blob: 40ac75c0ebebe5900eecd127151820a3f864b847 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "geometry_provider.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <stack>
#include <measure_tape/hlcpp/measure_tape_for_geometry.h>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/utils/helpers.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/utils/math.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/utils/time.h"
namespace view_tree {
using fuog_ViewTreeWatcher = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcher;
using fuog_ViewTreeSnapshot = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeSnapshot;
using fuog_ViewTreeSnapshotPtr = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeSnapshotPtr;
using fuog_WatchResponse = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::WatchResponse;
using fuog_ViewDescriptor = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewDescriptor;
using fuog_Layout = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::Layout;
using fuog_RotatableExtent = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::RotatableExtent;
using fuog_Error = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::Error;
namespace fuog_measure_tape = measure_tape::fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry;
const auto fuog_BUFFER_SIZE = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::BUFFER_SIZE;
const auto fuog_MAX_VIEW_COUNT = fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::MAX_VIEW_COUNT;
void GeometryProvider::Register(fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuog_ViewTreeWatcher> endpoint,
zx_koid_t context_view) {
FX_DCHECK(endpoint.is_valid()) << "precondition";
FX_DCHECK(context_view != ZX_KOID_INVALID) << "precondition";
auto endpoint_id = endpoint_counter_++;
endpoints_.insert({endpoint_id, ProviderEndpoint(std::move(endpoint), context_view, endpoint_id,
[this, endpoint_id] {
auto count = endpoints_.erase(endpoint_id);
FX_DCHECK(count > 0);
void GeometryProvider::RegisterGlobalViewTreeWatcher(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcher> endpoint) {
FX_DCHECK(endpoint.is_valid()) << "precondition";
auto endpoint_id = endpoint_counter_++;
{endpoint_id, ProviderEndpoint(std::move(endpoint), /*context_view*/ std::nullopt,
endpoint_id, [this, endpoint_id] {
auto count = endpoints_.erase(endpoint_id);
FX_DCHECK(count > 0);
void GeometryProvider::OnNewViewTreeSnapshot(std::shared_ptr<const view_tree::Snapshot> snapshot) {
// Remove any dead endpoints.
for (auto it = endpoints_.begin(); it != endpoints_.end();) {
if (!it->second.IsAlive()) {
it = endpoints_.erase(it);
} else {
// Add snapshot to each endpoint's buffer.
for (auto& [_, endpoint] : endpoints_) {
endpoint.AddViewTreeSnapshot(ExtractObservationSnapshot(endpoint.context_view(), snapshot));
fuog_ViewTreeSnapshotPtr GeometryProvider::ExtractObservationSnapshot(
std::optional<zx_koid_t> endpoint_context_view,
std::shared_ptr<const view_tree::Snapshot> snapshot) {
auto view_tree_snapshot = fuog_ViewTreeSnapshot::New();
std::vector<fuog_ViewDescriptor> views;
bool views_exceeded = false;
// |ProviderEndpoint| not having a |context_view_| get global access to the view tree as they get
// registered through f.u.o.t.Registry.RegisterGlobalViewTreeWatcher.
zx_koid_t context_view = 0;
if (endpoint_context_view.has_value()) {
context_view = endpoint_context_view.value();
} else {
context_view = snapshot->root;
// Empty snapshot case.
if (context_view == ZX_KOID_INVALID && snapshot->view_tree.empty()) {
return view_tree_snapshot;
// It is possible that |context_view| has not yet connected to the view tree or it has
// disconnected. In either case, send an empty snapshot.
if (snapshot->view_tree.count(context_view) == 0) {
return view_tree_snapshot;
// Perform a depth-first search on the view tree to populate |views| with
// fuog_ViewDescriptors.
std::stack<zx_koid_t> stack;
std::unordered_set<zx_koid_t> visited;
while (!stack.empty()) {
auto view_node =;
FX_DCHECK(visited.count(view_node) == 0) << "Cycle detected in the view tree";
const auto& view = snapshot->;
// Do not set a view vector in the |ViewTreeSnapshot| as the size of |views| will exceed
// fuog_MAX_VIEW_COUNT, since the number of |children| of the |view_node| exceeds
if (view.children.size() > fuog_MAX_VIEW_COUNT) {
views_exceeded = true;
for (auto child : view.children) {
static const BoundingBox zero_bounding_box{};
// Add |ViewDescriptor|s for nodes created by flatland instances in |views|. For GFX instances,
// add the |ViewDescriptor|s for nodes that have generated the |is_rendering| signal.
const bool is_flatland_view = !view.gfx_is_rendering.has_value();
const bool gfx_rendered_view =
view.gfx_is_rendering.has_value() && view.gfx_is_rendering.value();
// Closed views may have 0x0 size temporarily; do not report them as part
// of the view tree.
const bool is_sized_view = view.bounding_box != zero_bounding_box;
if (is_sized_view) {
if (is_flatland_view || gfx_rendered_view) {
views.push_back(ExtractViewDescriptor(view_node, context_view, snapshot));
} else {
// TODO( Not obvious what the correct action is for 0x0 views.
