blob: 9a11d2fd30f09082b1809371a6ab58173c2284e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/base/reffable.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/forward_declarations.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/impl/command_buffer.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/profiling/timestamp_profiler.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/renderer/uniform_block_allocator.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/block_allocator.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/command_buffer.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
namespace escher {
typedef fit::function<void()> FrameRetiredCallback;
class Frame;
using FramePtr = fxl::RefPtr<Frame>;
// Represents a single render pass on a command queue. There may be multiple
// frames issuing commands per render draw call. Frame is passed into a
// Renderer, which uses it to obtain command buffers, submit partial frames, do
// profiling, etc.
class Frame : public Resource {
static const ResourceTypeInfo kTypeInfo;
const ResourceTypeInfo& type_info() const override { return kTypeInfo; }
// Submit the current CommandBuffer, and obtain a new CommandBuffer for subsequent commands. If
// |partial_frame_done| is not null, it will be signaled when the submitted CommandBuffer is
// finished.
void SubmitPartialFrame(const SemaphorePtr& partial_frame_done);
// Submit the frame's final CommandBuffer. When it is finished, |frame_done| will be signaled and
// |frame_retired_callback| will be invoked; the latter occurs when the command-buffer is cleaned
// up in Escher::Cleanup(), perhaps more than a millisecond later.
void EndFrame(const SemaphorePtr& frame_done, FrameRetiredCallback frame_retired_callback);
// Submit the frame's final CommandBuffer. When it is finished, all of the semaphores in the
// vector |semaphores| will signaled and |frame_retired_callback| will be invoked; the latter
// occurs when the the command-buffer is cleaned up in Escher::Cleanup(), perhaps more than a
// millisecond later.
void EndFrame(const std::vector<SemaphorePtr>& semaphores,
FrameRetiredCallback frame_retired_callback);
// If profiling is enabled, inserts a Vulkan timestamp query into the frame's
// current CommandBuffer; the result will be inserted into the trace log.
// |stages| denotes the set of pipeline stages that must be completed by all
// previously-issued commands; see TimestampProfiler docs for more details.
void AddTimestamp(const char* name,
vk::PipelineStageFlagBits stages = vk::PipelineStageFlagBits::eBottomOfPipe);
// See |CommandBuffer::DisableLazyPipelineCreation()|. Disables lazy pipeline creation on the
// frame's current and subsequent CommandBuffers.
void DisableLazyPipelineCreation();
uint64_t frame_number() const { return frame_number_; }
CommandBuffer* cmds() const { return command_buffer_.get(); }
vk::CommandBuffer vk_command_buffer() const;
uint64_t command_buffer_sequence_number() const { return command_buffer_sequence_number_; }
GpuAllocator* gpu_allocator();
BlockAllocator* host_allocator() { return &block_allocator_; }
// Allocate temporary CPU memory that is valid until EndFrame() is called.
template <typename T>
T* Allocate() {
return block_allocator_.Allocate<T>();
// Allocate temporary CPU memory that is valid until EndFrame() is called.
template <typename T>
T* AllocateMany(size_t count) {
return block_allocator_.AllocateMany<T>(count);
// Allocate temporary GPU uniform buffer memory that is valid until the frame is finished
// rendering (after EndFrame() is called).
UniformAllocation AllocateUniform(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
return uniform_block_allocator_.Allocate(size, alignment);
bool use_protected_memory() const { return use_protected_memory_; }
// These resources will be retained until the current frame is finished
// running on the GPU.
void KeepAlive(ResourcePtr resource);
// Constructor called by Escher::NewFrame().
// NOTE: moving the BlockAllocator into the Frame (instead of e.g. passing a
// unique_ptr) avoids an extra pointer indirection on each allocation.
friend class impl::FrameManager;
Frame(impl::FrameManager* manager, CommandBuffer::Type requested_type, BlockAllocator allocator,
impl::UniformBufferPoolWeakPtr uniform_buffer_pool, uint64_t frame_number,
const char* trace_literal, const char* gpu_vthread_literal, uint64_t gpu_vthread_id,
bool enable_gpu_logging, bool use_protected_memory);
void BeginFrame();
// Issues a new CommandBuffer for a frame, and marks the frame as InProgress.
void IssueCommandBuffer();
// Called by impl::FrameManager when the Frame is returned to the pool, so
// that it can be reused in newly constructed frames.
BlockAllocator TakeBlockAllocator() { return std::move(block_allocator_); }
// Called by BatchGpuUploader and BatchGpuDownloader to write to the
// new_command_buffer_ and gather work to post to the GPU.
// TODO( Remove these functions once BatchGpuUploader::Writers are
// backed by secondary buffers, and the frame's primary command buffer is not
// moved into the Writer.
friend class BatchGpuUploader;
friend class BatchGpuDownloader;
CommandBufferPtr TakeCommandBuffer();
void PutCommandBuffer(CommandBufferPtr command_buffer);
enum class State {
State state_ = State::kReadyToBegin;
// The frame number associated with this frame. Used to correlate work across
// threads for tracing events.
const uint64_t frame_number_;
// A unique number to identify this escher frame. It can diverge from
// frame_number_, as frame_number_ is used by the client for its own tracking.
const uint64_t escher_frame_number_;
// A string constant that is the name of the trace event this frame will
// generate.
const char* trace_literal_;
// A string constant that is the name of the virtual thread this frame
// generates events for.
const char* gpu_vthread_literal_;
// A unique identifier for the virtual thread this frame generates events for.
const uint64_t gpu_vthread_id_;
bool enable_gpu_logging_;
bool use_protected_memory_;
vk::Queue queue_;
CommandBuffer::Type command_buffer_type_;
// The sequence number of the command_buffer managed by this frame. Cached
// here to track which command_buffer was managed by this frame if the command
// buffer was taken (via TakeCommandBuffer()) for GPU uploads.
uint64_t command_buffer_sequence_number_;
CommandBufferPtr command_buffer_;
BlockAllocator block_allocator_;
// TODO( investigate whether this memory is host-coherent, and whether it should be
// (it seems like it isn't and should be). Document the usage guarantees/requirements in
// AllocateUniform(), above.
UniformBlockAllocator uniform_block_allocator_;
TimestampProfilerPtr profiler_;
uint32_t submission_count_ = 0;
// TODO( ideally we can move away from explicitly retaining used
// resources in the Frame. For now, this approach is easy and relatively
// fool-proof.
std::vector<ResourcePtr> keep_alive_;
bool disable_lazy_pipeline_creation_ = false;
} // namespace escher