blob: 1202ce4d3774484e2b7dad88a8825edf32f798d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/ui/observation/geometry/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
#include <deque>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/view_tree/snapshot_types.h"
namespace view_tree {
// This class is responsible for registering and maintaining server endpoints for
// fuchsia.ui.observation.geometry.ViewTreeWatcher protocol clients. This class also listens for new
// snapshots generated every frame, and sends a processed version of them to these registered
// clients.
class GeometryProvider {
GeometryProvider() = default;
// Adds a server side endpoint to |endpoints_| for lifecycle management.
void Register(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcher> endpoint,
zx_koid_t context_view);
// Adds a server side endpoint provided by
// fuchsia.ui.observation.test.Registry.RegisterGlobalViewTreeWatcher to |endpoints_|. Endpoints
// registered by this method get a global access to the view tree.
void RegisterGlobalViewTreeWatcher(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcher> endpoint);
// Inject a new snapshot of the ViewTree. Adds the snapshot to each ProviderEndpoint's
// |view_tree_snapshots_| and send a response to the respective clients if the required conditions
// are met. See SendResponseMaybe() for more details on the required conditions.
void OnNewViewTreeSnapshot(std::shared_ptr<const view_tree::Snapshot> snapshot);
// Generates a fuchsia.ui.observation.geometry.ViewTreeSnapshot from the |snapshot| by
// extracting information about the |context_view| and its descendant views from
// |snapshot|.
static fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeSnapshotPtr ExtractObservationSnapshot(
std::optional<zx_koid_t> endpoint_context_view,
std::shared_ptr<const view_tree::Snapshot> snapshot);
using ProviderEndpointId = int64_t;
// This class implements the server side endpoint for
// fuchsia.ui.observation.geometry.ViewTreeWatcher clients and manages a deque of snapshot updates
// to be sent to the client on receiving a Watch() call.
class ProviderEndpoint : public fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcher {
explicit ProviderEndpoint(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcher> provider,
std::optional<zx_koid_t> context_view, ProviderEndpointId id,
fit::function<void()> destroy_instance_function);
ProviderEndpoint(ProviderEndpoint&& original) noexcept;
// |fuchsia.ui.observation.geometry.ViewTreeWatcher.Watch|.
void Watch(
fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcher::WatchCallback callback) override;
// Adds the latest snapshot to |view_tree_snapshots_|.
// If the size of |view_tree_snapshots_| exceeds |fuchsia.ui.observation.geometry.BUFFER_SIZE|,
// it replaces the oldest snapshot with the new one. If there were any pending callback because
// of a client calling Watch() when there were no pending snapshots, it gets triggered with the
// latest |view_tree_snapshots_|.
void AddViewTreeSnapshot(
fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeSnapshotPtr view_tree_snapshot);
bool IsAlive() const { return endpoint_.is_bound(); }
std::optional<zx_koid_t> context_view() const { return context_view_; }
// Checks whether the required conditions for sending the response to the client are met and
// then sends the response.
void SendResponseMaybe();
// Trigger the |pending_callback_| to send the response to the client. If the size of the
// response exceeds ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES, older
// `fuchsia.ui.observation.geometry.ViewTreeSnapshot`s in the response are dropped.
void SendResponse();
// Closes the fidl channel. This triggers the destruction of the ProviderEndpoint object through
// the |destroy_instance_function_|. NOTE: No further method calls or member accesses should be
// made after CloseChannel(), since they might be made on a destroyed object.
void CloseChannel();
// Resets the state of an |endpoint_| for subsequent |Watch| calls.
void Reset();
// Server-side endpoint.
fidl::Binding<fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcher> endpoint_;
// A deque containing pending snapshot updates for a client. The size of the deque cannot exceed
// |fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::BUFFER_SIZE|.
std::deque<fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeSnapshotPtr> view_tree_snapshots_;
// If the last |Watch| call did not immediately trigger a callback, it gets stored here and is
// triggered whenever a new snapshot gets generated.
fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcher::WatchCallback pending_callback_;
std::optional<const zx_koid_t> context_view_;
// Key for storing the associated server endpoint in |endpoints_|.
const ProviderEndpointId id_;
// A closure which gets triggered whenever the server endpoint closes. The closure is
// responsible for removing the ProviderEndpoint from |endpoints_|.
fit::function<void()> destroy_instance_function_;
// Errors faced while executing the |pending_callback_|. |error_| must be reset after
// |pending_callback_| is executed for subsequent |Watch| calls.
fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::Error error_;
// Generates a fuchsia.ui.observation.geometry.ViewDescriptor from the |snapshot|'s view node by
// extracting information about the |view_ref_koid| from the view node.
// The view nodes corresponding to views with 0x0 size are *not* reported.
static fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewDescriptor ExtractViewDescriptor(
zx_koid_t view_ref_koid, zx_koid_t context_view,
std::shared_ptr<const view_tree::Snapshot> snapshot);
std::unordered_map<ProviderEndpointId, ProviderEndpoint> endpoints_;
// Incremented when Register() is called.
ProviderEndpointId endpoint_counter_ = 0;
} // namespace view_tree