blob: b4e0de583d89ca0894028fbe24def1d31837cfa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::act::{validate_action, Actions, ActionsSchema, Severity};
use crate::metrics::fetch::{InspectFetcher, KeyValueFetcher, SelectorString, TextFetcher};
use crate::metrics::{Metric, Metrics, ValueSource};
use crate::validate::{validate, Trials, TrialsSchema};
use crate::Action;
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Context, Error};
use num_derive::FromPrimitive;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer};
use std::collections::HashMap;
// These numbers are used in the wasm-bindgen bridge so they are explicit and
// permanent. They don't need to be sequential. This enum must be consistent
// with the Source enum in //src/diagnostics/lib/triage/wasm/src/
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, FromPrimitive, PartialEq)]
pub enum Source {
Inspect = 0,
Klog = 1,
Syslog = 2,
Bootlog = 3,
Annotations = 4,
/// Schema for JSON triage configuration. This structure is parsed directly from the configuration
/// files using serde_json.
#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
pub struct ConfigFileSchema {
/// Map of named Selectors. Each Selector selects a value from Diagnostic data.
#[serde(rename = "select")]
pub file_selectors: Option<HashMap<String, SelectorEntry>>,
/// Map of named Evals. Each Eval calculates a value.
#[serde(rename = "eval")]
pub file_evals: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
/// Map of named Actions. Each Action uses a boolean value to trigger a warning.
#[serde(rename = "act")]
pub(crate) file_actions: Option<HashMap<String, ActionConfig>>,
/// Map of named Tests. Each test applies sample data to lists of actions that should or
/// should not trigger.
#[serde(rename = "test")]
pub file_tests: Option<TrialsSchema>,
/// A selector entry in the configuration file is either a single string
/// or a vector of string selectors. Either case is converted to a vector
/// with at least one element.
pub struct SelectorEntry(Vec<String>);
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SelectorEntry {
fn deserialize<D>(d: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
struct SelectorVec(std::marker::PhantomData<Vec<String>>);
impl<'de> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for SelectorVec {
type Value = Vec<String>;
fn expecting(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.write_str("either a single selector or an array of selectors")
fn visit_str<E>(self, value: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
E: serde::de::Error,
fn visit_seq<A>(self, mut value: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error>
A: serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>,
let mut out = vec![];
while let Some(s) = value.next_element::<String>()? {
if out.is_empty() {
use serde::de::Error;
Err(A::Error::invalid_length(0, &"expected at least one selector"))
} else {
// TODO( This struct should be removed once serde_json5 has DeserializeSeed support.
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(tag = "type")]
pub enum ActionConfig {
Alert {
trigger: String,
print: String,
file_bug: Option<String>,
tag: Option<String>,
severity: Severity,
Warning {
trigger: String,
print: String,
file_bug: Option<String>,
tag: Option<String>,
Gauge {
value: String,
format: Option<String>,
tag: Option<String>,
Snapshot {
trigger: String,
repeat: String,
signature: String,
impl ConfigFileSchema {
fn try_from_str_with_namespace(s: &str, namespace: &str) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error> {
let schema = serde_json5::from_str::<ConfigFileSchema>(&s)
.map_err(|e| format_err!("Unable to deserialize config file {}", e))?;
validate_config(&schema, namespace)?;
impl TryFrom<String> for ConfigFileSchema {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(s: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
ConfigFileSchema::try_from_str_with_namespace(&s, /* namespace=*/ "")
fn validate_config(config: &ConfigFileSchema, namespace: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(ref actions_config) = config.file_actions {
for (action_name, action_config) in actions_config.iter() {
validate_action(action_name, &action_config, namespace)?;
pub enum DataFetcher {
/// The path of the Diagnostic files and the data contained within them.
pub struct DiagnosticData {
pub name: String,
pub source: Source,
pub data: DataFetcher,
impl DiagnosticData {
pub fn new(name: String, source: Source, contents: String) -> Result<DiagnosticData, Error> {
let data = match source {
Source::Inspect => DataFetcher::Inspect(
InspectFetcher::try_from(&*contents).context("Parsing inspect.json")?,
Source::Syslog | Source::Klog | Source::Bootlog => {
DataFetcher::Text(TextFetcher::try_from(&*contents).context("Parsing plain text")?)
