blob: 6fe62e8c4fab4b09cfc506ae26526bc38239ae0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/tests/intrusive_containers/objects.h>
#include <fbl/tests/intrusive_containers/test_environment_utils.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <utility>
namespace fbl {
namespace tests {
namespace intrusive_containers {
// TestEnvironmentBase<>
// The base class for all tests environments. TestEnvironmentBase handles
// creating and tracking raw pointers to test objects so they can be cleaned up
// without leaking, even while testing unmanaged pointer types.
// TestEnvironmentBase is also where the default container storage lives.
template <typename TestEnvTraits>
class TestEnvironmentBase {
using ObjType = typename TestEnvTraits::ObjType;
using PtrType = typename TestEnvTraits::PtrType;
using ContainerType = typename TestEnvTraits::ContainerType;
using PtrTraits = typename ContainerType::PtrTraits;
PtrType CreateTrackedObject(size_t ndx, size_t value, bool ref_held) {
if ((ndx >= OBJ_COUNT) || objects_[ndx])
return PtrType(nullptr);
PtrType ret = TestEnvTraits::CreateObject(value);
if (ret == nullptr)
return PtrType(nullptr);
objects_[ndx] = PtrTraits::GetRaw(ret);
if (ref_held)
return std::move(ret);
static constexpr size_t OBJ_COUNT = 17;
ContainerType container_;
ObjType* objects_[OBJ_COUNT] = {nullptr};
size_t refs_held_ = 0;
// TestEnvironmentSpecialized<>
// Specializations of the base test environment which handle the specific
// details of testing the various pointer types.
template <typename TestEnvTraits>
class TestEnvironmentSpecialized;
template <typename T>
class TestEnvironmentSpecialized<UnmanagedTestTraits<T>>
: public TestEnvironmentBase<UnmanagedTestTraits<T>> {
using Base = TestEnvironmentBase<UnmanagedTestTraits<T>>;
using PtrType = typename Base::PtrType;
static constexpr auto OBJ_COUNT = Base::OBJ_COUNT;
void ReleaseObject(size_t ndx) {
if (HoldingObject(ndx)) {
delete this->objects_[ndx];
this->objects_[ndx] = nullptr;
bool HoldingObject(size_t ndx) const { return ((ndx < OBJ_COUNT) && this->objects_[ndx]); }
PtrType CreateTrackedObject(size_t ndx, size_t value, bool hold_ref = false) {
return Base::CreateTrackedObject(ndx, value, true);
template <typename T>
class TestEnvironmentSpecialized<UniquePtrTestTraits<T>>
: public TestEnvironmentBase<UniquePtrTestTraits<T>> {
using Base = TestEnvironmentBase<UniquePtrTestTraits<T>>;
using PtrType = typename Base::PtrType;
static constexpr auto OBJ_COUNT = Base::OBJ_COUNT;
void ReleaseObject(size_t ndx) {
if (ndx < OBJ_COUNT)
this->objects_[ndx] = nullptr;
bool HoldingObject(size_t ndx) const { return false; }
PtrType CreateTrackedObject(size_t ndx, size_t value, bool hold_ref = false) {
return Base::CreateTrackedObject(ndx, value, false);
template <typename T>
class TestEnvironmentSpecialized<StdUniquePtrDefaultDeleterTestTraits<T>>
: public TestEnvironmentBase<StdUniquePtrDefaultDeleterTestTraits<T>> {
using Base = TestEnvironmentBase<StdUniquePtrDefaultDeleterTestTraits<T>>;
using PtrType = typename Base::PtrType;
static constexpr auto OBJ_COUNT = Base::OBJ_COUNT;
void ReleaseObject(size_t ndx) {
if (ndx < OBJ_COUNT)
this->objects_[ndx] = nullptr;
bool HoldingObject(size_t ndx) const { return false; }
PtrType CreateTrackedObject(size_t ndx, size_t value, bool hold_ref = false) {
return Base::CreateTrackedObject(ndx, value, false);
template <typename T>
class TestEnvironmentSpecialized<StdUniquePtrCustomDeleterTestTraits<T>>
: public TestEnvironmentBase<StdUniquePtrCustomDeleterTestTraits<T>> {
using Base = TestEnvironmentBase<StdUniquePtrCustomDeleterTestTraits<T>>;
using PtrType = typename Base::PtrType;
static constexpr auto OBJ_COUNT = Base::OBJ_COUNT;
void ReleaseObject(size_t ndx) {
if (ndx < OBJ_COUNT)
this->objects_[ndx] = nullptr;
bool HoldingObject(size_t ndx) const { return false; }
PtrType CreateTrackedObject(size_t ndx, size_t value, bool hold_ref = false) {
return Base::CreateTrackedObject(ndx, value, false);
template <typename T>
class TestEnvironmentSpecialized<RefPtrTestTraits<T>>
: public TestEnvironmentBase<RefPtrTestTraits<T>> {
using Base = TestEnvironmentBase<RefPtrTestTraits<T>>;
using PtrType = typename Base::PtrType;
static constexpr auto OBJ_COUNT = Base::OBJ_COUNT;
