blob: a52c232ba37151494f158fd2153d8cb76086e91a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdf/cpp/arena.h>
#include <lib/fdf/cpp/channel.h>
#include <lib/fdf/cpp/channel_read.h>
#include <lib/fdf/cpp/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/internal/endpoints.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/internal/transport.h>
namespace fdf {
template <typename Protocol>
class ClientEnd;
template <typename Protocol>
class UnownedClientEnd;
template <typename Protocol>
class ServerEnd;
template <typename Protocol>
class UnownedServerEnd;
template <typename Protocol>
class ServerBindingRef;
template <typename Protocol>
class ServerBinding;
template <typename Protocol>
class WireServer;
template <typename Protocol>
class Server;
template <typename FidlMethod>
class WireUnownedResult;
template <typename FidlMethod>
class Result;
} // namespace fdf
namespace fidl {
template <>
struct ContainsHandle<::fdf::Channel> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
struct ContainsHandle<::fdf::ClientEnd<T>> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
struct ContainsHandle<::fdf::ServerEnd<T>> : std::true_type {};
namespace internal {
struct DriverHandleMetadata {};
struct DriverMessageStorageView;
struct DriverTransport {
using OwnedType = fdf::Channel;
using UnownedType = fdf::UnownedChannel;
using HandleMetadata = DriverHandleMetadata;
using OutgoingTransportContextType = fdf_arena_t;
template <typename Protocol>
using ClientEnd = fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol>;
template <typename Protocol>
using UnownedClientEnd = fdf::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol>;
template <typename Protocol>
using ServerEnd = fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol>;
template <typename Protocol>
using UnownedServerEnd = fdf::UnownedServerEnd<Protocol>;
template <typename Protocol>
using ServerBindingRef = fdf::ServerBindingRef<Protocol>;
template <typename Protocol>
using ServerBinding = fdf::ServerBinding<Protocol>;
template <typename Protocol>
using WireServer = fdf::WireServer<Protocol>;
template <typename Protocol>
using Server = fdf::Server<Protocol>;
template <typename FidlMethod>
using WireUnownedResult = fdf::WireUnownedResult<FidlMethod>;
template <typename FidlMethod>
using Result = fdf::Result<FidlMethod>;
using MessageStorageView = DriverMessageStorageView;
static constexpr bool kTransportProvidesReadBuffer = true;
static constexpr uint32_t kNumIovecs = 1;
static const TransportVTable VTable;
static const CodingConfig EncodingConfiguration;
template <>
struct AssociatedTransportImpl<fdf::Channel> {
using type = DriverTransport;
template <>
struct AssociatedTransportImpl<fdf::UnownedChannel> {
using type = DriverTransport;
template <>
struct AssociatedTransportImpl<DriverHandleMetadata> {
using type = DriverTransport;
class DriverWaiter : public TransportWaiter {
DriverWaiter(fidl_handle_t handle, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
TransportWaitSuccessHandler success_handler,
TransportWaitFailureHandler failure_handler);
zx_status_t Begin() override;
CancellationResult Cancel() override;
void HandleChannelRead(fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, fdf::ChannelRead* channel_read,
zx_status_t status);
fidl_handle_t handle_;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
TransportWaitSuccessHandler success_handler_;
TransportWaitFailureHandler failure_handler_;
fdf::ChannelRead channel_read_;
// A view into an object providing storage for messages read from a driver channel.
struct DriverMessageStorageView : public MessageStorageViewBase {
fdf::Arena* arena;
inline fdf::Arena TakeDriverArenaFromStorage(MessageStorageViewBase* storage_view) {
return std::move(*static_cast<DriverMessageStorageView*>(storage_view)->arena);
// Base class with common functionality for bytes and handles storage classes
// backing messages read from a driver channel.
template <typename Derived>
struct DriverMessageStorageBase {
// |arena| backs both bytes and handles.
fdf::Arena arena{nullptr};
DriverMessageStorageView view() {
return DriverMessageStorageView{
.arena = &arena,
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl
namespace fdf {
template <typename Protocol>
class ClientEnd final
: public fidl::internal::ClientEndBase<Protocol, fidl::internal::DriverTransport> {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename Protocol::Transport, fidl::internal::DriverTransport>);
using ClientEndBase = fidl::internal::ClientEndBase<Protocol, fidl::internal::DriverTransport>;
using fidl::internal::ClientEndBase<Protocol, fidl::internal::DriverTransport>::ClientEndBase;
const fdf::Channel& channel() const { return ClientEndBase::handle_; }
fdf::Channel& channel() { return ClientEndBase::handle_; }
// Transfers ownership of the underlying channel to the caller.
fdf::Channel TakeChannel() { return ClientEndBase::TakeHandle(); }
template <typename Protocol>
class UnownedClientEnd final
: public fidl::internal::UnownedClientEndBase<Protocol, fidl::internal::DriverTransport> {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename Protocol::Transport, fidl::internal::DriverTransport>);
using fidl::internal::UnownedClientEndBase<Protocol,
template <typename Protocol>
class ServerEnd final
: public fidl::internal::ServerEndBase<Protocol, fidl::internal::DriverTransport> {
static_assert(cpp17::is_same_v<typename Protocol::Transport, fidl::internal::DriverTransport>);
using ServerEndBase = fidl::internal::ServerEndBase<Protocol, fidl::internal::DriverTransport>;
using ServerEndBase::ServerEndBase;
const fdf::Channel& channel() const { return ServerEndBase::handle_; }
fdf::Channel& channel() { return ServerEndBase::handle_; }
// Transfers ownership of the underlying channel to the caller.
fdf::Channel TakeChannel() { return ServerEndBase::TakeHandle(); }
template <typename Protocol>
class UnownedServerEnd final
: public fidl::internal::UnownedServerEndBase<Protocol, fidl::internal::DriverTransport> {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename Protocol::Transport, fidl::internal::DriverTransport>);
using fidl::internal::UnownedServerEndBase<Protocol,
template <typename Protocol>
struct Endpoints {
fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> client;
fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol> server;
// Creates a pair of fdf channel endpoints speaking the |Protocol| protocol.
