blob: cdc7ccba7ac394f78017bc1d8b381abf5e2b6b88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
mod connector;
mod suite_definition;
use crate::connector::RunConnector;
use crate::suite_definition::TestParamsOptions;
use anyhow::{anyhow, format_err, Context, Result};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use either::Either;
use errors::{ffx_bail, ffx_bail_with_code, ffx_error, ffx_error_with_code, FfxError};
use ffx_test_args::{
EarlyBootProfileCommand, ListCommand, RunCommand, TestCommand, TestSubCommand,
use fho::{FfxMain, FfxTool, SimpleWriter};
use fidl::endpoints::create_proxy;
use futures::FutureExt;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use run_test_suite_lib::output::Reporter;
use signal_hook::consts::signal::{SIGINT, SIGTERM};
use signal_hook::iterator::Signals;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::io::{stdout, Write};
use {
fidl_fuchsia_developer_remotecontrol as fremotecontrol,
fidl_fuchsia_test_manager as ftest_manager,
lazy_static! {
/// Error code returned if connecting to Test Manager fails.
pub static ref SETUP_FAILED_CODE: i32 = -fidl::Status::UNAVAILABLE.into_raw();
/// Error code returned if tests time out.
pub static ref TIMED_OUT_CODE: i32 = -fidl::Status::TIMED_OUT.into_raw();
/// Max number of test suites to run using a single RunBuilder connection.
/// Since we need to make n SuiteController channels when running tests on a
/// single RunBuilder channel, this max limits the number of channels that need
/// to be opened before any tests are run, allowing tests to start running faster.
/// It also limits the maximum resources that overnet needs to handle at once.
/// This isn't set to 1 as (1 RunBuilder connection) = (1 set of debug data). Since
/// pulling debug data off device is expensive we also want to limit the number of
/// times this occurs.
const SUITE_BATCH_SIZE: usize = 100;
pub struct TestTool {
cmd: TestCommand,
rcs: fho::Deferred<fremotecontrol::RemoteControlProxy>,
impl FfxMain for TestTool {
type Writer = SimpleWriter;
// TODO( use Writer when it becomes possible.
async fn main(self, _writer: Self::Writer) -> fho::Result<()> {
let writer = Box::new(stdout());
let remote_control =
self.rcs.await.map_err(|e| ffx_error_with_code!(*SETUP_FAILED_CODE, "{:?}", e))?;
match self.cmd.subcommand {
TestSubCommand::Run(run) => run_test(remote_control, writer, run).await?,
TestSubCommand::List(list) => {
get_tests(&remote_control, writer, list).await?;
TestSubCommand::EarlyBootProfile(cmd) => {
early_boot_profile(remote_control, writer, cmd).await?;
struct Experiment {
name: &'static str,
enabled: bool,
struct Experiments {
json_input: Experiment,
parallel_execution: Experiment,
impl Experiments {
async fn get_experiment(experiment_name: &'static str) -> Experiment {
Experiment {
name: experiment_name,
enabled: match ffx_config::get(experiment_name).await {
Ok(enabled) => enabled,
Err(_) => false,
async fn from_env() -> Self {
Self {
json_input: Self::get_experiment("test.experimental_json_input").await,
parallel_execution: Self::get_experiment("test.enable_experimental_parallel_execution")
async fn early_boot_profile<W: 'static + Write + Send + Sync>(
remote_control: fremotecontrol::RemoteControlProxy,
mut writer: W,
cmd: EarlyBootProfileCommand,
) -> Result<()> {
let early_boot_profile_proxy = testing_lib::connect_to_early_boot_profile(&remote_control)
.map_err(|e| ffx_error_with_code!(*SETUP_FAILED_CODE, "{:?}", e))?;
let (client, iterator) = fidl::endpoints::create_endpoints();
.map_err(|e| ffx_error_with_code!(*SETUP_FAILED_CODE, "{:?}", e))?;
let reporter = run_test_suite_lib::output::DirectoryReporter::new(
match reporter.new_directory_artifact(
) {
Ok(o) => run_test_suite_lib::copy_debug_data(client.into_proxy()?, o).await,
Err(e) => {
writeln!(writer, "Cannot create output directory: {}", e)?;
return Err(e.into());
// save summary
async fn run_test<W: 'static + Write + Send + Sync>(
remote_control: fremotecontrol::RemoteControlProxy,
mut writer: W,
cmd: RunCommand,
) -> Result<()> {
let experiments = Experiments::from_env().await;
let min_log_severity = cmd.min_severity_logs.clone();
let hermetic_test = cmd.realm.is_none();
let output_directory = match (cmd.disable_output_directory, &cmd.output_directory) {
(true, maybe_dir) => {
"WARN: --disable-output-directory is now a no-op and will soon be \
removed, please remove it from your invocation."