PtrType CreateTrackedObject(size_t ndx, size_t value, bool hold_ref = false) {
PtrType ret = Base::CreateTrackedObject(ndx, value, hold_ref);
if (hold_ref)
refed_objects_[ndx] = ret;
return std::move(ret);
void ReleaseObject(size_t ndx) {
if (ndx < OBJ_COUNT) {
this->objects_[ndx] = nullptr;
if (refed_objects_[ndx]) {
refed_objects_[ndx] = nullptr;
bool HoldingObject(size_t ndx) const {
return ((ndx < OBJ_COUNT) && (refed_objects_[ndx] != nullptr));
PtrType refed_objects_[OBJ_COUNT];
// TestEnvironment<>
// Test environment which defines and implements tests and test utilities which
// are applicable to all containers.
template <typename TestEnvTraits>
class TestEnvironment : public TestEnvironmentSpecialized<TestEnvTraits> {
using ObjType = typename TestEnvTraits::ObjType;
using PtrType = typename TestEnvTraits::PtrType;
using ContainerTraits = typename ObjType::ContainerTraits;
using ContainerType = typename ContainerTraits::ContainerType;
using ContainerChecker = typename ContainerType::CheckerType;
using OtherContainerType = typename ContainerTraits::OtherContainerType;
using PtrTraits = typename ContainerType::PtrTraits;
using NodeTraits = typename ContainerType::NodeTraits;
enum class RefAction {
TestEnvironment() { TestEnvTraits::ResetCustomDeleter(); }
~TestEnvironment() { Reset(); }
// Utility methods used to check if the target of an Erase operation is
// valid, whether the target of the operation is expressed as an iterator, a
// key or as an object pointer.
bool ValidEraseTarget(size_t key) { return container().find(key).IsValid(); }
bool ValidEraseTarget(ObjType& target) { return NodeTraits::node_state(target).InContainer(); }
bool ValidEraseTarget(typename ContainerType::iterator& target) {
return target.IsValid() && NodeTraits::node_state(*target).InContainer();
// Utility method for checking the size of the container via either size()
// or size_slow(), depending on whether or not the container supports a
// constant order size operation.
template <typename CType>
static size_t Size(const CType& container) {
return SizeUtils<CType>::size(container);
// The default method for populating a container will depend on whether this
// is a sequence container or an associative container. Sequenced
// containers will use an implementation of push_front while associative
// containers will assign a key to the objects which get created and then
// use an implementation of insert.
virtual bool Populate(ContainerType& container, RefAction ref_action = RefAction::HoldSome) = 0;
bool Reset() {
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(0u, refs_held(), "");
refs_held() = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
bool Clear() {
// Start by making some objects.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
// Clear the container. Afterwards, the number of live objects we have
// should be equal to the number of references being held by the test
// environment.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(refs_held(), ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
EXPECT_NONNULL(objects()[i], "");
// If our underlying object it still being kept alive by the test
// environment, make sure that its internal pointer state has been
// properly cleared out.
if (HoldingObject(i)) {
auto& ns = ContainerType::NodeTraits::node_state(*objects()[i]);
EXPECT_FALSE(ns.InContainer(), "");
bool ClearUnsafe() {
// Start by making some objects.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
// Perform an unsafe clear of the container. Afterwards, the number of
// live objects we have should be equal to the number of elements
// initially added to the container, since the unsafe operation should
// not have released any references to any objects during the unsafe
// clear operation.
// Note: This is currently a moot point. clear_unsafe() operations are
// only currently allowed on unmanaged pointers, and the test framework
// (by necessity) always hold references to all internally allocated
// unmanaged objects.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
EXPECT_NONNULL(objects()[i], "");
// Make sure that the internal pointer states of all of our objects
// do not know yet that they have been removed from the container.
