blob: e6829d90a588848073f00a40b882fcbd451e372c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/blobfs/blobfs.h"
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <block-client/cpp/fake-device.h>
#include <cobalt-client/cpp/in_memory_logger.h>
#include <fs/metrics/events.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <storage/buffer/vmo_buffer.h>
#include "src/storage/blobfs/blob.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/directory.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/format.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/fsck.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/mkfs.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/test/blob_utils.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/transaction.h"
namespace blobfs {
namespace {
using ::block_client::FakeBlockDevice;
constexpr uint32_t kBlockSize = 512;
constexpr uint32_t kNumBlocks = 400 * kBlobfsBlockSize / kBlockSize;
class MockBlockDevice : public FakeBlockDevice {
MockBlockDevice(uint64_t block_count, uint32_t block_size)
: FakeBlockDevice(block_count, block_size) {}
static std::unique_ptr<MockBlockDevice> CreateAndFormat(const FilesystemOptions& options,
uint64_t num_blocks) {
auto device = std::make_unique<MockBlockDevice>(num_blocks, kBlockSize);
EXPECT_EQ(FormatFilesystem(device.get(), options), ZX_OK);
return device;
bool saw_trim() const { return saw_trim_; }
zx_status_t FifoTransaction(block_fifo_request_t* requests, size_t count) final;
zx_status_t BlockGetInfo(fuchsia_hardware_block_BlockInfo* info) const final;
bool saw_trim_ = false;
zx_status_t MockBlockDevice::FifoTransaction(block_fifo_request_t* requests, size_t count) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (requests[i].opcode == BLOCKIO_TRIM) {
saw_trim_ = true;
return ZX_OK;
return FakeBlockDevice::FifoTransaction(requests, count);
zx_status_t MockBlockDevice::BlockGetInfo(fuchsia_hardware_block_BlockInfo* info) const {
zx_status_t status = FakeBlockDevice::BlockGetInfo(info);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
info->flags |= fuchsia_hardware_block_FLAG_TRIM_SUPPORT;
return status;
template <uint64_t oldest_revision, uint64_t num_blocks = kNumBlocks,
typename Device = MockBlockDevice>
class BlobfsTestAtRevision : public testing::Test {
void SetUp() final {
FilesystemOptions options{.blob_layout_format = BlobLayoutFormat::kCompactMerkleTreeAtEnd,
.oldest_revision = oldest_revision};
auto device = Device::CreateAndFormat(options, num_blocks);
device_ = device.get();
ASSERT_EQ(Blobfs::Create(loop_.dispatcher(), std::move(device), GetMountOptions(),
zx::resource(), &fs_),
virtual MountOptions GetMountOptions() const { return MountOptions(); }
async::Loop loop_{&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread};
Device* device_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Blobfs> fs_;
using BlobfsTest = BlobfsTestAtRevision<blobfs::kBlobfsCurrentRevision>;
static_assert(blobfs::kBlobfsCurrentRevision > 0u);
using BlobfsTestAtPastRevision = BlobfsTestAtRevision<blobfs::kBlobfsCurrentRevision - 1>;
using BlobfsTestAtFutureRevision = BlobfsTestAtRevision<blobfs::kBlobfsCurrentRevision + 1>;
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, GetDevice) { ASSERT_EQ(device_, fs_->GetDevice()); }
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, BlockNumberToDevice) {
ASSERT_EQ(42 * kBlobfsBlockSize / kBlockSize, fs_->BlockNumberToDevice(42));
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, CleanFlag) {
// Scope all operations while the filesystem is alive to ensure they
// don't have dangling references once it is destroyed.
storage::VmoBuffer buffer;
ASSERT_EQ(buffer.Initialize(fs_.get(), 1, kBlobfsBlockSize, "source"), ZX_OK);
// Write the superblock with the clean flag unset on Blobfs::Create in Setup.
storage::Operation operation = {};
memcpy(buffer.Data(0), &fs_->Info(), sizeof(Superblock));
operation.type = storage::OperationType::kWrite;
operation.dev_offset = 0;
operation.length = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(fs_->RunOperation(operation, &buffer), ZX_OK);
// Read the superblock with the clean flag unset.