Source::Annotations => DataFetcher::KeyValue(
KeyValueFetcher::try_from(&*contents).context("Parsing annotations")?,
Ok(DiagnosticData { name, source, data })
pub fn new_empty(name: String, source: Source) -> DiagnosticData {
DiagnosticData { name, source, data: DataFetcher::None }
pub struct ParseResult {
pub metrics: Metrics,
pub(crate) actions: Actions,
pub tests: Trials,
impl ParseResult {
pub fn new(
configs: &HashMap<String, String>,
action_tag_directive: &ActionTagDirective,
) -> Result<ParseResult, Error> {
let mut actions = HashMap::new();
let mut metrics = HashMap::new();
let mut tests = HashMap::new();
for (namespace, file_data) in configs {
let file_config =
match ConfigFileSchema::try_from_str_with_namespace(file_data, namespace) {
Ok(c) => c,
Err(e) => bail!("Parsing file '{}': {}", namespace, e),
let ConfigFileSchema { file_actions, file_selectors, file_evals, file_tests } =
// Other code assumes that each name will have an entry in all categories.
let file_actions_config = file_actions.unwrap_or_else(|| HashMap::new());
let file_actions = file_actions_config
.map(|(k, action_config)| {
Action::from_config_with_namespace(action_config, namespace)
.map(|action| (k, action))
.collect::<Result<HashMap<_, _>, _>>()?;
let file_selectors = file_selectors.unwrap_or_else(|| HashMap::new());
let file_evals = file_evals.unwrap_or_else(|| HashMap::new());
let file_tests = file_tests.unwrap_or_else(|| HashMap::new());
let file_actions = filter_actions(file_actions, &action_tag_directive);
let mut file_metrics = HashMap::new();
for (key, value) in file_selectors.into_iter() {
let mut selectors = vec![];
for v in value.0 {
file_metrics.insert(key, ValueSource::new(Metric::Selector(selectors)));
for (key, value) in file_evals.into_iter() {
if file_metrics.contains_key(&key) {
bail!("Duplicate metric name {} in file {}", key, namespace);
ValueSource::try_from_expression_with_namespace(&value, namespace)?,
metrics.insert(namespace.clone(), file_metrics);
actions.insert(namespace.clone(), file_actions);
tests.insert(namespace.clone(), file_tests);
Ok(ParseResult { actions, metrics, tests })
pub fn all_selectors(&self) -> Vec<String> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
for (_, metric_set) in self.metrics.iter() {
for (_, value_source) in metric_set.iter() {
if let Metric::Selector(selectors) = &value_source.metric {
for selector in selectors {
pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
pub fn reset_state(&self) {
for (_, metric_set) in self.metrics.iter() {
for (_, value_source) in metric_set.iter() {
*value_source.cached_value.borrow_mut() = None;
for (_, action_set) in self.actions.iter() {
for (_, action) in action_set.iter() {
match action {
Action::Alert(alert) => {
*alert.trigger.cached_value.borrow_mut() = None;
Action::Gauge(gauge) => {
*gauge.value.cached_value.borrow_mut() = None;
Action::Snapshot(snapshot) => {
*snapshot.trigger.cached_value.borrow_mut() = None;
*snapshot.repeat.cached_value.borrow_mut() = None;
/// A value which directs how to include Actions based on their tags.
pub enum ActionTagDirective {
/// Include all of the Actions in the Config
/// Only include the Actions which match the given tags
/// Include all tags excluding the given tags
impl ActionTagDirective {
/// Creates a new ActionTagDirective based on the following rules,
/// - AllowAll iff tags is empty and exclude_tags is empty.
/// - Include if tags is not empty and exclude_tags is empty.
/// - Include if tags is not empty and exclude_tags is not empty, in this
/// situation the exclude_ags will be ignored since include implies excluding
/// all other tags.
/// - Exclude iff tags is empty and exclude_tags is not empty.
pub fn from_tags(tags: Vec<String>, exclude_tags: Vec<String>) -> ActionTagDirective {
match (tags.is_empty(), exclude_tags.is_empty()) {
// tags are not empty
(false, _) => ActionTagDirective::Include(tags),
// tags are empty, exclude_tags are not empty
(true, false) => ActionTagDirective::Exclude(exclude_tags),
_ => ActionTagDirective::AllowAll,
/// Exfiltrates the actions in the ActionsSchema.