// The clear_unsafe operation should not have updated any of the
// internal object states.
auto& ns = ContainerType::NodeTraits::node_state(*objects()[i]);
EXPECT_TRUE(ns.InContainer(), "");
bool IsEmpty() {
EXPECT_TRUE(container().is_empty(), "");
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(container().is_empty(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(Reset(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(container().is_empty(), "");
template <typename TargetType>
bool DoErase(TargetType&& target, size_t ndx, size_t remaining, bool check_ndx = true) {
ASSERT_TRUE(remaining <= OBJ_COUNT, "");
ASSERT_TRUE(!container().is_empty(), "");
ASSERT_TRUE(ValidEraseTarget(target), "");
EXPECT_EQ(remaining, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(remaining, Size(container()), "");
size_t erased_ndx;
// Erase the item and sanity check it against our tracking.
PtrType tmp = container().erase(target);
if (check_ndx) {
EXPECT_EQ(tmp->value(), ndx, "");
EXPECT_EQ(objects()[ndx], tmp->raw_ptr(), "");
erased_ndx = tmp->value();
// Make sure that the intrusive bookkeeping is up-to-date.
auto& ns = ContainerType::NodeTraits::node_state(*tmp);
EXPECT_TRUE(ns.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(ns.InContainer(), "");
// The container has shrunk, but the object should still be around.
EXPECT_EQ(remaining, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(remaining - 1, Size(container()), "");
// If we were not holding onto the object using the test
// environment's tracking, the live object count should have
// dropped. Otherwise, it should remain the same.
if (!HoldingObject(erased_ndx))
EXPECT_EQ(remaining - 1, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(remaining, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
// Let go of the object and verify that it has now gone away.
EXPECT_EQ(remaining - 1, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
bool IterErase() {
// Don't perform index sanity checks for the objects we erase unless
// this is a sequence container type.
bool check_ndx = ContainerType::IsSequenced;
size_t erased = 0;
// Remove all of the elements from the container by erasing from the front.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
EXPECT_TRUE(DoErase(container().begin(), i, OBJ_COUNT - i, check_ndx), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
// Remove all but 2 of the elements from the container by erasing from the middle.
static_assert(2 < OBJ_COUNT, "OBJ_COUNT too small to run Erase test!");
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
auto iter = container().begin();
for (size_t i = 1; i < OBJ_COUNT - 1; ++i) {
EXPECT_TRUE(DoErase(iter++, i, OBJ_COUNT - i + 1, check_ndx), "");
// Attempting to erase end() from a container with more than one element in
// it should return nullptr.
EXPECT_NULL(container().erase(container().end()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(DoErase(container().begin(), 0, 2, check_ndx), "");
// Attempting to erase end() from a container with just one element in
// it should return nullptr.
EXPECT_NULL(container().erase(container().end()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(DoErase(container().begin(), OBJ_COUNT - 1, 1, check_ndx), "");
// Attempting to erase end() from an empty container should return nullptr.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_NULL(container().erase(container().end()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(erased, OBJ_COUNT * 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(TestEnvTraits::CheckCustomDeleteInvocations(OBJ_COUNT * 2));
bool ReverseIterErase() {
// Don't perform index sanity checks for the objects we erase unless
// this is a sequence container type.
bool check_ndx = ContainerType::IsSequenced;
// Remove all of the elements from the container by erasing from the back.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
auto iter = container().end();
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
EXPECT_TRUE(DoErase(iter--, OBJ_COUNT - i - 1, OBJ_COUNT - i, check_ndx), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
bool DirectErase() {
// Remove all of the elements from the container by erasing using direct
// node pointers which should end up always being at the front of the
// container.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container(), RefAction::HoldAll), "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
ASSERT_NONNULL(objects()[i], "");
EXPECT_TRUE(DoErase(*objects()[i], i, OBJ_COUNT - i), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
// Remove all of the elements from the container by erasing using direct
// node pointers which should end up always being at the back of the
// container.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container(), RefAction::HoldAll), "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
size_t ndx = OBJ_COUNT - i - 1;
ASSERT_NONNULL(objects()[ndx], "");
EXPECT_TRUE(DoErase(*objects()[ndx], ndx, ndx + 1), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
// Remove all of the elements from the container by erasing using direct
// node pointers which should end up always being somewhere in the
// middle of the container.