(false, Some(directory)) => Some(directory.clone().into()), // an override directory is specified.
(false, None) => None,
let output_directory_options = output_directory
.map(|root_path| run_test_suite_lib::DirectoryReporterOptions { root_path });
let reporter =
run_test_suite_lib::create_reporter(cmd.filter_ansi, output_directory_options, writer)?;
let run_params = run_test_suite_lib::RunParams {
timeout_behavior: match cmd.continue_on_timeout {
false => run_test_suite_lib::TimeoutBehavior::TerminateRemaining,
true => run_test_suite_lib::TimeoutBehavior::Continue,
timeout_grace_seconds: ffx_config::get::<u64, _>("test.timeout_grace_seconds").await?
as u32,
stop_after_failures: match {
None => None,
Some(None) => ffx_bail!("--stop-after-failures should be greater than zero."),
Some(Some(stop_after)) => Some(stop_after),
experimental_parallel_execution: match (
) {
(None, _) => None,
(Some(max_parallel_suites), true) => Some(max_parallel_suites),
(_, false) => ffx_bail!(
"Parallel test suite execution is experimental and is subject to breaking changes. \
To enable parallel test suite execution, run: \n \
'ffx config set {} true'",
accumulate_debug_data: false, // ffx never accumulates.
log_protocol: None,
min_severity_logs: min_log_severity,
show_full_moniker: cmd.show_full_moniker_in_logs,
let test_definitions =
test_params_from_args(&remote_control, cmd, experiments.json_input.enabled).await?;
let (cancel_sender, cancel_receiver) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<()>();
let mut signals = Signals::new(&[SIGINT, SIGTERM]).unwrap();
// signals.forever() is blocking, so we need to spawn a thread rather than use async.
let _signal_handle_thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
if let Some(signal) = signals.forever().next() {
match signal {
let _ = cancel_sender.send(());
_ => unreachable!(),
let start_time = std::time::Instant::now();
let outcome = run_test_suite_lib::run_tests_and_get_outcome(
RunConnector::new(remote_control, SUITE_BATCH_SIZE),
reporter,|_| ()),
let show_realm_warning = outcome == run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::Timedout
|| outcome == run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::Failed
|| outcome == run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::DidNotFinish;
tracing::info!("ffx test duration: {:?}", start_time.elapsed().as_secs_f32());
if hermetic_test && show_realm_warning {
"The test was executed in the hermetic realm. If your test depends on system \
capabilities, pass in correct realm. See"
match outcome {
run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::Passed => Ok(()),
run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::Timedout => {
ffx_bail_with_code!(*TIMED_OUT_CODE, "Tests timed out.",)
run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::Failed | run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::DidNotFinish => {
ffx_bail!("Tests failed.")
run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::Cancelled => ffx_bail!("Tests cancelled."),
run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::Inconclusive => ffx_bail!("Inconclusive test result."),
run_test_suite_lib::Outcome::Error { origin } => match &*origin {
run_test_suite_lib::RunTestSuiteError::Connection(conn_err) => {
ffx_bail_with_code!(*SETUP_FAILED_CODE, "{:?}", conn_err)
run_test_suite_lib::RunTestSuiteError::Launch(launch_err) => match launch_err {
ftest_manager::LaunchError::ResourceUnavailable => {
ffx_bail!("There were insufficient resources to launch the test.")
ftest_manager::LaunchError::InstanceCannotResolve => {
ffx_bail!("Cannot resolve test URL.")
ftest_manager::LaunchError::InvalidArgs => {
ffx_bail!("One or more invalid arguments passed.")
ftest_manager::LaunchError::FailedToConnectToTestSuite => {
ffx_bail!("Failed to connect to test suite.")
ftest_manager::LaunchError::CaseEnumeration => {
ffx_bail!("Failed to enumerate tests.")
ftest_manager::LaunchError::InternalError => {
ffx_bail!("An internal error occurred. Please check logs and report bug.")
ftest_manager::LaunchError::NoMatchingCases => {
ffx_bail!("No test cases match specified test filters.")
ftest_manager::LaunchError::InvalidManifest => {
ffx_bail!("Test manifest is invalid.")
other => ffx_bail!("Launch error: {:?}.", other),
other if other.is_internal_error() => {
Err(anyhow!("There was an internal error running tests: {:?}", other))
other => ffx_bail!("There was an error running tests: {:?}", other),
/// Generate TestParams from |cmd|.
