blob: 1b6fa6a125038eebb56247d1ae98810bebab019a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/link_system.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_access.hpp>
using fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLink;
using fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLinkStatus;
using fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLinkToken;
using fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLink;
using fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLinkStatus;
using fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLinkToken;
using fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::LayoutInfo;
namespace flatland {
namespace {
glm::vec2 ComputeScale(const glm::mat3& matrix) {
const glm::vec3 x_row = glm::row(matrix, 0);
const glm::vec3 y_row = glm::row(matrix, 1);
return {std::fabs(glm::length(x_row)), std::fabs(glm::length(y_row))};
} // namespace
LinkSystem::LinkSystem(TransformHandle::InstanceId instance_id)
: instance_id_(instance_id), link_graph_(instance_id_) {}
LinkSystem::ChildLink LinkSystem::CreateChildLink(
ContentLinkToken token, fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::LinkProperties initial_properties,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<ContentLink> content_link, TransformHandle graph_handle) {
auto impl = std::make_shared<GraphLinkImpl>();
const TransformHandle link_handle = link_graph_.CreateTransform();
ObjectLinker::ImportLink importer =
linker_.CreateImport(std::move(content_link), std::move(token.value),
/* error_reporter */ nullptr);
/* link_resolved = */
[ref = shared_from_this(), impl = impl, graph_handle = graph_handle,
link_handle = link_handle,
initial_properties = std::move(initial_properties)](GraphLinkRequest request) {
// Immediately send out the initial properties over the channel. This callback is fired from
// one of the Flatland instance threads, but since we haven't stored the Link impl anywhere
// yet, we still have exclusive access and can safely call functions without
// synchronization.
if (initial_properties.has_logical_size()) {
LayoutInfo info;
// Mutate shared state while holding our mutex.
std::scoped_lock lock(ref->map_mutex_);
ref->graph_link_bindings_.AddBinding(impl, std::move(request.interface));
ref->graph_link_map_[graph_handle] =
GraphLinkData({.impl = impl, .child_link_origin = request.child_handle});
// The topology is constructed here, instead of in the link_resolved closure of the
// ParentLink object, so that its destruction (which depends on the link_handle) can occur
// on the same endpoint.
ref->link_topologies_[link_handle] = request.child_handle;
/* link_invalidated = */
[ref = shared_from_this(), impl = impl, graph_handle = graph_handle,
link_handle = link_handle](bool on_link_destruction) {
std::scoped_lock lock(ref->map_mutex_);
return ChildLink({
.graph_handle = graph_handle,
.link_handle = link_handle,
.importer = std::move(importer),
LinkSystem::ParentLink LinkSystem::CreateParentLink(GraphLinkToken token,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<GraphLink> graph_link,
TransformHandle link_origin) {
auto impl = std::make_shared<ContentLinkImpl>();
ObjectLinker::ExportLink exporter =
linker_.CreateExport({.interface = std::move(graph_link), .child_handle = link_origin},
std::move(token.value), /* error_reporter */ nullptr);
/* link_resolved = */
[ref = shared_from_this(), impl = impl,
link_origin = link_origin](fidl::InterfaceRequest<ContentLink> request) {
std::scoped_lock lock(ref->map_mutex_);
ref->content_link_bindings_.AddBinding(impl, std::move(request));
ref->content_link_map_[link_origin] = impl;
/* link_invalidated = */
[ref = shared_from_this(), impl = impl, link_origin = link_origin](bool on_link_destruction) {
std::scoped_lock lock(ref->map_mutex_);
return ParentLink({
.link_origin = link_origin,
.exporter = std::move(exporter),
void LinkSystem::UpdateLinks(const GlobalTopologyData::TopologyVector& global_topology,
const std::unordered_set<TransformHandle>& live_handles,
const GlobalMatrixVector& global_matrices,
const glm::vec2& display_pixel_scale,
const UberStruct::InstanceMap& uber_structs) {
std::scoped_lock lock(map_mutex_);
// Since the global topology may not contain every Flatland instance, manually update the
// GraphLinkStatus of every GraphLink.
for (auto& [graph_handle, graph_link] : graph_link_map_) {
// The child Flatland instance is connected to the display if it is present in the global
// topology.
if (!live_handles.count(graph_link.child_link_origin)) {
} else {
// The ContentLinkStatus changes the first time the child presents with a particular parent link.
// This is indicated by an UberStruct with the |link_origin| as its first TransformHandle in the
// snapshot. The LinkSystem can technically "miss" updating the ContentLinkStatus for a
// particular ContentLink if the child presents two LinkToParent() calls before UpdateLinks() is
// called, but in that case, the first Link is destroyed, and therefore its status does not need
// to be updated anyway.
for (auto& [link_origin, content_link] : content_link_map_) {
auto uber_struct_kv = uber_structs.find(link_origin.GetInstanceId());
if (uber_struct_kv != uber_structs.end()) {
const auto& local_topology = uber_struct_kv->second->local_topology;
// If the local topology doesn't start with the |link_origin|, the child is linked to a
// different parent now, but the link_invalidated callback to remove this entry has not fired
// yet.
if (!local_topology.empty() && local_topology.front().handle == link_origin) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < global_topology.size(); ++i) {
const auto& handle = global_topology[i];
// For a particular Link, the LinkProperties and GraphLinkImpl both live on the ChildLink's
// |graph_handle|. They can show up in either order (LinkProperties before GraphLinkImpl if the
// parent Flatland calls Present() first, other way around if the link resolves first), so one
// being present without another is not a bug.
auto graph_kv = graph_link_map_.find(handle);
if (graph_kv != graph_link_map_.end()) {
auto uber_struct_kv = uber_structs.find(handle.GetInstanceId());
if (uber_struct_kv != uber_structs.end()) {
auto properties_kv = uber_struct_kv->second->link_properties.find(handle);
if (properties_kv != uber_struct_kv->second->link_properties.end() &&
properties_kv->second.has_logical_size()) {
const auto pixel_scale = display_pixel_scale * ComputeScale(global_matrices[i]);
LayoutInfo info;
info.set_pixel_scale({pixel_scale.x, pixel_scale.y});
GlobalTopologyData::LinkTopologyMap LinkSystem::GetResolvedTopologyLinks() {
GlobalTopologyData::LinkTopologyMap copy;
// Acquire the lock and copy.
std::scoped_lock lock(map_mutex_);
copy = link_topologies_;
return copy;
TransformHandle::InstanceId LinkSystem::GetInstanceId() const { return instance_id_; }
} // namespace flatland