static_assert(2 < OBJ_COUNT, "OBJ_COUNT too small to run Erase test!");
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container(), RefAction::HoldAll), "");
for (size_t i = 1; i < OBJ_COUNT - 1; ++i) {
ASSERT_NONNULL(objects()[i], "");
EXPECT_TRUE(DoErase(*objects()[i], i, OBJ_COUNT - i + 1), "");
template <typename IterType>
bool DoIterate(const IterType& begin, const IterType& end) {
IterType iter;
// Iterate using begin/end
size_t i = 0;
for (iter = begin; iter != end;) {
// Exercise both -> and * dereferencing
ASSERT_TRUE(iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, iter->visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(1u, (*iter).visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(2u, (*iter).visited_count(), "");
// Exercise both pre and postfix increment
if ((i++) & 1)
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
for (i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(2u, objects()[i]->visited_count(), "");
// Advancing iter past the end of the container should be a no-op. Check
// both pre and post-fix.
iter = end;
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == end, "");
// We know that the iterator is already at the end of the container, but
// perform the explicit assignment in order to check that the assignment
// operator is working (the previous version actually exercises the copy
// constructor or the explicit rvalue constructor, if supplied)
iter = end;
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == end, "");
bool Iterate() {
// Both begin and cbegin should both be invalid, and to end/cend
ASSERT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(container().begin().IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(container().begin() == container().end(), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(container().cbegin().IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(container().cbegin() == container().cend(), "");
// Attempting to increment begin() for an empty container should result
// in an invalid iterator which is still equal to end(). Check both
// prefix and postfix decrement operators.
auto iter = container().begin();
EXPECT_TRUE(container().end() == iter, "");
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
iter = container().begin();
EXPECT_TRUE(container().end() == iter, "");
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
// Check const_iterator as well.
auto const_iter = container().cbegin();
EXPECT_TRUE(container().cend() == const_iter, "");
EXPECT_FALSE(const_iter.IsValid(), "");
const_iter = container().cbegin();
EXPECT_TRUE(container().cend() == const_iter, "");
EXPECT_FALSE(const_iter.IsValid(), "");
// Make some objects.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
// Both begin and cbegin should both be valid, and not equal to end/cend
EXPECT_TRUE(container().begin().IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(container().begin() != container().end(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(container().cbegin().IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(container().cbegin() != container().cend(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(DoIterate(container().begin(), container().end()), ""); // Test iterator
EXPECT_TRUE(DoIterate(container().cbegin(), container().cend()), ""); // Test const_iterator
// Iterate using the range-based for loop syntax
for (auto& obj : container()) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, objects()[i]->visited_count(), "");
// Iterate using the range-based for loop syntax over const references.
for (const auto& obj : container()) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, objects()[i]->visited_count(), "");
// None of the objects should have been destroyed during this test.
template <typename IterType>
bool DoReverseIterate(const IterType& begin, const IterType& end) {
IterType iter;
// Backing up one from end() should give a valid iterator (either prefix
// or postfix).
iter = end;
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter.IsValid(), "");
iter = end;
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter.IsValid(), "");
// Make sure that backing up an iterator by one points always points
// to the previous object in the container.
iter = begin;
size_t prev_ndx = iter->value();
while (++iter != end) {
ASSERT_LT(prev_ndx, OBJ_COUNT, "");
ASSERT_NONNULL(objects()[prev_ndx], "");
auto prev_iter = iter;
ASSERT_TRUE(prev_iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(prev_iter == iter, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(*prev_iter == *objects()[prev_ndx], "");
prev_iter = iter;
ASSERT_TRUE(prev_iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(prev_iter == iter, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(*prev_iter == *objects()[prev_ndx], "");
prev_ndx = iter->value();
// Attempting to back up past the beginning should result in an
// invalid iterator.
iter = begin;
ASSERT_TRUE(iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
iter = begin;
ASSERT_TRUE(iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
bool ReverseIterate() {
// Make sure that backing up from end() for an empty container stays at
// end. Check both prefix and postfix decrement operators.
ASSERT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
auto iter = container().end();
EXPECT_TRUE(container().end() == iter, "");
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
iter = container().end();
EXPECT_TRUE(container().end() == iter, "");
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
// Check const_iterator as well.
auto const_iter = container().cend();
EXPECT_TRUE(container().cend() == const_iter, "");
EXPECT_FALSE(const_iter.IsValid(), "");
const_iter = container().cend();
EXPECT_TRUE(container().cend() == const_iter, "");
EXPECT_FALSE(const_iter.IsValid(), "");
// Making some objects.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
// Test iterator
EXPECT_TRUE(DoReverseIterate(container().begin(), container().end()), "");
// Test const_iterator
EXPECT_TRUE(DoReverseIterate(container().cbegin(), container().cend()), "");
// None of the objects should have been destroyed during this test.
bool MakeIterator() {
// Populate the container. Hold internal refs to everything we add to
// the container.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container(), RefAction::HoldAll), "");
// For every member of the container, make an iterator using the
// internal reference we are holding. Verify that the iterator is in
// the position we expect it to be in.
