blob: 2111be014e38fe45a37214684bf7a79ceb1e1061 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use diagnostics_assertions::{assert_data_tree, AnyProperty};
use diagnostics_reader::{ArchiveReader, Inspect};
use fidl_fuchsia_component::BinderMarker;
use fidl_fuchsia_diagnostics as fdiagnostics;
use fidl_fuchsia_metrics_test::MetricEventLoggerQuerierMarker;
use fidl_fuchsia_mockrebootcontroller::MockRebootControllerMarker;
use fidl_fuchsia_samplertestcontroller::SamplerTestControllerMarker;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_component::client::{connect_to_protocol_at, connect_to_protocol_at_path};
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use realm_client::InstalledNamespace;
use utils::{Event, EventVerifier};
mod test_topology;
mod utils;
async fn wait_for_single_counter_inspect(ns: &InstalledNamespace) {
let accessor = connect_to_protocol_at::<fdiagnostics::ArchiveAccessorMarker>(&ns).unwrap();
let _ = ArchiveReader::new()
.add_selector(format!("{}:root", test_topology::COUNTER_NAME))
.expect("got inspect data");
/// Runs the Sampler and a test component that can have its inspect properties
/// manipulated by the test via fidl, and uses cobalt mock and log querier to
/// verify that the sampler observers changes as expected, and logs them to
/// cobalt as expected.
async fn event_count_sampler_test() {
let ns = test_topology::create_realm().await.expect("initialized topology");
let test_app_controller = connect_to_protocol_at::<SamplerTestControllerMarker>(&ns).unwrap();
let reboot_controller = connect_to_protocol_at::<MockRebootControllerMarker>(&ns).unwrap();
let logger_querier = connect_to_protocol_at::<MetricEventLoggerQuerierMarker>(&ns).unwrap();
let _sampler_binder = connect_to_protocol_at_path::<BinderMarker>(format!(
let mut project_5_events = EventVerifier::new(&logger_querier, 5);
let mut project_13_events = EventVerifier::new(&logger_querier, 13);
Event { id: 101, value: 1, codes: vec![0, 0] },
Event { id: 102, value: 10, codes: vec![0, 0] },
Event { id: 103, value: 20, codes: vec![0, 0] },
"initial in event_count",
// Make sure I'm getting the expected FIRE events.
// Three components in components.json5: integer_1, integer_2, and integer_42
// with codes 121, 122, and 142, respectively.
// Two metrics in fire_1.json5: id 2 (event codes [0, 0]); id 3 (no event codes)
// One metric in fire_2.json5: id 4 (event codes [14, 15])
// One metric in fire_3.json5: id 5 (event codes [99])
// metrics in fire_1 and fire_2 are by moniker; in fire_3 is by hash
// metrics in fire_1 and fire_2 all use the same selector and should pick
// up the same published Inspect data.
// The component instance ID file (in realm_factory/src/ gives an instance ID
// for the integer_42 component.
// The Inspect data (from test_component/src/ publishes data
// for integer_1 (10) and integer_2 (20) by moniker, and integer_42 by ID (42).
// Also other data that shouldn't be picked up by FIRE.
// So I'd expect id's 2, 3, and 4, for integer_1 and integer_2, and id 5 for integer_42.
// Seven events total.
Event { id: 2, value: 10, codes: vec![121, 0, 0] },
Event { id: 2, value: 20, codes: vec![122, 0, 0] },
Event { id: 3, value: 10, codes: vec![121] },
Event { id: 3, value: 20, codes: vec![122] },
Event { id: 4, value: 10, codes: vec![121, 14, 15] },
Event { id: 4, value: 20, codes: vec![122, 14, 15] },
Event { id: 5, value: 42, codes: vec![142, 99] },
"First FIRE events",
// We want to guarantee a sample takes place before we increment the value again.
// This is to verify that despite two samples taking place, the count type isn't uploaded with no diff
// and the metric that is upload_once isn't sampled again.
vec![Event { id: 102, value: 10, codes: vec![0, 0] }],
"second in event_count",
// Same FIRE events as before, except metric ID 3 is upload_once.
Event { id: 2, value: 10, codes: vec![121, 0, 0] },
Event { id: 2, value: 20, codes: vec![122, 0, 0] },
Event { id: 4, value: 10, codes: vec![121, 14, 15] },
Event { id: 4, value: 20, codes: vec![122, 14, 15] },
Event { id: 5, value: 42, codes: vec![142, 99] },
"Second FIRE events",
// Even though we incremented metric-1 its value stays at 1 since it's being cached.
Event { id: 101, value: 1, codes: vec![0, 0] },
Event { id: 102, value: 10, codes: vec![0, 0] },
"before reboot in event_count",
// FIRE continues...
