blob: de33a658f0c0771002ba23e91107cf378f5ef226 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fstream>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/diagnostics_json.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/tests/test_library.h"
namespace fidlc {
namespace {
void ExpectJson(std::vector<Diagnostic*> diagnostics, std::string_view expected_json) {
std::string actual_json = DiagnosticsJson(std::move(diagnostics)).Produce().str();
if (expected_json != actual_json) {
std::ofstream output_actual("json_diagnostics_tests_actual.txt");
output_actual << actual_json;
std::ofstream output_expected("json_diagnostics_tests_expected.txt");
output_expected << expected_json;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_json, actual_json)
<< "To compare results, run:\n\n diff ./json_diagnostics_tests_{expected,actual}.txt\n";
TEST(JsonDiagnosticsTests, BadError) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Table = table {
1: nullable_string string:optional;
const auto& diagnostics = library.Diagnostics();
ExpectJson(diagnostics, R"JSON([
"category": "fidlc/error",
"error_id": "fi-0048",
"message": "Table members cannot be optional",
"path": "example.fidl",
"start_line": 5,
"start_char": 7,
"end_line": 5,
"end_char": 22
TEST(JsonDiagnosticsTests, WarnPassed) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol Protocol {
const auto& diagnostics = library.Diagnostics();
ExpectJson(diagnostics, R"JSON([
"category": "fidlc/warning",
"error_id": "fi-0145",
"message": "suspect attribute with name 'discovrable'; did you mean 'discoverable'?",
"path": "example.fidl",
"start_line": 4,
"start_char": 0,
"end_line": 4,
"end_char": 12
TEST(JsonDiagnosticsTests, BadMultipleErrors) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Foo = enum : string { // Error: enums may only be of integral primitive type
A = 1;
type Bar = table {
65: x uint32; // Error: ordinal is too large
const auto& diagnostics = library.Diagnostics();
ExpectJson(diagnostics, R"JSON([
"category": "fidlc/error",
"error_id": "fi-0070",
"message": "enums may only be of integral primitive type, found string",
"path": "example.fidl",
"start_line": 4,
"start_char": 5,
"end_line": 4,
"end_char": 8
"category": "fidlc/error",
"error_id": "fi-0092",
"message": "ordinal is too large; table ordinals cannot be greater than 64",
"path": "example.fidl",
"start_line": 9,
"start_char": 4,
"end_line": 9,
"end_char": 7
TEST(JsonDiagnosticsTests, BadSpanIsEOF) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Table = table {
1: foo string;
const auto& diagnostics = library.Diagnostics();
ExpectJson(diagnostics, R"JSON([
"category": "fidlc/error",
"error_id": "fi-0008",
"message": "unexpected token EndOfFile, was expecting Semicolon",
"path": "example.fidl",
"start_line": 7,
"start_char": 0,
"end_line": 7,
"end_char": 0
} // namespace
} // namespace fidlc