blob: 8e908fd5958c1e8adbf4facefeb034f8d2e36eac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/paper/paper_shape_cache.h"
#include <unordered_set>
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/escher.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/geometry/bounding_box.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/mesh/indexed_triangle_mesh_clip.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/mesh/indexed_triangle_mesh_upload.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/mesh/tessellation.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/renderer/batch_gpu_uploader.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/shape/rounded_rect.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/alloca.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/hasher.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/pair_hasher.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/util/trace_macros.h"
namespace escher {
namespace {
// Returned when there is no shape to draw, for example when a circle with zero
// radius is requested, or when all vertices of a tessellated shape are clipped
// by clip planes.
const PaperShapeCacheEntry kNullCacheEntry;
// Helper used by GetRoundedRectMesh() and others. Defined as a standalone
// function instead of a private method on PaperShapeCache to avoid needing to
// include any IndexedTriangleMesh headers in our header.
PaperShapeCacheEntry ProcessTriangleMesh2d(IndexedTriangleMesh2d<vec2> mesh,
const MeshSpec& mesh_spec, const plane3* clip_planes3,
size_t num_clip_planes, const BoundingBox& bounding_box,
PaperRendererShadowType shadow_type, Escher* escher,
BatchGpuUploader* uploader) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::ProcessTriangleMesh2d");
FX_DCHECK(mesh_spec == PaperShapeCache::kStandardMeshSpec());
// Convert 3d clip planes to 2d before clipping.
std::vector<plane2> clip_planes_vec;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_clip_planes; ++i) {
// Check to make sure the incoming 3D clip plane is not parallel
// to the z=0 plane. If the two planes intersect, add in the
// constructed plane2 to the vector of plane2s.
if (1.f - fabs(clip_planes3[i].dir().z) > 0.001) {
// Grab the raw pointer data from the vector
// and update the total number of clip planes.
plane2* clip_planes =;
num_clip_planes = clip_planes_vec.size();
IndexedTriangleMesh2d<vec2> tri_mesh;
std::tie(tri_mesh, std::ignore) =
IndexedTriangleMeshClip(std::move(mesh), clip_planes, num_clip_planes);
switch (shadow_type) {
case PaperRendererShadowType::kShadowVolume: {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::ProcessTriangleMesh2d[shadow_volume]");
using Edge = IndexedTriangleMesh2d<vec2>::EdgeType;
std::unordered_set<Edge, PairHasher> silhouette_edges;
const uint32_t original_index_count = tri_mesh.index_count();
const uint32_t original_vertex_count = tri_mesh.vertex_count();
auto& indices = tri_mesh.indices;
// Find silhouette edges, and generate opposite face of the shadow volume.
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::ProcessTriangleMesh2d[shadow_volume_1]");
// We're going to double the number of indices in order to mirror the
// opposite face of the shadow volume, and then add 6 indices (two
// triangles) per silhouette edge to connect the two faces together with
// quads. Empirically, we estimate that there is about one silhouette
// edge per triangle of the original mesh.
indices.reserve(tri_mesh.index_count() * 2 + tri_mesh.triangle_count() * 6);
for (size_t i = 0; i < original_index_count; i += 3) {
MeshSpec::IndexType* tri = + i;
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
// Mirror the triangle on the opposite face of the shadow volume.
// The index order is reversed.
indices.push_back(tri[(3 - j) % 3] + original_vertex_count);
// Look for silhouette edges.
Edge edge{tri[j], tri[(j + 1) % 3]};
Edge opposite{edge.second, edge.first};
auto it = silhouette_edges.find(opposite);
if (it != silhouette_edges.end()) {
// The opposite edge was already seen in the mesh, so neither this
// edge nor the opposite can be a silhouette edge.
} else {
// No opposite edge was found, so this edge is a candidate to be a
// silhouette edge (of course, it may be removed later if its
// opposite appears).
// Finish creating the mesh. Extrude side faces, copy vertex attributes,
// and add an additional kBlendWeight1 attribute for computing the shape
// of the volume in the vertex shader.
