blob: c73670f2dbda4b9ef0d3b98dffdcee872b17fe0c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
### Test expected behavior of fx vendor
declare fx
source "${BT_TEMP_DIR}/tools/devshell/tests/lib/"
# Test that 'fx vendor company1 mycommand' works
TEST_fxvendor_exec() {
local cmd_path="${BT_TEMP_DIR}/vendor/company1/scripts/devshell/mycommand"
btf::make_mock "$cmd_path"
BT_EXPECT ${fx} vendor company1 mycommand arg1 arg2
# ensure that 'mycommand arg1 arg2' was called
btf::expect-mock-args "${cmd_path}" "arg1" "arg2"
# Ensure that when there's a vendor and non-vendor commands with the same name,
# the vendor version of the command is called when using "fx vendor company1"
TEST_fxvendor_conflict_vendor() {
local vendor_cmd="${BT_TEMP_DIR}/vendor/company1/scripts/devshell/mycommand"
local nonvendor_cmd="${BT_TEMP_DIR}/tools/devshell/mycommand"
btf::make_mock "${vendor_cmd}"
btf::make_mock "${nonvendor_cmd}"
BT_EXPECT ${fx} vendor company1 mycommand arg1 arg2
btf::expect-mock-args "${vendor_cmd}" "arg1" "arg2"
BT_EXPECT_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "${nonvendor_cmd}.mock_state"
# Ensure that when there's a vendor and non-vendor commands with the same name,
# the non-vendor version of the command is called by default
TEST_fxvendor_conflict_nonvendor() {
local vendor_cmd="${BT_TEMP_DIR}/vendor/company1/scripts/devshell/mycommand"
local nonvendor_cmd="${BT_TEMP_DIR}/tools/devshell/mycommand"
btf::make_mock "${vendor_cmd}"
btf::make_mock "${nonvendor_cmd}"
BT_EXPECT ${fx} mycommand argA argB
btf::expect-mock-args "${nonvendor_cmd}" "argA" "argB"
BT_EXPECT_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "${vendor_cmd}.mock_state"
# Test that 'fx vendor company1 mycommand' works for a metadata mycommand.fx file
TEST_fxvendor_metadata() {
local binary_path="${BT_TEMP_DIR}/prebuilt/mytool/binary"
btf::make_mock "$binary_path"
local metadata_path="${BT_TEMP_DIR}/vendor/company1/scripts/devshell/mycommand.fx"
mkdir -p "$(dirname "${metadata_path}")"
echo '#### EXECUTABLE=${FUCHSIA_DIR}/prebuilt/mytool/binary' > "${metadata_path}"
BT_EXPECT ${fx} vendor company1 mycommand arg1 arg2
# ensure that 'binary arg1 arg2' was called
btf::expect-mock-args "${binary_path}" "arg1" "arg2"
# Test that 'fx vendor company1 nonvendorcommand' fails
TEST_fxvendor_nonvendorcmd() {
btf::make_mock "${BT_TEMP_DIR}/vendor/company1/scripts/devshell/vendorcmd"
local nonvendor_path="${BT_TEMP_DIR}/tools/devshell/nonvendorcmd"
btf::make_mock "$nonvendor_path"
BT_EXPECT_FAIL ${fx} vendor company1 nonvendorcmd \>\& _stderr