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
ASSERT_NONNULL(objects()[i], "");
auto iter = container().make_iterator(*objects()[i]);
ASSERT_TRUE(iter != container().end(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(objects()[i]->value(), iter->value(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(objects()[i], iter->raw_ptr(), "");
if (ContainerType::IsSequenced) {
auto other_iter = container().begin();
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
EXPECT_FALSE(other_iter == iter, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(other_iter == iter, "");
bool Swap() {
ContainerType other_container; // Make an empty container.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), ""); // Fill the internal container with stuff.
// Sanity check, swap, then check again.
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(container().is_empty(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(other_container.is_empty(), "");
for (auto& obj : container()) {
ASSERT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(other_container.is_empty(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(other_container), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(container().is_empty(), "");
for (auto& obj : other_container) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
// Swap back to check the case where container() was empty, but other_container
// had elements.
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_FALSE(container().is_empty(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(other_container.is_empty(), "");
for (const auto& obj : container())
EXPECT_EQ(2u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
// Nothing should have been deleted yet.
// Reset;
EXPECT_TRUE(Reset(), "");
// Now all of the objects should be gone.
// Make a new other_container, this time with some stuff in it.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
ContainerType other_container; // Make an empty container.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), ""); // Fill the internal container with stuff.
static constexpr size_t OTHER_COUNT = 5;
static constexpr size_t OTHER_START = 10000;
ObjType* raw_ptrs[OTHER_COUNT];
for (size_t i = 0; i < OTHER_COUNT; ++i) {
PtrType ptr = TestEnvTraits::CreateObject(OTHER_START + OTHER_COUNT - i - 1);
raw_ptrs[i] = PtrTraits::GetRaw(ptr);
ContainerUtils<ContainerType>::MoveInto(other_container, std::move(ptr));
// Sanity check
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT + OTHER_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OTHER_COUNT, Size(other_container), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
// Visit everything in container() once, and everything in
// other_container twice.
for (auto& obj : container()) {
ASSERT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (const auto& obj : other_container) {
ASSERT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : container())
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : other_container)
EXPECT_EQ(2u, obj.visited_count(), "");
// Swap and sanity check again
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT + OTHER_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(other_container), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OTHER_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
// Everything in container() should have been visited twice so far,
// while everything in other_container should have been visited
// once.
for (auto& obj : container())
EXPECT_EQ(2u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : other_container)
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
// Swap back and sanity check again
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT + OTHER_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OTHER_COUNT, Size(other_container), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
for (auto& obj : container())
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : other_container)
EXPECT_EQ(2u, obj.visited_count(), "");
// No new objects should have been deleted.
// If we are testing unmanaged pointers clean them up.
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT + OTHER_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
if (!PtrTraits::IsManaged) {
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT + OTHER_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < OTHER_COUNT; ++i)
delete raw_ptrs[i];
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
// Now, we should have deleted an additional OTHER_COUNT objects
EXPECT_TRUE(TestEnvTraits::CheckCustomDeleteInvocations(OBJ_COUNT + OTHER_COUNT));
// Reset the internal state
EXPECT_TRUE(Reset(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
// Now we should have filled and emptied the test environment twice, and
// created+destroyed an additional OTHER_COUNT objects..
EXPECT_TRUE(TestEnvTraits::CheckCustomDeleteInvocations((2 * OBJ_COUNT) + OTHER_COUNT));
bool RvalueOps() {
// Populate the internal container.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
for (auto& obj : container()) {
ASSERT_GT(OBJ_COUNT, obj.value(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(objects()[obj.value()], &obj, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
// Move its contents to a new container by explicitly invoking the Rvalue
// constructor.
ContainerType other_container(container());
ContainerType other_container(std::move(container()));
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(other_container), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(container().is_empty(), "");
for (const auto& obj : other_container) {
ASSERT_GT(OBJ_COUNT, obj.value(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(objects()[obj.value()], &obj, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
// Move the contents again, this time using move-initialization which implicitly
// invokes the Rvalue constructor.