/// |stdin_handle_fn| is a function that generates a handle to stdin and is a parameter to enable
/// testing.
async fn test_params_from_args(
remote_control: &fremotecontrol::RemoteControlProxy,
cmd: RunCommand,
json_input_experiment_enabled: bool,
) -> Result<impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = run_test_suite_lib::TestParams> + Debug, FfxError> {
let lifecycle_controller = ffx_component::rcs::connect_to_lifecycle_controller(&remote_control)
.map_err(|e| ffx_error!("Parsing realm: Cannot connect to lifecycle controller: {}", e))?;
let realm_query = ffx_component::rcs::connect_to_realm_query(&remote_control)
.map_err(|e| ffx_error!("Parsing realm: Cannot connect to realm query: {}", e))?;
match &cmd.test_file {
Some(_) if !json_input_experiment_enabled => {
return Err(ffx_error!(
"The --test-file option is experimental, and the input format is \
subject to breaking changes. To enable using --test-file, run \
'ffx config set test.experimental_json_input true'"
Some(filename) => {
if !cmd.test_args.is_empty() {
return Err(ffx_error!("Tests may not be specified in both args and by file"));
} else {
let file = std::fs::File::open(filename)
.map_err(|e| ffx_error!("Failed to open file {}: {:?}", filename, e))?;
TestParamsOptions { ignore_test_without_known_execution: false },
.map_err(|e| ffx_error!("Failed to read test definitions: {:?}", e))
.map(|file_params| Either::Left(file_params.into_iter())),
None => {
let mut test_args_iter = cmd.test_args.iter();
let (test_url, test_args) = match {
None => return Err(ffx_error!("No tests specified!")),
Some(test_url) => {
let mut provided_realm = None;
if let Some(realm_str) = &cmd.realm {
provided_realm = Some(
.map_err(|e| ffx_error!("Error parsing realm '{}': {}", realm_str, e))?,
let test_params = run_test_suite_lib::TestParams {
realm: provided_realm.into(),
timeout_seconds: cmd.timeout.and_then(std::num::NonZeroU32::new),
test_filters: if cmd.test_filter.len() == 0 { None } else { Some(cmd.test_filter) },
max_severity_logs: cmd.max_severity_logs,
min_severity_logs: cmd.min_severity_logs,
also_run_disabled_tests: cmd.run_disabled,
parallel: cmd.parallel,
tags: vec![],
break_on_failure: cmd.break_on_failure,
let count = cmd.count.unwrap_or(1);
let count = std::num::NonZeroU32::new(count)
.ok_or_else(|| ffx_error!("--count should be greater than zero."))?;
let repeated = (0..count.get()).map(move |_: u32| test_params.clone());
async fn get_tests<W: Write>(
remote_control: &fremotecontrol::RemoteControlProxy,
mut write: W,
cmd: ListCommand,
) -> Result<()> {
let query_proxy = testing_lib::connect_to_query(&remote_control)
.map_err(|e| ffx_error_with_code!(*SETUP_FAILED_CODE, "{:?}", e))?;
let writer = &mut write;
let (iterator_proxy, iterator) = create_proxy().unwrap();
tracing::info!("launching test suite {}", cmd.test_url);
let mut provided_realm = None;
if let Some(realm_str) = &cmd.realm {
let lifecycle_controller =
|e| ffx_error!("Parsing realm: Cannot connect to lifecycle controller: {}", e),
let realm_query = ffx_component::rcs::connect_to_realm_query(&remote_control)
.map_err(|e| ffx_error!("Parsing realm: Cannot connect to realm query: {}", e))?;
provided_realm = Some(
.map_err(|e| ffx_error!("Error parsing realm '{}': {}", realm_str, e))?,
let fut_response = match provided_realm {
Some(realm) => {
let offers = realm.offers();
.map_err(|e| ffx_error!("Cannot connect to realm client: {}", e))?,
None => query_proxy.enumerate(&cmd.test_url, iterator),
.context("enumeration failed")?
