blob: 8415a2607528f6832a03b79805d8561aac53af1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.driver.development;
using fuchsia.component.decl;
using fuchsia.driver.framework;
using fuchsia.driver.legacy;
using fuchsia.url;
using zx;
const NODE_MONIKER_MAX uint32 = 1024;
@available(added=17, deprecated=18)
type V1DeviceInfo = table {
/// The topological path of the driver.
1: topological_path string:fuchsia.driver.legacy.DEVICE_PATH_MAX;
/// Path to the driver shared library.
2: bound_driver_libname string:fuchsia.driver.legacy.DEVICE_PATH_MAX;
/// Properties of the device.
3: property_list fuchsia.driver.legacy.DevicePropertyList;
/// Tracks the state of the device.
4: flags fuchsia.driver.legacy.DeviceFlags;
/// Banjo protocol ID
5: protocol_id uint32;
/// Banjo protocol name
6: protocol_name string:MAX;
type V2NodeInfo = table {
/// The collection-relative moniker of the node.
1: moniker string:NODE_MONIKER_MAX;
/// Properties of the node.
2: node_property_list
/// Component offers to the node.
3: offer_list vector<fuchsia.component.decl.Offer>:MAX;
@available(added=17, deprecated=18)
type VersionedNodeInfo = flexible union {
1: v1 V1DeviceInfo;
2: v2 V2NodeInfo;
type NodeInfo = table {
/// Unique ID identifying the node.
1: id uint64;
/// List of ids representing parents. If more than one, this is a composite node.
2: parent_ids vector<uint64>:MAX;
/// List of ids representing children.
3: child_ids vector<uint64>:MAX;
/// The process KOID of the driver host the driver resides within.
4: driver_host_koid zx.Koid;
/// URL to the driver component manifest
5: bound_driver_url fuchsia.url.Url;
/// Information specific to the driver framework version in use.
@available(added=17, deprecated=18)
6: versioned_info VersionedNodeInfo;
/// The collection-relative moniker of the node.
7: moniker string:NODE_MONIKER_MAX;
/// Properties of the node.
8: node_property_list
/// Component offers to the node.
9: offer_list vector<fuchsia.component.decl.Offer>:MAX;
/// Information about a node binding to either a driver or a composite.
type NodeBindingInfo = table {
/// Full topological name of the node.
1: node_name string:NODE_MONIKER_MAX;
/// This is the component url for the driver that bound to the node.
/// If this is present, then |composite_parents| and |legacy_composite_parents| must not be.
2: driver_url fuchsia.url.Url;
/// The composite parents that this node binded to.
/// Can be present alongside |legacy_composite_parents|, but not |driver_url|.
3: composite_parents vector<fuchsia.driver.framework.CompositeParent>:MAX;
/// The legacy composite parents that this node binded to.
/// Can be present alongside |composite_parents|, but not |driver_url|.
4: legacy_composite_parents vector<fuchsia.driver.legacy.CompositeParent>:MAX;
/// Contains information for either a composite or legacy composite.
type CompositeInfo = strict union {
1: legacy_composite fuchsia.driver.legacy.CompositeInfo;
2: composite fuchsia.driver.framework.CompositeInfo;
/// Contains information for a composite node.
type CompositeNodeInfo = table {
/// The topological paths of the parent nodes of this composite, ordered by index.
1: parent_topological_paths vector<string:<MAX, optional>>:MAX;
/// The topological path of the created composite node. Empty if not created.
2: topological_path string:MAX;
// Information about the composite.
3: composite CompositeInfo;
type TestNodeAddArgs = table {
/// Name of the node.
1: name string:NODE_MONIKER_MAX;
/// Properties of the node.
2: properties
/// These flags indicate when a |fuchsia.driver.index.DriverIndex::MatchDriver| call should be
/// made for a node that is restarting in order to find a new driver, instead of reusing the driver
/// that was previously bound to the node.
type RestartRematchFlags = flexible bits : uint32 {
/// Rematch nodes that are currently bound to the requested driver. The requested driver is
/// the driver url that the restart operation was initiated for.
REQUESTED = 0x0001;
/// Rematch nodes that are currently bound to a driver other than the requested driver. These
/// are nodes that are affected by the restart of the requested driver, for example when
/// it is a colocated parent.
/// Rematch nodes that are legacy composite nodes.
/// Rematch nodes that are created as part of a completed composite spec.