blob: 55c27484db117084ad889ee2b129a0441fc0b518 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/algorithm.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <fbl/bits.h>
#include <hwreg/bitfields.h>
namespace arch {
/// Settings relating to the access permissions of a page or pages that map
/// through an entry.
struct AccessPermissions {
bool readable = false;
bool writable = false;
bool executable = false;
bool user_accessible = false;
namespace internal {
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<T>>>
inline constexpr T kDefaultConstructedValue = {};
// See ExamplePagingTraits::PagingSettings below.
template <typename MemoryType, auto& DefaultMemoryValue = kDefaultConstructedValue<MemoryType>>
struct PagingSettings {
static constexpr MemoryType kDefaultMemory = DefaultMemoryValue;
uint64_t address = 0u;
bool present = false;
bool terminal = false;
AccessPermissions access;
MemoryType memory = DefaultMemoryValue;
bool global = false;
// See Paging<PagingTraits>::MemoryType below.
template <typename MemoryType, auto& DefaultMemoryValue = kDefaultConstructedValue<MemoryType>>
struct MapSettings {
AccessPermissions access;
MemoryType memory = DefaultMemoryValue;
bool global = false;
} // namespace internal
/// Parameterizes the unaddressable bits of a virtual address.
enum class VirtualAddressExtension {
/// Sign-extended (commonly referred to as "canonical"): each unaddressable
/// bit must match the highest addressable bit.
/// Conventionally used in paging schemes that configure the upper and lower
/// spaces together: the subspace that is sign-extended as 0 represents the
/// lower, while the subspace that is sign-extended as 1 represents the upper.
/// All unaddressable bits are 0.
/// Conventionally used for describing the lower address space in paging
/// schemes that configure the upper and lower spaces separately.
/// All unaddressable bits are 1.
/// Conventionally used for describing the upper address space in paging
/// schemes that configure the upper and lower spaces separately.
/// ExamplePagingTraits defines the "PagingTraits" API, being a coded examplar
/// intended for documentation purposes only. Parameterizing the creation of
/// virtual memory spaces, the traits are used to abstract away finicky paging
/// business logic across that differs across CPU architectures (or IOMMU
/// translation schemes). The resulting uniform API can than be used for a
/// generic approach to address translation and page mapping.
struct ExamplePagingTraits {
/// An enum or integral type describing the levels of paging. Rather than
/// mandate that this be an integral type, we leave room for the enum to
/// support the use of context-specific names for each level. This is done
/// for two reasons:
/// * Some architectures do not label their paging levels with numbers
/// (e.g., x86's "page directory pointer table"), so allowing for the use
/// of more recognizable names aids in readability (especially when it
/// comes to cross-referencing with the manual);
/// * Architectures that do label levels with numbers have inconsistent
/// conventions: for example, ARM paging levels range from -1 up to 3,
/// while RISC-V's range from 4 down to 0.
enum class LevelType { kExampleLevel };
/// A type describing 'memory' configuration (both RAM and MMIO). This might
/// encode cache coherence policy or similar architecture-specific details.
struct MemoryType {};
/// Captures runtime system information that feeds into translation or
/// mapping considerations. The construction of this information is
/// context-dependent and so is left to the user of the API.
/// SystemState is expected to be default-constructible.
struct SystemState {};
/// PagingSettings should be a class with the following public fields,
/// corresponding to TableEntry's accessors below:
/// * bool present;
/// * bool terminal;
/// * uint64_t address;
/// * AccessPermissions access;
/// * MemoryType memory;
/// Further, PagingSettings should define a default memory type value in the
/// form of
/// * static constexpr MemoryType kDefaultMemory;
/// This abstraction allows traits to define their own default settings.
/// PagingSettings must be default-constructible.
/// internal::PagingSettings may be instantiated to satisfy these
/// requirements.
using PagingSettings = internal::PagingSettings<MemoryType>;
/// The register type representing a page table entry at a given level. It
/// must meet the defined API below.
template <LevelType Level>
struct TableEntry : public hwreg::RegisterBase<TableEntry<Level>, uint64_t> {
/// Whether the entry is present to the hardware.
