blob: 0f41128e17b5efc2df0ca8fa551ccafb5b9be6bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::capability::{CapabilityProvider, FrameworkCapability, InternalCapabilityProvider};
use crate::model::component::WeakComponentInstance;
use ::routing::capability_source::InternalCapability;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use cm_types::{Name, Path};
use fidl::endpoints::{self, DiscoverableProtocolMarker, ServerEnd};
use futures::channel::mpsc::{unbounded, UnboundedSender};
use futures::prelude::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use namespace::NamespaceError;
use sandbox::Capability;
use serve_processargs::{BuildNamespaceError, NamespaceBuilder};
use tracing::warn;
use vfs::execution_scope::ExecutionScope;
use {
fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent, fidl_fuchsia_component_sandbox as fsandbox,
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
lazy_static! {
static ref CAPABILITY_NAME: Name = fcomponent::NamespaceMarker::PROTOCOL_NAME.parse().unwrap();
struct NamespaceCapabilityProvider {
namespace_scope: ExecutionScope,
impl InternalCapabilityProvider for NamespaceCapabilityProvider {
async fn open_protocol(self: Box<Self>, server_end: zx::Channel) {
let server_end = ServerEnd::<fcomponent::NamespaceMarker>::new(server_end);
let serve_result = self.serve(server_end.into_stream().unwrap()).await;
if let Err(error) = serve_result {
// TODO: Set an epitaph to indicate this was an unexpected error.
warn!(%error, "serve failed");
impl Drop for Namespace {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl NamespaceCapabilityProvider {
async fn serve(
mut stream: fcomponent::NamespaceRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await? {
let method_name = request.method_name();
let result = self.handle_request(request).await;
match result {
// If the error was PEER_CLOSED then we don't need to log it as a client can
// disconnect while we are processing its request.
Err(error) if !error.is_closed() => {
warn!(%method_name, %error, "Couldn't send Namespace response");
_ => {}
async fn handle_request(
request: fcomponent::NamespaceRequest,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
match request {
fcomponent::NamespaceRequest::Create { entries, responder } => {
let res = self.create(entries).await;
fcomponent::NamespaceRequest::_UnknownMethod { ordinal, .. } => {
warn!(%ordinal, "fuchsia.component/Namespace received unknown method");
async fn create(
entries: Vec<fcomponent::NamespaceInputEntry>,
) -> Result<Vec<fcomponent::NamespaceEntry>, fcomponent::NamespaceError> {
let mut namespace_builder =
NamespaceBuilder::new(self.namespace_scope.clone(), Self::ignore_not_found());
for entry in entries {
let path = entry.path;
let dict = entry.dictionary.into_proxy().unwrap();
let (iterator, server_end) = endpoints::create_proxy().unwrap();
dict.enumerate(server_end).map_err(|_| fcomponent::NamespaceError::DictionaryRead)?;
loop {
let items = iterator
.map_err(|_| fcomponent::NamespaceError::DictionaryRead)?;
if items.is_empty() {
for item in items {
let fsandbox::DictionaryValueResult::Ok(value) = item.value else {
// Capability was not cloneable
return Err(fcomponent::NamespaceError::DictionaryRead);
let capability: Capability = value.try_into().unwrap();
let path = Path::new(format!("{}/{}", path, item.key))
.map_err(|_| fcomponent::NamespaceError::BadEntry)?;
namespace_builder.add_object(capability, &path).map_err(Self::error_to_fidl)?;
let namespace = namespace_builder.serve().map_err(Self::error_to_fidl)?;
let out = namespace.flatten().into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
fn error_to_fidl(e: BuildNamespaceError) -> fcomponent::NamespaceError {
match e {
BuildNamespaceError::NamespaceError(e) => match e {
NamespaceError::Shadow(_) => fcomponent::NamespaceError::Shadow,
NamespaceError::Duplicate(_) => fcomponent::NamespaceError::Duplicate,
NamespaceError::EntryError(_) => fcomponent::NamespaceError::BadEntry,
BuildNamespaceError::Conversion { .. } | BuildNamespaceError::Serve { .. } => {
fn ignore_not_found() -> UnboundedSender<String> {
let (sender, _receiver) = unbounded();
pub struct Namespace {
namespace_scope: ExecutionScope,
impl Namespace {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { namespace_scope: ExecutionScope::new() }
impl FrameworkCapability for Namespace {
fn matches(&self, capability: &InternalCapability) -> bool {
fn new_provider(
_scope: WeakComponentInstance,
_target: WeakComponentInstance,
) -> Box<dyn CapabilityProvider> {
Box::new(NamespaceCapabilityProvider { namespace_scope: self.namespace_scope.clone() })
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::capability;
use crate::model::component::ComponentInstance;
use crate::model::context::ModelContext;
use crate::model::environment::Environment;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fidl::endpoints::{ProtocolMarker, Proxy};
use fuchsia_component::client;
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use sandbox::{Dict, Receiver};
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use {
fidl_fidl_examples_routing_echo as fecho, fidl_fuchsia_component_sandbox as fsandbox,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
async fn handle_echo_request_stream(response: &str, mut stream: fecho::EchoRequestStream) {
while let Ok(Some(request)) = stream.try_next().await {
match request {
fecho::EchoRequest::EchoString { value: _, responder } => {
async fn new_root() -> Arc<ComponentInstance> {
async fn namespace(
instance: &Arc<ComponentInstance>,
) -> (fcomponent::NamespaceProxy, Namespace) {
let host = Namespace::new();
let (proxy, server) = endpoints::create_proxy::<fcomponent::NamespaceMarker>().unwrap();
capability::open_framework(&host, instance, server.into()).await.unwrap();
(proxy, host)
async fn namespace_create() {
let mut tasks = fasync::TaskGroup::new();
let root = new_root().await;
let (namespace_proxy, _host) = namespace(&root).await;
let mut namespace_pairs = vec![];
let mut dicts = vec![];
for (path, response) in [("/svc", "first"), ("/zzz/svc", "second")] {
// Initialize the host and sender/receiver pair.