/// This method will enumerate the actions in the ActionsSchema and determine
/// which Actions are included based on the directive. Actions only contain a
/// single tag so an Include directive implies that all other tags should be
/// excluded and an Exclude directive implies that all other tags should be
/// included.
pub(crate) fn filter_actions(
actions: ActionsSchema,
action_directive: &ActionTagDirective,
) -> ActionsSchema {
match action_directive {
ActionTagDirective::AllowAll => actions,
ActionTagDirective::Include(tags) => actions
.filter(|(_, a)| match &a.get_tag() {
Some(tag) => tags.contains(tag),
None => false,
ActionTagDirective::Exclude(tags) => actions
.filter(|(_, a)| match &a.get_tag() {
Some(tag) => !tags.contains(tag),
None => true,
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::act::Alert;
use fidl_fuchsia_feedback::MAX_CRASH_SIGNATURE_LENGTH;
use maplit::hashmap;
// initialize() will be tested in the integration test: "fx test triage_lib_test"
// TODO(cphoenix) - set up dirs under test/ and test initialize() here.
fn inspect_data_from_works() -> Result<(), Error> {
assert!(InspectFetcher::try_from("foo").is_err(), "'foo' isn't valid JSON");
assert!(InspectFetcher::try_from(r#"{"a":5}"#).is_err(), "Needed an array");
assert!(InspectFetcher::try_from("[]").is_ok(), "A JSON array should have worked");
fn action_tag_directive_from_tags_allow_all() {
let result = ActionTagDirective::from_tags(vec![], vec![]);
match result {
ActionTagDirective::AllowAll => (),
_ => panic!("failed to create correct ActionTagDirective"),
fn action_tag_directive_from_tags_include() {
let result =
ActionTagDirective::from_tags(vec!["t1".to_string(), "t2".to_string()], vec![]);
match result {
ActionTagDirective::Include(tags) => {
assert_eq!(tags, vec!["t1".to_string(), "t2".to_string()])
_ => panic!("failed to create correct ActionTagDirective"),
fn action_tag_directive_from_tags_include_override_exclude() {
let result = ActionTagDirective::from_tags(
vec!["t1".to_string(), "t2".to_string()],
match result {
ActionTagDirective::Include(tags) => {
assert_eq!(tags, vec!["t1".to_string(), "t2".to_string()])
_ => panic!("failed to create correct ActionTagDirective"),
fn action_tag_directive_from_tags_exclude() {
let result =
ActionTagDirective::from_tags(vec![], vec!["t1".to_string(), "t2".to_string()]);
match result {
ActionTagDirective::Exclude(tags) => {
assert_eq!(tags, vec!["t1".to_string(), "t2".to_string()])
_ => panic!("failed to create correct ActionTagDirective"),
// helper macro to create an ActionsSchema
macro_rules! actions_schema {
( $($key:expr => $contents:expr, $tag:expr),+ ) => {
let mut m = ActionsSchema::new();
let trigger = ValueSource::try_from_expression_with_default_namespace("a_trigger").unwrap();
let action = Action::Alert(Alert {
trigger: trigger.clone(),
print: $contents.to_string(),
tag: $tag,
file_bug: None,
severity: Severity::Warning,
m.insert($key.to_string(), action);
// helper macro to create an ActionsSchema
macro_rules! assert_has_action {
($result:expr, $key:expr, $contents:expr) => {
match $result.get(&$key.to_string()) {
Some(Action::Alert(a)) => {
assert_eq!(a.print, $contents.to_string());
_ => {
fn filter_actions_allow_all() {
let result = filter_actions(
actions_schema! {
"no_tag" => "foo", None,
"tagged" => "bar", Some("tag".to_string())
assert_eq!(result.len(), 2);
fn filter_actions_include_one_tag() {
let result = filter_actions(
actions_schema! {
"1" => "p1", Some("ignore".to_string()),
"2" => "p2", Some("tag".to_string()),
"3" => "p3", Some("tag".to_string())
assert_eq!(result.len(), 2);
assert_has_action!(result, "2", "p2");
assert_has_action!(result, "3", "p3");
