blob: 5a32500819a2e4da1ba9d89c5dee21d44391ff5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package docgen
import (
type IndexSettings struct {
// Path to the build directory where the clang-doc paths are relative to.
BuildDir string
// Names of the header files we want to index.
Headers map[string]struct{}
func MakeIndexSettings(buildDir string) IndexSettings {
return IndexSettings{
BuildDir: buildDir,
Headers: make(map[string]struct{}),
func (s IndexSettings) ShouldIndexInHeader(hdrName string) bool {
_, found := s.Headers[hdrName]
return found
// HeaderPath returns the path for the given build-dir-relative (what clang-doc generates) header
// path.
func (s IndexSettings) HeaderPath(h string) string {
return path.Join(s.BuildDir, h)
// Flattened version of everything stored in this library.
type Index struct {
// All nonmember functions/records in all non-anonymous namespaces, indexed by the USR/Name.
// Since functions overloads may have name collisions, FunctionNames may not include
// everything (it currently stores the last one of that name encountered). FunctionUsrs
// will include everything since Clang will generate a unique USR for each function.
// This could be enhanced in the future if needed to map a name to a list of functions. But
// currently we only use the name index to generate links where there can only be one
// destination anyway.
FunctionUsrs map[string]*clangdoc.FunctionInfo
FunctionNames map[string]*clangdoc.FunctionInfo
// Toplevel records (classes, structs, and unions), indexed by the Name/USR.
RecordNames map[string]*clangdoc.RecordInfo
RecordUsrs map[string]*clangdoc.RecordInfo
// All unique header files in this library indexed by their file name.
Headers map[string]*Header
// All unique preprocessor defines in this library indexed by their name.
Defines map[string]*Define
// All toplevel and namespaced enums indexed by their name.
Enums map[string]*clangdoc.EnumInfo
// All typedefs indexed by their name.
Typedefs map[string]*clangdoc.TypedefInfo
// Returns a sorted list of all functions.
func (index Index) AllFunctions() []*clangdoc.FunctionInfo {
result := make([]*clangdoc.FunctionInfo, 0, len(index.FunctionUsrs))
for _, fn := range index.FunctionUsrs {
result = append(result, fn)
return result
// Returns a sorted list of all records.
func (index Index) AllRecords() []*clangdoc.RecordInfo {
result := make([]*clangdoc.RecordInfo, 0, len(index.RecordUsrs))
for _, r := range index.RecordUsrs {
result = append(result, r)
return result
// AllDefines returns a sorted list of all defines.
func (index Index) AllDefines() []*Define {
result := make([]*Define, 0, len(index.Defines))
for _, d := range index.Defines {
result = append(result, d)
return result
func (index *Index) HeaderForFileName(file string) *Header {
header := index.Headers[file]
if header == nil {
// New item, init Header struct.
header = &Header{Name: file}
index.Headers[file] = header
return header
type FunctionGroup struct {
// Nonempty when an explicit title is given. Empty means just use the first name.
ExplicitTitle string
Funcs []*clangdoc.FunctionInfo
// Interface for sorting a function group by the first function's name.
type functionGroupByTitle []*FunctionGroup
func (f functionGroupByTitle) Len() int {
return len(f)
func (f functionGroupByTitle) Swap(i, j int) {
f[i], f[j] = f[j], f[i]
func (f functionGroupByTitle) Less(i, j int) bool {
getName := func(g *FunctionGroup) string {
if len(g.ExplicitTitle) > 0 {
return g.ExplicitTitle
return g.Funcs[0].Name
return getName(f[i]) < getName(f[j])
// Interface for sorting an enum list by name.
type enumByName []*clangdoc.EnumInfo
func (f enumByName) Len() int {
return len(f)
func (f enumByName) Swap(i, j int) {
f[i], f[j] = f[j], f[i]
func (f enumByName) Less(i, j int) bool {
return f[i].Name < f[j].Name
// Interface for sorting a typedef list by name.
type typedefByName []*clangdoc.TypedefInfo
func (f typedefByName) Len() int {
return len(f)
func (f typedefByName) Swap(i, j int) {
f[i], f[j] = f[j], f[i]
func (f typedefByName) Less(i, j int) bool {
return f[i].Name < f[j].Name
type DefineGroup struct {
// Nonempty when an explicit title is given. Empty means just use the first name.