let (receiver, sender) = Receiver::new();
// Serve an Echo request handler on the Receiver.
tasks.add(fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
loop {
let msg = receiver.receive().await.unwrap();
let stream: fecho::EchoRequestStream =
handle_echo_request_stream(response, stream).await;
// Create a dictionary and add the Sender to it.
let dict = Dict::new();
.expect("dict entry already exists");
let (dict_proxy, stream) =
// We must do this to keep the dictionaries alive until the namespace is created.
namespace_pairs.push(fcomponent::NamespaceInputEntry {
path: path.into(),
dictionary: dict_proxy.into_channel().unwrap().into_zx_channel().into(),
// Convert the dictionaries to a namespace.
let mut namespace_entries = namespace_proxy.create(namespace_pairs).await.unwrap().unwrap();
// Confirm that the Sender in the dictionary was converted to a service node, and we
// can access the Echo protocol (served by the Receiver) through this node.
let entry = namespace_entries.remove(0);
assert_matches!(entry.path, Some(p) if p == "/svc");
let dir =;
let echo = client::connect_to_protocol_at_dir_root::<fecho::EchoMarker>(&dir).unwrap();
let response = echo.echo_string(None).await.unwrap();
assert_matches!(response, Some(m) if m == "first");
let entry = namespace_entries.remove(0);
assert_matches!(entry.path, Some(p) if p == "/zzz/svc");
let dir =;
let echo = client::connect_to_protocol_at_dir_root::<fecho::EchoMarker>(&dir).unwrap();
let response = echo.echo_string(None).await.unwrap();
assert_matches!(response, Some(m) if m == "second");
async fn namespace_create_err_shadow() {
let mut tasks = fasync::TaskGroup::new();
let root = new_root().await;
let (namespace_proxy, _host) = namespace(&root).await;
// Two entries with a shadowing path.
let mut namespace_pairs = vec![];
let mut dicts = vec![];
for path in ["/svc", "/svc/shadow"] {
// Initialize the host and sender/receiver pair.
let (receiver, sender) = Receiver::new();
// Serve an Echo request handler on the Receiver.
tasks.add(fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
while let Some(msg) = receiver.receive().await {
let stream: fecho::EchoRequestStream =
handle_echo_request_stream("hello", stream).await;
// Create a dictionary and add the Sender to it.
let dict = Dict::new();
.expect("dict entry already exists");
let (dict_proxy, stream) =
// We must do this to keep the dictionaries alive until the namespace is created.
namespace_pairs.push(fcomponent::NamespaceInputEntry {
path: path.into(),
dictionary: dict_proxy.into_channel().unwrap().into_zx_channel().into(),
// Try to convert the dictionaries to a namespace. Expect an error because one path
// shadows another.
let res = namespace_proxy.create(namespace_pairs).await.unwrap();
assert_matches!(res, Err(fcomponent::NamespaceError::Shadow));
async fn namespace_create_err_dict_read() {
let root = new_root().await;
let (namespace_proxy, _host) = namespace(&root).await;
// Create a dictionary and close the server end.
let (dict_proxy, stream) =
let namespace_pairs = vec![fcomponent::NamespaceInputEntry {
path: "/svc".into(),
dictionary: dict_proxy.into_channel().unwrap().into_zx_channel().into(),
// Try to convert the dictionaries to a namespace. Expect an error because the dictionary
// was unreadable.
let res = namespace_proxy.create(namespace_pairs).await.unwrap();
assert_matches!(res, Err(fcomponent::NamespaceError::DictionaryRead));