fn filter_actions_include_many_tags() {
let result = filter_actions(
actions_schema! {
"1" => "p1", Some("ignore".to_string()),
"2" => "p2", Some("tag1".to_string()),
"3" => "p3", Some("tag2".to_string()),
"4" => "p4", Some("tag2".to_string())
&ActionTagDirective::Include(vec!["tag1".to_string(), "tag2".to_string()]),
assert_eq!(result.len(), 3);
assert_has_action!(result, "2", "p2");
assert_has_action!(result, "3", "p3");
assert_has_action!(result, "4", "p4");
fn filter_actions_exclude_one_tag() {
let result = filter_actions(
actions_schema! {
"1" => "p1", Some("ignore".to_string()),
"2" => "p2", Some("tag".to_string()),
"3" => "p3", Some("tag".to_string())
assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
assert_has_action!(result, "1", "p1");
fn filter_actions_exclude_many() {
let result = filter_actions(
actions_schema! {
"1" => "p1", Some("ignore".to_string()),
"2" => "p2", Some("tag1".to_string()),
"3" => "p3", Some("tag2".to_string()),
"4" => "p4", Some("tag2".to_string())
&ActionTagDirective::Exclude(vec!["tag1".to_string(), "tag2".to_string()]),
assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
assert_has_action!(result, "1", "p1");
fn filter_actions_include_does_not_include_empty_tag() {
let result = filter_actions(
actions_schema! {
"1" => "p1", None,
"2" => "p2", Some("tag".to_string())
assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
assert_has_action!(result, "2", "p2");
fn filter_actions_exclude_does_include_empty_tag() {
let result = filter_actions(
actions_schema! {
"1" => "p1", None,
"2" => "p2", Some("tag".to_string())
assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
assert_has_action!(result, "1", "p1");
fn select_section_parsing() {
let config_result = ConfigFileSchema::try_from(
select: {
a: ["INSPECT:core:root:prop"],
b: "INSPECT:core:root:prop",
c: ["INSPECT:core:root:prop",
config_result.expect("parse json").file_selectors.expect("has selectors").len()
let config_result = ConfigFileSchema::try_from(
select: {
a: ["INSPECT:core:root:prop", 1],
assert!(format!("{}", config_result.expect_err("parsing should fail"))
.contains("expected a string"));
let config_result = ConfigFileSchema::try_from(
select: {
a: [],
assert!(format!("{}", config_result.expect_err("parsing should fail"))
.contains("expected at least one selector"));
fn all_selectors_works() {
macro_rules! s {
($s:expr) => {
let file_map = hashmap![
s!("file1") => s!(r#"{ select: {selector1: "INSPECT:name:path:label"}}"#),
s!("file2") =>
{ select: {
selector1: "INSPECT:word:stuff:identifier",
selector2: ["INSPECT:a:b:c", "INSPECT:d:e:f"],
eval: {e: "2+2"} }"#),
let parse = ParseResult::new(&file_map, &ActionTagDirective::AllowAll).unwrap();
let selectors = parse.all_selectors();
assert_eq!(selectors.len(), 4);
// Internal logic test: Make sure we're not returning eval entries.
fn too_long_signature_rejected() {
macro_rules! s {
($s:expr) => {
// {:a<1$} means pad the interpolated arg with "a" to N chars, where N is from parameter 1.
let signature_ok_config = format!(
act: {{ foo: {{
type: "Snapshot",
repeat: "1",
trigger: "1>0",
signature: "{:a<1$}",
}} }}
}} "#,
"", // Empty string for "aaaa..." padding
let signature_too_long_config = format!(
act: {{ foo: {{
type: "Snapshot",
repeat: "1",
trigger: "1>0",
signature: "{:a<1$}",
}} }}
}} "#,
"", // Empty string for "aaaa..." padding
let file_map_ok = hashmap![s!("file") => signature_ok_config];
let file_map_err = hashmap![s!("file") => signature_too_long_config];
assert!(ParseResult::new(&file_map_ok, &ActionTagDirective::AllowAll).is_ok());
assert!(ParseResult::new(&file_map_err, &ActionTagDirective::AllowAll).is_err());