IndexedTriangleMesh2d<vec2, float> out_mesh;
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::ProcessTriangleMesh2d[shadow_volume_2]");
// Extrude side faces between matching silhouette edges. Flip the edge
// direction in order to maintain the desired winding order.
for (auto& edge : silhouette_edges) {
indices.push_back(edge.first + original_vertex_count);
indices.push_back(edge.first + original_vertex_count);
indices.push_back(edge.second + original_vertex_count);
// Create the output mesh. Gank the modified indices from the previous
// mesh, then duplicate the mirrored vertices (there will be exactly
// twice as many vertices in the new mesh). We also need an additional
// attribute that is used as a switch, so that the mirrored vertices are
// "extruded" away from the light source, whereas the original vertices
// are left in their original world-space positions; this attribute is 0
// for original vertices and 1 for mirrored vertices.
out_mesh.indices = std::move(tri_mesh.indices);
out_mesh.positions.reserve(original_vertex_count * 2);
out_mesh.attributes1.reserve(original_vertex_count * 2);
out_mesh.attributes2.reserve(original_vertex_count * 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < original_vertex_count; ++i) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < original_vertex_count; ++i) {
FX_DCHECK(mesh_spec == PaperShapeCache::kStandardMeshSpec());
const uint32_t shadow_volume_index_count = out_mesh.index_count();
return PaperShapeCacheEntry{
.mesh =
IndexedTriangleMeshUpload(escher, uploader, PaperShapeCache::kShadowVolumeMeshSpec(),
bounding_box, std::move(out_mesh)),
.num_indices = original_index_count,
.num_shadow_volume_indices = shadow_volume_index_count,
} break;
auto num_indices = tri_mesh.index_count();
return PaperShapeCacheEntry{
.mesh = IndexedTriangleMeshUpload(escher, uploader, mesh_spec, bounding_box,
.num_indices = num_indices,
.num_shadow_volume_indices = 0,
PaperShapeCacheEntry ProcessTriangleMesh3d(IndexedTriangleMesh3d<vec2> mesh,
const MeshSpec& mesh_spec, const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes, const BoundingBox& bounding_box,
PaperRendererShadowType shadow_type, Escher* escher,
BatchGpuUploader* uploader) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::ProcessTriangleMesh3d");
FX_DCHECK((mesh_spec == MeshSpec{{MeshAttribute::kPosition3D, MeshAttribute::kUV}}));
IndexedTriangleMesh3d<vec2> tri_mesh;
std::tie(tri_mesh, std::ignore) =
IndexedTriangleMeshClip(std::move(mesh), clip_planes, num_clip_planes);
auto index_count = tri_mesh.index_count();
return PaperShapeCacheEntry{
.mesh =
IndexedTriangleMeshUpload(escher, uploader, mesh_spec, bounding_box, std::move(tri_mesh)),
.num_indices = index_count,
.num_shadow_volume_indices = 0,
} // namespace
PaperShapeCache::PaperShapeCache(EscherWeakPtr escher, const PaperRendererConfig& config)
: escher_(std::move(escher)), shadow_type_(config.shadow_type) {}
PaperShapeCache::~PaperShapeCache() { FX_DCHECK(!uploader_); }
void PaperShapeCache::BeginFrame(BatchGpuUploader* uploader, uint64_t frame_number) {
FX_DCHECK(uploader && !uploader_);
uploader_ = uploader;
// Workaround because Scenic Screenshotter always uses frame #0.
