blob: fea986f1d5d67eb8c174a8bf9c79e49ca41ffc3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <bitmap/bitmap.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
namespace bitmap {
// A run-length encoded bitmap.
template <typename T>
class RleBitmapBase final : public Bitmap<T> {
// Elements of the bitmap list
struct Element : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<std::unique_ptr<Element>> {
// The start of this run of 1-bits.
T bitoff;
// The number of 1-bits in this run.
T bitlen;
// The (inclusive) start of this run of 1-bits.
T start() const { return bitoff; }
// The (exclusive) end of this run of 1-bits.
T end() const { return bitoff + bitlen; }
using ElementPtr = std::unique_ptr<Element>;
// Private forward-declaration to share the type between the iterator type
// and the internal list.
using ListType = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<ElementPtr>;
using const_iterator = typename ListType::const_iterator;
using FreeList = ListType;
constexpr RleBitmapBase() : num_elems_(0), num_bits_(0) {}
RleBitmapBase(RleBitmapBase&& rhs) noexcept = default;
RleBitmapBase& operator=(RleBitmapBase&& rhs) noexcept = default;
// Returns the current number of ranges.
size_t num_ranges() const { return num_elems_; }
// Returns the current number of bits.
T num_bits() const { return num_bits_; }
zx_status_t Find(bool is_set, T bitoff, T bitmax, T run_len, T* out) const override;
// Returns true if all the bits in [*bitoff*, *bitmax*) are set. Afterwards,
// *first_unset* will be set to the lesser of bitmax and the index of the
// first unset bit after *bitoff*.
bool Get(T bitoff, T bitmax, T* first_unset) const override;
using Bitmap<T>::Get;
// Sets all bits in the range [*bitoff*, *bitmax*). Only fails on allocation
// error or if bitmax < bitoff.
zx_status_t Set(T bitoff, T bitmax) override;
// Sets all bits in the range [*bitoff*, *bitmax*). Only fails if
// *bitmax* < *bitoff* or if an allocation is needed and *free_list*
// does not contain one.
// *free_list* is a list of usable allocations. If an allocation is needed,
// it will be drawn from it. This function is guaranteed to need at most
// one allocation. If any nodes need to be deleted, they will be appended
// to *free_list*.
zx_status_t SetNoAlloc(T bitoff, T bitmax, FreeList* free_list);
// Clears all bits in the range [*bitoff*, *bitmax*). Only fails on allocation
// error or if bitmax < bitoff.
zx_status_t Clear(T bitoff, T bitmax) override;
// Clear all bits in the range [*bitoff*, *bitmax*). Only fails if
// *bitmax* < *bitoff* or if an allocation is needed and *free_list*
// does not contain one.
// *free_list* is a list of usable allocations. If an allocation is needed,
// it will be drawn from it. This function is guaranteed to need at most
// one allocation. If any nodes need to be deleted, they will be appended
// to *free_list*.
zx_status_t ClearNoAlloc(T bitoff, T bitmax, FreeList* free_list);
// Clear all bits in the bitmap.
void ClearAll() override;
// Iterate over the ranges in the bitmap. Modifying the list while
// iterating over it may yield undefined results.
const_iterator cbegin() const { return elems_.cbegin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return elems_.cbegin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return elems_.cend(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return elems_.cend(); }
static ElementPtr AllocateElement(RleBitmapBase::FreeList* free_list);
static void ReleaseElement(RleBitmapBase::FreeList* free_list, ElementPtr&& elem);
zx_status_t SetInternal(T bitoff, T bitmax, FreeList* free_list);
zx_status_t ClearInternal(T bitoff, T bitmax, FreeList* free_list);
// The ranges of the bitmap. Ranges are ordered by ascending |bitoff| value.
// When no "Set" operation is in progress, there should not be any overlapping ranges.
ListType elems_;
// The number of ranges in elems_.
size_t num_elems_;
// The number of total bits in elems_; i.e. the sum of the bitlen field of all stored
// Elements.
T num_bits_;
// -- Implementation --
// Allocate a new bitmap element. If *free_list* is null, allocate one using
// new. If *free_list* is not null, take one from *free_list*.
template <typename T>
typename RleBitmapBase<T>::ElementPtr RleBitmapBase<T>::AllocateElement(
RleBitmapBase::FreeList* free_list) {
if (free_list)
return free_list->pop_front();
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
ElementPtr new_elem(new (&ac) Element);
if (!ac.check()) {
return ElementPtr();
return new_elem;
// Release the element *elem*. If *free_list* is null, release the element
// with delete. If *free_list* is not null, append it to *free_list*.
template <typename T>
void RleBitmapBase<T>::ReleaseElement(RleBitmapBase::FreeList* free_list, ElementPtr&& elem) {
if (free_list) {
template <typename T>
zx_status_t RleBitmapBase<T>::Find(bool is_set, T bitoff, T bitmax, T run_len, T* out) const {
*out = bitmax;
// Loop through all existing elems to try to find a |run_len| length range of |is_set| bits.
// On each loop, |bitoff| is guaranteed to be either within the current elem, or in the range
// of unset bits leading up to it.
// Therefore, we can check whether |run_len| bits between |bitmax| and |bitoff| exist before
// the start of the elem (for unset runs), or within the current elem (for set runs).
for (const auto& elem : elems_) {
if (bitoff >= elem.end()) {
if (bitmax - bitoff < run_len) {
T elem_min = std::max(bitoff, elem.bitoff); // Minimum valid bit within elem.
T elem_max = std::min(bitmax, elem.end()); // Maximum valid bit within elem.
if (is_set && elem_max > elem_min && elem_max - elem_min >= run_len) {
// This element contains at least |run_len| bits
// which are between |bitoff| and |bitmax|.