.map_err(|e| format_err!("error launching test: {:?}", e))?;
loop {
let cases = iterator_proxy.get_next().await?;
if cases.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
for case in cases {
match {
Some(n) => writeln!(writer, "{}", n)?,
None => writeln!(writer, "<No name>")?,
mod test {
use super::*;
use fidl::endpoints::{create_proxy_and_stream, ProtocolMarker, RequestStream, ServerEnd};
use fidl_fuchsia_sys2 as fsys;
use ftest_manager::{
DebugData, DebugDataIteratorMarker, EarlyBootProfileMarker, EarlyBootProfileRequestStream,
use futures::prelude::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::io::Read;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::sync::Arc;
use test_list::TestTag;
const VALID_INPUT_FILENAME: &str = "valid_defs.json";
const INVALID_INPUT_FILENAME: &str = "invalid_defs.json";
lazy_static! {
static ref VALID_INPUT_FORMAT: String = serde_json::to_string(&serde_json::json!({
"schema_id": "experimental",
"data": [
"name": "{}-test-1",
"labels": ["{}-label"],
"execution": {
"type": "fuchsia_component",
"component_url": "{}-test-url-1",
"tags": [],
"name": "{}-test-2",
"labels": ["{}-label"],
"execution": {
"type": "fuchsia_component",
"component_url": "{}-test-url-2",
"timeout_seconds": 60,
"tags": [],
"name": "{}-test-3",
"labels": ["{}-label"],
"execution": {
"type": "fuchsia_component",
"component_url": "{}-test-url-3",
"test_args": ["--flag"],
"test_filters": ["Unit"],
"also_run_disabled_tests": true,
"parallel": 4,
"max_severity_logs": "INFO",
"tags": [{
"key": "hermetic",
"value": "true",
.expect("serialize json");
static ref VALID_FILE_INPUT: Vec<u8> =
VALID_INPUT_FORMAT.replace("{}", "file").into_bytes();
static ref INVALID_INPUT: Vec<u8> = vec![1u8; 64];
struct FakeRemoteControllerProvider {
controller: Arc<fremotecontrol::RemoteControlProxy>,
_task: fuchsia_async::Task<()>,
impl FakeRemoteControllerProvider {
fn new() -> FakeRemoteControllerProvider {
let (remote_control, mut stream) =
let _task = fuchsia_async::Task::spawn(async move {
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap() {
// store channels so that they do not die.
let mut server_channels = vec![];
match request {
fremotecontrol::RemoteControlRequest::OpenCapability {
flags: _,
} => {
assert_eq!(moniker, "core/remote-control");
assert_eq!(capability_set, fsys::OpenDirType::NamespaceDir);
capability_name == "svc/fuchsia.sys2.RealmQuery.root"
|| capability_name
== "svc/fuchsia.sys2.LifecycleController.root"
responder.send(Ok(())).expect("error sending EchoString response");
other => {
unreachable!("Got unexpected request: {other:?}");
FakeRemoteControllerProvider { controller: remote_control.into(), _task }
fn remote_controller(&self) -> &fremotecontrol::RemoteControlProxy {
async fn test_get_test_params() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("Create temp dir");
std::fs::write(dir.path().join("test_defs.json"), &*VALID_FILE_INPUT).expect("write file");
let cases = vec![
RunCommand {
timeout: None,
test_args: vec!["my-test-url".to_string()],
test_file: None,
test_filter: vec![],
realm: None,
run_disabled: false,
filter_ansi: false,
parallel: None,
count: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
show_full_moniker_in_logs: false,
max_severity_logs: None,
output_directory: None,
disable_output_directory: false,
continue_on_timeout: false,
stop_after_failures: None,
experimental_parallel_execution: None,
break_on_failure: false,
vec![run_test_suite_lib::TestParams {
test_url: "my-test-url".to_string(),
realm: None.into(),
timeout_seconds: None,
test_filters: None,
also_run_disabled_tests: false,
parallel: None,
test_args: vec![],
max_severity_logs: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
tags: vec![],
break_on_failure: false,
RunCommand {
timeout: None,