Event { id: 2, value: 10, codes: vec![121, 0, 0] },
Event { id: 2, value: 20, codes: vec![122, 0, 0] },
Event { id: 4, value: 10, codes: vec![121, 14, 15] },
Event { id: 4, value: 20, codes: vec![122, 14, 15] },
Event { id: 5, value: 42, codes: vec![142, 99] },
"More FIRE events",
// trigger_reboot calls the on_reboot callback that drives sampler shutdown. this
// should await until sampler has finished its cleanup, which means we should have some events
// present when we're done, and the sampler task should be finished.
// The metric configured to run every 3000 seconds gets polled, and gets an undiffed
// report of its values.
Event { id: 104, value: 2, codes: vec![0, 0] },
Event { id: 102, value: 10, codes: vec![0, 0] },
"after reboot in event_count",
// Just to make sure
Event { id: 2, value: 10, codes: vec![121, 0, 0] },
Event { id: 2, value: 20, codes: vec![122, 0, 0] },
Event { id: 4, value: 10, codes: vec![121, 14, 15] },
Event { id: 4, value: 20, codes: vec![122, 14, 15] },
Event { id: 5, value: 42, codes: vec![142, 99] },
"Last FIRE events",
/// Runs the Sampler and a test component that can have its inspect properties
/// manipulated by the test via fidl, and verifies that Sampler publishes
/// the expected Inspect data reflecting its configuration.
async fn reboot_server_crashed_test() {
let ns = test_topology::create_realm().await.expect("initialized topology");
let test_app_controller = connect_to_protocol_at::<SamplerTestControllerMarker>(&ns).unwrap();
let reboot_controller = connect_to_protocol_at::<MockRebootControllerMarker>(&ns).unwrap();
let logger_querier = connect_to_protocol_at::<MetricEventLoggerQuerierMarker>(&ns).unwrap();
let _sampler_binder = connect_to_protocol_at_path::<BinderMarker>(format!(
let mut project_5_events = EventVerifier::new(&logger_querier, 5);
// Crash the reboot server to verify that sampler continues to sample.
Event { id: 101, value: 1, codes: vec![0, 0] },
Event { id: 102, value: 10, codes: vec![0, 0] },
Event { id: 103, value: 20, codes: vec![0, 0] },
"initial in crashed",
// We want to guarantee a sample takes place before we increment the value again.
// This is to verify that despite two samples taking place, the count type isn't uploaded with
// no diff and the metric that is upload_once isn't sampled again.
vec![Event { id: 102, value: 10, codes: vec![0, 0] }],
"second in crashed",
/// Runs the Sampler and a test component that can have its inspect properties
/// manipulated by the test via fidl. Verifies that Sampler publishes its own
/// status correctly in its own Inspect data.
async fn sampler_inspect_test() {
let ns = test_topology::create_realm().await.expect("initialized topology");
let _sampler_binder = connect_to_protocol_at_path::<BinderMarker>(format!(
let hierarchy = loop {
let accessor = connect_to_protocol_at::<fdiagnostics::ArchiveAccessorMarker>(&ns).unwrap();
// Observe verification shows up in inspect.
let mut data = ArchiveReader::new()
.add_selector(format!("{}:root", test_topology::SAMPLER_NAME))
.expect("got inspect data");
let hierarchy = data.pop().expect("one result").payload.expect("payload is not none");
if hierarchy.get_child("sampler_executor_stats").is_none()
|| hierarchy.get_child("metrics_sent").is_none()
break hierarchy;
root: {
config: {
minimum_sample_rate_sec: 1 as u64,
configs_path: "/pkg/data/config",
sampler_executor_stats: {
healthily_exited_samplers: 0 as u64,
errorfully_exited_samplers: 0 as u64,
reboot_exited_samplers: 0 as u64,
total_project_samplers_configured: 5 as u64,
project_5: {
project_sampler_count: 2 as u64,
metrics_configured: 4 as u64,
cobalt_logs_sent: AnyProperty,
project_13: {
project_sampler_count: 3 as u64,
metrics_configured: 12 as u64,
cobalt_logs_sent: AnyProperty,
metrics_sent: {
"0": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_1",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"1": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_1",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"2": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_2",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"3": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_2",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"4": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_42",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"5": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_42",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"fire_2.json5": {
"0": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_1",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"1": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_2",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"2": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_42",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"fire_3.json5": {
"0": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:1111222233334444111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"reboot_required_config.json": {
"0": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:counter",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"test_config.json": {
"0": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:counter",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"1": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_1",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"2": {
selector: "single_counter:root/samples:integer_2",
upload_count: 0 as u64
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
start_timestamp_nanos: AnyProperty,
status: AnyProperty