// For now, we skip them, fingers crossed.
FX_DLOGS(WARNING) << "found a 0x0 view in the view tree, skipping: " << view_node;
// Do not set a view vector in the |ViewTreeSnapshot| as the size of |views| will exceed
// fuog_MAX_VIEW_COUNT, since the stack is not empty.
if (views.size() == fuog_MAX_VIEW_COUNT && stack.size() > 0) {
views_exceeded = true;
if (!views_exceeded) {
return view_tree_snapshot;
fuog_ViewDescriptor GeometryProvider::ExtractViewDescriptor(
zx_koid_t view_ref_koid, zx_koid_t context_view,
std::shared_ptr<const view_tree::Snapshot> snapshot) {
auto& view_node = snapshot->;
std::array<float, 2> pixel_scale = utils::kDefaultPixelScale;
if (view_node.gfx_pixel_scale.has_value()) {
pixel_scale = view_node.gfx_pixel_scale.value();
fuchsia::math::InsetF inset;
if (view_node.gfx_inset.has_value()) {
inset = view_node.gfx_inset.value();
// The coordinates of a view_node's bounding box.
fuog_Layout layout = {
.extent = {.min = {view_node.bounding_box.min[0], view_node.bounding_box.min[1]},
.max = {view_node.bounding_box.max[0], view_node.bounding_box.max[1]}},
.pixel_scale = std::move(pixel_scale),
.inset = std::move(inset)};
auto world_from_local_transform = glm::inverse(view_node.local_from_world_transform);
auto extent_in_context_transform =
snapshot-> * world_from_local_transform;
// The coordinates of a view_node's bounding box in context_view's coordinate system.
auto extent_in_context_top_left = utils::TransformPointerCoords(
{view_node.bounding_box.min[0], view_node.bounding_box.min[1]}, extent_in_context_transform);
auto extent_in_context_top_right = utils::TransformPointerCoords(
{view_node.bounding_box.max[0], view_node.bounding_box.min[1]}, extent_in_context_transform);
auto extent_in_context_bottom_left = utils::TransformPointerCoords(
{view_node.bounding_box.min[0], view_node.bounding_box.max[1]}, extent_in_context_transform);
auto extent_in_context_dx = extent_in_context_top_right[0] - extent_in_context_top_left[0];
auto extent_in_context_dy = extent_in_context_top_right[1] - extent_in_context_top_left[1];
// TODO( : Handle floating point precision errors in calculating the angle.
// Angle of a line segment with coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is defined as tan inverse
// (y2-y1/x2-x1). As the return value is in radians multiply it by 180/PI.
FX_DCHECK(extent_in_context_dx != 0 || extent_in_context_dy != 0)
<< "top left and top right coordinates cannot be the same. inputs: "
<< extent_in_context_top_right[0] << ", " << extent_in_context_top_left[0] << ", "
<< extent_in_context_top_right[1] << ", " << extent_in_context_top_left[1] << ", "
<< view_node.bounding_box.min[0] << ", " << view_node.bounding_box.min[1] << ", "
<< view_node.bounding_box.max[0] << ", " << view_node.bounding_box.max[1];
auto angle_context = atan2(extent_in_context_dy, extent_in_context_dx) * (180. / M_PI);
// Change the range of |angle_context| from [-pi,pi] to [0,2*pi).
angle_context = std::fmod(angle_context + 360, 360);
fuog_RotatableExtent extent_in_context = {
.origin = {extent_in_context_top_left[0], extent_in_context_top_left[1]},
// Root mean squared distance between two coordinates.
.width = std::hypot(extent_in_context_top_right[0] - extent_in_context_top_left[0],
extent_in_context_top_right[1] - extent_in_context_top_left[1]),
.height = std::hypot(extent_in_context_bottom_left[0] - extent_in_context_top_left[0],
extent_in_context_bottom_left[1] - extent_in_context_top_left[1]),
.angle_degrees = static_cast<float>(angle_context)};
glm::mat4 extent_in_parent_transform;
// If the context view is the root node, it will not have a parent so the
// extent_in_parent_transform will be an identity matrix.
if (view_node.parent != ZX_KOID_INVALID) {
extent_in_parent_transform =
snapshot-> *
// The coordinates of a view_node's bounding box in its parent's coordinate system.