ContainerType another_container = other_container;
ContainerType another_container = std::move(other_container);
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(another_container), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(other_container.is_empty(), "");
for (const auto& obj : another_container) {
ASSERT_GT(OBJ_COUNT, obj.value(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(2u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(objects()[obj.value()], &obj, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(another_container), "");
// Move the contents of the final container back to the internal container. If we
// are testing managed pointer types, put some objects into the internal
// container first and make sure they get released. Don't try this with
// unmanaged pointers as it will trigger an assert if you attempt to
// blow away a non-empty container via Rvalue assignment.
static constexpr size_t EXTRA_COUNT = 5;
size_t extras_added = 0;
if (PtrTraits::IsManaged) {
while (extras_added < EXTRA_COUNT) {
container(), std::move(TestEnvTraits::CreateObject(extras_added++)));
// Sanity checks before the assignment
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT + extras_added, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(extras_added, Size(container()), "");
for (const auto& obj : container()) {
ASSERT_GT(EXTRA_COUNT, obj.value(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(another_container), "");
// No objects should have been deleted yet.
container() = another_container;
container() = std::move(another_container);
// The extra objects we put into container() should have been released
// when we moved the contents of another_container into container()
// another_container should now be empty, and we should have returned to our
// starting, post-populated state.
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(another_container.is_empty(), "");
for (const auto& obj : container()) {
ASSERT_GT(OBJ_COUNT, obj.value(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(3u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(objects()[obj.value()], &obj, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(another_container), "");
bool Scope() {
// Make sure that both unique_ptrs and RefPtrs handle being moved
// properly, and that containers of such pointers automatically clean up
// when the container goes out of scope and destructs. Note: Don't try
// this with an unmanaged pointer. Lists of unmanaged pointers will
// ZX_ASSERT if they destruct with elements still in them.
EXPECT_EQ(0U, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
{ // Begin scope for container
ContainerType container;
// Put some stuff into the container. Don't hold any internal
// references to anything we add.
Populate(container, RefAction::HoldNone);
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container), "");
} // Let the container go out of scope and clean itself up..
EXPECT_EQ(0U, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
bool TwoContainer() {
// Start by populating the internal container. We should end up with
// OBJ_COUNT objects, but we may not be holding internal references to
// all of them.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
// Create the other type of container that ObjType can exist on and populate
// it using the default operation for the container type.
OtherContainerType other_container;
for (auto iter = container().begin(); iter != container().end(); ++iter) {
ContainerUtils<OtherContainerType>::MoveInto(other_container, std::move(iter.CopyPointer()));
// The two containers should be the same length, and nothing should have
// changed about the live object count.
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(other_container), "");
// Make sure that none of the members of container() or other_container
// have been visited. Then visit every member of other_container, and
// make sure that all of the members of container() have been visited
// once.
for (auto& obj : container())
ASSERT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : other_container)
ASSERT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : other_container) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : container()) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(2u, obj.visited_count(), "");
// If this is a sequenced container, then other_container should be in
// the reverse order of container()
if (OtherContainerType::IsSequenced) {
auto other_iter = other_container.begin();
for (const auto& obj : container()) {
ASSERT_FALSE(other_iter == other_container.end(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT - obj.value() - 1, other_iter->value(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(other_iter == other_container.end(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(container()), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(other_container), "");
// Clear the internal container. No objects should go away and the other
// container should be un-affected
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(other_container), "");
for (auto& obj : other_container)
EXPECT_EQ(2u, obj.visited_count(), "");
if (OtherContainerType::IsSequenced) {
auto other_iter = other_container.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
ASSERT_FALSE(other_iter == other_container.end(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT - i - 1, other_iter->value(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(other_iter == other_container.end(), "");
// If we are testing a container of managed pointers, release our internal
// references. Again, no objects should go away (as they are being
// referenced by other_container. Note: Don't try this with an unmanaged
// pointer. "releasing" and unmanaged pointer in the context of the
// TestEnvironment class means to return it to the heap, which is a Very
// Bad thing if we still have a container referring to the objects which were
// returned to the heap.
if (PtrTraits::IsManaged) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, refs_held(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(other_container), "");
// Finally, clear() other_container and reset the internal state. At this
// point, all objects should have gone away.
