blob: 6b4e78481ef0b1852e094ca6bbbb33f71ad94e63 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a golden test for `fx create`.
# Generates a test project with the same name as the target name,
# and compares the output with a golden project.
# Parameters
# project_type (required)
# The type of project to create. See `fx create --help`.
# project_subtype (optional)
# The type of project to create. See `fx create --help`.
# language (required)
# The programming language to use when generating the project.
# golden_files (required)
# The list of all files in the golden project. These will be compared against
# the output of running the `fx create` tool.
# Example of usage:
# golden_test("my-component-v2-cpp") {
# project_type = "component"
# language = "cpp"
# golden_files = [
# "my-component-v2-cpp/",
# "my-component-v2-cpp/",
# # ...
# ]
# }
template("golden_test") {
assert(defined(project_type), "project_type is required")
assert(defined(language), "language is required")
assert(defined(invoker.golden_files), "golden_files is required")
if (!defined(project_subtype)) {
project_subtype = "default"
test_dir = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}"
# Copy golden files to the out directory so that the test can have access to them.
target_copy_goldens = "${target_name}_copy_goldens"
host_test_data(target_copy_goldens) {
sources = invoker.golden_files
outputs = [ "${test_dir}/{{source_target_relative}}" ]
# Write the list of golden files to a JSON file. GN is not hermetic, so the test script needs
# to know which files are part of the test.
target_goldens_json = "${target_name}_goldens_json"
generated_file(target_goldens_json) {
testonly = true
outputs = [ "${test_dir}/goldens.json" ]
contents = rebase_path(get_target_outputs(":${target_copy_goldens}"),
deps = [
# The test script invokes the create tool.
output_conversion = "json"
# Include the generated file and host tool as a test dependency.
# Automated infrastructure only makes available what has been explicitly marked as a
# test dependency.
metadata = {
test_runtime_deps = outputs + [ "${host_tools_dir}/create" ]
# The directory where all the test data is.
test_args = [ rebase_path(test_dir, root_build_dir) ]
# The path to the `fx create` binary, relative to the root build directory.
test_args += [ rebase_path("${host_tools_dir}/create", root_build_dir) ]
# The next argument is the path to the generated runtime dependecy JSON file. This includes
# all files visible to the test. These include the golden project files.
test_args += [ rebase_path("${test_dir}/goldens.json", root_build_dir) ]
# `fx create` arguments.
test_args += [
rebase_path(".", "//"), # Strips the path to the directory of the currently
# executing file of the // prefix
"--override-copyright-year", # Keeps tests hermetic. Don't want tests
# failing in the new year.
python_host_test(target_name) {
enable_mypy = true
main_source = ""
extra_args = test_args
deps = [ ":${target_goldens_json}" ]