auto extent_in_parent_top_left = utils::TransformPointerCoords(
{view_node.bounding_box.min[0], view_node.bounding_box.min[1]}, extent_in_parent_transform);
auto extent_in_parent_top_right = utils::TransformPointerCoords(
{view_node.bounding_box.max[0], view_node.bounding_box.min[1]}, extent_in_parent_transform);
auto extent_in_parent_bottom_left = utils::TransformPointerCoords(
{view_node.bounding_box.min[0], view_node.bounding_box.max[1]}, extent_in_parent_transform);
auto extent_in_parent_dx = extent_in_parent_top_right[0] - extent_in_parent_top_left[0];
auto extent_in_parent_dy = extent_in_parent_top_right[1] - extent_in_parent_top_left[1];
FX_DCHECK(extent_in_parent_dx != 0 || extent_in_parent_dy != 0)
<< "top left and top right coordinates cannot be the same";
// TODO( : Handle floating point precision errors in calculating the angle.
auto angle_parent = atan2(extent_in_parent_dy, extent_in_parent_dx) * (180. / M_PI);
// Change the range of |angle_parent| from [-pi,pi] to [0,2*pi).
angle_parent = std::fmod(angle_parent + 360, 360);
fuog_RotatableExtent extent_in_parent = {
.origin = {extent_in_parent_top_left[0], extent_in_parent_top_left[1]},
.width = std::hypot(extent_in_parent_top_right[0] - extent_in_parent_top_left[0],
extent_in_parent_top_right[1] - extent_in_parent_top_left[1]),
.height = std::hypot(extent_in_parent_bottom_left[0] - extent_in_parent_top_left[0],
extent_in_parent_bottom_left[1] - extent_in_parent_top_left[1]),
.angle_degrees = static_cast<float>(angle_parent)};
fuog_ViewDescriptor view_descriptor;
FX_DCHECK(view_node.children.size() <= fuog_MAX_VIEW_COUNT) << "invariant.";
view_descriptor.set_children({view_node.children.begin(), view_node.children.end()});
return view_descriptor;
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuog_ViewTreeWatcher> endpoint, std::optional<zx_koid_t> context_view,
ProviderEndpointId id, fit::function<void()> destroy_instance_function)
: endpoint_(this, std::move(endpoint)),
// The |destroy_instance_function_| captures the 'this' pointer to the GeometryProvider
// instance. However, the below operation is safe because it is expected that the
// GeometryProvider outlives the ProviderEndpoint.
destroy_instance_function_(std::move(destroy_instance_function)) {}
GeometryProvider::ProviderEndpoint::ProviderEndpoint(ProviderEndpoint&& original) noexcept
: endpoint_(this, original.endpoint_.Unbind()),
destroy_instance_function_(std::move(original.destroy_instance_function_)) {}
void GeometryProvider::ProviderEndpoint::AddViewTreeSnapshot(
fuog_ViewTreeSnapshotPtr view_tree_snapshot) {
if (view_tree_snapshots_.size() > fuog_BUFFER_SIZE) {
error_ |= fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::Error::BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
FX_DCHECK(view_tree_snapshots_.size() <= fuog_BUFFER_SIZE) << "invariant";
void GeometryProvider::ProviderEndpoint::Watch(fuog_ViewTreeWatcher::WatchCallback callback) {
// Check if there is an ongoing Watch call. If there is an in-flight Watch call, close the channel
// and remove itself from |endpoints_|.
if (pending_callback_ != nullptr) {
// If there are snapshots lined up in the queue, send the response otherwise store the callback.
pending_callback_ = std::move(callback);
void GeometryProvider::ProviderEndpoint::SendResponseMaybe() {
// Check if we have a client waiting for a response and if we have snapshots queued up to be sent
// to the client before sending the response.
if (pending_callback_ != nullptr && !view_tree_snapshots_.empty()) {
void GeometryProvider::ProviderEndpoint::SendResponse() {
FX_DCHECK(pending_callback_ != nullptr);
fuog_WatchResponse watch_response;
int64_t response_size = fuog_measure_tape::Measure(watch_response).num_bytes;
// Send pending snapshots to the client in a chronological order and clear the deque. If the size
// of the response exceeds ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES, drop the oldest fuog_ViewTreeSnapshot in the
// response.
while (!view_tree_snapshots_.empty() && response_size < ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES) {
response_size += fuog_measure_tape::Measure(*view_tree_snapshots_.back()).num_bytes;
if (response_size < ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES) {
// The absence of a views vector in |ViewTreeSnapshot| indicates that a view overflow has
// occurred.
if (!view_tree_snapshots_.back()->has_views()) {
error_ |= fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::Error::VIEWS_OVERFLOW;
} else {
error_ |= fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::Error::CHANNEL_OVERFLOW;
std::reverse(watch_response.mutable_updates()->begin(), watch_response.mutable_updates()->end());
if (error_) {
// Clear the pending_callback_ and reset the state for subsequent Watch() calls.
void GeometryProvider::ProviderEndpoint::CloseChannel() {
// NOTE: Triggers destruction of this object.
void GeometryProvider::ProviderEndpoint::Reset() {
pending_callback_ = nullptr;
error_ = error_ ^ error_; // Clear bits
} // namespace view_tree