blob: 7171094a4464694e07390b88913ae79754c79f3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "software_view.h"
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include <lib/ui/scenic/cpp/commands.h>
namespace frame_compression {
namespace {
// sRGB color space.
constexpr uint32_t kColor0 = 0xff6448fe;
constexpr uint32_t kColor1 = 0xffb3d5eb;
// Inspect values.
constexpr char kView[] = "view";
constexpr char kModifier[] = "modifier";
constexpr char kImage[] = "image";
constexpr char kImageBytes[] = "image_bytes";
constexpr char kImageBytesUsed[] = "image_bytes_used";
constexpr char kImageBytesDeduped[] = "image_bytes_deduped";
constexpr char kWidthInTiles[] = "width_in_tiles";
constexpr char kHeightInTiles[] = "height_in_tiles";
} // namespace
SoftwareView::SoftwareView(scenic::ViewContext context, uint64_t modifier, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, uint32_t paint_count, FILE* png_fp,
inspect::Node inspect_node)
: BaseView(std::move(context), "Software View Example", width, height, std::move(inspect_node)),
inspect_node_(top_inspect_node_.CreateLazyValues(kView, [this] { return PopulateStats(); })) {
zx_status_t status = component_context()->svc()->Connect(sysmem_allocator_.NewRequest());
FX_CHECK(status == ZX_OK);
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionTokenSyncPtr local_token;
status = sysmem_allocator_->AllocateSharedCollection(local_token.NewRequest());
FX_CHECK(status == ZX_OK);
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionTokenSyncPtr scenic_token;
status = local_token->Duplicate(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), scenic_token.NewRequest());
FX_CHECK(status == ZX_OK);
status = local_token->Sync();
FX_CHECK(status == ZX_OK);
const uint32_t kBufferId = 1;
session()->RegisterBufferCollection(kBufferId, std::move(scenic_token));
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionSyncPtr buffer_collection;
status = sysmem_allocator_->BindSharedCollection(std::move(local_token),
FX_CHECK(status == ZX_OK);
// Set buffer collection constraints for CPU usage.
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints;
constraints.min_buffer_count = kNumImages;
constraints.usage.cpu = fuchsia::sysmem::cpuUsageWrite | fuchsia::sysmem::cpuUsageWriteOften;
constraints.has_buffer_memory_constraints = true;
constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.min_size_bytes = 0;
constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.max_size_bytes = 0xffffffff;
constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.physically_contiguous_required = false;
constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.secure_required = false;
constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.ram_domain_supported = true;
constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.cpu_domain_supported = true;
constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.inaccessible_domain_supported = false;
constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.heap_permitted_count = 0;
constraints.image_format_constraints_count = 1;
fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints& image_constraints =
image_constraints = fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints();
image_constraints.min_coded_width = width_;
image_constraints.min_coded_height = height_;
image_constraints.max_coded_width = width_;
image_constraints.max_coded_height = height_;
image_constraints.min_bytes_per_row = 0;
image_constraints.max_bytes_per_row = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
image_constraints.max_coded_width_times_coded_height = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
image_constraints.pixel_format.type = fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::R8G8B8A8;
image_constraints.color_spaces_count = 1;
image_constraints.color_space[0].type = fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpaceType::SRGB;
image_constraints.pixel_format.has_format_modifier = true;
image_constraints.pixel_format.format_modifier.value = modifier_;
// Force bytes per row to 4 * |width_| when using linear buffer.
