blob: 1af1f5f0cc9d80ab13c0f8baa997f0f716c59f84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package docgen
import (
type WriteSettings struct {
// User visible library name ("fdio")
LibName string
// The source root relative to the build directory.
BuildRelSourceRoot string
// The include directory relative to the build directory.
BuildRelIncludeDir string
// Browsable URL of the source code repo. File paths get appended to this to generate source
// links.
RepoBaseUrl string
// Contents of the toplevel documentation (typically from a file) if any.
// If nonempty, this data will be inserted at the top of the index.
OverviewContents []byte
// The absolute doc path where the docs will be installed on devsite. This is used to
// generate the paths in _toc.yaml which must be absolute. It will end in a slash.
TocPath string
// Identifies the heading level in Markdown. Level 0 is not a real heading level but is used to
// indicate something is happening outside of any heading level.
const (
markdownHeading0 int = 0
markdownHeading1 int = 1
markdownHeading2 int = 2
markdownHeading3 int = 3
markdownHeading4 int = 4
// Gets a user-visible include path given the path in the build.
func (s WriteSettings) GetUserIncludePath(path string) string {
result, err := filepath.Rel(s.BuildRelIncludeDir, path)
if err != nil {
return result
// Returns the given build-relative path as being relative to the source root.
func (s WriteSettings) GetSourceRootPath(path string) string {
result, err := filepath.Rel(s.BuildRelSourceRoot, path)
if err != nil {
return result
func (s WriteSettings) fileSourceLink(file string) string {
return s.RepoBaseUrl + s.GetSourceRootPath(file)
func (s WriteSettings) locationSourceLink(d clangdoc.Location) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%d", s.fileSourceLink(d.Filename), d.LineNumber)
func writePreHeader(f io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "<pre class=\"devsite-disable-click-to-copy\">\n")
func writePreFooter(f io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "</pre>\n\n")
// Returns the string and the number of non-formatting unescaped characters (for alignment).
func getTemplateParameterList(params []clangdoc.TemplateParamInfo, highlightSyntax bool) (string, int) {
result := "&lt;"
chars := 1
for i, param := range params {
if i > 0 {
result += ", "
chars += 2
chars += len(param.Contents)
// We don't have the template parameter parsed out, so this does simple syntax
// highlighting for "class" and "typename" keywords, and assumes the rest of the
// template parameter is a type.
contents := param.Contents
if !highlightSyntax {
// Keep contents the same.
} else if strings.HasPrefix(contents, "class ") {
result += "<span class=\"kwd\">class</span>"
contents = strings.TrimPrefix(contents, "class")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(contents, "typename ") {
result += "<span class=\"kwd\">typename</span>"
contents = strings.TrimPrefix(contents, "typename")
if highlightSyntax {
result += "<span class=\"typ\">"
result += escapeHtml(contents)
if highlightSyntax {
result += "</span>"
result += "&gt;"
chars += 1
return result, chars
func writeTemplateDeclaration(t clangdoc.TemplateInfo, f io.Writer) {
params, _ := getTemplateParameterList(t.Params, true)
fmt.Fprintf(f, "<span class=\"kwd\">template</span>%s", params)
func stripPathLeftElements(path string, stripElts int) string {
if stripElts == 0 {
return path
norm := filepath.ToSlash(path)
cur_slash := 0
for i := 0; i < len(norm); i++ {
if norm[i] == '/' {
if cur_slash == stripElts {
return norm[i+1:]
// Not enough slashes to strip, return the original.
return norm
func makeIndent(length int) (out []byte) {
out = make([]byte, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
out[i] = ' '
func headingMarkerAtLevel(lv int) string {
return strings.Repeat("#", lv)
var htmlEscapes = map[rune]string{
'<': "&lt;",
'>': "&gt;",
'&': "&amp;",
// Required in attribute contexts, it can't hurt to always escape quotes.
'"': "&quot;",
func escapeHtml(s string) string {
escaped := ""
for _, b := range s {
if be := htmlEscapes[b]; len(be) > 0 {
escaped += be
} else {
escaped += string(b)
return escaped
var typeRenames = map[string]string{
// Clang emits C-style "_Bool" for some reason.
"_Bool": "bool",
"std::basic_string": "std::string",
"std::basic_string_view": "std::string_view",
// Handles some name rewriting and escaping for type names. Returns the escaped string and the
// number of bytes in the unescaped version.
func getEscapedTypeName(t string) (string, int) {
rewritten := typeRenames[t]
if len(rewritten) > 0 {
return escapeHtml(rewritten), len(rewritten)
} else {
return escapeHtml(t), len(t)
// Given a list of namespace references (as on FunctionInfo.Namespace), returns the opening and
// closing namespace declarations. This will be formatted such that the beginning and end can be
// printed unconditionally around a declaration.
// If there is no namespace, this will return empty strings.
// For example, for one namespace
// - begin = "namespace my_namespace {\n\n"
// - end = "\n} // my_namespace\n"
// See also getNamespaceQualifier().
func getNamespaceDecl(n []clangdoc.Reference) (begin, end string) {
for i := len(n) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ns := n[i]
if ns.Type == "Namespace" {
// Omit "GlobalNamespace". See docs on clangdoc.RecordInfo.Namespace.
if ns.Name != "GlobalNamespace" {
begin += fmt.Sprintf("<span class=\"kwd\">namespace</span> %s {\n", ns.Name)
end = fmt.Sprintf("} <span class=\"com\">// namespace %s</span>\n", ns.Name) + end
if begin != "" {
// We generated something, separate it from the content with blank lines.
begin += "\n"
end = "\n" + end
// Given a list of namespace and nested class references (as on FunctionInfo.Namespace), returns the
// name qualifier for things inside that namespace and class, so "my_namespace::MyClass::". If there
// are no namespaces, this returns the empty string. It can be unconditionally prepended to names.
// includeNamespaces specifies whether namespace qualifications should be included. This would be
// omitted if writing something already qualified with that namespace, as inside a block returned by
// getNamespaceDecl().
func getScopeQualifier(n []clangdoc.Reference, includeNamespaces bool) (result string) {
for i := len(n) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ns := n[i]
if ns.Type == "Namespace" {
// Omit "GlobalNamespace". See docs on clangdoc.RecordInfo.Namespace.
if includeNamespaces && ns.Name != "GlobalNamespace" {
result += ns.Name + "::"
} else {
// Class/struct qualification.
result += ns.Name + "::"
// Constructs part of a title given the name of the function/class/etc, template information,
// and the object type "function"/"class"/etc.
// When there are no template specializations, this will be like "Foo() function".
// But if there are specializations, this will be like "Foo<int>() function specialization"
// The nameSuffix is applied immediately after the template parameters (if any). This will normally
// be "()" or some variation thereof for functions, and empty for classes.
func titleWithTemplateSpecializations(name string, t *clangdoc.TemplateInfo, nameSuffix string, objectType string) string {
result := name
if t != nil && t.Specialization != nil {
params, _ := getTemplateParameterList(t.Specialization.Params, false)
result += params
result += nameSuffix
if objectType != "" {
result += " " + objectType
if t != nil && t.Specialization != nil {
result += " specialization"
return result