if (frame_number > 0) {
FX_DCHECK(frame_number >= frame_number_)
<< "old/new frame#: " << frame_number_ << "/" << frame_number;
frame_number_ = frame_number;
void PaperShapeCache::EndFrame() {
uploader_ = nullptr;
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::EndFrame", "cache_hits",
cache_hit_count_ + cache_hit_after_plane_culling_count_,
"cache_hits_after_plane_culling", cache_hit_after_plane_culling_count_,
"cache_misses", cache_miss_count_);
cache_hit_count_ = 0;
cache_hit_after_plane_culling_count_ = 0;
cache_miss_count_ = 0;
void PaperShapeCache::SetConfig(const PaperRendererConfig& config) {
FX_DCHECK(!uploader_) << "Cannot change config in the middle of a frame.";
if (shadow_type_ == config.shadow_type)
shadow_type_ = config.shadow_type;
// NOTE: could optimize this to retain cached meshes in some cases. For
// example, switching shadow types kShadowMap <--> kNone. For now we just
// blow away the cache any time there is a change.
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& PaperShapeCache::GetRoundedRectMesh(const RoundedRectSpec& spec,
const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::GetRoundedRectMesh");
if (spec.width <= 0.f || spec.height <= 0.f)
return kNullCacheEntry;
Hash rect_hash;
Hasher h;
rect_hash = h.value();
const BoundingBox bounding_box(-0.5f * vec3(spec.width, spec.height, 0),
0.5f * vec3(spec.width, spec.height, 0));
return GetShapeMesh(
rect_hash, bounding_box, clip_planes, num_clip_planes,
[this, &spec, &bounding_box](const plane3* unculled_clip_planes,
size_t num_unculled_clip_planes) {
// No mesh was found, so we need to generate one.
uint32_t vertex_count;
uint32_t index_count;
std::tie(vertex_count, index_count) = GetRoundedRectMeshVertexAndIndexCounts(spec);
MeshSpec mesh_spec{{MeshAttribute::kPosition2D, MeshAttribute::kUV}};
IndexedTriangleMesh2d<vec2> mesh;
GenerateRoundedRectIndices(spec, mesh_spec,,
GenerateRoundedRectVertices(spec, mesh_spec,,
return ProcessTriangleMesh2d(std::move(mesh), mesh_spec, unculled_clip_planes,
num_unculled_clip_planes, bounding_box, shadow_type_,
escher_.get(), uploader_);
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& PaperShapeCache::GetCircleMesh(float radius, const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::GetCircleMesh");
if (radius <= 0.f)
return kNullCacheEntry;
Hash circle_hash;
Hasher h;
circle_hash = h.value();
const BoundingBox bounding_box(-vec3(radius, radius, 0), vec3(radius, radius, 0));
return GetShapeMesh(
circle_hash, bounding_box, clip_planes, num_clip_planes,
[this, radius, &bounding_box](const plane3* unculled_clip_planes,
size_t num_unculled_clip_planes) {
// No mesh was found, so we need to generate one.
MeshSpec mesh_spec{{MeshAttribute::kPosition2D, MeshAttribute::kUV}};
constexpr uint32_t kCircleSubdivisions = 3;
IndexedTriangleMesh2d<vec2> mesh =
NewCircleIndexedTriangleMesh(mesh_spec, kCircleSubdivisions, vec2(0, 0), radius);
return ProcessTriangleMesh2d(std::move(mesh), mesh_spec, unculled_clip_planes,
num_unculled_clip_planes, bounding_box, shadow_type_,
escher_.get(), uploader_);
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& PaperShapeCache::GetRectMesh(vec2 min, vec2 max,
const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::GetRectMesh");
const BoundingBox bounding_box = BoundingBox::NewChecked(vec3(min, 0), vec3(max, 0), 1);
if (bounding_box.is_empty()) {
return kNullCacheEntry;
Hash rect_hash;
Hasher h;
rect_hash = h.value();
return GetShapeMesh(
rect_hash, bounding_box, clip_planes, num_clip_planes,
[this, min, max, &bounding_box](const plane3* unculled_clip_planes,
size_t num_unculled_clip_planes) {
// No mesh was found, so we need to generate one.
