blob: 6ff6e199ec636933da15188bcd7f677548ac4111 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
namespace escher {
// Base class for items that can be stored in an IntrusiveList.
// TODO( A fancier implementation would make next/prev private. Until
// then, we trust Escher clients to not frob these pointers.
template <typename T>
struct IntrusiveListItem {
T* prev = nullptr;
T* next = nullptr;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void* list = nullptr;
template <typename T>
class IntrusiveList {
~IntrusiveList() { Clear(); }
void Clear() {
IntrusiveListItem<T>* current = head_;
while (current) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
FX_DCHECK(current->list == this);
current->list = nullptr;
IntrusiveListItem<T>* next = current->next;
current->next = nullptr;
current->prev = nullptr;
current = next;
head_ = nullptr;
class Iterator {
friend class IntrusiveList<T>;
Iterator(T* item) : item_(item) {}
Iterator() = default;
explicit operator bool() const { return item_ != nullptr; }
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return item_ == other.item_; }
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return item_ != other.item_; }
T& operator*() { return *static_cast<T*>(item_); }
const T& operator*() const { return *static_cast<T*>(item_); }
T* get() { return static_cast<T*>(item_); }
const T* get() const { return static_cast<T*>(item_); }
T* operator->() { return get(); }
const T* operator->() const { return get(); }
// Pre-increment.
Iterator operator++() {
item_ = item_->next;
return *this;
// Post-increment.
Iterator operator++(int) {
Iterator result = *this;
return result;
IntrusiveListItem<T>* item_ = nullptr;
Iterator begin() { return Iterator(head_); }
Iterator end() { return Iterator(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return head_ == nullptr; }
// Return iterator following the last removed item.
Iterator Erase(Iterator it) {
auto item = it.get();
return Iterator(item ? Erase(item) : nullptr);
// Return the list item that follows the erased item.
T* Erase(T* item) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
FX_DCHECK(item->list == this);
item->list = nullptr;
auto* next = item->next;
auto* prev = item->prev;
if (prev) {
prev->next = next;
} else {
head_ = next;
if (next) {
next->prev = prev;
item->next = item->prev = nullptr;
return next;
// If the list is not empty, erase and return the first item. Otherwise,
// return nullptr.
T* PopFront() {
if (head_) {
auto result = head_;
return result;
} else {
return nullptr;
void InsertFront(Iterator it) {
auto* item = it.get();
if (head_)
head_->prev = item;
item->next = head_;
item->prev = nullptr;
head_ = item;
#ifndef NDEBUG
FX_DCHECK(item->list == nullptr);
item->list = this;
void MoveToFront(IntrusiveList<T>& other, Iterator it) {
T* head_ = nullptr;
} // namespace escher