blob: 998ab6a8ceb89c2a31545d2cb51af64deee62ac5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/optional.h>
namespace inspect {
/// TreeServerSendPreference describes how the Inspect VMO should be served.
/// The server has a primary behavior and a failure behavior. These describe the way that the
/// Inspector's VMO handle will be duplicated. The options in general are:
/// - Frozen: this is copy-on-write.
/// - Live: updates to the server side VMO propagate to the client. The client is read-only.
/// - DeepCopy: completely copies the VMO data into a new VMO.
/// The primary behavior is always configurable. By default, the primary behavior is Frozen.
/// The failure behavior is configurable when the primary behavior is Frozen. In that case,
/// the failure behavior can be set to either Live or DeepCopy. The default is Live.
/// The ultimate fallback behavior is always to send a Live VMO.
class TreeServerSendPreference {
/// Default behavior is to send a Frozen VMO; on failure, it will send a Live VMO.
TreeServerSendPreference() = default;
/// Defines the behavior of the VMO sent over this service.
enum class Type {
/// The VMO is copy-on-write.
/// The VMO is a live reference to the original. Updates to the server side
/// affect the client side.
/// The VMO is fully copied before being sent.
/// Freeze the VMO if possible. On failure, do `failure`.
/// `failure` should not be Type::Frozen.
static constexpr TreeServerSendPreference Frozen(Type failure) {
return TreeServerSendPreference(Type::Frozen, failure);
/// Send a live VMO.
static constexpr TreeServerSendPreference Live() {
return TreeServerSendPreference(Type::Live, cpp17::nullopt);
/// Send a true copy of the VMO.
static constexpr TreeServerSendPreference DeepCopy() {
return TreeServerSendPreference(Type::DeepCopy, cpp17::nullopt);
constexpr Type PrimaryBehavior() { return primary_send_type_; }
constexpr cpp17::optional<Type> FailureBehavior() { return failure_behavior_; }
explicit constexpr TreeServerSendPreference(Type primary, cpp17::optional<Type> failure)
: primary_send_type_(primary), failure_behavior_(failure) {}
const Type primary_send_type_ = Type::Frozen;
const cpp17::optional<Type> failure_behavior_ = Type::Live;
struct TreeHandlerSettings {
/// Control the way a VMO is served for snapshotting.
TreeServerSendPreference snapshot_behavior;
} // namespace inspect