blob: 3d97f6597c72d6ecad22984e5344aeb777d9af4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/enum_utils.h"
namespace escher {
// Wrapper to allow bitwise operations on the members of an enum class.
// TODO( write unit tests.
template <typename BitT>
class EnumFlags {
using BitType = BitT;
using MaskType = typename std::underlying_type<BitT>::type;
EnumFlags() : mask_(0) {}
EnumFlags(BitType bit) : mask_(static_cast<MaskType>(bit)) {}
EnumFlags(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) : mask_(other.mask_) {}
explicit EnumFlags(MaskType flags) : mask_(flags) {}
EnumFlags<BitType>& operator=(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) {
mask_ = other.mask_;
return *this;
EnumFlags<BitType>& operator&=(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) {
mask_ &= other.mask_;
return *this;
EnumFlags<BitType>& operator|=(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) {
mask_ |= other.mask_;
return *this;
EnumFlags<BitType>& operator^=(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) {
mask_ ^= other.mask_;
return *this;
EnumFlags<BitType> operator&(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) const {
EnumFlags<BitType> result(*this);
result &= other;
return result;
EnumFlags<BitType> operator|(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) const {
EnumFlags<BitType> result(*this);
result |= other;
return result;
EnumFlags<BitType> operator^(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) const {
EnumFlags<BitType> result(*this);
result ^= other;
return result;
EnumFlags<BitType> operator~() const {
EnumFlags<BitType> result(*this);
result.mask_ ^= EnumCast(BitType::kAllFlags);
return result;
bool operator!() const { return mask_ == 0; }
bool operator==(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) const { return mask_ == other.mask_; }
bool operator!=(const EnumFlags<BitType>& other) const { return mask_ != other.mask_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return mask_ != 0; }
explicit operator MaskType() const { return mask_; }
MaskType mask_;
template <typename BitT>
EnumFlags<BitT> operator&(BitT bit, const EnumFlags<BitT>& flags) {
return flags & bit;
template <typename BitT>
EnumFlags<BitT> operator|(BitT bit, const EnumFlags<BitT>& flags) {
return flags | bit;
template <typename BitT>
EnumFlags<BitT> operator^(BitT bit, const EnumFlags<BitT>& flags) {
return flags ^ bit;
// Reduce boilerplate by bundling two things that clients always want anyway:
// - a more convenient name: e.g. MyFlags instead of EnumFlags<MyFlagBits>
// - two inline functions for implicitly going from "Bits" to "Flags".
using FLAGS_NAME = EnumFlags<BITS_NAME>; \
inline FLAGS_NAME operator|(BITS_NAME bit1, BITS_NAME bit2) { return FLAGS_NAME(bit1) | bit2; } \
inline FLAGS_NAME operator~(BITS_NAME bit) { return ~(FLAGS_NAME(bit)); }
} // namespace escher