blob: 1c54cac077c2d19626cb04997ca2738d1baa0db5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::common::*;
use regex::Regex;
pub struct PBusDeviceDesc {
pub pid: String,
pub did: String,
pub vid: String,
pub instance_id: String,
pub struct CompositeDeviceDesc {
pub device_name: String,
pub primary_node: String,
pub pbus_desc: Option<PBusDeviceDesc>,
fn get_pdev_int_val(pdev_var_name: &str, val_name: &str, contents: &str) -> String {
let val_regex =
Regex::new(&format!("{}.{} = {}", pdev_var_name, val_name, r#"([^;]*)"#)).unwrap();
match val_regex.captures(contents) {
Some(cap) => cap.get(1).unwrap().as_str(),
None => "0",
// Try to get the device description from pbus_dev_t and CompositeDeviceAdd().
// This function checks if a pbus_dev_t variable is defined and then tries to extract
// the values from it.
fn get_pdev_device_desc(contents: &str) -> Result<Option<CompositeDeviceDesc>, &'static str> {
let pdev_regex = Regex::new(r"pbus_dev_t (([A-Za-z0-9_])*) = \{\}").unwrap();
if !pdev_regex.is_match(contents) {
return Ok(None);
let pdev_capture = pdev_regex.captures(contents).unwrap();
let pdev_var_name = pdev_capture.get(1).unwrap().as_str();
let device_name_regex =
Regex::new(&format!("{}.name = {}", pdev_var_name, r#""([^"]*)""#)).unwrap();
let device_name =
let vid = get_pdev_int_val(pdev_var_name, "vid", contents);
let pid = get_pdev_int_val(pdev_var_name, "pid", contents);
let did = get_pdev_int_val(pdev_var_name, "did", contents);
let instance_id = get_pdev_int_val(pdev_var_name, "instance_id", contents);
// Retrieve the device name and primary node name from CompositeDeviceAdd(). If
// the primary node is set to nullptr, the primary node is "pdev".
let composite_add_regex =
if !composite_add_regex.is_match(&contents) {
return Ok(None);
let composite_add_capture = composite_add_regex.captures(contents).unwrap();
let primary_node = if"null_val").is_some() {
} else {
capture_name(&composite_add_capture, "node_name")?
Ok(Some(CompositeDeviceDesc {
device_name: device_name,
primary_node: primary_node,
pbus_desc: Some(PBusDeviceDesc { vid, pid, did, instance_id }),
fn get_composite_device_desc_t(
contents: &str,
) -> Result<Option<CompositeDeviceDesc>, &'static str> {
// Check for a composite_device_desc_t match.
let comp_dev_desc_regex =
Regex::new(r"composite_device_desc_t (([A-Za-z0-9_])*) = \{").unwrap();
if !comp_dev_desc_regex.is_match(contents) {
return Ok(None);
// Get primary node name from .primary_fragment = "{primary_node}",
let primary_fragment_regex = Regex::new(r#".primary_fragment = "(?P<primary>[^"]*)""#).unwrap();
let primary_cap = primary_fragment_regex.captures(contents).unwrap();
let primary_node ="primary").unwrap().as_str().to_string();
let ddk_add_regex = Regex::new(r#"DdkAddComposite\("(?P<name>[^"]*)","#).unwrap();
let composite_add_regex =
// Try to get the device name from DdkAddCompositeDeprecated() or
// device_add_composite_deprecated().
let device_name = if let Some(ddk_cap) = ddk_add_regex.captures(contents) {
capture_name(&ddk_cap, "name")?
} else if let Some(composite_add_cap) = composite_add_regex.captures(contents) {
capture_name(&composite_add_cap, "name")?
} else {
return Err(
"Unable to find DdkAddCompositeDeprecated() or device_add_composite_deprecated()",
Ok(Some(CompositeDeviceDesc {
device_name: device_name,
primary_node: primary_node,
pbus_desc: None,
// Try to get the composite device desc from pbus_dev_t. If one isn't defined, then
// this function will try to get one from a composite_device_desc_t value.
pub fn get_device_desc(contents: &str) -> Result<CompositeDeviceDesc, &'static str> {
if let Some(pdev_desc) = get_pdev_device_desc(contents)? {
return Ok(pdev_desc);
if let Some(comp_dev_desc) = get_composite_device_desc_t(contents)? {
return Ok(comp_dev_desc);
return Err("Unable to find composite_device_desc_t or pbus_dev_t value");