operation.type = storage::OperationType::kRead;
ASSERT_EQ(fs_->RunOperation(operation, &buffer), ZX_OK);
Superblock* info = reinterpret_cast<Superblock*>(buffer.Data(0));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, (info->flags & kBlobFlagClean));
// Destroy the blobfs instance to force writing of the clean bit.
auto device = Blobfs::Destroy(std::move(fs_));
// Read the superblock, verify the clean flag is set.
uint8_t block[kBlobfsBlockSize] = {};
static_assert(sizeof(block) >= sizeof(Superblock));
ASSERT_EQ(device->ReadBlock(0, kBlobfsBlockSize, &block), ZX_OK);
Superblock* info = reinterpret_cast<Superblock*>(block);
EXPECT_EQ(kBlobFlagClean, (info->flags & kBlobFlagClean));
// Tests that the driver does *not* update the oldest_revision field when mounting a filesystem that
// has a lesser oldest_revision.
// For now, this test must be disabled because Blobfs will upgrade to the latest revision.
TEST_F(BlobfsTestAtPastRevision, DISABLED_OldestRevisionNotUpdated) {
// Destroy the blobfs instance to claim the block device.
auto device = Blobfs::Destroy(std::move(fs_));
// Read the superblock, verify the oldest revision is set to the past revision, rather than the
// current driver revision.
uint8_t block[kBlobfsBlockSize] = {};
static_assert(sizeof(block) >= sizeof(Superblock));
ASSERT_EQ(device->ReadBlock(0, kBlobfsBlockSize, &block), ZX_OK);
Superblock* info = reinterpret_cast<Superblock*>(block);
EXPECT_EQ(blobfs::kBlobfsCurrentRevision - 1, info->oldest_revision);
// Tests that the driver updates the oldest_revision field when mounting a filesystem that has a
// greater oldest_revision.
TEST_F(BlobfsTestAtFutureRevision, OldestRevisionUpdated) {
// Destroy the blobfs instance to claim the block device.
auto device = Blobfs::Destroy(std::move(fs_));
// Read the superblock, verify the oldest revision is set to the current revision, rather than the
// future revision which blobfs was formatted on.
uint8_t block[kBlobfsBlockSize] = {};
static_assert(sizeof(block) >= sizeof(Superblock));
ASSERT_EQ(device->ReadBlock(0, kBlobfsBlockSize, &block), ZX_OK);
Superblock* info = reinterpret_cast<Superblock*>(block);
EXPECT_EQ(blobfs::kBlobfsCurrentRevision, info->oldest_revision);
// Tests reading a well known location.
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, RunOperationExpectedRead) {
storage::VmoBuffer buffer;
ASSERT_EQ(buffer.Initialize(fs_.get(), 1, kBlobfsBlockSize, "source"), ZX_OK);
// Read the first block.
storage::Operation operation = {};
operation.type = storage::OperationType::kRead;
operation.length = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(fs_->RunOperation(operation, &buffer), ZX_OK);
uint64_t* data = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(buffer.Data(0));
EXPECT_EQ(kBlobfsMagic0, data[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(kBlobfsMagic1, data[1]);
// Tests that we can read back what we write.
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, RunOperationReadWrite) {
char data[kBlobfsBlockSize] = "something to test";
storage::VmoBuffer buffer;
ASSERT_EQ(buffer.Initialize(fs_.get(), 1, kBlobfsBlockSize, "source"), ZX_OK);
memcpy(buffer.Data(0), data, kBlobfsBlockSize);
storage::Operation operation = {};
operation.type = storage::OperationType::kWrite;
operation.dev_offset = 1;
operation.length = 1;
ASSERT_EQ(fs_->RunOperation(operation, &buffer), ZX_OK);
memset(buffer.Data(0), 'a', kBlobfsBlockSize);
operation.type = storage::OperationType::kRead;
ASSERT_EQ(fs_->RunOperation(operation, &buffer), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(data, buffer.Data(0), kBlobfsBlockSize), 0);
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, TrimsData) {
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> root;
ASSERT_EQ(fs_->OpenRootNode(&root), ZX_OK);
fs::Vnode* root_node = root.get();
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> info;
GenerateRandomBlob("", 1024, GetBlobLayoutFormat(fs_->Info()), &info);
memmove(info->path, info->path + 1, strlen(info->path)); // Remove leading slash.
