blob: a82492a723f84b5d5878833c666cde489c645b14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.sensors;
using fuchsia.sensors.types as types;
/// A playback configuration which will emit events from the provided list.
/// The list of SensorEvents will be sorted into separate lists by SensorId and
/// then played back according to each sensor's configured sample rate and max
/// reporting latency. Thus the ordering of the entire list is only guaranteed
/// to hold if all the SensorEvents are from the same sensor. Any timestamps or
/// sequence numbers in the provided SensorEvents are ignored and overwritten.
/// There must be at least one event for every sensor in the sensor_list and
/// there must not be any events for sensors that aren't in the sensor_list.
type FixedValuesPlaybackConfig = table {
/// Sensors that will be advertised through the Driver protocol.
/// Required.
1: sensor_list vector<types.SensorInfo>:MAX;
/// SensorsEvents which will be played back through the Driver protocol.
/// Required.
2: sensor_events vector<types.SensorEvent>:MAX;
/// Multiple types of playback are supported. Which type is used depends on
/// which configuration is provided to Playback::ConfigurePlayback.
type PlaybackSourceConfig = flexible union {
/// Configure for fixed values playback. See FixedValuesPlaybackConfig.
1: fixed_values_config FixedValuesPlaybackConfig;
/// Errors that may be returned by ConfigurePlayback.
type ConfigurePlaybackError = flexible enum : uint32 {
/// The type of the PlaybackSourceConfig union isn't recognized/supported.
/// Some part of the provided playback config is missing fields.
/// A provided SensorInfo has a duplicate SensorId.
/// No SensorEvents were given for a provided SensorInfo.
/// A SensorEvent was seen with a SensorId for which no SensorInfo was
/// provided.
/// A SensorEvent was seen with a SensorType that does not match the
/// corresponding SensorInfo.
/// A SensorEvent was seen with an EventPayload that doesn't match its
/// SensorType.
/// Implemented by components which pretend to be a sensor driver but instead
/// emit prerecorded or pregenerated data. Those components will also implement
/// the fuchsia.hardware.sensors.Driver protocol which will be used to actually
/// control the playback of data. This protocol is used to set up the playback
/// data source ana playback specific parameters.
protocol Playback {
ConfigurePlayback(struct {
source_config PlaybackSourceConfig;
}) -> () error ConfigurePlaybackError;