if (modifier_ == fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR) {
image_constraints.min_bytes_per_row = width_ * 4;
image_constraints.max_bytes_per_row = width_ * 4;
status = buffer_collection->SetConstraints(true, constraints);
FX_CHECK(status == ZX_OK);
zx_status_t allocation_status = ZX_OK;
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info = {};
status = buffer_collection->WaitForBuffersAllocated(&allocation_status, &buffer_collection_info);
FX_CHECK(status == ZX_OK);
FX_CHECK(allocation_status == ZX_OK);
FX_CHECK(buffer_collection_info.settings.image_format_constraints.pixel_format.type ==
bool needs_flush = buffer_collection_info.settings.buffer_settings.coherency_domain ==
uint32_t stride = buffer_collection_info.settings.image_format_constraints.min_bytes_per_row;
// Initialize images from allocated buffer collection.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumImages; ++i) {
auto& image = images_[i];
image.image_id = session()->AllocResourceId();
fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2 image_format = {};
image_format.coded_width = width_;
image_format.coded_height = height_;
session()->Enqueue(scenic::NewCreateImage2Cmd(image.image_id, width_, height_, kBufferId, i));
uint8_t* vmo_base;
FX_CHECK(buffer_collection_info.buffers[i].vmo != ZX_HANDLE_INVALID);
const zx::vmo& image_vmo = buffer_collection_info.buffers[i].vmo;
auto image_vmo_bytes = buffer_collection_info.settings.buffer_settings.size_bytes;
FX_CHECK(image_vmo_bytes > 0);
status = zx::vmar::root_self()->map(0, image_vmo, 0, image_vmo_bytes,
vmo_base += buffer_collection_info.buffers[i].vmo_usable_start;
image.vmo_ptr = vmo_base;
image.image_bytes = image_vmo_bytes;
switch (modifier) {
case fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_ARM_AFBC_16X16: {
uint32_t width_in_tiles = (width_ + kAfbcTilePixelWidth - 1) / kAfbcTilePixelWidth;
uint32_t height_in_tiles = (height_ + kAfbcTilePixelHeight - 1) / kAfbcTilePixelHeight;
image.width_in_tiles = width_in_tiles;
image.height_in_tiles = height_in_tiles;
} break;
case fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR:
image.stride = stride;
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Modifier not supported.";
image.needs_flush = needs_flush;
image.inspect_node = top_inspect_node_.CreateLazyNode(kImage + std::to_string(i), [this, i] {
auto& image = images_[i];
return PopulateImageStats(image);
void SoftwareView::OnSceneInvalidated(fuchsia::images::PresentationInfo presentation_info) {
if (!has_logical_size()) {
uint32_t frame_number = GetNextFrameNumber();
if (frame_number < paint_count_) {
auto& image = images_[GetNextImageIndex()];
if (png_fp_) {
png_infop info_ptr;
auto png = CreatePngReadStruct(png_fp_, &info_ptr);
SetPixelsFromPng(image, png);
DestroyPngReadStruct(png, info_ptr);
} else {
SetPixelsFromColorOffset(image, GetNextColorOffset());
// The rectangle is constantly animating; invoke InvalidateScene() to guarantee
// that OnSceneInvalidated() will be called again.
void SoftwareView::SetPixelsFromColorOffset(Image& image, uint32_t color_offset) {
switch (modifier_) {
case fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_ARM_AFBC_16X16:
SetAfbcPixelsFromColorOffset(image, color_offset);
case fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR:
SetLinearPixelsFromColorOffset(image, color_offset);
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Modifier not supported.";
image.image_bytes_used = image.image_bytes;
void SoftwareView::SetAfbcPixelsFromColorOffset(Image& image, uint32_t color_offset) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetAfbcPixelsFromColorOffset");
uint32_t width_in_tiles = image.width_in_tiles;
uint32_t height_in_tiles = image.height_in_tiles;
uint32_t tile_count = width_in_tiles * height_in_tiles;
uint32_t body_offset =
((tile_count * kAfbcBytesPerBlockHeader + kAfbcBodyAlignment - 1) / kAfbcBodyAlignment) *
uint32_t subtile_num_bytes = kTileNumBytes / (kAfbcSubtileSize * kAfbcSubtileSize);
uint32_t subtile_stride = subtile_num_bytes / kAfbcSubtileSize;
uint8_t* header_base = image.vmo_ptr;
uint8_t* body_base = header_base + body_offset;
uint32_t next_tile_index = 0;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < height_in_tiles; j++) {
unsigned tile_y = j * kAfbcTilePixelHeight;
unsigned tile_y_end = tile_y + kAfbcTilePixelHeight;
// Use solid color tile if possible.
if (tile_y >= color_offset || tile_y_end < color_offset) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < width_in_tiles; i++) {
unsigned header_offset = kAfbcBytesPerBlockHeader * (j * width_in_tiles + i);
uint8_t* header_ptr = header_base + header_offset;
uint32_t color = tile_y >= color_offset ? kColor0 : kColor1;
// Reset header.
header_ptr[0] = header_ptr[1] = header_ptr[2] = header_ptr[3] = header_ptr[4] =
header_ptr[5] = header_ptr[6] = header_ptr[7] = header_ptr[12] = header_ptr[13] =
header_ptr[14] = header_ptr[15] = 0;
// Solid colors are stored at offset 8 in block header.
*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(header_ptr + 8)) = color;
} else {
// We only update the first tile in the row and then update all headers
// for this row to point to the same tile memory. This demonstrates the
// ability to dedupe tiles that are the same.
uint32_t tile_index = next_tile_index++;
uint32_t tile_offset = kTileNumBytes * tile_index;
// 16 sub-tiles.