test_args: vec!["my-test-url".to_string()],
test_file: None,
test_filter: vec![],
realm: None,
run_disabled: false,
filter_ansi: false,
parallel: None,
count: Some(10),
min_severity_logs: vec![],
show_full_moniker_in_logs: false,
max_severity_logs: Some(diagnostics_data::Severity::Warn),
output_directory: None,
disable_output_directory: false,
continue_on_timeout: false,
stop_after_failures: None,
experimental_parallel_execution: None,
break_on_failure: false,
run_test_suite_lib::TestParams {
test_url: "my-test-url".to_string(),
realm: None.into(),
timeout_seconds: None,
test_filters: None,
also_run_disabled_tests: false,
max_severity_logs: Some(diagnostics_data::Severity::Warn),
min_severity_logs: vec![],
parallel: None,
test_args: vec![],
tags: vec![],
break_on_failure: false,
RunCommand {
timeout: Some(10),
test_args: vec!["my-test-url".to_string(), "--".to_string(), "arg".to_string()],
test_file: None,
test_filter: vec!["filter".to_string()],
realm: None,
run_disabled: true,
filter_ansi: false,
parallel: Some(20),
count: None,
show_full_moniker_in_logs: false,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
max_severity_logs: None,
output_directory: None,
disable_output_directory: false,
continue_on_timeout: false,
stop_after_failures: None,
experimental_parallel_execution: None,
break_on_failure: false,
vec![run_test_suite_lib::TestParams {
test_url: "my-test-url".to_string(),
realm: None.into(),
timeout_seconds: Some(NonZeroU32::new(10).unwrap()),
test_filters: Some(vec!["filter".to_string()]),
also_run_disabled_tests: true,
max_severity_logs: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
parallel: Some(20),
test_args: vec!["--".to_string(), "arg".to_string()],
tags: vec![],
break_on_failure: false,
RunCommand {
timeout: None,
test_args: vec![],
test_file: Some(
test_filter: vec![],
realm: None,
run_disabled: false,
filter_ansi: false,
parallel: None,
count: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
show_full_moniker_in_logs: false,
max_severity_logs: None,
output_directory: None,
disable_output_directory: false,
continue_on_timeout: false,
stop_after_failures: None,
experimental_parallel_execution: None,
break_on_failure: false,
run_test_suite_lib::TestParams {
test_url: "file-test-url-1".to_string(),
realm: None.into(),
timeout_seconds: None,
test_filters: None,
also_run_disabled_tests: false,
max_severity_logs: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
parallel: None,
test_args: vec![],
tags: vec![],
break_on_failure: false,
run_test_suite_lib::TestParams {
test_url: "file-test-url-2".to_string(),
realm: None.into(),
timeout_seconds: Some(NonZeroU32::new(60).unwrap()),
test_filters: None,
also_run_disabled_tests: false,
max_severity_logs: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
parallel: None,
test_args: vec![],
tags: vec![],
break_on_failure: false,
run_test_suite_lib::TestParams {
test_url: "file-test-url-3".to_string(),
realm: None.into(),
timeout_seconds: None,
test_filters: Some(vec!["Unit".to_string()]),
also_run_disabled_tests: true,
max_severity_logs: Some(diagnostics_data::Severity::Info),
min_severity_logs: vec![],
parallel: Some(4),
test_args: vec!["--flag".to_string()],
tags: vec![TestTag {
key: "hermetic".to_string(),
value: "true".to_string(),
break_on_failure: false,
let fake_contoller = FakeRemoteControllerProvider::new();
for (run_command, expected_test_params) in cases.into_iter() {
let result = test_params_from_args(
"Error getting test params from {:?}: {:?}",
assert_eq!(result.unwrap().into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), expected_test_params);
async fn test_get_test_params_count() {
// Regression test for using an extremely
// large test count should result in a modest memory allocation. If
// that wasn't the case, this test would fail.
