blob: c434d77da8b33e2baa8bc9fb6f4dd48a8dcd72a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.sysmem;
using fuchsia.sysmem2;
using zx;
/// Sysmem Heaps can have different support for different coherency
/// domains. This table contains the support status for each coherency
/// domain of a Heap.
/// Each member property should correspond to a coherency domain defined
/// in the CoherencyDomain enum.
type CoherencyDomainSupport = table {
/// Iff set and true, this heap supports the CPU domain.
1: cpu_supported bool;
/// Iff set and true, this heap supports the RAM domain.
2: ram_supported bool;
/// Iff set and true, this heap supports the INACCESSIBLE domain.
3: inaccessible_supported bool;
/// Memory properties for a sysmem Heap.
/// Heaps send the `HeapProperties` to sysmem device at registration time.
type HeapProperties = table {
/// Which coherency domains are supported by this heap.
1: coherency_domain_support CoherencyDomainSupport;
/// Indicates whether sysmem needs to zero VMOs allocated by the Heap.
2: need_clear bool;
/// Some heaps provide pre-zeroed allocations, but haven't flushed the
/// zeroes to RAM yet. Flush is also performed if `need_clear` is true.
3: need_flush bool;
/// Manages resources on a specific sysmem heap.
closed protocol Heap {
/// Request a new memory allocation of `size` on heap. For heaps which don't
/// permit CPU access to the buffer data, this will create a VMO with an
/// official size, but which never has any physical pages. For such heaps,
/// the VMO is effectively used as an opaque buffer identifier.
/// The `buffer_collection_id` + `buffer_index` are retreivable from any
/// sysmem-provided VMO that's derived from the returned `vmo` using
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`].
/// The [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server must ensure that if all
/// handles to `vmo` + descendents of `vmo` are closed, the
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server will clean up any state
/// associated with `vmo` even in the absence of any call to `DeleteVmo`.
/// The [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server must create `vmo` as a
/// ZX_VMO_CHILD_SLICE (or ZX_VMO_CHILD_REFERENCE) of a parent VMO retained
/// by the [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server, with the
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server waiting on ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN
/// to trigger cleanup. The [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server must not
/// retain any handles to `vmo` or descendents of `vmo` or VMAR mappings to
/// `vmo` as that would prevent ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN from being signaled.
/// However, the server is free to keep handles to the server's parent VMO,
/// VMAR mappings to the server's parent VMO, or similar via separate (from
/// `vmo`) child VMOs, as long as those can be cleaned up synchronously
/// during `DeleteVmo` (absent process failures).
/// As long as the caller doesn't crash, the caller guarantees that
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap.DeleteVmo`] will be passed `vmo` later
/// with ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN already signaled on `vmo`, and with `vmo`
/// being the only remaining handle to the VMO (assuming the heap server did
/// not itself retain any handle to `vmo`).
/// Upon noticing ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN on the server's parent VMO, the
/// server should clean up any resources associated with `vmo`.
/// The heap server can create any associated resources (including any
/// hardware-specific resources) during this call, and clean them up upon
/// noticing ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN on the parent VMO retained by the server.
/// The [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] channel client end closing should
/// not trigger any per-VMO cleanup. Instead, the ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN
/// signal should perform that cleanup. This way, all buffer-associated
/// resources stay valid until it's no longer possible for any client to be
/// using or referring to the buffer. The risk of cleaning up early is that
/// a client may still be using the buffer and/or an associated resource
/// despite the [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] client end closing.
/// + request `size` The size in bytes, aligned up to a page boundary. In
/// contrast, `settings.buffer_settings.size_bytes` is the logical size in
/// bytes and is not rounded up to a page boundary.
/// + request `settings` These are the sysmem settings applicable to the
/// buffer. A heap is encouraged to completely ignore this parameter
/// unless there is a specific need to look at this parameter.
/// + For example, if a [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server also
/// allocates some sort of internal image resource to go with the
/// allocated VMO, the heap server may need to look at
/// `settings.image_format_constraints`.
/// + As another example, a [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server may
/// support both contiguous and non-contiguous allocations, in which
/// case the heap server would need to look at
/// `settings.buffer_settings.is_physically_contiguous`.
/// + However, if a [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server is allocating
/// a buffer of size with no dependence on settings, the
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] server should just ignore settings
/// (in contrast to validating settings or similar).
/// + request `buffer_collection_id` This can be obtained later from a
/// sysmem provided VMO using [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`], or
/// at any time from a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`],
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`], or
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionTokenGroup`] associated with the
/// logical buffer collection. However, care must be taken to avoid trying
/// to use [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (or any other sysmem
/// call) on a VMO newly allocated within this call, since sysmem doesn't
/// know about the VMO until returned from this call. Also, any call back
/// to sysmem during this call will deadlock since sysmem is waiting on
/// this call to complete before processing
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] (or any other call), so it'll
/// be fairly obvious that something is wrong (please remove the call to
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] or similar.
/// + request `buffer_index` This can be obtained later from a sysmem
/// provided VMO using [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`]. See also
/// previous paragraph re. not calling
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] during this call.
/// - response `vmo` The allocated VMO; see above for relevant requirements.
strict AllocateVmo(struct {
size uint64;
settings fuchsia.sysmem2.SingleBufferSettings;
buffer_collection_id uint64;
buffer_index uint64;
}) -> (resource struct {
vmo zx.Handle:<VMO>;
}) error zx.Status;
/// The server should delete the passed-in `vmo` and any associated
/// resources before responding.
/// Sysmem guarantees that `vmo` is the only handle remaining to the VMO.
/// The call to [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap.DeleteVmo`] should fence the
/// cleanup of `vmo` and any associated resources before responding. Because
/// the last handle to `vmo` is passed in via
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap.DeleteVmo`], the server can defer
/// completion of the [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap.DeleteVmo`] until
/// ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN is (very soon) triggered on the server's parent VMO
/// due to the server closing the passed-in `vmo`. FIDL server bindings
/// support responding to a request async. There is no requirement to
/// process any other incoming messages on this channel until
/// [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap.DeleteVmo`] is done.
/// The effectiveness of sysmem's
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachLifetimeTracking`] mechanism
/// relies on resource recycling being complete before the response to this
/// call.
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] stops working after there are
/// zero outstanding sysmem-provided VMOs derived from this VMO, and before
/// this call starts. Any attempt to call
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`] before responding to this call
/// will also deadlock due to sysmem waiting on this call to complete before
/// processing [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.GetVmoInfo`].
strict DeleteVmo(resource struct {
buffer_collection_id uint64;
buffer_index uint64;
vmo zx.Handle:<VMO>;
}) -> ();
/// This event is triggered when the [`fuchsia.hardware.sysmem/Heap`] is
/// registered. Properties of this `Heap` will be sent to the sysmem device
/// in the event.
/// Implementations should guarantee that this event should be sent
/// immediately when it binds to a channel, and this event should be
/// triggered only once per `Heap` instance.
// TODO( Remove this event and pass in HeapProperties when
// registering sysmem Heaps after we migrate sysmem banjo proxying
// to FIDL.
strict -> OnRegister(struct {
properties HeapProperties;