/// The reading of an entry's settings while in the 'not present' state is
/// permitted, 'presence (to the hardware)' being regarding as orthogonal
/// in this case. It is assumed that `ValueType{0}` is in the 'not present'
/// state.
constexpr bool present() const { return false; }
/// Whether the entry is terminal and points to the ultimate, physical page
/// (or block).
constexpr bool terminal() const { return false; }
/// Gives the physical address of the table at the next level or that of
/// the ultimate, physical page (or block) if the entry is terminal.
/// TODO( document required alignment.
constexpr uint64_t address() const { return 0; }
/// If the entry is terminal, these accessors give the access permissions
/// of the associated page (or block); if non-terminal, a false permission
/// flag here means that the flag is ignored in the entries at later
/// levels. In particular, that means that if the entry is non-terminal and
/// `!Traits::kNonTerminalAccessPermissions` then these accessors are
/// expected return identically true.
/// In the case of readability, writability, and executability, these
/// permissions constrain how the *supervisor* may access associated pages.
/// These permissions do not a priori indicate how usermode may access them
/// when `user_accessible()` is true; rather, the latter only indicates
/// usermode may access them in some fashion.
constexpr bool readable() const { return false; }
constexpr bool writable() const { return false; }
constexpr bool executable() const { return false; }
constexpr bool user_accessible() const { return false; }
/// If terminal, whether the associated page was read from, written to, or
/// executed. If non-terminal, this *may* for certain implementations
/// indicate whether a page that maps through this entry was similarly
/// accessed; otherwise, this is expected to return false.
/// Hardware may often be configured so as to manage this bit
/// automatically - but otherwise software must do so and contend with
/// access faults when unset.
constexpr bool accessed() const { return false; }
/// If terminal, whether the associated page is 'global'. A page being
/// designated as such prevents its TLB entries from being affected by
/// normal TLB invalidations. This is useful in the case of mappings that
/// are expected to exist within different page table trees being switched
/// between. If non-terminal, this is expected to return false.
constexpr bool global() const { return false; }
/// Returns the memory type of the associated page, which may require
/// access to system state to decode.
/// This method may only be called on a terminal entry.
constexpr MemoryType Memory(const SystemState& state) const {
return PagingSettings::kDefaultMemory;
/// (Re)populates an entry as new. This is done in one go as there can be
/// interdependicies among the different aspects of entry state: these
/// could not otherwise be captured by individual setters with an
/// unconstrained relative call order. (For example, the setting of address
/// could be sensitive to whether the entry is terminal.)
/// If `settings.present` is false, all other settings should be ignored.
/// Once a setting is applied, the corresponding getter should return
/// reflect that identically.
/// If `settings.terminal` is true, then it is the responsibility of the
/// user to check that the provided access permissions are valid (e.g.,
/// in consultation with Traits::kExecuteOnlyAllowed) before making this
/// call; otherwise if `!Traits::kNonTerminalAccessPermissions` then the
/// provided access permissions are expected to be maximally permissive.
/// Where the qualifiers make sense (which is implementation-specific), a
/// call to Set() will result in a present entry being updated as accessed.
/// There is no case in which we would want to create a new
/// entry but not mark it as such. If hardware is managing these bits, then
/// there is no penalty to doing so; if software-managed, then we avoid an
/// unnecessary trap that we would only handle later on to set these bits.
/// Similarly, if an entry is Set() as writable, then it should reflect as
/// 'dirty' when that makes sense.
constexpr TableEntry& Set(const SystemState& state, const PagingSettings& settings) {
return *this;
/// The maximum number of addressable physical address bits permitted by the
/// hardware.
static constexpr unsigned int kMaxPhysicalAddressSize = 64;
/// The ordered, sequence of paging levels. This is expected to be a
/// indexable, constexpr container of LevelType; in practice this is a
/// std::array, or a std::span over one.
static constexpr std::array kLevels = {LevelType::kExampleLevel};
/// The required log2 alignment of each page table's physical address.
static constexpr unsigned int kTableAlignmentLog2 = 0;
/// The log2 number of page table entries for a given level.
