blob: a048b8ab834d56e7d04a9ff47367f4024c2bc4ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/gpu_mem.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/renderer/buffer_collection.h"
namespace flatland {
// Class containing the GPU and Vulkan related data necessary to create a vulkan image
// from a sysmem buffer collection.
class GpuImageInfo {
// Generates an GpuImageInfo struct containing all of the relevant information required
// to make a vk::Image. This involves importing the BufferCollectionInfo |collection|'s
// vmo at |index| into GPU memory, which is returned in the |mem| member of GpuImageInfo.
// This requires |collection| to already be allocated, and will not wait for an allocation.
static GpuImageInfo New(const vk::Device& device, const vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic& vk_loader,
const fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2& info,
const vk::BufferCollectionFUCHSIA& vk_buffer_collection, uint32_t index);
// Default constructor which does not initialize any of the member variables. A fully initialized
// instance of this class must be created with |New|.
GpuImageInfo() = default;
// Wrapper around the vk::Device memory used to create the vk::Image. This
// is created from the collections vmo which is imported to the gpu.
escher::GpuMemPtr GetGpuMem() const { return mem_; }
// Required extension for creating images from sysmem buffer collections.
std::optional<vk::BufferCollectionImageCreateInfoFUCHSIA> p_extension() const {
return p_extension_;
// Returns the data required to create a vk::Image. If |p_extension| has data it
// will be passed into |setPNext()| so Vulkan is aware of the extension data. If
// |is_secure| is true, vk::ImageCreateFlagBits::eProtected will be set on the flags.
// The image created with this vk::ImageCreateInfo should use the calling GpuImageInfo
// instance's escher::GpuMemPtr due to this vk::ImageCreateInfo being created with
// the vk::BufferCollectionImageCreateInfoFUCHSIA extension from this class.
// This class (GpuImageInfo) must be kept alive as long as images created from it are
// in use, since this class holds the vk memory that is being used to back the images.
// So it must stay alive so that we do not run into use-after-free errors.
vk::ImageCreateInfo NewVkImageCreateInfo(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
vk::ImageUsageFlags usage) const;
GpuImageInfo(escher::GpuMemPtr mem, vk::BufferCollectionFUCHSIA vk_buffer_collection,
uint32_t vmo_index, bool is_protected);
std::optional<vk::BufferCollectionImageCreateInfoFUCHSIA> p_extension_ = std::nullopt;
escher::GpuMemPtr mem_ = nullptr;
// Used for protected memory.
bool is_protected_ = false;
} // namespace flatland