ExplicitTitle string
Defines []*Define
// Interface for sorting a define group by the first define's name.
type defineGroupByTitle []*DefineGroup
func (f defineGroupByTitle) Len() int {
return len(f)
func (f defineGroupByTitle) Swap(i, j int) {
f[i], f[j] = f[j], f[i]
func (f defineGroupByTitle) Less(i, j int) bool {
getName := func(g *DefineGroup) string {
if len(g.ExplicitTitle) > 0 {
return g.ExplicitTitle
return g.Defines[0].Name
return getName(f[i]) < getName(f[j])
func indexFunction(settings IndexSettings, index *Index, f *clangdoc.FunctionInfo) {
// When the function has no separate declaration location, use the definition location.
var loc = f.GetLocation()
if len(loc.Filename) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("WARNING: Function %s does not have a location.\n", f.Name)
} else if settings.ShouldIndexInHeader(loc.Filename) &&
!commentContains(f.Description, NoDocTag) {
// TODO(brettw) there can be multiple locations! I think this might be for every
// forward declaration. In this case we will want to pick the "best" one.
index.FunctionUsrs[f.USR] = f
index.FunctionNames[functionFullName(f)] = f
decl := loc.Filename
header := index.HeaderForFileName(decl)
header.Functions = append(header.Functions, f)
index.Headers[decl] = header
func indexRecord(settings IndexSettings, index *Index, r *clangdoc.RecordInfo) {
if settings.ShouldIndexInHeader(r.DefLocation.Filename) &&
!commentContains(r.Description, NoDocTag) {
index.RecordUsrs[r.USR] = r
index.RecordNames[recordFullName(r)] = r
header := index.HeaderForFileName(r.DefLocation.Filename)
header.Records = append(header.Records, r)
func indexEnum(settings IndexSettings, index *Index, e *clangdoc.EnumInfo) {
if settings.ShouldIndexInHeader(e.DefLocation.Filename) &&
!commentContains(e.Description, NoDocTag) {
index.Enums[enumFullName(e)] = e
header := index.HeaderForFileName(e.DefLocation.Filename)
header.Enums = append(header.Enums, e)
func indexTypedef(settings IndexSettings, index *Index, t *clangdoc.TypedefInfo) {
if settings.ShouldIndexInHeader(t.DefLocation.Filename) &&
!commentContains(t.Description, NoDocTag) {
index.Typedefs[typedefFullName(t)] = t
header := index.HeaderForFileName(t.DefLocation.Filename)
header.Typedefs = append(header.Typedefs, t)
func indexNamespace(settings IndexSettings, index *Index, r *clangdoc.NamespaceInfo) {
for _, f := range r.ChildFunctions {
indexFunction(settings, index, f)
for _, c := range r.ChildNamespaces {
indexNamespace(settings, index, c)
for _, r := range r.ChildRecords {
indexRecord(settings, index, r)
for _, e := range r.ChildEnums {
indexEnum(settings, index, e)
for _, t := range r.ChildTypedefs {
indexTypedef(settings, index, t)
// Returns true if the two locations have a comment or a blank line separating them.
func (h *Header) hasSeparatorsBetweenLocations(a clangdoc.Location, b clangdoc.Location) bool {
// Note: line numbers are 1-based.
if a.LineNumber < 1 || a.LineNumber > len(h.LineClasses) ||
b.LineNumber < 1 || b.LineNumber > len(h.LineClasses) {
// Something is out-of-range, assume separated.
return true
if a.LineNumber > b.LineNumber {
log.Fatal("Line numbers not in order")
for line := a.LineNumber + 1; line < b.LineNumber; line++ {
// The array is 0-indexed while |line| is 1-indexed.