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr unsigned int kNumTableEntriesLog2 = 1;
/// Whether the hardware permits execute-only mappings.
static constexpr bool kExecuteOnlyAllowed = false;
/// Whether access permissions may be set on non-terminal entries so as to
/// narrow access for later levels. If false, then access permissions are
/// only applicable to terminal entries - and those provided to
/// `TableEntry<Level>::Set()` for non-terminal entries must be maximally
/// permissive.
static constexpr bool kNonTerminalAccessPermissions = false;
/// An optional override for the number of addressable bits of a virtual
/// address. The values of `kNumTableEntriesLog2<Level>` collectively and
/// indirectly prescribe a maximum width, as this determines the maximum bit
/// that figures into the first level of paging. There are cases in which an
/// address space may be configured to be strictly smaller, which can be
/// specified by this value (which must be smaller than the default max);
/// otherwise, a value of std::nullopt specifies the size as the default max.
static constexpr std::optional<unsigned int> kVirtualAddressSizeOverride = std::nullopt;
/// Parameterizes the unaddressable virtual address space bits.
static constexpr auto kVirtualAddressExtension = VirtualAddressExtension::kCanonical;
/// Whether the given level can generally feature terminal entries.
template <LevelType Level>
static bool LevelCanBeTerminal(const SystemState& state) {
return false;
/// A range of (zero-indexed) bits within a virtual address.
struct VirtualAddressBitRange {
unsigned int high, low;
/// The page information associated with a given virtual address, returned by
/// Paging's Query API below.
struct PagingQueryResult {
struct Page {
uint64_t paddr = 0;
uint64_t size = 0;
/// The physical address to which the associated virtual address is mapped.
uint64_t paddr = 0;
/// The page in which the associated virtual address is mapped.
Page page;
/// The access permissions of the associated page.
AccessPermissions access;
/// A mapping error, returned by the mapping utilities below.
struct MapError {
enum class Type {
/// An unknown error, given to a default-constructed error.
/// The allocation of a page table was unsuccessful.
/// An attempt was made to map a previously-mapped virtual address.
/// The physical address of at which the error occurred.
uint64_t paddr = 0;
/// The virtual address for the map attempt.
uint64_t vaddr = 0;
Type type = Type::kUnknown;
/// Paging provides paging-related operations for a given a set of paging
/// traits.
template <class PagingTraits>
class Paging : public PagingTraits {
using typename PagingTraits::LevelType;
static_assert(std::is_enum_v<LevelType> || std::is_integral_v<LevelType>);
template <LevelType Level>
using TableEntry = typename PagingTraits::template TableEntry<Level>;
using typename PagingTraits::MemoryType;
using typename PagingTraits::PagingSettings;
using typename PagingTraits::SystemState;
/// The settings to apply to each page mapped in the context of the mapping
/// utilities below.
using MapSettings = internal::MapSettings<MemoryType, PagingSettings::kDefaultMemory>;
using PagingTraits::kLevels;
static_assert(kLevels.size() > 0);
using PagingTraits::kMaxPhysicalAddressSize;
static_assert(kMaxPhysicalAddressSize > 0);
static_assert(kMaxPhysicalAddressSize <= 64);
/// The maximum supported physical address.
static constexpr uint64_t kMaxPhysicalAddress = []() {
if constexpr (kMaxPhysicalAddressSize == 64) {
return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
} else {
return (uint64_t{1u} << kMaxPhysicalAddressSize) - 1;
using PagingTraits::kTableAlignmentLog2;
static_assert(kTableAlignmentLog2 < 64);
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr unsigned int kNumTableEntriesLog2 =
PagingTraits::template kNumTableEntriesLog2<Level>;
using PagingTraits::kVirtualAddressExtension;
using PagingTraits::kVirtualAddressSizeOverride;
static constexpr LevelType kFirstLevel = kLevels.front();
/// A table's physical alignment at any level.
static constexpr uint64_t kTableAlignment = uint64_t{1u} << kTableAlignmentLog2;
/// The number of table entries at a given level.
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr uint64_t kNumTableEntries = uint64_t{1u} << kNumTableEntriesLog2<Level>;
/// The size in bytes of an entry at a given level.
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr uint64_t kEntrySize = sizeof(typename TableEntry<Level>::ValueType);
/// The size in bytes of a table at a given level.
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr uint64_t kTableSize = kEntrySize<Level> * kNumTableEntries<Level>;
/// The level after `Level`. Must be used in a constexpr context in
/// which `Level` is not the last.
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr LevelType kNextLevel = []() {
static_assert(Level != kLevels.back());
constexpr auto it = cpp20::find(kLevels.begin(), kLevels.end(), Level);
static_assert(it != kLevels.end());
return *std::next(it);
/// The virtual address bit range at a given level that serves as the index
/// into a page table at that level.