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> file;
ASSERT_EQ(root_node->Create(info->path, 0, &file), ZX_OK);
size_t actual;
EXPECT_EQ(file->Truncate(info->size_data), ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(file->Write(info->data.get(), info->size_data, 0, &actual), ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(file->Close(), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(root_node->Unlink(info->path, false), ZX_OK);
sync_completion_t completion;
fs_->Sync([&completion](zx_status_t status) { sync_completion_signal(&completion); });
EXPECT_EQ(sync_completion_wait(&completion, zx::duration::infinite().get()), ZX_OK);
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, GetNodeWithAnInvalidNodeIndexIsAnError) {
uint32_t invalid_node_index = kMaxNodeId - 1;
auto node = fs_->GetNode(invalid_node_index);
EXPECT_EQ(node.status_value(), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, FreeInodeWithAnInvalidNodeIndexIsAnError) {
BlobTransaction transaction;
uint32_t invalid_node_index = kMaxNodeId - 1;
EXPECT_EQ(fs_->FreeInode(invalid_node_index, transaction), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, BlockIteratorByNodeIndexWithAnInvalidNodeIndexIsAnError) {
uint32_t invalid_node_index = kMaxNodeId - 1;
auto block_iterator = fs_->BlockIteratorByNodeIndex(invalid_node_index);
EXPECT_EQ(block_iterator.status_value(), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
TEST_F(BlobfsTest, DeprecatedCompressionAlgorithmsReturnsError) {
MountOptions options = {.compression_settings = {
.compression_algorithm = CompressionAlgorithm::LZ4,
EXPECT_EQ(Blobfs::Create(loop_.dispatcher(), Blobfs::Destroy(std::move(fs_)), options,
zx::resource(), &fs_),
class MockFvmDevice : public block_client::FakeFVMBlockDevice {
using FakeFVMBlockDevice::FakeFVMBlockDevice;
static std::unique_ptr<MockFvmDevice> CreateAndFormat(const FilesystemOptions& options,
uint64_t num_blocks) {
auto device = std::make_unique<MockFvmDevice>(num_blocks, kBlockSize, /*slice_size=*/32768,
EXPECT_EQ(FormatFilesystem(device.get(), options), ZX_OK);
return device;
using BlobfsTestWithOldRevisionAndFvmDevice =
BlobfsTestAtRevision<blobfs::kBlobfsRevisionBackupSuperblock - 1, kNumBlocks, MockFvmDevice>;
TEST_F(BlobfsTestWithOldRevisionAndFvmDevice, OldInstanceTriggersWriteToBackupSuperblock) {
ASSERT_TRUE(fs_->Info().flags & kBlobFlagFVM);
ASSERT_EQ(fs_->Info().oldest_revision, kBlobfsCurrentRevision);
auto device = Blobfs::Destroy(std::move(fs_));
ASSERT_EQ(Fsck(std::move(device), MountOptions{.writability = Writability::ReadOnlyDisk}), ZX_OK);
using BlobfsTestWithLargeDevice =
/*num_blocks=*/2560 * kBlobfsBlockSize / kBlockSize>;
TEST_F(BlobfsTestWithLargeDevice, WritingBlobLargerThanWritebackCapacitySucceeds) {
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> root;
ASSERT_EQ(fs_->OpenRootNode(&root), ZX_OK);
fs::Vnode* root_node = root.get();
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> info;
GenerateRealisticBlob("", (fs_->WriteBufferBlockCount() + 1) * kBlobfsBlockSize,
GetBlobLayoutFormat(fs_->Info()), &info);
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> file;
ASSERT_EQ(root_node->Create(info->path + 1, 0, &file), ZX_OK);
auto blob = fbl::RefPtr<Blob>::Downcast(std::move(file));
// Force no compression so that we have finer control over the size.