*out = elem_min;
return ZX_OK;
if (!is_set && bitoff < elem.bitoff && elem.bitoff - bitoff >= run_len) {
// There are at least |run_len| bits between |bitoff| and the beginning of this element.
*out = bitoff;
return ZX_OK;
if (bitmax < elem.end()) {
// We have not found a valid run, and the specified range
// does not extend past this element.
// Update bitoff to the next value we want to check within the range.
bitoff = elem.end();
if (!is_set && bitmax - bitoff >= run_len) {
// We have not found an element with bits > bitoff, which means there is an infinite unset
// range starting at bitoff.
*out = bitoff;
return ZX_OK;
template <typename T>
bool RleBitmapBase<T>::Get(T bitoff, T bitmax, T* first_unset) const {
for (const auto& elem : elems_) {
if (bitoff < elem.bitoff) {
if (bitoff < elem.bitoff + elem.bitlen) {
bitoff = elem.bitoff + elem.bitlen;
if (bitoff > bitmax) {
bitoff = bitmax;
if (first_unset) {
*first_unset = bitoff;
return bitoff == bitmax;
template <typename T>
void RleBitmapBase<T>::ClearAll() {
num_elems_ = 0;
num_bits_ = 0;
template <typename T>
zx_status_t RleBitmapBase<T>::Set(T bitoff, T bitmax) {
return SetInternal(bitoff, bitmax, nullptr);
template <typename T>
zx_status_t RleBitmapBase<T>::SetNoAlloc(T bitoff, T bitmax, FreeList* free_list) {
if (free_list == nullptr) {
return SetInternal(bitoff, bitmax, free_list);
template <typename T>
zx_status_t RleBitmapBase<T>::Clear(T bitoff, T bitmax) {
return ClearInternal(bitoff, bitmax, nullptr);
template <typename T>
zx_status_t RleBitmapBase<T>::ClearNoAlloc(T bitoff, T bitmax, FreeList* free_list) {
if (free_list == nullptr) {
return ClearInternal(bitoff, bitmax, free_list);
template <typename T>
zx_status_t RleBitmapBase<T>::SetInternal(T bitoff, T bitmax, FreeList* free_list) {
if (bitmax < bitoff) {
const T bitlen = bitmax - bitoff;
if (bitlen == 0) {
return ZX_OK;
ElementPtr new_elem = AllocateElement(free_list);
if (!new_elem) {
new_elem->bitoff = bitoff;
new_elem->bitlen = bitlen;
auto ends_after = elems_.find_if(
[bitoff](const Element& elem) -> bool { return elem.bitoff + elem.bitlen >= bitoff; });
// Insert the new element before the first node that ends at a point >=
// when we begin.
elems_.insert(ends_after, std::move(new_elem));
num_bits_ += bitlen;
// If ends_after was the end of the list, there is no merging to do.
if (ends_after == elems_.end()) {
return ZX_OK;
auto itr = ends_after;
Element& elem = *--ends_after;
if (elem.bitoff >= itr->bitoff) {
// Our range either starts before or in the middle/end of *elem*.
// Adjust it so it starts at the same place as *elem*, to allow
// the merge logic to not consider this overlap case.
elem.bitlen += elem.bitoff - itr->bitoff;
num_bits_ += elem.bitoff - itr->bitoff;
elem.bitoff = itr->bitoff;
// Walk forwards and remove/merge any overlaps
T max = elem.bitoff + elem.bitlen;
while (itr != elems_.end()) {
if (itr->bitoff > max) {
max = std::max<T>(max, itr->bitoff + itr->bitlen);
num_bits_ += max - elem.bitoff - itr->bitlen - elem.bitlen;
elem.bitlen = max - elem.bitoff;
auto to_erase = itr;
ReleaseElement(free_list, elems_.erase(to_erase));
return ZX_OK;
template <typename T>
zx_status_t RleBitmapBase<T>::ClearInternal(T bitoff, T bitmax, FreeList* free_list) {
if (bitmax < bitoff) {
if (bitmax - bitoff == 0) {
return ZX_OK;
auto itr = elems_.begin();
while (itr != elems_.end()) {
if (itr->bitoff + itr->bitlen < bitoff) {
if (bitmax < itr->bitoff) {
if (itr->bitoff < bitoff) {
if (itr->bitoff + itr->bitlen <= bitmax) {
// '*itr' contains 'bitoff'.
num_bits_ -= (itr->bitlen - (bitoff - itr->bitoff));
itr->bitlen = bitoff - itr->bitoff;
// '*itr' contains [bitoff, bitmax), and we need to split it.
ElementPtr new_elem = AllocateElement(free_list);
if (!new_elem) {
new_elem->bitoff = bitmax;
new_elem->bitlen = itr->bitoff + itr->bitlen - bitmax;
elems_.insert_after(itr, std::move(new_elem));
itr->bitlen = bitoff - itr->bitoff;
num_bits_ -= (bitmax - bitoff);
if (bitmax < itr->bitoff + itr->bitlen) {
// 'elem' contains 'bitmax'
num_bits_ -= (bitmax - itr->bitoff);
itr->bitlen = itr->bitoff + itr->bitlen - bitmax;
itr->bitoff = bitmax;
// [bitoff, bitmax) fully contains '*itr'.
num_bits_ -= itr->bitlen;
auto to_erase = itr++;
ReleaseElement(free_list, elems_.erase(to_erase));
return ZX_OK;
using RleBitmap = RleBitmapBase<size_t>;
using RleBitmapElement = RleBitmap::Element;
} // namespace bitmap