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr VirtualAddressBitRange kVirtualAddressBitRange =
[]() { return Paging::template GetVirtualAddressBitRange<Level>(); }();
/// The size of a would-be page if mapped from a given level.
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr uint64_t kPageSize = uint64_t{1u} << kVirtualAddressBitRange<Level>.low;
/// The number of addressable bits in a virtual address (i.e., its "size").
static constexpr unsigned int kVirtualAddressSize = []() {
constexpr unsigned int kMaxSize = kVirtualAddressBitRange<kLevels[0]>.high + 1;
if constexpr (kVirtualAddressSizeOverride) {
static_assert(*kVirtualAddressSizeOverride <= kMaxSize);
return *kVirtualAddressSizeOverride;
return kMaxSize;
/// The virtual address marking the (exclusive) end of the lower range, if
/// parameterized by PagingTraits.
static constexpr std::optional<uint64_t> kLowerVirtualAddressRangeEnd = []() {
if constexpr (kVirtualAddressExtension == VirtualAddressExtension::k1) {
return std::nullopt;
} else if (kVirtualAddressSize < 64) {
return uint64_t{1u} << kVirtualAddressSize;
} else {
return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
/// The virtual address marking the beginning of the upper range, if
/// parameterized by PagingTraits.
static constexpr std::optional<uint64_t> kUpperVirtualAddressRangeStart = []() {
if constexpr (kVirtualAddressExtension == VirtualAddressExtension::k0) {
return std::nullopt;
} else {
return ~((uint64_t{1u} << kVirtualAddressSize) - 1);
/// Main paging trait methods.
/// I/O is abstracted via a `PaddrToTableIo` callable that maps the physical
/// address (of a page table) to an I/O provider intended for reading from
/// and writing to entries in that table, where offset represents the index.
/// A diagnostic utility that returns the page information associated with a
/// mapped virtual address `vaddr`. `fit::failed` is returned if a
/// non-present table entry was encountered.
template <typename PaddrToTableIo>
static fit::result<fit::failed, PagingQueryResult> Query(uint64_t root_paddr,
PaddrToTableIo&& paddr_to_io,
uint64_t vaddr) {
ReadonlyTerminalVisitor visitor([vaddr](const auto& terminal) {
return PagingQueryResult{
.paddr = TerminalAddress(terminal, vaddr),
.page = PageInfo(terminal),
.access =
.readable = terminal.readable(),
.writable = terminal.writable(),
.executable = terminal.executable(),
.user_accessible = terminal.user_accessible(),
return VisitPageTables(root_paddr, std::forward<PaddrToTableIo>(paddr_to_io), visitor, vaddr);
/// Attempts to map `[input_vaddr, input_vaddr + size)` to
/// `[output_paddr, output_paddr + size)` with the provided settings.
/// `input_vaddr` and `output_vaddr` must both be aligned to the smallest
/// possible page size, and `size` must be a multiple of it. The mapping
/// must be a fresh one; this operation will return an error of type
/// `kAlreadyAllocated` if it encounters an existing mapping. The mapping
/// will proceed incrementally, mapping the largest possible page for each
/// increasing subrange.
/// Page table allocation is abstracted by an `PageTableAllocator` callable
/// with a signature of
/// ```
/// std::optional<uint64_t>(uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment)
/// ```
/// std::nullopt being returned in the event of an allocation failure.
/// `settings` represents the set of page-related settings to apply to a
/// new, zero-filled, terminal entry.
template <typename PaddrToIoProvider, typename PageTableAllocator>
static fit::result<MapError> Map(uint64_t root_paddr, //
PaddrToIoProvider&& paddr_to_io, //
PageTableAllocator allocator, //
const SystemState& state, //
uint64_t input_vaddr, //
uint64_t size, //
uint64_t output_paddr, //
const MapSettings& settings) { //
std::is_invocable_r_v<std::optional<uint64_t>, PageTableAllocator, uint64_t, uint64_t>);
constexpr uint64_t kMinPageSize = kTableAlignment;
ZX_ASSERT_MSG((input_vaddr % kMinPageSize) == 0,
"virtual address %#" PRIx64 " must be %#" PRIx64 "-aligned", input_vaddr,
ZX_ASSERT_MSG((output_paddr % kMinPageSize) == 0,
"physical address %#" PRIx64 " must be %#" PRIx64 "-aligned", output_paddr,
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(size % kMinPageSize == 0, "size %#" PRIx64 " must be a multiple of %#" PRIx64,
size, kMinPageSize);
// MappingVisitor tracks the range to be mapped, mapping and updating
// the current mappable window on successive calls.