EXPECT_EQ(blob->PrepareWrite(info->size_data, /*compress=*/false), ZX_OK);
size_t actual;
// If this starts to fail with an ERR_NO_SPACE error it could be because WriteBufferBlockCount()
// has changed and is now returning something too big for the device we're using in this test.
EXPECT_EQ(blob->Write(info->data.get(), info->size_data, 0, &actual), ZX_OK);
sync_completion_t sync;
blob->Sync([&](zx_status_t status) {
EXPECT_EQ(status, ZX_OK);
sync_completion_wait(&sync, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
EXPECT_EQ(blob->Close(), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(root_node->Lookup(info->path + 1, &file), ZX_OK);
auto buffer = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(info->size_data);
EXPECT_EQ(file->Read(buffer.get(), info->size_data, 0, &actual), ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(buffer.get(), info->data.get(), info->size_data), 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
class FsckAtEndOfEveryTransactionTest : public BlobfsTest {
MountOptions GetMountOptions() const override {
MountOptions options = BlobfsTest::GetMountOptions();
options.fsck_at_end_of_every_transaction = true;
return options;
TEST_F(FsckAtEndOfEveryTransactionTest, FsckAtEndOfEveryTransaction) {
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> root;
ASSERT_EQ(fs_->OpenRootNode(&root), ZX_OK);
fs::Vnode* root_node = root.get();
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> info;
GenerateRealisticBlob("", 500123, GetBlobLayoutFormat(fs_->Info()), &info);
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> file;
ASSERT_EQ(root_node->Create(info->path + 1, 0, &file), ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(file->Truncate(info->size_data), ZX_OK);
size_t actual;
EXPECT_EQ(file->Write(info->data.get(), info->size_data, 0, &actual), ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(actual, info->size_data);
EXPECT_EQ(file->Close(), ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(root_node->Unlink(info->path + 1, false), ZX_OK);
#endif // !defined(NDEBUG)
void VnodeSync(fs::Vnode* vnode) {
// It's difficult to get a precise hook into the period between when data has been written and
// when it has been flushed to disk. The journal will delay flushing metadata, so the following
// should test sync being called before metadata has been flushed, and then again afterwards.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
sync_completion_t sync;
vnode->Sync([&](zx_status_t status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_OK, status);
sync_completion_wait(&sync, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> CreateBlob(const fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode>& root, size_t size,
BlobLayoutFormat layout) {
// Create fragmentation by creating blobs and deleting a few.
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> info;
GenerateRandomBlob("", size, layout, &info);
memmove(info->path, info->path + 1, strlen(info->path)); // Remove leading slash.
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> file;
EXPECT_EQ(root->Create(info->path, 0, &file), ZX_OK);
size_t out_actual = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(file->Truncate(info->size_data), ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(file->Write(info->data.get(), info->size_data, 0, &out_actual), ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(info->size_data, out_actual);
return info;
bool CheckMap(const std::string& str, const std::map<size_t, uint64_t>& found,
const std::map<size_t, uint64_t>& expected) {
auto result =
found.size() == expected.size() && std::equal(found.begin(), found.end(), expected.begin());
if (!result) {
std::stringstream expected_str, found_str;
for (const auto& p : found) {
found_str << str << " [" << p.first << "] = " << p.second << '\n';
for (const auto& p : expected) {
expected_str << str << " [" << p.first << "] = " << p.second << '\n';
std::cout << "Expected " << expected_str.str() + "\nFound " + found_str.str() + "\n";
return result;
// In this test we try to simulate fragmentation and test fragmentation metrics. We create
// fragmentation by first creating few blobs, deleting a subset of those blobs and then finally
// creating a huge blob that occupies all the blocks freed by blob deletion. We measure/verify
// metrics at each stage.
// This test has an understanding about block allocation policy.