if h.LineClasses[line-1] == LineClassBlank || h.LineClasses[line-1] == LineClassComment {
return true
return false
func (h *Header) groupFunctions(f []*clangdoc.FunctionInfo) []*FunctionGroup {
if len(f) == 0 {
return nil
byLoc := make([]*clangdoc.FunctionInfo, len(f))
copy(byLoc, f)
groups := make([]*FunctionGroup, 0, len(f))
// Makes a new group containing the given function. The group is appended to the list.
makeNewGroup := func(firstFunc *clangdoc.FunctionInfo) (g *FunctionGroup) {
g = &FunctionGroup{}
g.Funcs = make([]*clangdoc.FunctionInfo, 1)
g.Funcs[0] = firstFunc
headingLine, _ := extractCommentHeading1(firstFunc.Description)
g.ExplicitTitle = trimMarkdownHeadings(headingLine)
groups = append(groups, g)
return g
curGroup := makeNewGroup(byLoc[0])
for i := 1; i < len(byLoc); i++ {
hasSeparators := h.hasSeparatorsBetweenLocations(
byLoc[i-1].GetLocation(), byLoc[i].GetLocation())
nameMatches := curGroup.Funcs[0].Name == f[i].Name
if !hasSeparators && (nameMatches || len(curGroup.ExplicitTitle) > 0) {
// Grouped with previous function
curGroup.Funcs = append(curGroup.Funcs, byLoc[i])
} else {
// Not grouped, this function starts a new one.
curGroup = makeNewGroup(byLoc[i])
return groups
func (h *Header) groupDefines(allDefines []*Define) []*DefineGroup {
if len(allDefines) == 0 {
return nil
byLoc := make([]*Define, len(allDefines))
copy(byLoc, allDefines)
groups := make([]*DefineGroup, 0, len(allDefines))
// Makes a new group containing the given define. The group is appended to the list.
makeNewGroup := func(firstDefine *Define) (g *DefineGroup) {
g = &DefineGroup{}
g.Defines = make([]*Define, 1)
g.Defines[0] = firstDefine
headingLine, _ := extractCommentHeading1(firstDefine.Description)
g.ExplicitTitle = trimMarkdownHeadings(headingLine)
groups = append(groups, g)
return g
curGroup := makeNewGroup(byLoc[0])
for i := 1; i < len(byLoc); i++ {
// Assume if there's no location info there is no separator.
hasSeparators := h.hasSeparatorsBetweenLocations(byLoc[i-1].Location, byLoc[i].Location)
// Unlike functions, there is no name matching logic because defines can't have
// overloaded names.
if !hasSeparators && len(curGroup.ExplicitTitle) > 0 {
// Grouped with previous function
curGroup.Defines = append(curGroup.Defines, byLoc[i])
} else {
// Not grouped, this function starts a new one.
curGroup = makeNewGroup(byLoc[i])
return groups
func makeEmptyIndex() Index {
index := Index{}
index.FunctionUsrs = make(map[string]*clangdoc.FunctionInfo)
index.FunctionNames = make(map[string]*clangdoc.FunctionInfo)
index.RecordNames = make(map[string]*clangdoc.RecordInfo)
index.RecordUsrs = make(map[string]*clangdoc.RecordInfo)
index.Headers = make(map[string]*Header)
index.Defines = make(map[string]*Define)
index.Enums = make(map[string]*clangdoc.EnumInfo)
index.Typedefs = make(map[string]*clangdoc.TypedefInfo)
return index
func MakeIndex(settings IndexSettings, r *clangdoc.NamespaceInfo) Index {
index := makeEmptyIndex()
indexNamespace(settings, &index, r)
// Get the header comments and #defines for all the headers.
for name, h := range index.Headers {
headerValues := ReadHeader(settings.HeaderPath(name))
h.Description = headerValues.Description
h.Defines = headerValues.Defines
h.LineClasses = headerValues.Classes
// Add the defines to the global index.
for _, d := range headerValues.Defines {
index.Defines[d.Name] = d
// Apply grouping.
h.FunctionGroups = h.groupFunctions(h.Functions)
h.DefineGroups = h.groupDefines(h.Defines)
return index