blob: be1132c76d8c152e17cea74646a78f4f2c51de58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.starnix.container;
using zx;
type ConsoleWindowSize = struct {
rows uint16;
cols uint16;
x_pixels uint16;
y_pixels uint16;
type VmoReference = table {
/// The name of the process containing a file backed by the vmo.
1: process_name string:MAX;
/// The Starnix pid of the process containing a file backed by the vmo.
2: pid uint64;
/// The file descriptor number in the process that refers to the vmo.
3: fd int32;
/// The koid of the vmo.
4: koid uint64;
open protocol Controller {
/// Connects `bridge_socket` to a vsocket at `port` in the container.
flexible VsockConnect(resource table {
1: port uint32;
2: bridge_socket zx.Handle:SOCKET;
/// Spawn a console for debugging in the container. For testing, prefer launching Linux programs
/// as components with the `starnix_container` runner.
/// Returns when the console exits.
flexible SpawnConsole(resource table {
1: console_in zx.Handle:SOCKET;
2: console_out zx.Handle:SOCKET;
3: binary_path string:MAX;
4: argv vector<string:MAX>:MAX;
5: environ vector<string:MAX>:MAX;
6: window_size ConsoleWindowSize;
}) -> (struct {
exit_code uint8;
}) error SpawnConsoleError;
/// Returns all processes that have open files that are backed by a vmo with koid.
flexible GetVmoReferences(table {
1: koid uint64;
}) -> (table {
1: references vector<VmoReference>:MAX;
/// Returns the job handle of the container.
flexible GetJobHandle() -> (resource table {
1: job zx.Handle:JOB;
type SpawnConsoleError = flexible enum {
/// A required table field was missing or otherwise invalid.
/// The console process exited without a normal return code.