[sl4f] Disable 'trace via facade' test on NUC

This test's failure to properly clean up resources when it times out
seems to be the underlying cause (or one of several underlying causes)
of non-hermetic test ordering bugs seen described in

When this test times out, later test cases get stuck and the shard
eventually times out, e.g.: https://ci.chromium.org/b/8850395944552814656

Test: Running the internal terminal-x64-release-nuc_in_basic_envs
builder (which is currently red) in CQ using "Choose Tryjobs":

Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: emergency change to fix the tree
Bug: 73859
Change-Id: I75aa9fc03170625b82cc91ebc4ed23ddb4745903
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/fuchsia/+/514401
Reviewed-by: Brian Hamrick <bhamrick@google.com>
diff --git a/src/tests/end_to_end/sl4f/test/performance_test.dart b/src/tests/end_to_end/sl4f/test/performance_test.dart
index 7b78bc4..e1f589c 100644
--- a/src/tests/end_to_end/sl4f/test/performance_test.dart
+++ b/src/tests/end_to_end/sl4f/test/performance_test.dart
@@ -36,20 +36,25 @@
   group(sl4f.Sl4f, () {
-    test('trace via facade', () async {
-      final traceSession = await performance.initializeTracing();
-      await traceSession.start();
-      await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
-      await traceSession.stop();
-      final traceFile = await traceSession.terminateAndDownload('test-trace');
+    // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/73859): This test leaks resources if it times out,
+    // causing later tests to break. Re-enable when non-hermeticity is fixed.
+    if (Platform.environment['FUCHSIA_DEVICE_TYPE'] !=
+        'Intel NUC Kit NUC7i5DNHE') {
+      test('trace via facade', () async {
+        final traceSession = await performance.initializeTracing();
+        await traceSession.start();
+        await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
+        await traceSession.stop();
+        final traceFile = await traceSession.terminateAndDownload('test-trace');
-      expect(traceFile.path, matches(RegExp(r'-test-trace-trace.fxt$')));
-      expect(
-          dumpDir.listSync().map((f) => f.path.split('/').last),
-          unorderedMatches([
-            matches(RegExp(r'-test-trace-trace.fxt$')),
-          ]));
-    });
+        expect(traceFile.path, matches(RegExp(r'-test-trace-trace.fxt$')));
+        expect(
+            dumpDir.listSync().map((f) => f.path.split('/').last),
+            unorderedMatches([
+              matches(RegExp(r'-test-trace-trace.fxt$')),
+            ]));
+      });
+    }
     test('get trace data without writing to file', () async {
       final traceSession = await performance.initializeTracing();