// TODO(joshuaseaton): Repeated calls to VisitPageTables() does redundant
// walking. The current walk is also not conducive to marking adjacent
// entries as being part of the same contiguous mapping, when appropriate,
// in order to optimize the TLB use.
MappingVisitor mapper(std::move(allocator), state, input_vaddr, size, output_paddr, settings);
while (mapper.unmapped_size() > 0) {
auto result = VisitPageTables(root_paddr, paddr_to_io, mapper, mapper.next_vaddr());
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
return fit::ok();
/// Additional primitives.
/// The following types and methods define more abstracted paging primitives.
/// Central to these is the notion of a "(page table) visitor". A visitor
/// abstracts the visitation logic of page table entries encountered during
/// a page table walk. It is represented by a type with the overloaded call
/// signatures
/// ```
/// std::optional<Value>(TableIo& io,
/// TableEntry<Level>& entry,
/// uint64_t table_paddr);
/// ```
/// for some I/O provider `TableIo` and some value type `Value`, for every
/// `Level` in `kLevels`. The I/O provider is passed to permit the visitor to
/// make modifications when desired. When a visitor returns `std::nullopt`
/// that is a directive to continue translation to the next entry; otherwise,
/// the returned value signifies that the visitor is done visiting, that the
/// walk should terminate, and that this value should be plumbed back up to
/// whatever is orchestrating the walk. We refer to `Value` as the "value type"
/// of a visitor.
/// A visitor must return a non-null value before the walk terminates;
/// otherwise, the walk panics.
/// This type is a helper for validating that `Visitor` does indeed meet the
/// API expectations of a page table visitor (at least when specialized with
/// `TableIo`).
template <typename Visitor, class TableIo>
class VisitResult {
template <LevelType Level>
struct ResultAt {
static_assert(std::is_invocable_v<Visitor, TableIo&, TableEntry<Level>&, uint64_t>);
using type = std::invoke_result_t<Visitor, TableIo&, TableEntry<Level>&, uint64_t>;
using value_type = typename type::value_type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<type, std::optional<value_type>>);
using value_type = typename ResultAt<kFirstLevel>::value_type;
using type = std::optional<value_type>;
template <size_t... LevelIndex>
static constexpr bool ValueTypesCoincide(std::index_sequence<LevelIndex...>) {
return (std::is_same_v<value_type, typename ResultAt<kLevels[LevelIndex]>::value_type> &&
/// The value type of a visitor.
template <class TableIo, typename Visitor>
using VisitValue = typename VisitResult<TableIo, Visitor>::value_type;
/// The type of I/O provider associated with a `PaddrToTableIo`.
template <typename PaddrToTableIo>
using TableIo = std::invoke_result_t<PaddrToTableIo, uint64_t>;
/// Walk the page tables rooted at `table_paddr` for a given virtual address
/// and visitor.
template <typename PaddrToTableIo, typename Visitor>
static VisitValue<Visitor, TableIo<PaddrToTableIo>> VisitPageTables(
uint64_t table_paddr, //
PaddrToTableIo&& paddr_to_io, //
Visitor&& visitor, //
uint64_t vaddr) { //
return VisitPageTablesFrom<kFirstLevel>(table_paddr, std::forward<PaddrToTableIo>(paddr_to_io),
std::forward<Visitor>(visitor), vaddr);
/// A simple read-only visitor that returns information based on the terminal
/// entry encountered. The logic at the terminal level and visitor's return
/// value are parameterized by `OnTerminalEntry`: called only on terminal
/// entries this type is callable on `const TableEntry<Level>&` for each
/// level in `kLevels` with a uniform return type. Representing its return
/// type as `TerminalResult`, the value type of the visitor is then
/// `fit::result<fit::failed, TerminalResult>`, where `fit::failed` is
/// returned in the event of encountering an unexpected, non-present entry.
