blob: 250794a831b530ad691a2cee2b5a036524edef42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.wlan.mlme;
using fuchsia.wlan.common;
using fuchsia.wlan.ieee80211 as ieee80211;
using fuchsia.wlan.internal as internal;
using fuchsia.wlan.stats;
using fuchsia.wlan.minstrel;
using zx;
// Custom primitives for communicating between the wlan service and the MLME drivers.
// The primitives defined here are not part of the official 802.11 MLME SAP interface specification,
// but follow the same principle for the sake of consistency.
// EAPOL.indication
type EapolIndication = struct {
src_addr ieee80211.MacAddr;
dst_addr ieee80211.MacAddr;
data vector<uint8>:MAX;
// BandInfo groups capabilities defined per band.
// This grouping is the industry's de factor standard.
type BandCapability = struct {
/// The values of this struct apply to the band indicated in this field.
band fuchsia.wlan.common.WlanBand;
/// Basic rates supported in units of 500 kbit/s (as defined in
/// IEEE Std 802.11-2016,, e.g., 0x02 represents 1 Mbps.
/// The value returned by this type indicates all the non-HT rates
/// the device supports transmitting and receiving.
basic_rates vector<uint8>:ieee80211.MAX_SUPPORTED_BASIC_RATES;
ht_cap box<ieee80211.HtCapabilities>;
vht_cap box<ieee80211.VhtCapabilities>;
/// A list of operating channels considered valid by hardware, in the context of
/// regulatory information known to the device driver, at the time of its
/// construction during iface creation. In this context, an operating channel
/// means a channel which APs may transmit Beacon frames on in the current
/// regulatory domain.
/// This list should be used to determine efficacy of subsequent requests to
/// scan a subset of channels using the iface, or to determine which operating
/// channel to use when starting an AP.
operating_channels vector<uint8>:ieee80211.MAX_UNIQUE_CHANNEL_NUMBERS;
type DeviceInfo = struct {
sta_addr ieee80211.MacAddr;
role fuchsia.wlan.common.WlanMacRole;
bands vector<BandCapability>:fuchsia.wlan.common.MAX_BANDS;
// TODO( This field will be replaced in the new driver features
// framework.
softmac_hardware_capability fuchsia.wlan.common.WlanSoftmacHardwareCapability;
// TODO( This field is stubbed out for future use.
qos_capable bool;
// SETKEYS.confirm
// IEEE Std 802.11-2016 does not specify this primitive, but in practice
// the SetKeys operation can sometimes fail. We return a list of results, since
// multiple keys may be set at once and result in partial failure.
type SetKeyResult = struct {
key_id uint16;
status zx.Status;
type SetKeysConfirm = struct {
results vector<SetKeyResult>;
// TODO( Move this to wlan_internal.fidl after is fixed
type GetIfaceCounterStatsResponse = strict union {
1: stats fuchsia.wlan.stats.IfaceCounterStats;
2: error_status int32;
// TODO( Move this to wlan_internal.fidl after is fixed
type GetIfaceHistogramStatsResponse = strict union {
1: stats fuchsia.wlan.stats.IfaceHistogramStats;
2: error_status int32;
type MinstrelListResponse = struct {
peers fuchsia.wlan.minstrel.Peers;
type MinstrelStatsRequest = struct {
peer_addr ieee80211.MacAddr;
type MinstrelStatsResponse = struct {
peer box<fuchsia.wlan.minstrel.Peer>;
type SetControlledPortRequest = struct {
peer_sta_address ieee80211.MacAddr;
state ControlledPortState;
type ControlledPortState = strict enum {
OPEN = 1;
/// Bits used to request management frame subtypes to be captured. Also used in
/// StartCaptureFramesResponse to indicate what management frames are supported.
/// These values are set at `1 << MgmtFrameSubtypeValue`
/// See IEEE Std 802.11-2016,, for value of each management frame subtype
type MgmtFrameCaptureFlags = strict bits : uint32 {
ASSOC_REQ = 0x1;
PROBE_REQ = 0x10;
PROBE_RESP = 0x20;
TIMING_AD = 0x40;
BEACON = 0x100;
ATIM = 0x200;
DISASSOC = 0x400;
AUTH = 0x800;
DEAUTH = 0x1000;
ACTION = 0x2000;
ACTION_NO_ACK = 0x4000;
type StartCaptureFramesRequest = struct {
mgmt_frame_flags MgmtFrameCaptureFlags;
type StartCaptureFramesResponse = struct {
status int32;
supported_mgmt_frames MgmtFrameCaptureFlags;
type CapturedFrameResult = struct {
frame vector<uint8>:MAX;
/// Non-IEEE custom structure to inform a SoftMAC device about the association negotiation outcome.
// TODO( Remove if we are able to intersect the capabilities with beacon before associating
type NegotiatedCapabilities = struct {
channel fuchsia.wlan.common.WlanChannel;
capability_info internal.CapabilityInfo;
rates vector<uint8>:internal.MAX_ASSOC_BASIC_RATES;
wmm_param box<WmmParameter>;
ht_cap box<ieee80211.HtCapabilities>;
vht_cap box<ieee80211.VhtCapabilities>;
type PmkInfo = struct {
pmk vector<uint8>:MAX;
pmkid vector<uint8>:MAX;
type SaeHandshakeIndication = struct {
peer_sta_address ieee80211.MacAddr;
type SaeHandshakeResponse = struct {
peer_sta_address ieee80211.MacAddr;
status_code ieee80211.StatusCode;
type SaeFrame = struct {
peer_sta_address ieee80211.MacAddr;
status_code ieee80211.StatusCode;
seq_num uint16;
sae_fields vector<uint8>:MAX;