EXPECT_TRUE(Reset(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, refs_held(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(other_container), "");
bool ThreeContainerHelper() {
// Start by populating the internal container. We should end up with
// OBJ_COUNT objects, but we may not be holding internal references to
// all of them.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
// Create the other types of containers that ObjType can exist on and populate
// them using the default operation for the container type.
typename ContainerTraits::TaggedType1 tagged1;
typename ContainerTraits::TaggedType2 tagged2;
typename ContainerTraits::TaggedType3 tagged3;
for (auto iter = container().begin(); iter != container().end(); ++iter) {
ContainerUtils<typename ContainerTraits::TaggedType1>::MoveInto(tagged1, iter.CopyPointer());
ContainerUtils<typename ContainerTraits::TaggedType2>::MoveInto(tagged2, iter.CopyPointer());
ContainerUtils<typename ContainerTraits::TaggedType3>::MoveInto(tagged3, iter.CopyPointer());
for (auto& obj : tagged1) {
EXPECT_TRUE(InContainer<typename ContainerTraits::Tag1>(obj), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(InContainer<typename ContainerTraits::Tag2>(obj), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(InContainer<typename ContainerTraits::Tag3>(obj), "");
// The three containers should be the same length, and nothing should have
// changed about the live object count.
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(tagged1), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(tagged2), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(tagged3), "");
// Make sure that none of the members of container() or other_container
// have been visited. Then visit every member of the other containers,
// and make sure that all of the members of container() have been
// visited once.
for (auto& obj : tagged1)
ASSERT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : tagged2)
ASSERT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : tagged3)
ASSERT_EQ(0u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : tagged1) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : tagged2) {
EXPECT_EQ(2u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : tagged3) {
EXPECT_EQ(3u, obj.visited_count(), "");
// If this is a sequenced container, then the other containers should be in
// the reverse order of container()
if constexpr (ContainerTraits::TaggedType1::IsSequenced &&
ContainerTraits::TaggedType2::IsSequenced &&
ContainerTraits::TaggedType3::IsSequenced) {
auto iter1 = tagged1.begin();
for (const auto& obj : container()) {
ASSERT_FALSE(iter1 == tagged1.end(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT - obj.value() - 1, iter1->value(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter1 == tagged1.end(), "");
auto iter2 = tagged2.begin();
for (const auto& obj : container()) {
ASSERT_FALSE(iter2 == tagged2.end(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT - obj.value() - 1, iter2->value(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter2 == tagged2.end(), "");
auto iter3 = tagged3.begin();
for (const auto& obj : container()) {
ASSERT_FALSE(iter3 == tagged3.end(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT - obj.value() - 1, iter3->value(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter3 == tagged3.end(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(tagged1), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(tagged2), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainerChecker::SanityCheck(tagged3), "");
// Clear the internal container. No objects should go away and the other
// containers should be un-affected
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(tagged1), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(tagged2), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(tagged3), "");
for (auto& obj : tagged1) {
EXPECT_EQ(3u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : tagged2) {
EXPECT_EQ(3u, obj.visited_count(), "");
for (auto& obj : tagged3) {
EXPECT_EQ(3u, obj.visited_count(), "");
if constexpr (ContainerTraits::TaggedType1::IsSequenced &&
ContainerTraits::TaggedType2::IsSequenced &&
ContainerTraits::TaggedType3::IsSequenced) {
auto iter1 = tagged1.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
ASSERT_FALSE(iter1 == tagged1.end(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT - i - 1, iter1->value(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter1 == tagged1.end(), "");
auto iter2 = tagged2.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
ASSERT_FALSE(iter2 == tagged2.end(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT - i - 1, iter2->value(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter2 == tagged2.end(), "");
auto iter3 = tagged3.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
ASSERT_FALSE(iter3 == tagged3.end(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT - i - 1, iter3->value(), "");
EXPECT_TRUE(iter3 == tagged3.end(), "");
// If we are testing a container of managed pointers, release our internal
// references. Again, no objects should go away (as they are being
// referenced by other_container. Note: Don't try this with an unmanaged
// pointer. "releasing" an unmanaged pointer in the context of the
// TestEnvironment class means to return it to the heap, which is a Very
// Bad thing if we still have a container referring to the objects which were
// returned to the heap.
if (PtrTraits::IsManaged) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, refs_held(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(tagged1), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(tagged2), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, Size(tagged3), "");
// Finally, clear() the other other_containers and reset the internal state. At this
// point, all objects should have gone away.