// Whenever interacting with FIDL, using this method should be encouraged over
// |fdf::ChannelPair::Create|, because this method encodes the precise protocol type
// into its results at compile time.
// The return value is struct containing client and server endpoints.
// Given the following:
// auto endpoints = fdf::Endpoints<MyProtocol>::Create();
// The channel endpoints may be accessed via:
// endpoints->client;
// endpoints->server;
// Or you may use structured bindings to gain access:
// auto [client_end, server_end] = fdf::Endpoints<MyProtocol>::Create();
static Endpoints<Protocol> Create() {
zx::result pair = fdf::ChannelPair::Create(0);
return Endpoints<Protocol>{
// Creates a pair of Zircon channel endpoints speaking the |Protocol| protocol.
// Whenever interacting with FIDL, using this method should be encouraged over
// |fdf::ChannelPair::Create|, because this method encodes the precise protocol type
// into its results at compile time.
// This overload of |Create| may lead to more concise code when the
// caller already has the client endpoint defined as an instance variable.
// It will replace the destination of |out_client| with a newly created client
// endpoint, and return the corresponding server endpoint:
// // |client_end_| is an instance variable.
// auto server_end = fdf::Endpoints<Protocol>::Create(&client_end_);
static fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol> Create(fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol>* out_client) {
Endpoints<Protocol> endpoints = Create();
*out_client = fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol>(std::move(endpoints->client));
return fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol>(std::move(endpoints->server));
// Creates a pair of Zircon channel endpoints speaking the |Protocol| protocol.
// Whenever interacting with FIDL, using this method should be encouraged over
// |fdf::ChannelPair::Create|, because this method encodes the precise protocol type
// into its results at compile time.
// This overload of |Create| may lead to more concise code when the
// caller already has the server endpoint defined as an instance variable.
// It will replace the destination of |out_server| with a newly created server
// endpoint, and return the corresponding client endpoint:
// // |server_end_| is an instance variable.
// auto client_end = fdf::Endpoints<Protocol>::Create(&server_end_);
static fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> Create(fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol>* out_server) {
Endpoints<Protocol> endpoints = Create();
*out_server = fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol>(std::move(endpoints->server));
return fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol>(std::move(endpoints->client));
// Creates a pair of fdf channel endpoints speaking the |Protocol| protocol.
// Whenever interacting with LLCPP, using this method should be encouraged over
// |fdf::ChannelPair::Create|, because this method encodes the precise protocol
// type into its results at compile time.
// The return value is a result type wrapping the client and server endpoints.
// Given the following:
// auto endpoints = fdf::CreateEndpoints<MyProtocol>();
// The caller should first ensure that |endpoints.is_ok() == true|, after which
// the channel endpoints may be accessed in one of two ways:
// - Direct:
// endpoints->client;
// endpoints->server;
// - Structured Binding:
// auto [client_end, server_end] = std::move(endpoints.value());
template <typename Protocol>
zx::result<fdf::Endpoints<Protocol>> CreateEndpoints() {
auto pair = fdf::ChannelPair::Create(0);
if (!pair.is_ok()) {
return pair.take_error();
return zx::ok(Endpoints<Protocol>{
// Creates a pair of fdf channel endpoints speaking the |Protocol| protocol.
// Whenever interacting with LLCPP, using this method should be encouraged over
// |fdf::ChannelPair::Create|, because this method encodes the precise protocol
// type into its results at compile time.
// This overload of |CreateEndpoints| may lead to more concise code when the
// caller already has the client endpoint defined as an instance variable.
// It will replace the destination of |out_client| with a newly created client
// endpoint, and return the corresponding server endpoint in a |zx::result|:
// // |client_end_| is an instance variable.
// auto server_end = fdf::CreateEndpoints(&client_end_);
// if (server_end.is_ok()) { ... }
template <typename Protocol>
zx::result<fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol>> CreateEndpoints(fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol>* out_client) {
auto endpoints = CreateEndpoints<Protocol>();
if (!endpoints.is_ok()) {
return endpoints.take_error();
*out_client = fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol>(std::move(endpoints->client));
return zx::ok(fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol>(std::move(endpoints->server)));
// Creates a pair of fdf channel endpoints speaking the |Protocol| protocol.
// Whenever interacting with LLCPP, using this method should be encouraged over
// |fdf::ChannelPair::Create|, because this method encodes the precise protocol
// type into its results at compile time.
// This overload of |CreateEndpoints| may lead to more concise code when the
// caller already has the server endpoint defined as an instance variable.
// It will replace the destination of |out_server| with a newly created server
// endpoint, and return the corresponding client endpoint in a |zx::result|:
// // |server_end_| is an instance variable.
// auto client_end = fdf::CreateEndpoints(&server_end_);
// if (client_end.is_ok()) { ... }
template <typename Protocol>
zx::result<fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol>> CreateEndpoints(fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol>* out_server) {
auto endpoints = CreateEndpoints<Protocol>();
if (!endpoints.is_ok()) {
return endpoints.take_error();
*out_server = fdf::ServerEnd<Protocol>(std::move(endpoints->server));
return zx::ok(fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol>(std::move(endpoints->client)));
} // namespace fdf