MeshSpec mesh_spec{{MeshAttribute::kPosition2D, MeshAttribute::kUV}};
IndexedTriangleMesh2d<vec2> mesh;
mesh.indices = std::vector<MeshSpec::IndexType>{0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};
mesh.positions = std::vector<vec2>{vec2(min.x, min.y), vec2(max.x, min.y),
vec2(max.x, max.y), vec2(min.x, max.y)};
mesh.attributes1 = std::vector<vec2>{vec2(0, 0), vec2(1, 0), vec2(1, 1), vec2(0, 1)};
return ProcessTriangleMesh2d(std::move(mesh), mesh_spec, unculled_clip_planes,
num_unculled_clip_planes, bounding_box, shadow_type_,
escher_.get(), uploader_);
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& PaperShapeCache::GetBoxMesh(const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes) {
Hash box_hash;
Hasher h;
box_hash = h.value();
const BoundingBox bounding_box(vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(1, 1, 1));
return GetShapeMesh(
box_hash, bounding_box, nullptr, 0,
[this, &bounding_box](const plane3* unculled_clip_planes, size_t num_unculled_clip_planes) {
// No mesh was found, so we need to generate one.
MeshSpec mesh_spec{{MeshAttribute::kPosition3D, MeshAttribute::kUV}};
IndexedTriangleMesh3d<vec2> mesh = NewCubeIndexedTriangleMesh(mesh_spec);
return ProcessTriangleMesh3d(std::move(mesh), mesh_spec, unculled_clip_planes,
num_unculled_clip_planes, bounding_box, shadow_type_,
escher_.get(), uploader_);
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& PaperShapeCache::GetShapeMesh(const Hash& shape_hash,
const BoundingBox& bounding_box,
const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes,
CacheMissMeshGenerator mesh_generator) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::GetShapeMesh");
FX_DCHECK(clip_planes || num_clip_planes == 0);
// We will first look up the mesh via |lookup_hash|, but may later use
// |shape_hash| as an optimization.
Hash lookup_hash;
Hasher h(shape_hash);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_clip_planes; ++i) {
lookup_hash = h.value();
// Attempt to find a pre-clipped shape in the cache.
// TODO( do we need to quantize the clip_planes to avoid
// numerical precision errors when the planes are transformed into the
// object's coordinate system? Seems like this should perhaps be the
// responsibility of the caller.
// TODO( similarly, the caller should be responsible for
// sorting the planes if desired. For example, if the same planes are
// provided in a different order, the cache would fail to find the pre-clipped
// mesh.
if (auto* entry = FindEntry(lookup_hash)) {
return *entry;
// There are two separate optimizations to perform against the bounding box:
// 1) If a plane clips all 8 corners then don't bother considering the other
// planes. Return nullptr because there is nothing to render.
// 2) If a plane does not clip any of the 8 corners, then proceed to the
// next plane. Don't bother clipping individual triangles with such
// planes, because we know they will all pass.
size_t num_unculled_clip_planes = num_clip_planes;
plane3* unculled_clip_planes = ESCHER_ALLOCA(plane3, num_clip_planes);
if (CullPlanesAgainstBoundingBox(bounding_box, clip_planes, unculled_clip_planes,
&num_unculled_clip_planes)) {
// Cache a null MeshPtr, so that a subsequent lookup won't have to do
// the CPU work of testing planes against the bounding box.
AddEntry(lookup_hash, kNullCacheEntry);
return kNullCacheEntry;
// If some of the planes were culled, recompute the lookup hash and try again.
Hash lookup_hash2;
if (num_clip_planes == num_unculled_clip_planes) {
// No planes were culled; we will need to tessellate/clip/upload a new Mesh.
// When we cache the new mesh, we will only create one entry for it.
lookup_hash2 = lookup_hash;
} else {
FX_DCHECK(num_unculled_clip_planes < num_clip_planes) << "insane.";
// The following is an optimization for the common case where at least one
// clip plane is culled. This avoids each frame failing the |lookup_hash|
// lookup, then culling the clip planes in order to perform a successful
// lookup with |lookup_hash2|. Instead, by caching the result with both
// |lookup_hash| and |lookup_hash2| we allow subsequent frames to succeed
// immediately with |lookup_hash|.