EXPECT_TRUE(Reset(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, refs_held(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(container()), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(tagged1), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(tagged2), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Size(tagged3), "");
bool IterCopyPointer() {
PtrType ptr;
typename ContainerType::iterator iter;
// A default constructed iterator should give back nullptr when
// CopyPointer is called.
ptr = iter.CopyPointer();
EXPECT_NULL(ptr, "");
// The begining/end of an emptry container should also return nullptr.
ptr = container().begin().CopyPointer();
EXPECT_NULL(ptr, "");
ptr = container().end().CopyPointer();
EXPECT_NULL(ptr, "");
// Populate the container.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container(), RefAction::HoldAll), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, refs_held(), "");
// end().CopyPointer should still return nullptr.
ptr = container().end().CopyPointer();
EXPECT_NULL(ptr, "");
// begin().CopyPointer() should be non-null.
ptr = container().begin().CopyPointer();
// clear the container and release all internally held references.
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i)
// We should not be holding any references, but we should still have a
// live object if we are testing a managed pointer type.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, refs_held(), "");
if (PtrTraits::IsManaged)
EXPECT_EQ(1u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
// null out our pointer. No matter what, our live_obj_count should now
// be zero.
ptr = nullptr;
EXPECT_EQ(0u, ObjType::live_obj_count(), "");
bool EraseIf() {
// Populate our container.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
// Erase all of the even members
size_t even_erased = 0;
while (even_erased < OBJ_COUNT) {
if (nullptr ==
container().erase_if([](const ObjType& obj) -> bool { return !(obj.value() & 1); }))
EXPECT_EQ(EVEN_OBJ_COUNT, even_erased, "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, even_erased + Size(container()), "");
for (const auto& obj : container())
EXPECT_TRUE(obj.value() & 1, "");
// Erase all of the odd members
size_t odd_erased = 0;
while (even_erased < OBJ_COUNT) {
if (nullptr ==
container().erase_if([](const ObjType& obj) -> bool { return obj.value() & 1; }))
EXPECT_EQ(ODD_OBJ_COUNT, odd_erased, "");
EXPECT_EQ(OBJ_COUNT, even_erased + odd_erased, "");
EXPECT_TRUE(container().is_empty(), "");
bool FindIf() {
// Populate our container.
ASSERT_TRUE(Populate(container()), "");
// Find all of the members which should be in the container.
for (size_t i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
auto iter =
const_container().find_if([i](const ObjType& obj) -> bool { return (obj.value() == i); });
ASSERT_TRUE(iter.IsValid(), "");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, iter->visited_count(), "");
// Every member should have been visited once.
for (auto& obj : container()) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, obj.visited_count(), "");
// Count all of the odd members.
size_t total_found = 0;
while (true) {
auto iter = const_container().find_if(
[](const ObjType& obj) -> bool { return (obj.value() & 1) && !obj.visited_count(); });
if (!iter.IsValid())
EXPECT_EQ(ODD_OBJ_COUNT, total_found, "");
// All of the odd members should have been visited once, while all of
// the even members should not have been visited.
for (const auto& obj : container())
EXPECT_EQ(obj.value() & 1, obj.visited_count(), "");
// Fail to find a member which should not be in the container.
auto iter = const_container().find_if(
[](const ObjType& obj) -> bool { return (obj.value() == OBJ_COUNT); });
EXPECT_FALSE(iter.IsValid(), "");
// We should not have destroyed any objects in this test.
static PtrType TakePtr(PtrType& ptr) {
if constexpr (PtrTraits::IsManaged) {
return std::move(ptr);
} else {
PtrType tmp = ptr;
ptr = nullptr;
return tmp;
// Accessors for base class members so we don't have to type
// this->base_member all of the time.
using Sp = TestEnvironmentSpecialized<TestEnvTraits>;
using Base = TestEnvironmentBase<TestEnvTraits>;
static constexpr size_t OBJ_COUNT = Base::OBJ_COUNT;
static constexpr size_t EVEN_OBJ_COUNT = (OBJ_COUNT >> 1) + (OBJ_COUNT & 1);
static constexpr size_t ODD_OBJ_COUNT = (OBJ_COUNT >> 1);
ContainerType& container() { return this->container_; }
const ContainerType& const_container() { return this->container_; }
ObjType** objects() { return this->objects_; }
size_t& refs_held() { return this->refs_held_; }
void ReleaseObject(size_t ndx) { Sp::ReleaseObject(ndx); }
bool HoldingObject(size_t ndx) const { return Sp::HoldingObject(ndx); }
} // namespace intrusive_containers
} // namespace tests
} // namespace fbl