template <typename OnTerminalEntry>
class ReadonlyTerminalVisitor {
template <LevelType Level>
struct TerminalResultAt {
static_assert(std::is_invocable_v<OnTerminalEntry, const TableEntry<Level>&>);
using type = std::invoke_result_t<OnTerminalEntry, const TableEntry<Level>&>;
using TerminalResult = typename TerminalResultAt<kFirstLevel>::type;
/// The value type of the visitor.
using value_type = fit::result<fit::failed, TerminalResult>;
explicit ReadonlyTerminalVisitor(OnTerminalEntry on_terminal)
: on_terminal_(std::move(on_terminal)) {}
template <class TableIo, LevelType Level>
std::optional<value_type> operator()(TableIo& io, TableEntry<Level>& entry, uint64_t vaddr) {
if (!entry.present()) {
return fit::failed();
if (entry.terminal()) {
return fit::ok(on_terminal_(entry));
return {};
template <size_t LevelIndex>
static constexpr void TerminalResultsCoincide() {
std::is_same_v<TerminalResult, typename TerminalResultAt<kLevels[LevelIndex]>::type>);
template <size_t... LevelIndex>
static constexpr bool TerminalResultsCoincide(std::index_sequence<LevelIndex...>) {
(TerminalResultsCoincide<LevelIndex>(), ...);
return true;
OnTerminalEntry on_terminal_;
template <typename OnTerminalEntry>
-> ReadonlyTerminalVisitor<std::decay_t<OnTerminalEntry>>;
// TODO( Once hwreg is constexpr-friendly, we can add a static
// assert that zeroed entries at any level report as non-present.
/// A visitor tailor-made to help perform a mapping of
/// `[input_vaddr, input_vaddr + size)` to
/// `[output_paddr, output_paddr + size)` in the context of `Map()`. Calling
/// `VisitPageTables()` with this visitor will attempt to map the largest
/// possible page contained within the given virtual range, updating the
/// values describing the virtual and physical ranges provided on
/// construction. Repeated calls to `VisitPageTables()` can then be made to
/// fully map the region.
template <typename PageTableAllocator>
class MappingVisitor {
using value_type = fit::result<MapError>;
MappingVisitor(PageTableAllocator page_table_allocator, //
const SystemState& state, //
uint64_t input_vaddr, //
uint64_t size, //
uint64_t output_paddr, //
const MapSettings& settings) //
: allocator_(std::move(page_table_allocator)),
settings_(settings) {}
/// The size of the range yet to be mapped.
uint64_t unmapped_size() const { return size_; }
/// The next virtual address to be mapped.
uint64_t next_vaddr() const { return input_vaddr_; }
template <typename TableIo, LevelType Level>
std::optional<fit::result<MapError>> operator()(TableIo&& io, TableEntry<Level>& entry,
uint64_t table_paddr) {
auto to_error = [entry_paddr = table_paddr + kEntrySize<Level> * entry.reg_addr(),
vaddr = input_vaddr_](MapError::Type type) -> MapError {
return {.paddr = entry_paddr, .vaddr = vaddr, .type = type};
// If we reach a non-terminal entry, carry on with the translation.
// Otherwise, the desired mapping cannot be a fresh one.
if (entry.present()) {
if (entry.terminal()) {
return fit::error(to_error(MapError::Type::kAlreadyMapped));
return {};
constexpr uint64_t kMapSize = kPageSize<Level>;
bool terminal = PagingTraits::template LevelCanBeTerminal<Level>(state_) && //
kMapSize <= size_ && //
input_vaddr_ % kMapSize == 0; //
// We do not constrain the access permissions of intermediate entries,
// leaving that instead to terminal ones.
constexpr AccessPermissions kMaxIntermediateAccess = AccessPermissions{
.readable = true,
.writable = true,
.executable = true,
.user_accessible = true,
// At this point, the entry is not present. Unless we intend to terminate
// at this level, we will need to allocate the next level table.
