blob: 0bae88b77b1d2253add1fd6b7ae2d838cc761f38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using fuchsia.bluetooth as bt;
/// Clients can use Message Client Equipment (MCE) related features through this protocol.
open protocol MessagingClient {
/// Make connections to peers that support MAP.
/// An `Accessor` will be returned for each peer as they are
/// connected, and only one exists at a time for each peer.
/// Hangs until a new peer becomes available once all connected
/// peers have been delivered to this protocol.
flexible WatchAccessor() -> (resource table {
1: peer_id bt.PeerId;
2: accessor client_end:Accessor;
open protocol MessageController {
/// Retrieve all available message details.
/// + request `handle` Unique identifier for a Messsage.
/// + request `include_attachment` Whether or not attachment should be included as
/// part of Message content if it's available.
/// - response NOT_FOUND error is returned if the message with the given handle does not exist.
flexible GetDetails(struct {
handle uint64;
include_attachment bool;
}) -> (Message) error Error;
/// Protocol used for accessing messages and notifications for a connected Bluetooth peer.
open protocol Accessor {
compose MessageController;
/// Hanging-get request to get new messages. If new messages have been reported from the peer,
/// returns the information available. See MAP v1.4.2 section 3.1.7 for details.
strict FetchNewMessage() -> (resource table {
/// Note that only some fields will be provided. To retrieve all
/// available information for a specific message use `GetDetails`.
1: messages vector<Message>:MAX;
// TODO( add `RepositoryBrowser` protocol, which
// would be used for browsing through a specific message repository.