blob: 3b15dc0833b81c893e89f2f5de84f06ad9af72d1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# Define a Turducken ZBI test.
# This takes a zbi_executable() or other zbi_input()-compatible target that
# supplies the bootable ZBI kernel item. It packs a ZBI using that kernel
# and a payload (usually ZBI_TYPE_STORAGE_KERNEL) usually containing a
# compressed ZBI image and makes that a zbi_test() target with $target_name.
# The inner zbi_input() target is called "$target_name.input".
# Parameters
# * kernel
# - Required: Label of a zbi_executable() target, expected to have
# //zircon/kernel/phys/test:turducken in its own $deps.
# - Type: label
# * args
# - Optional: As for zbi_input().
# - Type: list(string)
# - Default: [ "--compressed=zstd.max" ]
# * data_deps, deps
# - Optional: As for zbi_input().
# - Type: list(label)
# * sources
# - Optional: As for zbi_input().
# - Type: list(file)
# * timeout
# - Optional: As for phys_zbi_test().
# - Type: integer or false
# * type
# - Optional: As for zbi_input().
# - Type: string
# - Default: "kernel"
# * boot_next
# - Optional: Generate an additional zbi target that will boot into '//zircon/kernel' when done.
# - Type: boolean
# - Default: false
template("turducken_zbi_test") {
turducken = target_name
turkey = invoker.kernel
duck = "$target_name.input"
phys_zbi_test(turducken) {
test_deps = [
zbi_input(duck) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
if (defined(invoker.type)) {
type = invoker.type
} else {
type = "kernel"
if (defined(invoker.args)) {
args = invoker.args
} else {
args = [ "--compressed=zstd.max" ]
boot_next = false
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "boot_next" ])
if (boot_next) {
turducken_cuckoo_test("$target_name.cuckoo") {
boot_zbi = ":$target_name"
next_zbi = "//zircon/kernel"
# A Mobius Turducken test packs itself inside itself.
template("mobius_turducken_test") {
turducken_zbi_test(target_name) {
sources = []
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "visibility" ])
if (toolchain_environment == "kernel.phys") {
sources += get_target_outputs(kernel)
# Creates a cuckoo zbi from a turducken test. That is a zbi that will boot into |next_zbi|
# after the tuducken based zbi |boot_zbi| is done.
# Parameters
# * boot_zbi
# - Required: label of the target producing the turducken zbi to be booted first.
# - Type: label
# * next_zbi
# - Required: label of the target producing the zbi to be booted by the turducken harness when its done.
# - Type: label
template("turducken_cuckoo_test") {
next_zbi_outputs = get_target_outputs(next_zbi)
next_zbi_file = ""
foreach(out, next_zbi_outputs) {
if (get_path_info(out, "extension") == "zbi") {
next_zbi_file = out
assert(next_zbi_file != "")
packed_next_zbi = "$"
zbi_input(packed_next_zbi) {
testonly = true
sources = [ next_zbi_file ]
data_deps = [ next_zbi ]
type = "kernel"
args = [ "--compressed=zstd.max" ]
zbi_test(target_name) {
deps = [
# Arg to get turducken to boot the next kernel after its done.