TEST(BlobfsFragmentaionTest, FragmentationMetrics) {
struct Stats {
int64_t total_nodes = 0;
int64_t blobs_in_use = 0;
int64_t extent_containers_in_use = 0;
std::map<size_t, uint64_t> extents_per_blob;
std::map<size_t, uint64_t> free_fragments;
std::map<size_t, uint64_t> in_use_fragments;
// We have to do things this way because InMemoryLogger is not thread-safe.
class Logger : public cobalt_client::InMemoryLogger {
void Wait() { sync_completion_wait(&sync_, ZX_TIME_INFINITE); }
void Signal() {
// Wake up only when all six types of fragmentaion metrics have been logged.
// This is sensitive to number of metrics logged. Though, in this test case we are interested
// in only 6 different types of the metrics, it can happen that a metrics might get logged
// twice and thus making the count == 6. The test will break if we start logging this metrics
// more often and/or from different context.
if (log_count_ >= 6) {
log_count_ -= 6;
void ResetSignal() { sync_completion_reset(&sync_); }
void UpdateMetrics(Blobfs* fs) {
bool LogInteger(const cobalt_client::MetricOptions& metric_info, int64_t value) override {
if (!InMemoryLogger::LogInteger(metric_info, value)) {
return false;
auto id = static_cast<fs_metrics::Event>(metric_info.metric_id);
switch (id) {
case fs_metrics::Event::kFragmentationTotalNodes: {
if (value != 0)
found_.total_nodes = value;
case fs_metrics::Event::kFragmentationInodesInUse: {
if (value != 0)
found_.blobs_in_use = value;
case fs_metrics::Event::kFragmentationExtentContainersInUse: {
if (value != 0)
found_.extent_containers_in_use = value;
return true;
bool Log(const cobalt_client::MetricOptions& metric_info, const HistogramBucket* buckets,
size_t num_buckets) override {
if (!InMemoryLogger::Log(metric_info, buckets, num_buckets)) {
return false;
if (num_buckets == 0) {
return true;
auto id = static_cast<fs_metrics::Event>(metric_info.metric_id);
std::map<size_t, uint64_t>* map = nullptr;
switch (id) {
case fs_metrics::Event::kFragmentationExtentsPerFile: {
map = &found_.extents_per_blob;
case fs_metrics::Event::kFragmentationInUseFragments: {
map = &found_.in_use_fragments;
case fs_metrics::Event::kFragmentationFreeFragments: {
map = &found_.free_fragments;
if (map == nullptr) {
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++) {
if (buckets[i].count > 0)
(*map)[i] = buckets[i].count;
return true;
const Stats& GetStats() const { return found_; }
Stats found_;
sync_completion_t sync_;
// We might get called for logging other blobfs metrics. But in this test we care about only
// fragmentation metrics. So |log_count_| keeps track of how many times fragmentaion metrics
// have been logged.
// See: Signal().
uint64_t log_count_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<Logger> logger = std::make_unique<Logger>();
auto* logger_ptr = logger.get();
MountOptions mount_options{.metrics = true, .collector_factory = [&logger] {
return std::make_unique<cobalt_client::Collector>(std::move(logger));
async::Loop loop{&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread};
std::unique_ptr<Blobfs> fs;
auto device = MockBlockDevice::CreateAndFormat(
.blob_layout_format = BlobLayoutFormat::kCompactMerkleTreeAtEnd,
.oldest_revision = kBlobfsCurrentRevision,
Blobfs::Create(loop.dispatcher(), std::move(device), mount_options, zx::resource(), &fs),
Stats expected;
expected.total_nodes = static_cast<int64_t>(fs->Info().inode_count);
expected.free_fragments[5] = 2;
auto found = logger_ptr->GetStats();
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("extent_per_blob", found.extents_per_blob, expected.extents_per_blob));
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("free_fragments", found.free_fragments, expected.free_fragments));
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("in_use_fragments", found.in_use_fragments, expected.in_use_fragments));
ASSERT_EQ(found.total_nodes, expected.total_nodes);
ASSERT_EQ(found.blobs_in_use, expected.blobs_in_use);
ASSERT_EQ(found.extent_containers_in_use, expected.extent_containers_in_use);
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> root;
ASSERT_EQ(fs->OpenRootNode(&root), ZX_OK);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo>> infos;
constexpr int kSmallBlobCount = 10;
// We create 10 blobs that occupy 1 block each. After these creation, data block bitmap should
// look like (first 10 bits set and all other bits unset.)