PagingSettings settings{
.present = true,
.terminal = terminal,
if (terminal) {
settings.address = output_paddr_;
settings.access = settings_.access;
settings.memory = settings_.memory; =;
} else {
std::optional<uint64_t> new_table_paddr = allocator_(kTableSize<Level>, kTableAlignment);
if (!new_table_paddr) {
return fit::error(to_error(MapError::Type::kAllocationFailure));
settings.address = *new_table_paddr;
settings.access = kMaxIntermediateAccess;
entry.Set(state_, settings);
if (terminal) {
input_vaddr_ += kMapSize;
output_paddr_ += kMapSize;
size_ -= kMapSize;
return fit::ok();
return {};
PageTableAllocator allocator_;
const SystemState state_;
uint64_t input_vaddr_;
uint64_t size_;
uint64_t output_paddr_;
const MapSettings settings_;
template <typename PageTableAllocator>
MappingVisitor(PageTableAllocator, ...) -> MappingVisitor<PageTableAllocator>;
// A private helper for defining kVirtualAddressBitRange.
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr VirtualAddressBitRange GetVirtualAddressBitRange() {
constexpr auto kRange = []() -> VirtualAddressBitRange {
constexpr unsigned int kWidth = kNumTableEntriesLog2<Level>;
if constexpr (Level == kLevels.back()) {
return {
.high = kTableAlignmentLog2 + kWidth - 1,
.low = kTableAlignmentLog2,
} else {
constexpr auto kNextRange = GetVirtualAddressBitRange<kNextLevel<Level>>();
return {
.high = kNextRange.high + 1 + kWidth - 1,
.low = kNextRange.high + 1,
static_assert(64 > kRange.high);
static_assert(kRange.high >= kRange.low);
static_assert(kRange.low >= kTableAlignmentLog2);
return kRange;
static void AssertValidVirtualAddress(uint64_t vaddr) {
if constexpr (kVirtualAddressExtension == VirtualAddressExtension::kCanonical) {
vaddr < *kLowerVirtualAddressRangeEnd || vaddr >= *kUpperVirtualAddressRangeStart,
"virtual address %#" PRIx64 " must be within [0, %#" PRIx64 ") or [%#" PRIx64
", 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff]",
vaddr, *kLowerVirtualAddressRangeEnd, *kUpperVirtualAddressRangeStart);
} else if constexpr (kVirtualAddressExtension == VirtualAddressExtension::k0) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(vaddr < *kLowerVirtualAddressRangeEnd,
"virtual address %#" PRIx64 " must be within [0, %#" PRIx64 ")", vaddr,
} else if constexpr (kVirtualAddressExtension == VirtualAddressExtension::k1) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(vaddr >= *kUpperVirtualAddressRangeStart,
"virtual address %#" PRIx64 " must be within [%#" PRIx64
", 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff]",
vaddr, *kUpperVirtualAddressRangeStart);
/// A helper routine for `VisitPageTables()` starting a given level, allowing
/// for a straightforward recursive(ish) definition.
template <LevelType Level, typename PaddrToTableIo, typename Visitor>
static VisitValue<Visitor, TableIo<PaddrToTableIo>> VisitPageTablesFrom(
uint64_t table_paddr, //
PaddrToTableIo&& paddr_to_io, //
Visitor&& visitor, //
uint64_t vaddr) { //
static_assert(cpp20::find(kLevels.begin(), kLevels.end(), Level) != kLevels.end());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(table_paddr <= kMaxPhysicalAddress);
auto io = paddr_to_io(table_paddr);
constexpr VirtualAddressBitRange kBitRange = kVirtualAddressBitRange<Level>;
uint32_t entry_index = fbl::ExtractBits<kBitRange.high, kBitRange.low, uint32_t>(vaddr);
TableEntry<Level> entry = hwreg::RegisterAddr<TableEntry<Level>>(entry_index).ReadFrom(&io);
if (auto result = visitor(io, entry, vaddr)) {
return *result;
if constexpr (Level == kLevels.back()) {
ZX_PANIC("Page table visitor did not terminate the walk; there are no more levels to visit");
} else {
return VisitPageTablesFrom<kNextLevel<Level>>(entry.address(),
std::forward<Visitor>(visitor), vaddr);
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr uint64_t TerminalAddress(const TableEntry<Level>& terminal, uint64_t vaddr) {
constexpr uint64_t kAlignmentLog2 = kVirtualAddressBitRange<Level>.low;
return terminal.address() | fbl::ExtractBits<kAlignmentLog2 - 1, 0, uint64_t>(vaddr);
template <LevelType Level>
static constexpr PagingQueryResult::Page PageInfo(const TableEntry<Level>& terminal) {
return {
.paddr = terminal.address(),
.size = kPageSize<Level>,
} // namespace arch