blob: df3776a77c77b7f3ff28d596c9a38290abcb9084 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates the global_metrics_registry.pb file.
metrics_registry("global_metrics_registry") {
global = true
# The following two targets are only for tests, so we include them in the test
# package directly via `resource` and serve them out of the test package,
# rather than using the `config_data` template which would place them in the
# system image. See //src/cobalt/bin/meta/base/cobalt_testapp.shard.cml for
# where we consume cobalt_tests_config_data from the package.
# Include the global_metrics_registry.pb in the config data for Cobalt.
resource("cobalt_registry_for_tests") {
deps = [ ":global_metrics_registry" ]
sources = [ "$target_gen_dir/global_metrics_registry.pb" ]
outputs = [ "cobalt_tests_config_data/global_metrics_registry.pb" ]
# In the default config, Cobalt will upload all metrics (including max_release_stage=DEBUG metrics)
resource("config_for_tests") {
sources = [ "app/configs/default_config.json" ]
outputs = [ "cobalt_tests_config_data/config.json" ]
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
fuchsia_test_component("cobalt_app_unittests") {
manifest = "meta/cobalt_app_unittests.cml"
deps = [ "app:cobalt_app_unittests" ]
fuchsia_test_component("cobalt_system_metrics_unittests") {
manifest = "meta/cobalt_system_metrics_unittests.cml"
deps = [ "system-metrics:cobalt_system_metrics_unittests" ]
fuchsia_unittest_component("cobalt_utils_unittests") {
deps = [ "utils:cobalt_utils_unittests" ]
fuchsia_test_component("cobalt_testapp_no_network") {
manifest = "meta/cobalt_testapp_no_network.cml"
deps = [ "testapp:cobalt_testapp" ]
template("testapp_cobalt_components") {
test_name = target_name
if (defined( {
test_name =
} else {
not_needed(invoker, "*")
fuchsia_test_component("variant_${test_name}_with_event_aggregator") {
component_name = "cobalt_with_event_aggregator_worker"
manifest =
deps = [ "app" ]
fuchsia_test_component("variant_${test_name}_no_event_aggregator") {
component_name = "cobalt_no_event_aggregator_worker"
manifest =
deps = [ "app" ]
group(target_name) {
testonly = true
deps = [
testapp_cobalt_components("variants_networked_components") {
name = "networked"
testapp_cobalt_components("variants_no_network_components") {
name = "no_network"
resource("testapp_metrics_registry") {
sources = [ rebase_path(
get_label_info("app:testapp_metrics_registry", "target_gen_dir") +
"/testapp_metrics_registry.pb") ]
outputs = [ "data/testapp_metrics_registry.pb" ]
fuchsia_test_package("cobalt_tests") {
test_components = [
deps = [
test_specs = {
log_settings = {
max_severity = "ERROR"
fuchsia_test_component("cobalt-testapp") {
manifest = "meta/cobalt_testapp.cml"
deps = [ "testapp:cobalt_testapp" ]
test_type = "system"
# Tests that should not be run on any bot.
# These should be run locally to verify that the cobalt_testapp works with
# networking.
fuchsia_test_package("cobalt-manual-tests") {
test_components = [ ":cobalt-testapp" ]
deps = [
test_specs = {
environments = []
log_settings = {
max_severity = "ERROR"
fuchsia_test_component("cobalt_testapp_for_prober_do_not_run_manually") {
manifest = "meta/cobalt_testapp_for_prober_do_not_run_manually.cml"
deps = [ "testapp:cobalt_testapp" ]
test_type = "system"
# Tests that should be run on a schedule for probing cobalt.
# These should only be run in CQ to avoid polluting the data collected. To
# verify that this still works, use cobalt-manual-tests instead.
fuchsia_test_package("cobalt_tests_do_not_run_manually") {
test_components = [ ":cobalt_testapp_for_prober_do_not_run_manually" ]
deps = [
test_specs = {
# We don't want to run this version of cobalt_testapp in the Fuchsia
# CI/CQ because it uses the real network. We run cobalt_testapp_no_network
# instead. This version is run in the Cobalt Prober.
# It should not be run outside of CI, since it populates a test pipeline
# whose output is inspected.
environments = [
dimensions = {
device_type = "Astro"
tags = [ "cobalt-prober" ]
dimensions = {
device_type = "Intel NUC Kit NUC7i5DNHE"
tags = [ "cobalt-prober" ]
dimensions = {
device_type = "Intel NUC Kit NUC11TNHv5"
tags = [ "cobalt-prober" ]
log_settings = {
max_severity = "ERROR"
fuchsia_fuzzer_component("logger-factory-fuzzer-component") {
manifest = "app/fuzzer/meta/logger_factory_fuzzer.cml"
deps = [ "app/fuzzer:logger_factory_fuzzer" ]
fuchsia_fuzzer_component("logger-fuzzer-component") {
manifest = "app/fuzzer/meta/logger_fuzzer.cml"
deps = [ "app/fuzzer:logger_fuzzer" ]
fuchsia_fuzzer_component("system-data-updater-fuzzer-component") {
manifest = "app/fuzzer/meta/system_data_updater_fuzzer.cml"
deps = [ "app/fuzzer:system_data_updater_fuzzer" ]
fuchsia_fuzzer_package("cobalt-fuzzers") {
cpp_fuzzer_components = [