constexpr struct {
unsigned x;
unsigned y;
} kSubtileOffset[kAfbcSubtileSize * kAfbcSubtileSize] = {
{4, 4}, {0, 4}, {0, 0}, {4, 0}, {8, 0}, {12, 0}, {12, 4}, {8, 4},
{8, 8}, {12, 8}, {12, 12}, {8, 12}, {4, 12}, {0, 12}, {0, 8}, {4, 8},
for (unsigned k = 0; k < countof(kSubtileOffset); ++k) {
unsigned offset = tile_offset + subtile_num_bytes * k;
for (unsigned yy = 0; yy < kAfbcSubtileSize; ++yy) {
unsigned y = tile_y + kSubtileOffset[k].y + yy;
uint32_t color = y >= color_offset ? kColor0 : kColor1;
uint32_t* target = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(body_base + offset + yy * subtile_stride);
for (unsigned xx = 0; xx < kAfbcSubtileSize; ++xx) {
target[xx] = color;
if (image.needs_flush) {
zx_cache_flush(body_base + tile_offset, kTileNumBytes, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
// Update all headers in this row.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < width_in_tiles; i++) {
unsigned header_offset = kAfbcBytesPerBlockHeader * (j * width_in_tiles + i);
uint8_t* header_ptr = header_base + header_offset;
// Store offset of uncompressed tile memory in byte 0-3.
uint32_t body_offset = body_base - header_base;
*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(header_ptr)) = body_offset + tile_offset;
// Set byte 4-15 to disable compression for tile memory.
header_ptr[4] = header_ptr[7] = header_ptr[10] = header_ptr[13] = 0x41;
header_ptr[5] = header_ptr[8] = header_ptr[11] = header_ptr[14] = 0x10;
header_ptr[6] = header_ptr[9] = header_ptr[12] = header_ptr[15] = 0x04;
if (image.needs_flush) {
zx_cache_flush(header_base, tile_count * kAfbcBytesPerBlockHeader, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
image.image_bytes_used = tile_count * kAfbcBytesPerBlockHeader + next_tile_index * kTileNumBytes;
image.image_bytes_deduped = (next_tile_index * kTileNumBytes) * (width_in_tiles - 1);
void SoftwareView::SetLinearPixelsFromColorOffset(Image& image, uint32_t color_offset) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetLinearPixelsFromColorOffset");
uint8_t* vmo_base = image.vmo_ptr;
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height_; ++y) {
uint32_t color = y >= color_offset ? kColor0 : kColor1;
uint32_t* target = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&vmo_base[y * image.stride]);
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_; ++x) {
target[x] = color;
if (image.needs_flush) {
zx_cache_flush(image.vmo_ptr, image.image_bytes, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
void SoftwareView::SetPixelsFromPng(Image& image, png_structp png) {
switch (modifier_) {
case fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_ARM_AFBC_16X16:
SetAfbcPixelsFromPng(image, png);
case fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR:
SetLinearPixelsFromPng(image, png);
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Modifier not supported.";
void SoftwareView::SetAfbcPixelsFromPng(Image& image, png_structp png) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetAfbcPixelsFromPng");
uint32_t width_in_tiles = image.width_in_tiles;
uint32_t height_in_tiles = image.height_in_tiles;
uint32_t tile_count = width_in_tiles * height_in_tiles;
uint32_t body_offset =
((tile_count * kAfbcBytesPerBlockHeader + kAfbcBodyAlignment - 1) / kAfbcBodyAlignment) *
uint32_t subtile_num_bytes = kTileNumBytes / (kAfbcSubtileSize * kAfbcSubtileSize);
uint32_t subtile_stride = subtile_num_bytes / kAfbcSubtileSize;
uint8_t* header_base = image.vmo_ptr;
uint8_t* body_base = header_base + body_offset;
uint32_t next_tile_index = 0;
uint32_t solid_tile_count = 0;
// Resize scratch buffer to fit one row of tiles.
scratch_.resize(width_ * kAfbcTilePixelHeight);
// Reset tile map.
for (unsigned j = 0; j < height_in_tiles; ++j) {
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < kAfbcTilePixelHeight; ++y) {
row_pointers_.push_back(reinterpret_cast<png_bytep>( + y * width_ * 4);
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetAfbcPixelsFromPng::ReadRows");
png_read_rows(png,, nullptr, row_pointers_.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < width_in_tiles; i++) {
unsigned tile_x = i * kAfbcTilePixelWidth;
constexpr uint32_t kAfbcSubtileNumPixels = kAfbcSubtileSize * kAfbcSubtileSize;
#define S(offset) ((offset)*kAfbcSubtileNumPixels)
constexpr uint32_t kAfbcSubtileOffset[4][4] = {
{S(2), S(1), S(14), S(13)},
{S(3), S(0), S(15), S(12)},
{S(4), S(7), S(8), S(11)},
{S(5), S(6), S(9), S(10)},
#undef S
uint32_t tile_pixels[kTileNumPixels];
uint32_t last_pixel = scratch_[tile_x];
bool is_solid_color = true;
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetAfbcPixelsFromPng::LinearToTile");
// Convert to uncompressed tile memory and detect solid colors in the process.
