int_value().value();
return fit::ok(MediaRole{.capacity = capacity, .deadline = deadline});
bool Role::operator==(const Role& other) const {
// The role names must be the same.
if (name_ != other.name_) {
return false;
// The other role must have the exact same selectors as this one.
if (selectors_.size() != other.selectors_.size()) {
return false;
for (auto selector : selectors_) {
auto it = other.selectors_.find(selector.first);
if (it == other.selectors_.end()) {
return false;
if (selector.second.Which() != it->second.Which()) {
return false;
switch (selector.second.Which()) {
case ParameterValue::Tag::kIntValue:
if (selector.second.int_value().value() != it->second.int_value().value()) {
return false;
case ParameterValue::Tag::kFloatValue:
if (selector.second.float_value().value() != it->second.float_value().value()) {
return false;
case ParameterValue::Tag::kStringValue:
if (selector.second.string_value().value() != it->second.string_value().value()) {
return false;
// We should never hit this case.
return false;
return true;
} // namespace zircon_profile