const COUNT: u32 = u32::MAX;
let fake_contoller = FakeRemoteControllerProvider::new();
let params = test_params_from_args(
RunCommand {
test_args: vec!["my-test-url".to_string()],
count: Some(COUNT),
timeout: None,
test_file: None,
test_filter: vec![],
realm: None,
run_disabled: false,
filter_ansi: false,
parallel: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
show_full_moniker_in_logs: false,
max_severity_logs: Some(diagnostics_data::Severity::Warn),
output_directory: None,
disable_output_directory: false,
continue_on_timeout: false,
stop_after_failures: None,
experimental_parallel_execution: None,
break_on_failure: false,
.expect("should succeed");
assert_eq!(params.len(), usize::try_from(COUNT).unwrap());
async fn test_get_test_params_invalid_args() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("Create temp dir");
std::fs::write(dir.path().join(VALID_INPUT_FILENAME), &*VALID_FILE_INPUT)
.expect("write file");
std::fs::write(dir.path().join(INVALID_INPUT_FILENAME), &*INVALID_INPUT)
.expect("write file");
let cases = vec![
"no tests specified",
RunCommand {
timeout: None,
test_args: vec![],
test_file: None,
test_filter: vec![],
realm: None,
run_disabled: false,
filter_ansi: false,
parallel: None,
count: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
show_full_moniker_in_logs: false,
max_severity_logs: None,
output_directory: None,
disable_output_directory: false,
continue_on_timeout: false,
stop_after_failures: None,
experimental_parallel_execution: None,
break_on_failure: false,
"tests specified in both args and file",
RunCommand {
timeout: None,
test_args: vec!["my-test".to_string()],
test_file: Some(
test_filter: vec![],
realm: None,
run_disabled: false,
filter_ansi: false,
parallel: None,
count: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
show_full_moniker_in_logs: false,
max_severity_logs: None,
output_directory: None,
disable_output_directory: false,
continue_on_timeout: false,
stop_after_failures: None,
experimental_parallel_execution: None,
break_on_failure: false,
"read invalid input from file",
RunCommand {
timeout: None,
test_args: vec![],
test_file: Some(
test_filter: vec![],
realm: None,
run_disabled: false,
filter_ansi: false,
parallel: None,
count: None,
min_severity_logs: vec![],
show_full_moniker_in_logs: false,
max_severity_logs: None,
output_directory: None,
disable_output_directory: false,
continue_on_timeout: false,
stop_after_failures: None,
experimental_parallel_execution: None,
break_on_failure: false,
let fake_contoller = FakeRemoteControllerProvider::new();
for (case_name, invalid_run_command) in cases.into_iter() {
let result = test_params_from_args(
"Getting test params for case '{}' unexpectedly succeeded",
async fn fake_debug_data_iterator(iterator: ServerEnd<DebugDataIteratorMarker>) {
let mut stream = iterator.into_stream().unwrap();
// we just need to send once sample file and not test full logic as that is tested inside the library.
let (s1, s2) = fidl::Socket::create_stream();
let mut debug_data = vec![DebugData {
name: "test_file".to_string().into(),
socket: s1.into(),
s2.write(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).unwrap();
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap() {
match request {
ftest_manager::DebugDataIteratorRequest::GetNext { responder } => {
async fn test_early_boot_profile() {
let (remote_control, mut stream) =
let task = fuchsia_async::Task::spawn(async move {
let mut once = false;
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap() {
match request {
fremotecontrol::RemoteControlRequest::OpenCapability {
flags: _,
} => {
once = true;
assert_eq!(moniker, "/core/test_manager");
assert_eq!(capability_set, fsys::OpenDirType::ExposedDir);
assert!(capability_name == EarlyBootProfileMarker::DEBUG_NAME);
responder.send(Ok(())).expect("error sending EchoString response");
let mut stream = EarlyBootProfileRequestStream::from_channel(
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap() {
match request {
ftest_manager::EarlyBootProfileRequest::RegisterWatcher {
control_handle: _,
} => {
other => {
unreachable!("Got unexpected request: {other:?}");
other => {
unreachable!("Got unexpected request: {other:?}");
// Create a temporary directory
let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("Failed to create temporary directory");
let temp_dir_path = temp_dir.path();
EarlyBootProfileCommand { output_directory: temp_dir_path.to_path_buf() },
let mut found_test_file = false;
for entry in walkdir::WalkDir::new(temp_dir_path).follow_links(false) {
let entry = entry.unwrap();
// Optionally, you can print other information about the entry
if entry.file_type().is_file() {
if entry.file_name() == "test_file" {
found_test_file = true;
let mut file_content = Vec::new();
let mut file = std::fs::File::open(entry.path()).expect("Failed to open file");
file.read_to_end(&mut file_content).expect("Failed to read file");
assert_eq!(file_content, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);