for (unsigned y = 0; y < kAfbcTilePixelHeight; ++y) {
uint32_t* row = + y * width_ + tile_x;
uint32_t subtile_j = y / kAfbcSubtileSize;
uint32_t subtile_y = y % kAfbcSubtileSize;
uint32_t subtile_row_offset = subtile_y * kAfbcSubtileSize;
for (unsigned x = 0; x < kAfbcTilePixelWidth; ++x) {
uint32_t pixel = row[x];
uint32_t subtile_i = x / kAfbcSubtileSize;
uint32_t subtile_x = x % kAfbcSubtileSize;
uint32_t tile_offset =
kAfbcSubtileOffset[subtile_i][subtile_j] + subtile_row_offset + subtile_x;
tile_pixels[tile_offset] = pixel;
is_solid_color = is_solid_color && (pixel == last_pixel);
last_pixel = pixel;
unsigned header_offset = kAfbcBytesPerBlockHeader * (j * width_in_tiles + i);
uint8_t* header_ptr = header_base + header_offset;
if (is_solid_color) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetAfbcPixelsFromPng::SetSolid");
// Reset header.
header_ptr[0] = header_ptr[1] = header_ptr[2] = header_ptr[3] = header_ptr[4] =
header_ptr[5] = header_ptr[6] = header_ptr[7] = header_ptr[12] = header_ptr[13] =
header_ptr[14] = header_ptr[15] = 0;
// Solid colors are stored at offset 8 in block header.
*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(header_ptr + 8)) = last_pixel;
} else {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetAfbcPixelsFromPng::Uncompressed");
uint32_t tile_offset;
auto it = image.tiles.find((Tile){tile_pixels});
if (it == image.tiles.end()) {
uint32_t tile_index = next_tile_index++;
tile_offset = tile_index * kTileNumBytes;
// Copy uncompressed tile memory and add new unique tile.
memcpy(body_base + tile_offset, tile_pixels, kTileNumBytes);
if (image.needs_flush) {
zx_cache_flush(body_base + tile_offset, kTileNumBytes, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
{(Tile){reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(body_base + tile_offset)}, tile_offset});
} else {
tile_offset = it->second;
// Store offset of uncompressed tile memory in byte 0-3.
uint32_t body_offset = body_base - header_base;
*(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(header_ptr)) = body_offset + tile_offset;
// Set byte 4-15 to disable compression for tile memory.
header_ptr[4] = header_ptr[7] = header_ptr[10] = header_ptr[13] = 0x41;
header_ptr[5] = header_ptr[8] = header_ptr[11] = header_ptr[14] = 0x10;
header_ptr[6] = header_ptr[9] = header_ptr[12] = header_ptr[15] = 0x04;
if (image.needs_flush) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetAfbcPixelsFromPng::Flush");
zx_cache_flush(header_base, tile_count * kAfbcBytesPerBlockHeader, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
image.image_bytes_used = tile_count * kAfbcBytesPerBlockHeader + next_tile_index * kTileNumBytes;
image.image_bytes_deduped = ((tile_count - solid_tile_count) - next_tile_index) * kTileNumBytes;
void SoftwareView::SetLinearPixelsFromPng(Image& image, png_structp png) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetLinearPixelsFromPng");
uint8_t* vmo_base = image.vmo_ptr;
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height_; ++y) {
row_pointers_.push_back(reinterpret_cast<png_bytep>(&vmo_base[y * image.stride]));
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetLinearPixelsFromPng::ReadImage");
if (image.needs_flush) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "SoftwareView::SetLinearPixelsFromPng::Flush");
zx_cache_flush(image.vmo_ptr, image.image_bytes, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
image.image_bytes_used = height_ * image.stride;
image.image_bytes_deduped = 0;
fit::promise<inspect::Inspector> SoftwareView::PopulateStats() const {
inspect::Inspector inspector;
inspector.GetRoot().CreateUint(kModifier, modifier_, &inspector);
return fit::make_ok_promise(std::move(inspector));
fit::promise<inspect::Inspector> SoftwareView::PopulateImageStats(const Image& image) const {
inspect::Inspector inspector;
inspector.GetRoot().CreateUint(kImageBytes, image.image_bytes, &inspector);
inspector.GetRoot().CreateUint(kImageBytesUsed, image.image_bytes_used, &inspector);
inspector.GetRoot().CreateUint(kImageBytesDeduped, image.image_bytes_deduped, &inspector);
if (modifier_ == fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_ARM_AFBC_16X16) {
inspector.GetRoot().CreateUint(kWidthInTiles, image.width_in_tiles, &inspector);
inspector.GetRoot().CreateUint(kHeightInTiles, image.height_in_tiles, &inspector);
return fit::make_ok_promise(std::move(inspector));
} // namespace frame_compression