// The reason that we don't only store the result under |lookup_hash| is the
// also-common case where the initial set of planes differs each frame, but
// the set of unculled planes remaining after culling is the same from frame
// to frame. In other words, the case where |lookup_hash| differs, but
// |lookup_hash2| is the same. For example, this would occur when the mesh
// is moving within the interior of a large clip volume. In this case, all
// planes are being translated with respect to the mesh, so |lookup_hash|
// differs, but all planes are being culled, so |lookup_hash2| is the same.
// Compute |lookup_hash2| like |lookup_hash|, except use culled clip planes.
Hasher h(shape_hash);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_unculled_clip_planes; ++i) {
lookup_hash2 = h.value();
if (auto* entry = FindEntry(lookup_hash2)) {
// NOTE: FX_DCHECK(entry->mesh) might seem reasonable here, but there
// still is a possibility that the generated mesh will be completely
// clipped.
// Woo-hoo! We found the mesh under the second lookup key. Before
// returning it, re-cache it under the original lookup key so that it can
// be looked up more efficiently next time.
AddEntry(lookup_hash, *entry);
// TODO( by caching under |lookup_hash| here, there is the
// possibility of pathological behavior under "stop and go" motion. For
// example, if an unclipped mesh stops for a few frames then it will be
// looked up successfully via |lookup_hash|, but when it starts to move
// again it may find that the |lookup_hash2| entry has already been
// evicted. A solution might a variant AddEntry(key, key2, mesh) such
// that whenever a mesh is looked up via |key|, the timestamp for |key2|
// is also updated.
return *entry;
PaperShapeCacheEntry new_entry;
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::GetShapeMesh[mesh_generator]");
new_entry = mesh_generator(unculled_clip_planes, num_unculled_clip_planes);
AddEntry(lookup_hash, new_entry);
if (lookup_hash2 != lookup_hash) {
AddEntry(lookup_hash2, new_entry);
// Slightly inefficient to look up the newly-inserted entry, but nothing
// compared to what we just did to create/upload the new mesh.
return *FindEntry(lookup_hash);
bool PaperShapeCache::CullPlanesAgainstBoundingBox(const BoundingBox& bounding_box,
const plane3* planes,
plane3* unculled_planes_out,
size_t* num_planes_inout) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::CullPlanesAgainstBoundingBox");
const size_t num_planes = *num_planes_inout;
size_t& num_unculled_planes_out = *num_planes_inout = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_planes; ++i) {
auto& plane = planes[i];
const uint32_t num_clipped_corners = bounding_box.NumClippedCorners(plane);
if (num_clipped_corners > 0) {
unculled_planes_out[num_unculled_planes_out++] = plane;
if (num_clipped_corners == 8)
return true;
return false;
PaperShapeCacheEntry* PaperShapeCache::FindEntry(const Hash& hash) {
auto it = cache_.find(hash);
if (it != cache_.end()) {
it->second.last_touched_frame = frame_number_;
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
void PaperShapeCache::AddEntry(const Hash& hash, PaperShapeCacheEntry entry) {
auto it = cache_.find(hash);
if (it != cache_.end()) {
FX_DCHECK(false) << "CacheEntry already exists.";
FX_DCHECK(entry.last_touched_frame <= frame_number_);
entry.last_touched_frame = frame_number_;
cache_.insert({hash, std::move(entry)});
// TODO( rather than rolling our own ad-hoc cache eviction strategy,
// (which is already a performance bottleneck) we should plug in a reusable
// cache that performs better and is well-tested.
void PaperShapeCache::TrimCache() {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::TrimCache", "num_entries", cache_.size());
for (auto it = cache_.begin(); it != cache_.end();) {
if (frame_number_ - it->second.last_touched_frame >= kNumFramesBeforeEviction) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "PaperShapeCache::TrimCache[erase]");
it = cache_.erase(it);
} else {
} // namespace escher