// 111111111100000000....
for (int i = 0; i < kSmallBlobCount; i++) {
infos.push_back(CreateBlob(root, 8192, GetBlobLayoutFormat(fs->Info())));
expected.blobs_in_use = kSmallBlobCount;
expected.extents_per_blob[1] = kSmallBlobCount;
expected.in_use_fragments[1] = kSmallBlobCount;
expected.free_fragments[5] = 1;
found = logger_ptr->GetStats();
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("extent_per_blob", found.extents_per_blob, expected.extents_per_blob));
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("free_fragments", found.free_fragments, expected.free_fragments));
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("in_use_fragments", found.in_use_fragments, expected.in_use_fragments));
ASSERT_EQ(found.total_nodes, expected.total_nodes);
ASSERT_EQ(found.blobs_in_use, expected.blobs_in_use);
ASSERT_EQ(found.extent_containers_in_use, expected.extent_containers_in_use);
// Delete few blobs. Notice the pattern we delete. With these deletions free(0) and used(1)
// block bitmap will look as follows 1010100111000000... This creates 4 free fragments. 6 used
// fragments.
constexpr uint64_t kBlobsDeleted = 4;
ASSERT_EQ(root->Unlink(infos[1]->path, false), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(root->Unlink(infos[3]->path, false), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(root->Unlink(infos[5]->path, false), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(root->Unlink(infos[6]->path, false), ZX_OK);
expected.blobs_in_use = kSmallBlobCount - kBlobsDeleted;
expected.free_fragments[1] = 3;
expected.extents_per_blob[1] = kSmallBlobCount - kBlobsDeleted;
expected.in_use_fragments[1] = kSmallBlobCount - kBlobsDeleted;
found = logger_ptr->GetStats();
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("extent_per_blob", found.extents_per_blob, expected.extents_per_blob));
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("free_fragments", found.free_fragments, expected.free_fragments));
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("in_use_fragments", found.in_use_fragments, expected.in_use_fragments));
ASSERT_EQ(found.total_nodes, expected.total_nodes);
ASSERT_EQ(found.blobs_in_use, expected.blobs_in_use);
ASSERT_EQ(found.extent_containers_in_use, expected.extent_containers_in_use);
// Create a huge(10 blocks) blob that potentially fills atleast three free fragments that we
// created above.
auto info = CreateBlob(root, 20 * 8192, GetBlobLayoutFormat(fs->Info()));
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> file;
ASSERT_EQ(root->Lookup(info->path, &file), ZX_OK);
fs::VnodeAttributes attributes;
uint64_t blocks = attributes.storage_size / 8192;
// For some reason, if it turns out that the random data is highly compressible then our math
// belows blows up. Assert that is not the case.
ASSERT_GT(blocks, kBlobsDeleted);
expected.blobs_in_use += 1;
expected.extent_containers_in_use = 1;
expected.free_fragments[5] = 1;
expected.extents_per_blob[1] = expected.extents_per_blob[1] + 1;
expected.in_use_fragments[1] = kSmallBlobCount - kBlobsDeleted + 3;
expected.in_use_fragments[2] = 1;
found = logger_ptr->GetStats();
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("extent_per_blob", found.extents_per_blob, expected.extents_per_blob));
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("free_fragments", found.free_fragments, expected.free_fragments));
ASSERT_TRUE(CheckMap("in_use_fragments", found.in_use_fragments, expected.in_use_fragments));
ASSERT_EQ(found.total_nodes, expected.total_nodes);
ASSERT_EQ(found.blobs_in_use, expected.blobs_in_use);
ASSERT_EQ(found.extent_containers_in_use, expected.extent_containers_in_use);
} // namespace
} // namespace blobfs